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Biblical movements

The original ideas of every Christian movement are correct and good. It is important that we ourselves do not lead them to the point of absurdity, then they will be of use.

Many faiths made their own translation of Bible, like Seventh-day Adventists (Kulakov's translation), Witnes Lee (restorative Bible translation), Jehovah's Witnesses (Bible was adjusted to their teachings).
There are messianic translations, oriental ...

There are also believers who prefer one Bible translation to the rest.

In the west, all kinds of movements are popular. Not infrequently believers, especially traditional denominations tend to respect patriarchs and fathers of faith, respect and old documents, especially the ancient translations of biblical texts.
They are carefully stored, which is correct. And as a result, they become more correct than the original.
They are elevated to the rank of infallibility.


We have people in our country who consider the translation of the Old Slavic translation to be correct. Even without knowing this language.

For others, the original is the synodal translation of Bible of 1876 AD, All other translations, not serious ones.


The Septuagint (the translation of the Scriptures into Greek) is basic.


Vulgata (the translation of Bible into Latin) is basic.


For a long time in English there was one good level of translation - KJV (King James Version).
It is still high level, it has many updated versions.

For many readers in English, KJV is practically original.

King James Only movement

Movement "only the King of Jacob"

They believe that KJV has preserved the only true words - which from other translations and publications have disappeared - rather, they were removed by "enemies." About the textology, different interpretations in the manuscripts they do not want to hear anything.

We have such a movement in Ukraine "Church of the Biblical Believers".
They translated the New Testament and part of the Old Testament from KJV into Russian.
By the way, translation of the translation is like a spoiled phone. Such a translation is not better, but definitely worse.
He who knows English will immediately see what kind of translation is. logo Gideons International

Gideons International

Gideons International - 'Association of Evangelical Christians Gideon' or 'Gideon Brotherhood'.

The idea of this movement is simple - to provide access to the Bible to all people on earth.

This requires

  1. to translate the Bible into all languages used;
  2. Print the translated Bible;
  3. Give each willing Bible, this is done by volunteers all over the world;
  4. All this requires funds (for translating and printing the Bible).
Everyone can participate in this movement. If I can not translate the Bible, I can distribute it or support it financially.

Red-Letter Christian

Red-Letter Christian - Red-Letter Christians. The name is taken from the 'Red letter edition' - a publication where the words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
There is such an out-denominational movement that is focused on the teachings of Jesus.
The idea itself is reasonable. You can not take any text of the Bible as the words of God, much less as the commandment of God.
There are words in the Bible that the devil says, through which we know his tricks.
In Job's book there are great speeches of Job's friends, and in the end God said that they are wrong.

You probably encountered wrestlers against Christmas. I do not think that we have to choose Christmas or Easter. Or cancel on March 8. These are different things, like my birthday - it's not a biblical holiday, do not celebrate what? The essence of their goal - today the church pays much attention to abortion, homosexuality, but Jesus taught more to build a family, to fight poverty. Their goal is the displacement of the vector.

Comparative review

A simple history of the alphabet

Sources for translation of the Bible
Codexes Manuscripts Dead Sea Scrolls Masoretic Text Ancient Greek New Testament
Ancient translations
Ancient translations Septuagint Vulgata
Bible translators
Bible Societies Organization involved in Bible translation Wicliffe Mission

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