Virtual card ЮMoneyVirtual Cards These are bank cards created specifically for secure Internet payments; They are issued only in electronic form, without a physical carrier. You can use them for purchases in any online stores instead of your salary or credit card - and, therefore, not to be afraid that the data of the main card will become known to outsiders. Russian reliable site Russian Owner: Sber, Uses: ЮMoney.email: support@yoomoney.ru phone.:8 800 250-66-99 (Russian Customers toll-free) address: Russia, Москва, 115035, ул. Садовническая, д. 82, стр. 2 Let's say you have ЮMoney, but they are not accepted everywhere. You can create a virtual card ЮMoney and pay ЮMoney where they are not accepted.
If you have any doubts, you can always delete the virtual card. The card can be linked to an account in Amazon, the App Store, Google Play and PayPal. To issue a card, it takes only a few minutes. After that you will receive one part of the details in the SMS, the other - to the site. This means that no one but you can pay from the card. Free releaseThe card is valid for 1 year, but you can close it at any time and release a new one.The card is issued almost instantly, the CVC code is sent from SMS to the mobile phone bound to the account. Replenishment without commissionThere are many ways to replenish the card without commission, ex. in Svyaznoy.Just replenish your purse ЮMoney. Payments on any sites where MasterCard is acceptedTo pay, use the card details. If you need the owner's name, specify your data in Latin.Pay ATTENTION: the card can be issued only if the phone is attached to the account. |
Identification ЮMoney
Password ЮMoney
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Transferring via Western Union
Plastic card
ЮMoney MasterCard
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Putting to good works
Tax Free to ЮMoney
Customer Protection on ЮMoney
Payment of traffic police fines through ЮMoney