1. BIBLE - NIV |
ПРП 2023 [NRT'23] |
Новый русский перевод The Holy Bible, New Russian Translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red 3-е издание исправленное и дополненное. DetailsНовая версия Слово Жизни. Уже не парафраз, а классического типа перевод Библии. |
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2. BIBLE - NIV |
NRT 2023 [NRTro] |
Новый русский перевод — транслитерация New Russian Translation romanized The words of Jesus are highlighted in red 3-е издание исправленное и дополненное. |
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3. BIBLE |
РБО 2015 [РБО2] |
Библия. Современный русский перевод Bible. The modern Russian translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red 2-е издание исправленное и дополненное. DetailsНовый Завет издавался отдельно, как «Радостная весть». |
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4. New Testament |
НЗб 2014 [НЗ(б)] |
Новый Завет по тексту большинства New Testament Textus Receptus The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsСоответствует тексту большинства по широко известному изданию, подготовленному американскими учеными Артуром Фарстадом и Зейном Ходжесом (The Greek New Testament According to the Majority Text. Edited by Arthur L. Fastard and Zane C. Hodges. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982). |
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5. BIBLE - Joint |
НЗ(б)+ВЗ 2014 |
Новый Завет по тексту большинства + ВЗ из РБО2 The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsСоответствует тексту большинства по широко известному изданию, подготовленному американскими учеными Артуром Фарстадом и Зейном Ходжесом (The Greek New Testament According to the Majority Text. Edited by Arthur L. Fastard and Zane C. Hodges. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982). |
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6. New Testament |
РВу 2012 |
Радостная весть. Новый Завет. Современный русский перевод. Учебное издание The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Перевод выполнен с греческого текста Нового Завета: The Greek New TestamentEd. by B. Aland, K. Aland, J. Karavidopoulos,C. M. Martini and B. M. MetzgerStuttgart, 1993. DetailsОдна из главных задач перевода - отразить средствами современного литературного языка смысловое, стилистическое, жанровое и художественное многообразие книг Нового Завета. |
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7. BIBLE - Joint |
РВ(уч)+ВЗ 2012 |
Радостная весть. Учебное издание + ВЗ из РБО2 The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsОдна из главных задач перевода - отразить средствами современного литературного языка смысловое, стилистическое, жанровое и художественное многообразие книг Нового Завета. |
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8. New Testament |
РВ 2005 |
Радостная Весть. Новый Завет в переводе с древнегреческого Joy News. The New Testament translated from Greek |
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9. Some books |
Десн 2024 |
Библейские переводы Андрея Десницкого Bible translations by Andrei Desnitsky The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Andrey Sergeevich Desnitsky |
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10. New Testament |
ДОП 1999 |
Опыт современного перевода новозаветных Посланий Общедоступный перевод. Andrey Desnitsky |
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11. New Testament |
ДТПВ 1999 |
Опыт современного перевода новозаветных Посланий Традиционный перевод. Византийский текст. Andrey Desnitsky |
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12. New Testament |
ДТПК 1999 |
Опыт современного перевода новозаветных Посланий Традиционный перевод. Критический текст. Andrey Desnitsky |
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13. BIBLE |
Менге |
Библия Менге на русском Menge Bible in Russian The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Переведено с немецкого перевода Германа Менге. Hermann August Menge |
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14. BIBLE - KJV |
KJV-RU 2017 |
Библия Короля Иакова King James Bible in Russian Авторизованной Версии Короля Иакова (1611) на русский язык |
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15. BIBLE - ERV |
РСП 2014 |
Святая Библия: Современный перевод Bible. Modern translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Русский современный перевод. |
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16. New Testament - ERV |
РСП'07 2007 |
Новый Завет: Современный перевод Russian New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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17. BIBLE - Слово Жизни |
MDR 2006 |
Библия: Современный перевод / Слово Жизни The Holy Bible, New Russian Translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Первая версия полной Библии Слово Жизни. |
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18. New Testament - Слово Жизни |
СЖ 1993 |
Слово Жизни Word of Life The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Новый Завет в современном переводе. |
