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Search Engine Optimization
A set of actions to change the site and elements of the external environment in order to obtain high places in the search results for given requests.

Optimization should not be confused with promotion.
Optimization is the setup of a website that helps to successfully promote it in the future.
Promotion of the same - a whole package of activities, including optimization, registration, advertising campaign.

Statistics of searches by keywords (key phrases): Before raising site traffic, you need to work on site content to keep visitors, get rid of illusions, otherwise You will work for a leaky wallet.
Show me the site you visit with clumsy design and empty on content.

1. Keywords

It is good to write keywords in the meta tags. Leading search engines usually do not pay attention to them or pay little attention. Nevertheless, there are search engines and catalogs that pay attention to them. In any case, it's good to prepare them for registration in directories.

Today the key is the text. If you ponaskachivali information from the Internet and collected from yourself, this text is of little use. If we want to be in the first place, we must have a unique text, which is nowhere else.

2. Site map and direct links

How do your site search engines?
Search robots see not processed result, as we see it in the browser, but what we see in the notebook. They find index.html or index.php ... and then follow the links. Because it's important that there are open links, they are not oriented in the menu created on scripts.
Therefore, the advice is to create a site map with direct links and put an open link to it in index.html or ... If the Site map contains more than 100 links, it should be broken down into several, otherwise not all will be indexed.

3. We avoid unnecessary unnecessary JavaScript, database, frames ...

There are different ways of programming, for example, you can create one page with a design and depending on the query, the content changes the pages. This can be done in PHP and frames. In this case, the search engine will index your pages without a design and when prompted in the search engine will produce the result - a bare text without a menu, the visitor will not understand where he got. So, opening any page, the visitor should not be on the bare page, but to the site with links, etc.

4. .JS, .CSS, Header files

It is better to output the JavaScript scripts in a separate file with the extension .JS, and on the page give a reference to it, for example. <script language=JavaScript src="menu.js" type=text/JavaScript> </script>. The same goes for style. We create the file with the .CSS extension and put the whole style there, and to the site just a reference <link href="style.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>
What will it give?
The search robot scans only the first 20 Kb of your page. If you have 20 Kb will go to JavaScript, css, meta tags ... then to the page it just does not come. For the same reason, I recommend that you display the site header in a separate file - header.

5. Use the <H1 & gt;

tag This is the most important information for the search engine on your page, even if you use pictures like page names and use alt. You can specify any style for <H1>, even the same as the rest of the text, but the <H1 > tag must be present on every page. It should be once, not 15, then it does not mean better. And this should be a direct text on each physical page, not in the Header.

6. Do not forget to write in alt

Do not forget to prescribe in the drawings alt. Robots do not read pictures.

Write a reasonably meaningful phrase, for example:

     <META Name ="description" Content ="Polymer ...">
     <META Name ="keywords" Content ="Polymer">


   Tetxt on the page – Polymer 
   and other words from DESCRIPTION and KEYWORDS.

  Name the page for example "polimer.html" or "polimer.php".

   <img src="picture.gif" border=0 alt="Polymer">

   Also it is desirable with the same name to buy and the domain: (For an international site)
   or for Russia.

Thus, your keyword is repeated in different ways 8 times, but if you enter into each alt=polimer, this will be a violation and you may be blocked.

Our meta tag generator.

7. Add to favorites

Ask visitors to put a bookmark on your site. Here is a script, if you do not already know.
Help to add bookmarks to the popular services of the Internet - forms to the site - bookmarks.

8. No Flash

You can use Flash, but almost all search engines do not index it. Actually, it's correct to do a site without Flash. Not everyone wants to upload your Flash.
Actually, decent sites Flash do not use. Rather, they are used, but not as ornaments, but as a visual instruction and only when and where it is really necessary. To decorate Flash, teenagers are usually used. Site should not be maximally punctured, but as convenient, understandable and functional as possible.

9. Text on the page

  • We do not write the text UPPER without need.
  • We do not write words in the rarest.
  • Do not over-
  • Do not overload the page with text, the less text, the higher the weight of each word. We can break the text into several pages.
  • Do not make pages "The page is created," otherwise it will take a very long time to wait for the next visit of the search robot.
  • We do not use pop-up pages.

10. A very large site

The search robot examines several pages of the site, and then visits only them and examines the changes, the new pages are simply ignored. In such cases, you need to close smaller pages for visits through the robots.txt setup.

If you do not have access to robot.txt, please use meta tags:

  • <meta name="robots" content="noindex">- prohibits indexing of this page,
  • <meta name="robots" content="nofollow">- prohibits the robot from "moving on" links from this page.
  • <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">- both at once.

11. Google SiteMap

You can "help" Google to index everything from you.

12. Encoding

utf-8 may not be supported by all search engines, and some may be limited to utf-8 only. Although for international projects, utf-8 is preferable.

And of course, do not forget to specify the encoding
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; Charset=utf-8">.
Not always the browser guesses your encoding, and not every visitor will expose it.

13. 404 error

Create error pages, but this is already usability.

14. Unique material

The easiest way to fill site material is to download, copy and post on your site, but avoid using someone else's material.
Search engines do not like this. Google has a "Duplicate Content Filter" - a duplicate content filter.
A mirror sites (copies) and not indexed at all.

15. RSS-feed

Provide an opportunity to return.

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