Statistics Bible
Number of chapters of the books of Bible
The wisest person in Bible: Solomon The strongest person in Bible: Samson The longest lived Methuselah: 969 year. Gen. 5:27. The longest chapter in Bible: Psalm 119 The Shortest Chapter in Bible: Psalm 117 The shortest verse in Bible: "Jesus was shedding tears" (John 11:35) Number of books in Bible - 66
Number of chapters in Bible - 1 189
Number of verses in Bible - 31 240
Translations of BibleOn our planet, about 6.9 billion people speak more than 6900 languages.3,223 languages have a full or partially translated Bible.
However, as a rule, the languages of small peoples are little used and people actively use one of the official languages of their country, ex. Russian, English, Portuguese, Spanish. In these languages, there are translations using only commonly used words. This series of Bible translations is called ERV - Easy-Read-Version, there are and others, for example Live Bible. For example, in Russia there are many small peoples who receive education in Russian and read in Russian, because in their languages there is a very scarce fiction and virtually no scientific literature. And those who have Bible translations in their native language prefer to read Bible in Russian, the reasons are better translation and a great literature of biblical dictionaries, encyclopedias and other auxiliary material.
Every second in the world, one Bible is printed. 32,876 copies of Bible are printed daily. The number of printed Bibles in the 20th century alone amounts to many tens of billions. Following this book on statistics, "go" the writings of Mao Zedong, which are inferior to her by a few tens of thousands of times. Bible is the most
Bible, glossary
Bible Study
Did the Jews copy history from the Sumerians?
Bible History
Bible development
Russian Bible History
Dividing Bible into verses
Bible formats
Authorship of the Bible
Bible authors
List of Bible authors
Bible statistics
Bible and Mathematics
Old Testament Canon
New Testament Canon
Later insertions of the New Testament
Gospel harmony
Old Testament Apocrypha
New Testament Apocrypha
Bible division
Comparison table
Canons - Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant