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Short dictionary - Original names in Bible - names

christian hebrew in Quran
Noah comfort - נֹחַ No'ah Nuḥ
son of NoahJapheth beauty, spreading - יֶפֶת Yefet Yafes
son of NoahHam hot - חָם‏‎ Ham Ham
Aaron light - אַהֲרֹן‏‎ Aharon Harun
Abdiel Servant of God - עֲבְדִיאֵל 'Avdi'el
David's wife.Abigail אֲבִיגַיִל 'Avigayil
son of GideonAbidan אֲבִידָן Avidan
Abiel God is my father - אֲבִיאֵל 'Avi'el
Abel steam, vanity, crying - הֶבֶל Hevel
cousin of King SaulAbner father - candel - אַבְנֵר Avner
nephew of DavidAbishai father of a gift - אֲבִישַׁי 'Avishay
son of DavidAbsalom father of peace - אַבְשָׁלוֹם 'Avshalom
Abiathar completeness - אֶבְיָתָר Evyatar
Abiram my father is exalted - אֲבִירָם Aviram
Abishag אֲבִישַׁג Avishag
Sarah's maid, mother of Ishmael.Hagar wanderer - הָגָר Hagar Hagar
Adam human - אָדָם‏‎ Adam Adam
minister of taxes under Kings David, Solomon and Rehoboam.Adoniram my Lord has exalted - אֲדֹנִירָם Adoniram
son of DavidAdonijah my lord is Yah - אֲדֹנִיָה 'Adoniyah
Adriel flock of God - עַדְרִיאֵל Adriel
Azariah Yahweh has helped - עֲזַרְיָה 'Azaryah
father of Jacob, a disciple of JesusAlpheus חַלְפַּי‎ Halfay
steward of King Artaxerxes of PersiaHaman הָמָן Haman
Ammiel people of God - עַמִּיאֵל Ammiel
son of DavidAmnon faithful - אַמְנוֹן Amnon
father of AaronAmram exalted nation - עַמְרָם Amram
Anan cloud - עָנָן Anan
Hananiah God is gracious, the grace of God, whom God has given - חֲנַנְיָה Chananyah
Hannah good, supportive - חַנָּה Channah
Asaph אָסָף Asaf
Asenath wife of Joseph - אָסְנַת 'Asenat
wife of King Artaxerxes of PersiaVashti וַשְׁתִּי Washti
Ahinoam brother of grace - אֲחִינֹעַם Achinoam
Baruch God's blessed - בָּרוּך Barukh
Balaam בִּלְעָם‏‎ Bīlʻam
maid of Rachel, mother of Dan and NaphtaliBilhah bashful - בִּלְהָה Bilhah
Benaiah God builds - בְּנָיָהוּ Benayahu
Barabbas father's son - בר-אבא Bar-Abba
generalBarak glitter, lightning - בָּרָק‏‎ Barak
Varisus son of jesus - בר-ישוע‎ Bar-Yeshua
Barnabas son of consolation - בר-נבא‏‎ Bar-Naba
Bar-Jesus son of the deportation - בר-שבא Bar-Shaba
Bartimaeus Timi's son - בר-טימאי Bar-Timai
daughter of king SolomonBasemath, Basmath בָּשְׂמַת Basmat
mother of SolomonBathsheba daughter of oaths - בַּת־שֶׁבַע Bat-Sheva
Bethuel house of God - בֵּתוּאֵל Bet'uel
Gamaliel my reward is God - גַּמְלִיאֵל Gamaliel
Gideon mighty warrior, hack - גִּדְעוֹן Gid'on
son of MosesGershom גֵּרְשֹׁם Gershom
the LeviteGershon גֵּרְשׁוֹן Gershon
Goliath גָּלְיָת Golyat Jālūṭ
son of JaphethGomer complete - גֹּמֶר Gomer
queen of JudahAthaliah saddened by the Lord - עֲתַלְיָה Atalyah
Delilah delicate, weak, languishing - דְּלִילָה Delilah
Delaiah Yahweh has drawn up - דְּלָיָהוּ Delayahu
daughter of JacobDinah judged; vindicated - דִּינָה Dinah
Eve giving life - חַוָּה‏‎ Chawwah Hawah
Eliakim God puts - אֶלְיָקִים‎ Eliyakim
Elisabeth My god is an oath - אֱלִישֶׁבַע Elisheva
