Ancient Bible translations
Only the most significant ancient translations of Scripture are presented here.
Some are used in Bible translations today.
1581 Острожская Библия (Published in Ostrog by the Russian pioneer Ivan Fyodorov)
1751 Елизаветинская Библия (The work itself was started at the direction of Peter I. And it was quite successful in resisting the Orthodox Church and under the pressure of Peter I.)
1876 Синодальная Библия (Russian Bible Society)
1998 Библия. Восстановительный перевод (Live stream Ministry)
2000, 2002 Библия в современном русском переводе (Mikhail P. Kulakov)
2004 Еврейский Новый Завет (David Stern)
2003,2009 Восточный перевод (Stambul)
2011, 2014 Святая Библия: Современный перевод™ (Bible League International)
2006, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2023 Святая Библия, Новый Русский Перевод © / Слово Жизни (Biblica)
2011, 2015, 2017, 2020 Библия. Современный русский перевод (Russian Bible Society)
Russian Bible Translations
BibleОстрожская БиблияOstrog Bible1581 г.Published in Ostrog by the Russian pioneer Ivan Fyodorov In Russia, different books of the Bible were kept in different monostyrs, but nowhere were they collected together. The Ostroh Bible is not a new translation, but simply all the books of the Bible in the Slavic language are first collected together. Unfortunately, the language was already outdated by that time. |
BibleЕлизаветинская БиблияElizabethan Bible1751 г.The work itself was started at the direction of Peter I. And it was quite successful in resisting the Orthodox Church and under the pressure of Peter I. After the death of Peter I, the works were stopped. Under Catherine II, the work was continued, but this time the Orthodox Church did not interfere with making a translation acceptable to its teachings. To this day the translation remains the main one for the ministry of the Orthodox Church. |
BibleСинодальная Библия (RST)Synodal Bible1876 г.Russian Bible Society www.biblia.ru The first edition of the Bible in a language that is understandable to a modern person. To this day remains the main Russian translation of the Bible. The very idea of translating to understandable was based on the emperor born Alexander I. The Russian Bible Society was created to translate the Bible into a language that is understandable to the people. But after the death of Alexander I, the work was officially stopped. Nevertheless, unofficially the work continued. Since most of the work was done and part of the Bible was already being published, it was allowed to complete the translation. Officially, the translation was defined as for home reading, but not for worship. After the opportunity appeared to complete the translation, the work was carried out hastily.Newer versionsThe translation itself was made unacceptably long - more than 60 years between the editions of the New Testament and the complete Bible. The language is very outdated. Because many made an updated version of the Synodal Bible, for example:- 1993 - Translation of the of the Moscow Patriarchate;
- 2004 - The Bible-Agape;
- 2010 - Jubilee edition of the mission 'Light in the East';
- 2012 - Updated synodal translation.
All translators tried to carefully clean, preserve the spirit and style of translation, which became the standard for Russia. |
Confessional Bible translations
BibleБиблия. Восстановительный перевод (ВоП)Bible. Restorative translation1998 г.Live stream Ministry www.lsm.org A high-quality translation with completely useless confessional comments. |
BibleБиблия в современном русском переводе (BTI)Bible in Modern Russian Translation2000, 2002 г.Institute of Bible Translation in Zaoksky author: Mikhail P. Kulakov bible.zau.ru The first high-quality translation of the Bible into modern Russian. Interdenominational translation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Kulakov dreamed of making a new translation, and attracted specialists from other Christian denominations to the work: Mikhail P. Kulakov, Mikhail M. Kulakov, Alexander Bolotnikov, Marianna Glebushko, Leonty Gunko, Andrey Desnitsky, Maria Kainova, Isaac Kleimanis, Marina Opiyar, Oksana Pavlova, Evgeniy Rashkovsky, Sergey Romashko, Elena Smorgunova. Let's say Desnitsky participated in both this translation and the translation of RBS. |
Eastern Bible translations
New TestamentЕврейский Новый Завет (ЕНЗ)Jewish New Testament2004 г.Siloam author: David Stern Translation from English into Russian - Andrey Dolbin. Translation from English translation for Jews. The fact is that the events described in the New Testament occurred in Israel and with the Jews. All names have been translated into Greek, and then from Greek to Russian. In this edition, all names and concepts are Jewish. It is very interesting to read. If you are a Jew and live in Israel, then this translation will be clearer. This translation appeared unexpectedly and is promoted, much like the English translation of the NIV (New International Version). Suffice it to say that in a short time the entire Bible was translated, which is rarely enough, usually limited to the New Testament. There is also an audio version of this translation. And very high quality, in roles with musical accompaniment. |
BibleВосточный перевод (ВП)Русский перевод Священного Писания для ВостокаRussian translation of the Holy Scriptures for the East2003,2009 г.Stambul slovocars.org/ru The Eastern Translation was launched in response to the need for a translation of the Holy Scriptures for Central Asian and other peoples of the former Soviet Union, which are read more in Russian and belong to ethnic groups traditionally considered Islamic. There are versions:- With the translation of the word God, as Allah.