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19. New Testament |
ПНЗ 2009 |
Парафраз Нового Завета Paraphrase of the New Testament Rafael Myzipych |
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20. BIBLE |
РОБ 2023 |
Русская Открытая Библия Russian Open Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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21. New Testament |
ОПНЗ 2013 |
Открытый перевод Нового Завета Open translation of the New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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22. BIBLE - Synodal |
RST 1876 |
Библия. Синодальная Russian Synodal Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexiconMoses A Golubev, Daniil A Chvolson, Evgraf I Lovyagin, Pavel I Savvaitov |
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23. BIBLE - Synodal |
RST 1876 |
Библия. Синодальная— транслитерация Russian Synodal Bible romanized With Strong's lexiconMoses A Golubev, Daniil A Chvolson, Evgraf I Lovyagin, Pavel I Savvaitov |
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24. BIBLE - Synodal |
RSTJ 1876 |
Библия. Синодальная (Яхвэ версия) Russian Synodal Bible (Yahweh Edition) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexiconMoses A Golubev, Daniil A Chvolson, Evgraf I Lovyagin, Pavel I SavvaitovDetailsЯхвэ версия синодального перевода Библии, где имя Бога Яхвэ на заменяется словом Господь по еврейской традиции. Кстати, в Библии на иврите, Яхвэ не заменено словом Господь (Адонай), его заменяют лишь при чтении. |
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25. BIBLE - Synodal |
RST 1876 |
Библия. Синодальная с апокрифами Russian Synodal Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexiconMoses A Golubev, Daniil A Chvolson, Evgraf I Lovyagin, Pavel I SavvaitovDetailsПравославная версия Библии, которая помимо канонических, боговдохновенных книг включает и второканонические, не боговдохновенные, но исторические. |
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26. BIBLE - Synodal |
RST 1876 |
Библия для переводчика Russian Synodal Bible for interpeter Нумерация глав и стихов английская (в скобках русское соответствие). Moses A Golubev, Daniil A Chvolson, Evgraf I Lovyagin, Pavel I Savvaitov |
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27. New Testament - Synodal |
RST 1900 |
Библия (Синодальный перевод) DetailsКниги Священнаго Писанія Ветхаго и Новаго Завѣта въ русскомъ переводѣ съ параллельными мѣстами. |
| |
28. BIBLE - Synodal |
RSTB 1973 |
Брюссельская Библия Brussels Bible Библия в русском переводе с приложениями. DetailsСинодальный перевод с изданий Московской Патриархии 1956–1968 гг. |
| |
29. BIBLE - Synodal |
RSTM 1993 |
Библия. Синодальная Russian Synodal Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Обновленная синодальная. |
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30. BIBLE - Synodal |
RST 1994 |
Библия. Синодальная с апокрифами Russian Synodal Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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31. BIBLE - Synodal |
JBL 2010 |
Библия. Юбилейное издание (Экстремальная версия) Jubilee Russian Synodal Bible Ultimate Edition The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Знаки препинания расставлены в соответствии с правилами современного русского языка. Частично, где это было необходимо, лексика исправлена и по возможности приближена к современной. Заменены многие старославянские слова, ставшие со времени первого издания архаичными. Упорядочено написание слов, означающих принадлежность к народу. Как выяснилось, перевод делали разные люди, потому один оставили Чермное море, другие заменили на Красное и т.п. Я допилил сам, подчистил другие архаизмы, чтобы перевод по-прежнему оставался Синодальным, но современным и понятным. Везде, где в оригинале стоит тетраграмма יהוה в русских переводах использовано слово Господь. В этом модуле, тетраграмма יהוה переведена, как Яхвэ. Там, где цитируется Ветхий Завет, обычно Яхвэ заменяется словом Господь, здесь перенесено имя Яхвэ. В данной версии также числа набраны цифрами, что занимает меньше пространства и удобнее для использования на телефоне. |
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32. BIBLE - Synodal |
JBL 2010 |
Библия. Юбилейное издание Jubilee Russian Synodal Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red На основе синодальной. |
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33. BIBLE - Synodal |
JBL 2010 |
Библия. Юбилейное издание (Яхвэ версия) Jubilee Russian Synodal Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Везде, где в оригинале стоит тетраграмма יהוה в русских переводах использовано слово Господь. В этом модуле, тетраграмма יהוה переведена, как Яхвэ. |
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34. BIBLE - Synodal |
JBL 2010 |
Библия. Юбилейное издание (Яхвэ версия) Jubilee Russian Synodal Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Везде, где в оригинале стоит тетраграмма יהוה в русских переводах использовано слово Господь. В этом модуле, тетраграмма יהוה переведена, как Яхвэ. В данной версии также числа набраны цифрами, что занимает меньше пространства и удобнее для использования на телефоне. |
