School portals
Russian reliable site Russianemail: ask@foxford.ru phone.:8 800 500-80-11 (Russian Customers toll-free) address: Russia, Москва, Варшавское шоссе, д. 1, стр. 6 FoxfordOnline school for pupils of grades 3-11, teachers and parents.
On online courses and individual lessons with a tutor, students prepare for the exam, OGE, olympiads, study school subjects. Classes are taught by the Moscow State University, MIPT, the Higher School of Economics and other leading universities of the country. For teachers, refresher courses and professional refresher courses are conducted, and for parents - open classes on the upbringing and development of children. The project is part of the "Netology-groups" and is a resident of Skolkovo. Olimpiada.ruSite for those who are interested in school olympiads.
Regular news, events and calendars, publications and links to Olympiad sites will help keep up to date on current events. There is an archive of tasks to help prepare for the Olympics. Russian Russianemail: info@nachalka.info phone.: +7 (495) 772-76-76 address: Russia, Москва, 127549, ул. Пришвина, 8, стр. 1 Website for children on the portal Cyril and MethodiusPortal for children, schoolchildren and their parents from Cyril and Methodius.
Virtual country, whose life goes according to its own special laws. Here you can learn and play, entertain and fix the material of the school program. The training section contains entertaining lessons with vivid examples, colorful illustrations. In the entertainment part of many fun contests, colorful and dynamic games, most loved by children. The site is based on the best training and development programs developed by the company "Cyril and Methodius." As you know, knowledge acquired in the process of active activity, is assimilated much more productive than with simple memorization. For children aged 3-12 years, such activities are primarily a game, which is why the basis of the children's training site is "Elementary School. Lessons of Cyril and Methodius "is the principle - Learning through play and entertainment! All lessons and games are designed taking into account the psychological characteristics of children of primary school age with the participation of leading teachers, practitioners, methodologists and psychologists. All sections have an extremely simple navigation, which allows the child to do on his own or with minimal participation of an adult. Games and assignments almost do not contain text and are represented by video images and interactive simulators. Russian Russianemail: kvantik@mccme.ru address: Russia, Москва, 119002, Б. Власьевский пер., д. 11, журнал «Квантик» KvantikMonthly magazine for curious schoolchildren dedicated to entertaining questions and problems in mathematics, linguistics, physics and other sciences.
In addition to the magazine, the editorial board of Quantika publishes almanacs, posters with interesting tasks and calendars of mysteries. Russian RussianUses: WordPress.email: s9199903305@yandex.ru phone.: +7 (919) 990-33-05 address: Russia, Жуковский, ООО "Центр НПИ" Control of knoledgeSchool subjects are divided into separate topics.
For each topic a small summary. All answers to questions are accompanied by explanations, sometimes illustrative diagrams, illustrations and tables. Why is a simulator needed?Nowadays, in extracurricular time, only one method of memorization is used - re-reading a textbook (exercise book). However, re-reading does not require exertion of forces, because in the process of its “recognition” of familiar material, which creates the illusion of knowledge. In fact, the material is poorly fixed in the memory. We propose to facilitate this process by using our simulators.Moe obrazovanieInternet portal for high school students, applicants, students.
The goal is to find information about the university or college, future profession and specialty for you as convenient and simple as possible. Russian Russianemail: filippok-rus@mail.ru phone.: +7 (4722) 42-56-31 address: Russia, Белгород, 308000, Гражданский пр., д. 47, оф. 411 FilippokThe children's magazine and the site "Our Filippok" is a colorful cognitive publication for children from 6 to 12 years old.
The magazine helps children
Magazine headings
Russian Russianemail: info@yaklass.ru phone.:8 800 775-37-86 (Russian Customers toll-free) address: Russia, Москва, Костомаровский пер., д. 3, 105120 YaKlassEducational Internet resource for schoolchildren, teachers and parents.
Yaklass helps the teacher to conduct testing of students' knowledge, assign homework in electronic form. For the student this is the base of electronic workbooks and an endless simulator for the school curriculum. Dynamic ratings of class leaders and schools add learning elements of the game that stimulate both schoolchildren and teachers. The resource is based on the technology of generating a huge number of options for each job Genexis - thus, the problem of cheating is solved once and for all. Yaklass is an accelerator graduate FREES, the resident of the programs "Skolkovo and Microsoft. Konkurs.infoThe League of Scholars is a competition on the open spaces of the Russian-speaking Internet with simple conditions for participation.
The competition is suitable for pupils of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, technical schools and other educational institutions engaged in programs of secondary schools, as well as for pupils of preschool institutions. |
Preschool education
A diary
Weather Diary
School community
Online School
Online School
Video lessons
School Courses
Out-of-school education and clubs
Russian language
Social Studies
Informatics and ICT