Pesach /
Eastern in 2024-2299 /
Past Easter dates
Pesach - 30 March 2025 AD
Algorithm for calculating the date of Orthodox EasterY-year. a=Y%4;b=Y%7; c=Y%19; d=(19*c+15)%30; e=(2*a+4*b-d+34)%7; f=3+(d+e+21)/31; g=(d+e+21)%31; month=f; day=g+1; Algorithm for calculating the date of Catholic EasterY-year. G=[Y%19]+1 (G - gold number in the metonic cycle);C=[Y/100]+1 (if Y is not a multiple of 100, then C is the century number); X=[3·C/4]-12] (correction for the fact that three of the four year-folds are not 100 leagues; Z=[(8·C+5)/25]-5] (synchronization with the lunar orbit, year is not a multiple of the lunar month); D=[5·Y/4]-X-10 (in March, the day? D mod 7 will be Sunday); E=[(11·G+20+Z-X)%30] (ground or epact - indicates the day of the full moon); If (E=24) or (E=25 AND G>11) then increase E by 1; N=44-E (N March is the day of the calendar full moon); If N < 21 then increase N by 30; N=N+7-[(D+N)%7]; If N > 31 then the date of Easter (N-31) April is otherwise the Easter date of March N. |
System of measures and weights
Source of information
Ancient economy
God's system
Finance system principle
Finance weight measures
Finance metals
Liquid Measure
Grain measures
The length of the measure
Distance measures
Jewish day
Jewish year
Holy Week
Jesus on the cross clock