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35. BIBLE - Synodal |
RSTI 2012 |
Библия. Уточненный синодальный перевод Russian Synodal Bible Improved The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Синодальная с дополнениями. |
| |
36. BIBLE - Synodal |
AGP 2004 |
Библия-Агапэ Agape Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Nicholas OlizarevichDetailsАккуратна ревизия синодального перевода, архаичные слова заменены современными, синтаксис по возможности приведен в соответствие с нормой современного русского языка. |
| |
37. BIBLE - Synodal |
AST 2002-2016 |
Коллекция Канонических (исправленный Синодальный перевод) и ветхозаветных апокрифальных (*) книг 4-е издание. Vladimir Volovich, Tigran AyvazyanDetailsВключает в себя некоторые ветхозаветные псевдо-эпиграфы (**) и новозаветные апокрифы (***). сборка В. Журомского, 24.01.2018. |
| |
38. BIBLE - Synodal |
RST 1947 |
Библия. Книги Священного Писания Ветхого и Нового Завета. Канонические. With Strong's lexicon |
| |
39. Gospel - Synodal |
1876 |
Хронологическое четвероевангелие 7D Bible 7D |
| |
40. New Testament |
ЕНЗ 1989 |
Еврейский Новый Завет Jewish New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Перевод с англ. A. Долбин, В. Долбина. David Harold Stern |
| |
41. New Testament |
ЕНЗ 1989 |
Еврейский Новый Завет в переводе и комментарии Давида Стерна Jewish New Testament Перевод с англ. A. Долбин, В. Долбина. David Harold Stern |
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42. BIBLE - Joint |
Йсф-Вин+ 1970-1975 |
ТаНаХ Йосифона + Новый Завет, буквальный перевод Винокурова The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
43. BIBLE - Joint |
Йсф-Кас 1970-1975 |
ТаНаХ Йосифона + Новый Заве Кассиана |
| |
44. Old Testament |
TNHr 1975 |
ТаНаХ Иудейский Tanakh of the Jews Rabbi David Yosifon |
| |
45. Old Testament |
Gurf 1990 |
ТаНаХ в дословном переводе TaNaKh in the literal translation Иудейский перевод. rabanite Frima Gurfinkel |
| |
46. Old Testament |
TNH5 |
ТаНаХ Сборник лучших переводов (5 авторов) Tanah. Best traslations |
| |
47. Torah |
1999 |
Тора Torah |
| |
48. Some books |
Я-Тора 2018 |
Я-Тора I-TORAH The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Morphological formsПеревод избранных библейских текстов с комментариями интернет-проекта. Dmitry |
| |
49. Psalms - Psalms |
1999 |
Теѓилим. С новым русским переводом и кратким комментарием Psalms. With the new Russian translation, and brief commentary (Psalms) Псалтирь Dov Ber Haskelevich (German G Branover) |
| |
50. Torah |
Бран'92 1992 |
Пятикнижие Моисеево с комментариями Под ред. Герман Брановер. Pinhas GuilDetailsПеревод текстов Торы взят из книги: Пятикнижие Моисеево, или Тора с русским переводом, комментарием, основанным на классических толкованиях РАШИ, Ибн-Эзры, РАМБАНа, Сфорно и других, и гафтарой / Пер. и отбор комм. П. Гиля; под общей ред. проф. Г. Брановера. – Иерусалим: Шамир, 1992. |
| |
51. Torah |
Shtein 1914 |
Тора и Исайя Torah and Isiah Иудейский перевод. Osijs N Steinberg |
| |
52. Torah |
Vadim 1860 |
Тора Torah Vadim (Vasily Kelsen) |
| |
53. Torah |
KPLN 1909 |
Тора Torah Перевод на русский Гедалия Спендаля. Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan |
| |
54. Torah |
2008 |
Тора из Цийона Torah from Cion Jon Levine, Uri Linets |
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55. Torah - Psalms |
MNDL 1862 |
Тора и Псалтырь Torah Leonid Mandelstam |
| |
56. Torah |
SHIF 1993 |
Учение. Пятикнижие Моисеево Teaching. Pentateuch Ilya Schiffman |
| |
57. BIBLE |
CARS 2009 |
Священное Писание, Восточный перевод Central Asian Russian Scriptures The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
58. BIBLE |
CARSA 2009 |
Священное Писание, Восточный перевод, версия «Аллах» Central Asian Russian Scriptures The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsВерсия «Аллах» отличается от CARS тем, что в ней слова «элохим» и «теос» переведены как «Аллах». |
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59. BIBLE |
CARST 2009 |
Священное Писание, Восточный перевод, таджикская версия Central Asian Russian Scriptures The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsТаджикская версия отличается от CARS тем, что в ней были использованы таджикские варианты для, примерно, 40 имен, например, Исо, Мусо и Иброхим, вместо Иса, Муса и Ибрахим. Эта версия может быть популярна также и среди узбеков. |
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60. BIBLE |
CARS 2013 |
Восточный перевод Central Asian Russian Scriptures The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
61. BIBLE |
CARSA 2013 |
Восточный перевод, версия с «Аллахом» Central Asian Russian Scriptures with Allah The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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62. BIBLE |
CARST 2013 |
