Online school Russian reliable site Russian Owner: Yandex, email: info@education.yandex.ru address: Russia, Москва, ул. Льва Толстого, д. 16, 119021 Yandex.EducationService with tasks in mathematics and Russian for 2-4 classes with automatic verification of answers and instant feedback for students.
ApprenticeThe tasks are based on exemplary programs in Russian language and mathematics and correspond to the GEF of elementary general education.More than 10,000 tasks of various levels of difficulty are available. All tasks are developed by experienced methodologists taking into account the GEF NOO. TeacherYou can type your class, create your own lessons and track performance. Russian reliable site Russianemail: ask@foxford.ru phone.:8 800 500-80-11 (Russian Customers toll-free) address: Russia, Москва, Варшавское шоссе, д. 1, стр. 6 FoxfordOnline school for pupils of grades 3-11, teachers and parents.
On online courses and individual lessons with a tutor, students prepare for the exam, OGE, olympiads, study school subjects. Classes are taught by the Moscow State University, MIPT, the Higher School of Economics and other leading universities of the country. For teachers, refresher courses and professional refresher courses are conducted, and for parents - open classes on the upbringing and development of children. The project is part of the "Netology-groups" and is a resident of Skolkovo. Russian RussianUses: Yandex.Maps.email: info@study.ru phone.: +7 (499) 995-06-56 address: Russia, Москва, Газетный пер. 3-5, метро Охотный ряд Study.ruQuick English lessons, starting level.
Russian Russianemail: info@yaklass.ru phone.:8 800 775-37-86 (Russian Customers toll-free) address: Russia, Москва, Костомаровский пер., д. 3, 105120 YaKlassEducational Internet resource for schoolchildren, teachers and parents.
Yaklass helps the teacher to conduct testing of students' knowledge, assign homework in electronic form. For the student this is the base of electronic workbooks and an endless simulator for the school curriculum. Dynamic ratings of class leaders and schools add learning elements of the game that stimulate both schoolchildren and teachers. The resource is based on the technology of generating a huge number of options for each job Genexis - thus, the problem of cheating is solved once and for all. Yaklass is an accelerator graduate FREES, the resident of the programs "Skolkovo and Microsoft. |
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