Measures of length
Also do not need an accurate measurement, everyone has a finger, palm, elbow. The finger is an obsolete word meaning "finger", the palm is equal to the 4th finger (not the thickness of the palm), the elbow was measured to the end of the hand, and the span is the maximum grip with the fingers (the distance between the thumb and the little finger protruding).
Calculator measures
fathom distance between arms outstretched
It occurs only once in Bible. Act 27:28 And, having measured the depth, we found 20 sazhen (37 meters); Then, after a small spacing, having measured again, we found 15 sazhen (28 meters). Here, in fact, the depth is not so important, but the fact that the bottom was not only reachable, but also the depth rapidly declined. Keyword: "AT SMALL DISTANCE". We do not meet more in Bible.
ell from the elbow to the fingertips
This measure of length is much more common in Bible than all the others combined, so it's nice to know that it's a little less than half a meter. 10 cubits - a little less than 5 meters, and we have an idea. If you want to know for sure, take a calculator and count, but in most cases it is not necessary.
span Maximum finger grip
This measure of length is found in the Old Testament. |
System of measures and weights
Source of information
Ancient economy
God's system
Finance system principle
Finance weight measures
Finance metals
Liquid Measure
Grain measures
Distance measures
Jewish day
Jewish year
Holy Week
Jesus on the cross clock