Восточный перевод, версия для Таджикистана Central Asian Russian Scriptures (CARS-Tajikistan) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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63. BIBLE |
2003 |
Смысловой перевод Таурата, Пророков, Забура и Инжила |
| |
64. New Testament |
2001 |
Интерлинеарный греческо-русский Новый Завет Greek-Russian Interlinearny New Testament Греческий оригинал и русский подстрочный перевод. Anatoly Alekseev |
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65. BIBLE - LXX |
VIN-RU 2015 |
Библия, подстрочный перевод Interlinear Translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsAlexey VinokurovDetailsПеревод Ветхого Завета с Септуагинты, так что это уже не буквальный перевод, а перевод перевода. Новый Завет переведен с оригинальных текстов. |
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66. BIBLE - LXX |
VIN-EL 2015 |
Библия, подстрочный перевод Interlinear Translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsAlexey VinokurovDetailsПеревод Ветхого Завета с Септуагинты, так что это уже не буквальный перевод, а перевод перевода. Новый Завет переведен с оригинальных текстов. |
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67. BIBLE - LXX |
A V |
Codex Alexandrinus, designated by A or 02 |
| |
68. BIBLE - LXX |
B 300-325 |
Codex Vaticanus, designated by B or 03 |
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69. BIBLE - LXX |
CT BYZ 2005 |
Byzantine Textform (BYZ) |
| |
70. BIBLE - LXX |
LXXBr 1870 |
Μετάφραση των Εβδομήκοντα Brenton Greek Septuagint Brenton Greek Septuagint |
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71. BIBLE - LXX |
א IV |
Codex Sinaiticus, designated by ℵ or 01 |
| |
72. BIBLE - KJV |
CT KJTR 2016 |
King James Textus Receptus (KJTR) |
| |
73. Some books |
?115 275 |
Papyrus 115 (P. Oxy. 4499) |
| |
74. Some books |
?45 250 |
Papyrus 45 (P. Chester Beatty I) |
| |
75. Some books |
?46 175-225 |
Papyrus 46 (P. Chester Beatty II) |
| |
76. Some books |
?47 III |
Papyrus 47 (P. Chester Beatty III) |
| |
77. Some books |
?66 200 |
Papyrus 66 (P. Bodmer II) |
| |
78. Some books |
?72 III-IV |
Papyrus 72 (P. Bodmer VII, VIII) |
| |
79. Some books |
?75 175-225 |
Papyrus 75 (P. Bodmer XIV, XV; Hanna Papyrus 1) |
| |
80. BIBLE |
BGB 2016 |
Berean Greek Bible |
| |
81. BIBLE |
BIB 2016 |
Berean Interlinear Bible |
| |
82. Gospel |
T IV |
Codex Borgianus, designated by T or 029 |
| |
83. Gospel |
W 300-500 |
Codex Washingtonianus, designated by W or 032 |
| |
84. Gospel |
Dea 400 |
Codex Bezae Cantabrigensis, designated by D or 05 |
| |
85. New Testament |
Beza 1598 |
Beza Greek New Testament Theodore Beza - Greek New Testament with Strong numbers With Strong's lexicon |
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86. New Testament |
BHPk 2017 |
Bunning Heuristic Prototype Greek New Testament (Koine) With Strong's lexicon |
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87. New Testament |
BHPm 2017 |
Bunning Heuristic Prototype Greek New Testament (Medieval) With Strong's lexicon |
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88. New Testament |
C 450 |
Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus, designated by C or 04 |
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89. New Testament |
CT ST 1550 |
Stephanus (ST) |
| |
90. New Testament |
CT WH 1885 |
Westcott and Hort (WH) |
| |
91. New Testament |
IGRBrk 2023 |
Подстрочная греческо-русская Библия под ред. Виктора Журомского. Унциальное письмо. Interlinear Greek-Russian Bible ed. Victor Zhuromsky. Uncial letter. The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsвторая редакция Victor ZhouromskyDetailsScrivener's Textus Receptus 1894, номера Стронга, морфология, критический аппарат, 'Гебраизированный Дословно-Смысловой Перевод' со знаками ударения. |
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92. New Testament |
IGRBhk 2023 |
Подстрочная греческо-русская Библия гебраизированная под ред. Виктора Журомского. Унциальное письмо. Interlinear Greek-Russian Hebraized Bible, ed. Victor Zhuromsky. Uncial letter. The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsпервая редакция Victor ZhouromskyDetailsScrivener's Textus Receptus 1894, номера Стронга, морфология, критический аппарат, 'Дословно-Смысловой Перевод' со знаками ударения. |
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93. New Testament |
IGRBh 2023 |
Подстрочная греческо-русская Библия гебраизированная под ред. Виктора Журомского Interlinear Greek-Russian Hebraized Bible, ed. Viktor Zhuromsky The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsпервая редакция Victor ZhouromskyDetailsScrivener's Textus Receptus 1894, номера Стронга, морфология, критический аппарат, 'Гебраизированный Дословно-Смысловой Перевод' со знаками ударения. |
| |
94. New Testament |
IGRBr 2023 |
Подстрочная греческо-русская Библия под ред. Виктора Журомского Interlinear Greek-Russian Bible ed. Viktor Zhuromsky The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsвторая редакция Victor ZhouromskyDetailsScrivener's Textus Receptus 1894, номера Стронга, морфология, критический аппарат, 'Дословно-Смысловой Перевод' со знаками ударения. |