- Where Tajik variants are used for, approximately, 40 names, for example, Iso, Muso and Ibrohim, instead of Isa, Musa and Ibrahim. This version can be popular among Uzbeks as well.
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Bible societies translations in modern Russian
BibleСвятая Библия: Современный перевод™ (РСП™)Holy Bible: Modern Translation2011, 2014 г.Bible League International www.bibleleague.org/bible-downloads This translation is from the Easy-to-Read Version series (easy-to-read translations). The text uses only the words of the Russian language used in everyday life. The 1st edition was very raw and not very well.But here's a new edition of very high quality. This edition will be especially useful for thosePeople who have difficulty understanding or reading the BibleRussian, as well as children and those for whom Russian is not the main languageThe language of everyday communication. The writers of Scripture, especially the writers of the New Testament,Language, showed us that they were guided by the desire to effectively transmit biblical ideas to their listeners and readers. Exactly because of this reasonThe translators of this publication adhered to the same principles. They worked to express the meaning of the biblical text in a style that would be simple and natural. |
BibleСвятая Библия, Новый Русский Перевод © / Слово Жизни (НРП)Holy Bible, New Russian Translation ©/The Word of Life2006, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2023 г.Biblica www.biblica.com One of the best Bible translation in modern Russian. Initially, the translation of the 'Word of Life' was taken as the basis of the New Testament. The first edition was not very successful, as it often happens. The 2nd edition is highly reworked and very successful. In preparing the 'New Russian translation', the best available texts in the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek languages were used. During the editing process, many of the Old Testament quotations and references included in the New Testament were taken into account, as well as the stylistic originality of the Old Testament. The main focus of the translation and editing was on the transmission of the correct meaning of each passage. When translating the Old Testament, the standard Hebrew and Aramaic text (Masoretic text) was used, as it was published in the latest edition of Biblia Hebraica. Scrolls of the Dead Sea (Qumran manuscripts) contain an early version of the Hebrew Old Testament text. They went through the reconciliation process the same way as the Pentateuch Samaritan and other manuscripts belonging to the ancient manuscript tradition. Sometimes, when translating, the preference was given to the variant given in the comments to the Masoretic text, and not to the original text. Such cases did not go beyond the Masoretic tradition of working with the text and therefore were not marked with footnotes. Translators turned to the most influential early biblical sources: the Septuagint; Acquile, Symmachus and Theodosius; The Vulgate; Syrian Peshitta; The Targums; To the Psalms of Juxta Hebraica Jerome, when the meaning of the Masoretic text remained incomprehensible. In such cases, the text is provided with footnotes. |