friend of JobElihu terebinth tree - אֵלָה Elah
father of the prophet SamuelElkanah God has purchased - אֱלְקָנָה Elkanah
owner of a plot of land in ShechemEmmor a donkey - אֱמֹר‎ Emor
Enoch teacher - חֲנוֹך Chanokh Idrīs
Zacchaeus decent, clean - זַכָּי Zakkai`
Zebedee Yahweh bestowed - זְבַדְיָה Zebadya
son of Japheth, grandson of NoahJavan יָוָן Yawan
Jedidah beloved - יְדִידָה Yedidah
wife of King AhabJezebel אִיזֶבֶל 'Izevel
eldest daughter of JobJemima יְמִימָה Yemima
Jerahmeel God pities - יְרַחְמְאֵל Yerachme'el
Jehiel God lives - יְחִיאֵל Yechi'el
John the Baptist ‏יוחנן המטביל Johannine the Immerser Yaḥyā
friend of SaulJonathan (and Jehonathan) God gave - יְהוֹנָתָן Yehonatan
daughter of Joram king of Judah, sister of King Ahaziah, wife of Jodi the high priestJehosheba יְהוֹשֶׁבַע Yehosheva
brother of JacobEsau hairy - עֵשָׂו 'Esaw
Caiaphas humility or explorer - קַיָּפָא‬‏‎ Qayyafa
Cain קָיִן Kayin
daughter of JobKeziah קְצִיעָה Ketzi'ah
son of Nahor, ancestor of the ArameansKemuel God has risen - קְמוּאֵל Qemuel
father of the king SaulKish trap, trap, net - קיש Qish
apostle from 70Cleopas exchange - חלפי Clofa
Korah קֹרַח‏‎ Qorah
Lamech winning - לֶמֶךְ‎ Lemekh
sister of Rachel and wife of JacobLeah לֵאָה Leah
Lot covering, veil - לוֹט Lot Lūṭ
mother of King AsaMaacah מַעֲכָה Ma'akhah
slave of CaiaphasMalchus king - מֶלֶךְ‎ Melech
Menahem comforter - מְנַחֵם Menachem
cousin of EstherMordecai מָרְדֳּכַי Mordokhay
Martha mistress, mistress - מַרְתָּא Marta
daughter of Salpaad Milcah מִלְכָּה Milkah
son of AaronNadab נָדָב Nadav
Nathanael God's gift - נְתַנְאֵל Netan'el
Naaman pleasantness, sweetness - נעמן‏‎ Naaman
Nicodemus conquering people - נַקְדִּימוֹן Nakdimon
grandson of HamNimrod rise - נִמְרֹד Nimrod
wife of NoahNaamah pleasure - נַעֲמָה Na'amah
mother-in-law of RuthNaomi נָעֳמִי Na'omi
Orpah neck - עָרְפָּה 'Orpah
Ragau friendship, camaraderie - רְעוּ‏‎ Reu
Raguel friend of God - רְעוּאֵל Reuel
Rachel lamb - רָחֵל‏‎ Rachel
Rebekah snare, trap - רִבְקָה‏‎ Rivqah
Salome peaceful - שלומית‎‏‎ Shlomit
Sapphire beautiful - שפירא Shapira
Sarah noble - שָׂרָה‏‎ Sarah Sara
Sennacherib Cyn made amends for (the death of) his brothers - סַנְחֵרִיב Sancheriv
wife of MosesZipporah bird - צִפּוֹרָה Tzipporah
beloved of SolomonShulammite שׁוּלַמִּית Shulammit
the woman who followed JesusSusanna lily, lotus - שׁוֹשַׁנָּה‏‎ Shoshana
the woman who was resurrected by PeterTabitha chamois - טביתא Tavita
grandson of Levi.Uzziel my power is God - עֻזִּיאֵל Uzziel
Uriah light of God - אוּרִיָה 'Uriyah
father of Anna, an elderly widow who blessed JesusPenuel face of God - פְנוּאֵל Penuel
that was the name of the false messiahFevda appreciation, gratitude - תודה Toda
grandson of EsauTeman right hand - תֵּימָן Teman
Tirzah תִּרְצָה Tirtzah
wife of the king of IsraelHaggith חַגִּית Chaggit
Caleb faithful, dog, hot, brave - כָּלֵב Kalev
mother of King ManassehHephzibah he has my favor in him - חֶפְצִי־בָּה Cheftzi-Bah