| |
95. Old Testament |
Танах в подстрочном переводе на русский язык Tanakh in literal translation into Russian With Strong's lexicon(1Пар - 2Пар, Пс - Прит, Дан, Авд - Иона, Зах) |
| |
96. New Testament |
VINT 2015 |
Новый Завет, буквальный перевод The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsНовый Завет переведен с оригинальных текстов. Alexey Vinokurov |
| |
97. BIBLE - LXX |
VIN 2008 |
Дословный перевод Библии с греческого The literal translation of the Bible from Greek Для мобильного. Alexey Vinokurov |
| |
98. New Testament |
LCV 2020 |
Дословно-Смысловой Перевод Literal Contemporary Version Первое издание. Victor Zhouromsky |
| |
99. New Testament |
LCVr 2024 |
Дословно-Смысловой Перевод The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexiconпервая редакция Victor ZhouromskyDetailsПеревод основан на тексте греческого Нового Завета Scrivener’s 1894 Textus Receptus. Сайт проекта: |
| |
100. New Testament |
LCVh 2024 |
Гебраизированный Дословно-Смысловой Перевод The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexiconпервая редакция Victor ZhouromskyDetailsВосстановлено имя нашего Спасителя Йешуа ха Машиаха, и предпринята попытка восстановления имени Бога Отца - Йахве. Перевод основан на тексте греческого Нового Завета Scrivener’s 1894 Textus Receptus. Сайт проекта: |
| |
101. Some books |
AST 2020 |
Коллекция второканонических, ветхозаветных и новозаветных апокрифических книг. With Strong's lexiconVictor ZhouromskyDetailsВключает в себя некоторые ветхозаветные псевдо-эпиграфы и новозаветные апокрифы. |
| |
102. New Testament |
JKNT 1895 |
Новый Завет New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Vasily A Zhukovsky |
| |
103. Some books |
DV 1973 |
Поэзия и проза Древнего Востока Ancient east poetry Iosif Braginsky |
| |
104. Some books - Psalms |
Prob 1930 |
Поэтические переложения Евангелия и Псалтирь Poetic Gospels Archpriest Vasily Probatov |
| |
105. Psalms - Psalms |
1680 |
Рифмотворная Псалтирь Rithm Psalms Simeon of PolotskY |
| |
106. Psalms - Psalms |
1846 |
Псалтирь, переложенный в русские стихи Psalms, arranged in Russian poetry Vladimir Korneev |
| |
107. Psalms - Psalms |
1895 |
Псалом Давида Valery Briusov |
| |
108. Psalms - Psalms |
1914 |
Псалом 18 Konstantin Balmont |
| |
109. Psalms - Psalms |
1863 |
Псалом 125 Vladimir Benedictov |
| |
110. Psalms - Psalms |
1841-1913 |
Переложение псалмов Iliya Golenishchev-Kutuzov |
| |
111. Psalms - Psalms |
1994 |
Книга псалмов Naum Grebnev |
| |
112. Psalms - Psalms |
2005 |
Псалмы царя Давида, жреца Асафа, трёх Кораховых сыновей — певцов, Моше-пророка, царя Шломо, Эйтана-мудреца… Vera Gort |
| |
113. Psalms - Psalms |
1780 |
Властителям и судиям (Псалом 81) Gavriil Derzhavin |
| |
114. Psalms - Psalms |
1823 |
Псалом 57 Mihail Dmitriev |
| |
115. Psalms - Psalms |
1956 |
Псалтирь (поэтическое переложение) Vasily Kapnist |
| |
116. Psalms - Psalms |
1743-1747 |
Преложения псалмов Mihail Lomonosov |
| |
117. Psalms - Psalms |
2001 |
Псалом 1 Herman Plisetcky |
| |
118. Psalms - Psalms |
1956 |
Псалмы Arye Rotman |
| |
119. Psalms - Psalms |
1753 |
Псалмы Тредиаковского Vasily TrediakovskyDetailsПсалтирь, или книга псалмов блаженного пророка и царя Давида, преложенных лирическими стихами и умноженных пророческими песнями от Василия Тредиаковского в Санкт-Петербурге. |
| |
120. Psalms - Psalms |
2019 |
Псалом 8 Alexander Fedorov |
| |
121. Psalms - Psalms |
1886 |
Псалмы 68 и 132 Konstantin Fofanov |
| |
122. Psalms - Psalms |
1844 |
Псалмы 1, 14 и 136 Nicolay Iazykov |
| |
123. Psalms - Psalms |
1800 |
Стихотворная псалтырь Poetic psalms Alexander Sumarokov |
| |
124. New Testament |
Steiner 2000 |
Новый Завет Штайнера Перевод с английского. Rudolf Joseph Lonz Steiner |
| |
125. New Testament |
Кальвин 2007-2012 |
Новый Завет Кальвина The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Текст, который вытащили из его комментариев. Jean Calvin |
| |
126. Some books |
ФилДр 1890 |
Опытъ переложенiя на русскiй языкъ священныхъ книгъ Ветхаго Завѣта (съ еврейскаго текста) Filaret |
| |
127. Some books |
Екклесиаст Alexander Boev |
| |
128. Some books |
2006 |
Экклезиаст, перевод и примечания Igor Vegeria |
| |
129. Some books |
1890 |
Исход, Псалтырь Pavel Gorsky-Platonov |
| |
130. Some books - Psalms |
1880 |
Псалмы в русском переводе, Иов Psalms in Russian. Translation, Job Pavel Gorsky-Platonov |
| |
131. Some books |
2007 |
Реконструкция текста Послания апостола Павла Галатам Vlad Valberg |
| |
132. Gospel |
Lutk 1991 |
Евангелия Лутковского Gospel The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Leonid Lutkovsky |
| |
133. Some books |
SOT 1991-1995 |
Научные переводы Ветхого Завета Scientific Old Testament Iliy Shifman, Mihail Rizhsky, Are OlmanDetailsМодуль создан на основе изданий: Учение. Пятикнижие Моисеево. Пер. и пред. И. Ш. Шифмана. М.: Республика. 1993, Еврейская Библия. Ранние Пророки. Издание Рора. Перевод Арье Ольман и Алина Позина при участии Михаила Вайскопфа и Игоря Тантлевского. Книга Рут в пер. Арье Ольмана. дополнена 22.06.10, М. И. Рижский: 'Книга Иова: Из истории библейского текста', Новосибирск: Наука, 1991., М. И. Рижский: 'Книга Эклезиаста', Новосибирск, 1995. |