BibleБиблия. Современный русский переводBible. Modern Russian Translation2011, 2015, 2017, 2020 г.Russian Bible Society biblia.ru/AboutBible/ContemporaryRussian/ The modern Russian translation of the Bible was not started and implemented to completely replace the Synodal translation in the areas where it continues to be used. The translation of the Old Testament was done by the Russian Bible Society between 1996 and 2010. The work of M. G. Seleznev, as well as V. Yu. Vdovikov, A. E. Graphov, A. S. Desnitsky, L. E. Kogan, L. V. Manevich, E. B. Rashkovsky, E. B. Smagina, S. V. Tishchenko, J. D. Eidelkind. It was made from the text of the Hebrew original in the universally recognized scholarly edition of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1990). The translators and scholarly editors followed the most authoritative and reliable reconstructions of modern Old Testament textology in particularly difficult places.A translation of the New Testament was begun in the mid-1980s on the initiative and with the direct participation of Archpriest Alexander Men, and then continued by the Russian Bible Society. The Modern Russian translation of the New Testament was based on the writings of V. N. Kuznetsova. The translation was made from the Greek original in the most authoritative scholarly publication, The Greek New Testament (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft/United Bible Societies, 1983, 1993). |
John 3:16-17 (or Genesis 1:1 for the OT)
- Острожская Библия:
- Елизаветинская Библия: Тако бо возлюби Бог мир, яко и Сына своего единороднаго дал есть, да всяк веруяй в онь не погибнет, но имать живот вечный. 17 Не посла бо Бог Сына Своего в мир, да судит мирови, но да спасется Им мир.
RST - Синодальная Библия: Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего Единородного, дабы всякий верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел жизнь вечную. 17 Ибо не послал Бог Сына Своего в мир, чтобы судить мир, но чтобы мир спасен был чрез Него.
ВоП - Библия. Восстановительный перевод: Ибо Бог так возлюбил мир, что отдал Своего единородного Сына, чтобы всякий, кто верит в Него, не погиб, а имел вечную жизнь. 17 Ибо Бог послал Сына в мир не для того, чтобы осудить мир, а для того, чтобы мир был спасён через Него.
BTI - Библия в современном русском переводе: Бог ведь так полюбил этот мир, что пожертвовал Сыном Своим единственным, чтобы всякий, кто верит в Него, не погиб, но обрел жизнь вечную. 17 Не для того Бог послал Сына в мир, чтобы Он судил его, но чтобы спасен был мир через Него.
ЕНЗ - Еврейский Новый Завет: Потому что Бог так сильно возлюбил мир, что отдал Своего единственного и неповторимого Сына, чтобы всякий, верящий в него, не погиб, но приобрёл вечную жизнь. 17 Так как Бог послал Сына в мир не судить мир, но чтобы через него мир спасся.
ВП - Восточный перевод: Ведь Всевышний так полюбил этот мир, что отдал Своего единственного Сына, чтобы каждый верующий в Него не погиб, но имел вечную жизнь. 17 Всевышний послал Сына в мир не затем, чтобы осудить мир, но чтобы спасти мир через Него.
РСП™ - Святая Библия: Современный перевод™: Потому что Бог так возлюбил мир, что отдал Своего единственного Сына ради того, чтобы каждый, кто поверит в Него, не погиб, но имел вечную жизнь. 17 Не для того послал Бог Сына в мир, чтобы осудить мир, а для того, чтобы спасти мир через Него.
НРП - Святая Библия, Новый Русский Перевод © / Слово Жизни: Ведь Бог так полюбил этот мир, что отдал Своего единственного Сына, чтобы каждый верующий в Него не погиб, но имел вечную жизнь. 17 Бог послал Сына в мир не затем, чтобы осудить мир, но чтобы спасти мир через Него.
- Библия. Современный русский перевод: Ведь Бог так полюбил мир, что отдал Своего единственного Сына, чтобы тот, кто верит в Него, не погиб, но обрел вечную жизнь. 17 Ведь Бог послал Сына в мир не для того, чтобы Он мир осудил, но для того, чтобы мир через Него был спасен.
Lists of Bible translations
Bible translations
Russian translations
English versions