wife of LamechZillah shade - צִלָּה Tzillah
son of JudahShelah peace, happiness - שֵׁלָה Shelah
Eliab to whom God is the father. - אֱלִיאָב Eliav
Elnathan God has given - אֶלְנָתָן 'Elnatan
Elhanan God has mercy - אֶלְחָנָן Elchanan
wife of DavidAbigail joy of the father - אֲבִיגַל Avigayil
wife of LamechAda עָדָה Ada
grandson of EsauAmalek עֲמָלֵק Amaleq
son of LotAmmon אָמוֹן Ammo
wife of JosephAsenath אָסְנַת ʾAsənat
nephew of AbrahamBethuel house of God - בְּתוּאל Betuel
son of Kenaz, the brother of CalebOthniel God/He is my strength - עָתְנִיאֵל Otniel
maid of Leah gave birth to Gad and AsherZilpah זִלְפָּה Zepah
son of Lamech and AdahJabal יָבָל Yabal
Jael יָעֵל Yael
son of Abraham from Egyptian HagarIshmael God has hearkened - יִשְׁמָעֵאל Ishmael Ismail
mother of MosesJochebed יוֹכֶ֫בֶד Yokebed
Ira watching - עִירָא Ira
son of LamechJubal יוּבָל Yubal
brother of RebekahLaban white - לָבָן‏‎ Lavan
Melchizedek king of righteousnes - מַלְכִּי-צֶדֶק Melchizedek
daughter of King SaulMichal מִיכַל Michal
daughter of King SaulMerab מֵרַב Merab
Moab of father - מִישָׁאֵל Moab
wife of LamechNaamah מוֹאָב Naamah
Nun נוֹן Nun
Onan son of Judah - אוֹנָן Onan
Egyptian official who bought Joseph as a slavePotiphar פּוֹטִיפַר Potifar
grandson of AaronPhinehas פִּינְחָס Pinhas
wife of AbrahamKeturah קְטוּרָה Qetura
Amaziah strength of Yah - אֲמַצְיָהוּ Amaziah
Jehoahaz Yahweh has held - יְהוֹאָחָז Yehoahaz
Ahaziah אֲחַזְיָהוּ Ahazia
king and/or angel of the Bottomless Pit of the AbyssAbaddon perdition, destruction - אבדון Abadon
Abimelech (my) father is king - אֲבִימֶלֶך 'Avimelekh
king of AramHazael חֲזָאֵל Chaza'el
Omri עָמְרִי Omri
Ahab אַחְאָב 'Ach'av
king of MoabBalak empty, idle - בָּלָק Balak
Belshazzar Bel, keep the king - בֵּלְשַׁאצַּר Belshatzzar
Gedaliah גְּדַלְיָהוּ Gedalyahu
Darius good ruler - דָּרְיָוֶשׁ Daryawesh
Jeroboam יָרָבְעָם Yarav'am
son of JehoiakimJeconiah God has put in charge - יְכָנְיָה Yekonyah
Jehu Yahu is He - יְהוּא Yehu'
Jehoash God is my joy - יְהוֹאָשׁ Yeho'ash
Lemuel לְמוּאֵל Lemuel
Nebuchadnezzar Nabu, keep the firstborn - נְבוּכַדְנֶאצַּר Nevukhadnetztzar
king (EZ) and apostle (NT)Saul שָׁאוּל‏‎ Sha'ul Ṭālūt
Zedekiah The Lord is my righteousness. - צִדְקִיָּהוּ Tzidkiyahu
Uzziah my strength is Yahweh. - עֻזִּיָּה 'Uzziyyah
son of HeraEhud אֵהוּד Ehud
Deborah bee - דְּבוֹרָה Devorah
Jadon יָדוֹן Yadon
Jephthah יִפְתָּח‏‎ Iiftakh
Samson solar - שִׁמְשׁוֹן‏‎ Shimshon
Samuel שְׁמוּאֵל Shemu'el Ismāʿīl
Elon oak tree - אֵילוֹן Elon
Elisha God saves - אֱלִישַׁע‏‎ Elisha al-Yasa
Elijah My god is yahweh - עֵלִי Eli Ilyas
prophetessHuldah עֹבַדְיָהוּ Hulda
Abiathar father is great - אֶבְיָתָר Evyatar
father-in-law MosesJethro His Excellence/Posterity - יִתְרוֹ Yitro
high priest in the time of king DavidAviafar fullness - אביתר‏‎ Aviatar
synagogue chiefJairus He will enlighten - יָאִיר Yair

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