| |
134. Some books |
Сонч 1866 |
Историческія книги Священнаго Писанія Ветхаго Завѣта The historical books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament Mihail S Gulyaev |
| |
135. Some books |
1973 |
Екклесиаст, Песня Песней Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs Igor Deacons |
| |
136. Gospel |
KRPT 1997 |
Евангелия и Деяния Gospel and Acts The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
137. Some books |
2003 |
Песня Песней (Перевод и комментарии) Song of Songs (Translation and Commentary) James Lah |
| |
138. Some books - Psalms |
2002 |
Псалтирь и Песня Песней Левинова Psalms and the Song of Songs Levinau Rabbi M Levin |
| |
139. Gospel |
1995 |
Евангелие в изложении Марка The Gospel of Mark translated S. Lezova Sergey Lezov |
| |
140. Some books |
Песня Песней, Нагорная проповедь, Откровение Song of Songs, Mountain Sermon, Revelation Dmitry Leo |
| |
141. Some books |
1861 |
Отдельные книги Ветхого Завета The individual books of the Old Testament Ivan Maksimovic (Rudnev) |
| |
142. Some books |
1873 |
Исайя и Даниил Isaiah and Daniel Akim Olesnitsky |
| |
143. Some books |
2010 |
Свиток Рут с комментариями Scroll of Ruth with comments Arie Olmany |
| |
144. Some books |
2007 |
Послание в Ефес The message to Ephesus Pavlodar |
| |
145. Some books |
Отдельные книги Ветхого Завета Some books of the Old Testament Palladium (Nicholas Dobronravov) |
| |
146. Gospel |
2009 |
Евангелия Gospel Arkady Poznyshev |
| |
147. Some books |
1876 |
Книги Ветхого завета Books of the Old Testament Bishop Porfiry (Konstantin |
| |
148. Some books |
2000 |
Песня Песней Song of Songs Nokhum-Zeev Raport, Baruh Kamyanov |
| |
149. Some books |
1992 |
Библейские вольнодумцы. Иов. Екклезиаст Biblical freethinkers. Job. Ecclesiastes Michael Rigsky |
| |
150. Some books |
1876 |
Книги Ветхого завета Books of the Old Testament |
| |
151. Some books |
Апокрифы Apocrypha Nokolay A Sergievsky |
| |
152. Some books |
1816 |
«Записки на книгу Бытия» и «Опыт объяснения псалма 67» Notes on the Book of Genesis and Experience the explanation of Psalm 67 Filaret (Metropolitan) |
| |
153. Psalms - Psalms |
1995 |
Книга псалмов: текст и комментарий The Book of Psalms and the comment text ZeevFukson |
| |
154. Some books |
1860 |
Галатам, Ефесянам Galatians, Ephesians Alex S Hamsters |
| |
155. Gospel |
1891 |
Соединение и перевод четырех Евангелий 4 Gospels Leo Tolstoy |
| |
156. Some books |
2002 |
Бытие. Первая книга Моисея: Поэт. интерпретация Адольф Шведчиков Genesis. The First Book of Moses: Poet. interpretation of Adolf Shvedchikov Adolf Shvedchikov |
| |
157. Psalms - Psalms |
2002 |
Псалмы Давида. Толкование А.Эскина The Psalms of David. Interpretation A.Eskina Avigdor Eskin |
| |
158. Some books |
1909 |
Руфь Ruth Abram Efros |
| |
159. Some books |
1997 |
Руфь, Екклесиаст, Иона Ruth, Ecclesiastes, Jonah Edward G Yunts |
| |
160. Some books |
Vish 2007 |
Новозаветные Писания и книги Ветхого Завета Parts of the Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Бытие, Иов, Псалмы, Экклезиаст, Песнь песней. Geli Vishenka-Vishenchuk |
| |
161. Gospel |
Aver 2004 |
Евангелие Gospel The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Sergey Averincev |
| |
162. Some books |
1861 |
Премудрость Иисуса, сына Сирахова, Иов Wisdom of Sirach, Job Agafangel (Alexey Solovyov) |
| |
163. Psalms - Psalms |
1683 |
Псалтырь Psalms Hieromonk Ambrose (Dmitry A Timrot) |
| |
164. Some books |
1973 |
Бытие, Иона Genesis. Jonah Solomon K Apt |
| |
165. Some books - Psalms |
2000 |
Псалтирь, Екклесиаст и Исаия, поэтическое переложение Psalms, Ecclesiastes and Isaiah, poetic transcription Nahum Basov |
| |
166. Psalms - Psalms |
Бирук 1985 |
Псалтирь пророка и царя Давида Перевод с церковно-славянского языка. Eugene Birukova, Igor I BirukовDetailsПереводчики стремились не только помочь нашим современникам проникнуть в дух и смысл Псалтири, но и создать перевод, максимально близкий к ритму и интонациям славянского текста, его образам и эпитетам. Перевод сверен с греческим текстом Семидесяти толковников Т. А. Миллер, ею же составлены ориентированные на святоотеческое предание примечания, призванные показать исторический контекст и символический смысл отдельных стихов Псалтири, а также пояснить малопонятные для современного читателя образы. |
| |
167. Some books |
1899 |
Песнь Песней High songs Перевод с масоретского текста. Avzer L Bloshteyn |
| |
168. Some books |
1918 |
Руфь Ruth Grigory A Brodovsky |
| |
169. Some books |
2000 |
Псалтырь, Экклесиаста, Исайя Andrey E Grafov |
| |
170. Some books - Psalms |
1903 |
Перевод некоторых книг Ветхого Завета prof Vasily A Levison |
| |
171. Some books |
1880 |
Перевод некоторых книг Ветхого Завета Daniil A Chvolson |
| |
172. Some books |
ЛевХв 1875-London B |
Переводъ Левисона и Хвольсона Опытъ переложенія на русскій языкъ Священныхъ Книгъ Ветхаго Завѣта проф. В. А. Левисона — проф. Д. А. Хвольсона (съ масоретскаго текста). prof Vasily ALevison, prof Daniil A Chvolson |
