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Leading hockey players by location, Riga , Latvia

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20 Ainars Hehts 23-5-1968
17 Alexander Nizhiviy 16-9-1976
Arnolds Brauns 15-5-1927
1 Arturs Irbe 2-2-1967
65 Arvils Bergmanis 29-12-1999
73 Deniss Smirnovs 7-3-1999
90 Elvis Merzļikins 13-4-1994
39 Georgs Golovkovs 12-6-1995 
87 Georgy Puyatc 11-6-1981
20 Harijs Vitolins 30-4-1968
19 Helmut Balderis 31-7-1952
6 Ilmars Thomans 5-7-1968
12 Ilya Vorobyov 16-3-1975
74 Ivars Punnenovs 30-5-1994
72 Jānis Jaks 22-8-1995
33 Jēkabs Rēdlihs 29-3-1982
9 Juris Reps 26-3-1944
2 Kārlis Čukste 17-6-1997
16 Kaspars Daugaviņš 18-5-1988
16 Kaspars Daugaviņš 18-5-1988
Konstantin Grigoriev 21-6-1966
25 Krisjanis Rēdlihs 15-1-1981
77 Kristaps Zīle 24-12-1997
94 Kristiāns Rubīns 11-12-1997
41 Leonid Tambiev 26-9-1970
17 Mārtiņš Dzierkals 4-4-1997
25 Mārtiņš Karsums 26-2-1986
19 Miķelis Rēdlihs 1-6-1984
Mikhail Shostak 26-4-1957
70 Miks Indrašis 30-9-1990
Normund Sejajs 12-2-1968
95 Oskars Batņa 7-5-1995
27 Oskars Cibuļskis 9-4-1988
39 Pēteris Skudra 24-4-1973
29 Ralfs Freibergs 17-5-1991
18 Rodrigo Ābols 5-1-1996
91 Ronalds Ķēniņš 28-2-1991
8 Sandis Ozolinsh 3-8-1972
30 Sergey Naumov 4-4-1969
53 Teddy Blueger 15-8-1994
Ulvis Katlaps 20-3-1968
10 Viktor Tikhonov 12-5-1988
29 Vitalijs Samoilovs 17-4-1962

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