| |
173. Some books |
1858 |
Лондонскій переводъ книги Пѣснь пѣсней царя Соломона |
| |
174. Some books |
2001 |
Перевод некоторых книг Ветхого Завета Luca V Manevich |
| |
175. Some books |
1794 |
К Римлянам Archbishop Mefody (Mikhail A Smirnov) |
| |
176. Some books |
1999-2005 |
Перевод некоторых книг Ветхого Завета Mikhail G Seleznev |
| |
177. Some books |
2011 |
Есфирь, Притчи, Даниил Evgenia B SmaginaDetailsПритчи — Евгений Борисович Рашковский, Андрей Сергеевич Десницкий, Евгения Борисовна Смагина. |
| |
178. Some books |
1999 |
Исход, Второзаконие Sergey A Tishchenko, Mikhail G Seleznev |
| |
179. Gospel |
1100 |
Мариинское Евангелие |
| |
180. Gospel |
1993-2001 |
Иисус Христос — Агнец Божий. Четвероевангелие |
| |
181. Some books |
1863 |
Переложение Екклесиаста Gregory of Neocaesarean (Wonderworker) |
| |
182. Some books |
1973 |
Экклесиаст historian Igor M Diakonov |
| |
183. BIBLE |
ВоП 2014 |
Восстановительный перевод Библии Bible. Restored Это - новая версия модуля с полным набором книг. DetailsВосстановительный перевод Библии на русском языке представляет собой новый перевод текста Ветхого и Нового Заветов с языков оригинала. Примечания, планы книг и перекрёстные ссылки переведены на русский язык с английского издания. Работа над этой книгой осуществлялась в два этапа. Новый Завет переводился с 1993 по 1998 гг. Перевод Ветхого Завета осуществлялся в 2004—2013 гг. По завершении этих этапов работы были внесены некоторые изменения в Новый Завет, и теперь Ветхий и Новый Заветы издаются одной книгой. |
| |
184. BIBLE |
BTI 2015 |
Современный русский перевод Библии Bible, ed. Kulakov The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Перевод Адвентистов седьмого дня. Mikhail P Kulakov |
| |
185. BIBLE - Joint |
MAK-CAS 1867 |
Еврейские Писания Макария + Новый Завет Кассиана Hebrew Scriptures The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Archimandrite Macarius |
| |
186. Old Testament |
MAK 1867 |
Еврейские Писания Hebrew Scriptures Archimandrite Macarius |
| |
187. Old Testament |
РБО1825 1820-1825 |
Опытъ переложенія на русскій языкъ Священныхъ Книгъ Ветхаго Завѣта Съ масоретскаго и текста LXX. Gerasim Pavsky |
| |
188. New Testament |
PAV 1864 |
Опытъ переложенія на русскій языкъ священныхъ книгъ Новаго Завѣта Old Testament of Pavsky Съ масоретскаго и текста LXX. Gerasim Pavsky |
| |
189. New Testament |
1581 |
Острожская Библия |
| |
190. New Testament |
CAS 1970 |
Новый Завет, перевод под ред. еп. Кассиана Безобразова New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red При поддержке Британского и Иностранного Библейского Общества. Bishop Cassian (Sergey Bezobrazov) |
| |
191. New Testament |
PBNT 1906 |
Новый Завет в переводе К. П. Победоносцева New Testament, Pobedonostsev The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Перевод со славянского. Konstantin P Pobedonostzev |
| |
192. Old Testament - LXX |
UNGR 1921 |
Введение в Ветхий Завет Перевод с греческого перевода - Септуагинты. Pavel A JungerovDetailsКниги Ветхого Завета с греческого текста LXX |
| |
193. BIBLE - LXX |
ELZ 1751 |
Елизаветинская Библия Elizabeth Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Церковнославянская Библия гражданским шрифтом, перевод Септуагинты. |
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194. BIBLE - LXX |
Церковнославянская Библия Ortodox Slavic Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
195. BIBLE - LXX |
CSL-irm 1900 |
Библия Церковнославянская DetailsТекст подготовлен в кодировке UCS8, несовместимой со стандартной кодировкой Unicode. Для корректного просмотра скачайте и установите шрифты UCS8, например - Irmologion. |
| |
196. BIBLE - LXX |
CSL-pnm 1900 |
Библия Церковнославянская DetailsТекст подготовлен в кодировке Unicode (UTF-8). Для корректного просмотра рекомендуем шрифт Ponomar Unicode. |
| |
197. New Testament |
Новый Завет на церковнославянском языке New Testament in Slavic Церковно-славянский, современное написание. |
| |
198. Gospel |
1000 |
Зографское Евангелие Codex Zographensis. |
| |
199. Some books |
Евангелие и Апостол (церковно-славянский) |
| |
200. BIBLE - Synodal |
BBS 2002 |
Бiблiя Belarusian Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Перевод с русской синодальной. Vasil Semouha |
| |
201. New Testament |
NTJS 1959 |
Новы Закон Спадара а Спаса нашага Ісуса Хрыста New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Yanka Stankevіch |
| |
202. New Testament - Psalms |
LDNT 1931 |
Новы Запавет Госпада нашага Ісуса Хрыста. Псальмы New Testament and Psalms The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Lukas Dekut-Maley, Anton Lutskevich |
| |
203. New Testament - Psalms |
CHNT 1999 |
Новы Запавет. Псалтир New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Vladislav Chernyavskii |
| |
204. New Testament - Psalms |
Bokun 2016 |
Новы Запавет і Прыповесьці The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Antonі Bokun |
| |
205. Gospel |
GBB 2011 |
Святое Дабравесце Holy Gospel The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
206. Gospel - Catholic |
VH 1939 |
Чатыры Эванэліі і Апостальскія Дзеі. Gospels and book of Acts The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Vincent Godlewski |
| |
207. Gospel |
BGM 1991 |
Сьвятое Евангельле The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Mihas Mitskevich |
| |
208. BIBLE |
GYZ 2006 |
Біблія, Новітній переклад Біблії Гижі The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Oleksandr Gizha |
| |
209. BIBLE |
UBIO 1962 |
Біблія в пер. Івана Огієнка The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ivan I OgienkoDetailsБіблія або Книги Святого Письма Старого і Нового Заповіту. |
| |
210. BIBLE |
UBIO 1988 |
Біблія в пер. Івана Огієнка The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ivan I OgienkoDetailsБіблія або Книги Святого Письма Старого і Нового Заповіту. |
| |
211. BIBLE |
CUV 2023 |
БІБЛІЯ Сучасний переклад Ukrainian Contemporary Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
212. BIBLE |
УБД 1996 |
Свята Біблія українською мовою The Holy Bible in Ukrainian The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
213. BIBLE - Synodal |
ФІЛ 2004 |
Бiблiя. Книги Священного Писання Старого та Нового Завiту The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Patriarch Filaret (Deniseno)DetailsПереклад Патріарха Філарета (Денисенка) за Біблією російською мовою, яка була перекладена з єврейської та грецької мов у другій половині ХІХ століття (Синодальне видання Російського біблійного товариства. Москва, 2002) Видання Київської Патріархії Української Православної Церкви Київського Патріархату Київ 2004. |
| |
214. BIBLE |
UKRK 1905 |
Біблія в пер. Куліша та Пулюя The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Panteleimon Kulish, Ivan Pulyui |
| |
215. BIBLE |
HOM 1963 |
Святе Письмо Старого й Нового Завіту Ukranian Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ivan Khomenko Sofronovich |
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216. BIBLE |
TUB 1997 |
Біблія, Переклад Турконяка The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Rafail Turkonyak |
| |
217. BIBLE - LXX |
УТТ 2011 |
Біблія, Книги Святого Письма Старого та Нового заповіту The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Rafail TurkonyakDetailsЧетвертий повний переклад з давньогрецької мови. |
| |
218. BIBLE - Joint |
ОгДер 1988, 2007 |
Ветхий Завет — Огієнко, Новый Завет — Деркач |
| |
219. BIBLE |
UMT 2007 |
Свята Біблія Сучасною Мовою The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Diana Derkach |
| |
220. BIBLE - ua |
LCVu 2023 |
Дословно-Смисловий Переклад Біблії під ред. Віктора Журомського редакція робоча The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexiconпервая редакция Victor Zhouromsky |
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221. BIBLE - ua |
LCVua 2023 |
Дословно-Смисловий Переклад Біблії під ред. Віктора Журомського редакція робоча, з буквицею The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexiconпервая редакция Victor Zhouromsky |
| |
222. New Testament - Psalms |
UKDER 1992 |
Велике Відкриття. Новий Завіт з додатком Псалмів і Притч Great discovery. New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs application The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
223. New Testament - ERV |
ERV-UK 1996 |
Новий Заповіт Ukrainian New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
224. New Testament |
Попч 2020 |
НОВИЙ ЗАВІТ New Testament Новий переклад з давньогрецької на сучасну українську літературну мову Yuri Popchenko |
| |
225. Gospel |
Mora 1861 |
Євангеліє українською мовою Ukranian Gospel The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Filip Morachevsky |
| |
226. New Testament - ua |
IGRBua 2023 |
Підпорядкова грецько-українська Біблія під ред. Віктора Журомського Interlinear Greek-Russian Bible ed. Victor Zhuromsky. |
| |
227. New Testament - ua |
IGRBuak 2023 |
Підпорядкова грецько-уркаїнська Біблія під ред. Віктора Журомського. Унциальное письмо. Interlinear Greek-Russian Bible ed. Victor Zhuromsky. Uncial letter. |
| |
228. New Testament |
1998 |
Инҹил New Testament |
| |
229. BIBLE |
DBA 2010 |
مقدَس کتاب آذربايجان ديلی Daily Bible Azerbaijan |
| |
230. BIBLE |
2009 |
Bibliyanı Bible |
| |
231. BIBLE |
AZE 2010 |
Müqəddəs Northern Azeri Translation |
| |
232. BIBLE |
AZJ 2008 |
Azərbaycan Bibliyası Azerbaijan Bible |
| |
233. BIBLE |
2000-Институт |
Библия Bible |
| |
234. BIBLE |
ALBB 1994 |
Bibla Shqip Kutsul Kitab |
| |
235. New Testament |
ALNT 2007 |
Së bashku |
| |
236. New Testament |
ANT 2010 |
አዳስ ሴዳን Amharic New Testament |
| |
237. BIBLE |
AMH 1962 |
The Haile Selassie Amharic Bible |
| |
238. BIBLE - ASB |
NASV 2001 |
መጽሐፍ ቅዱስ፥ አዲሱ መደበኛ ትርጒም Amharic Bible: New Amharic Standard Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
239. BIBLE |
የአማርኛ መጽሐፍ ቅዱስ (ሰማንያ አሃዱ) Amharic Bible |
| |
240. BIBLE |
ABA 1910 |
Արարատյան Թարգմանություն մասնիկներով Eastern Armenian Bible — ARARAT with notes |
| |
241. BIBLE |
EAB 1994 |
ԱՍՏՈՒԱԾԱՇՈՒՆՉ Armenian Bible East |
| |
242. BIBLE |
NRAB 2018 |
Նոր վերանայված Արարատ Աստվածաշունչ New Revised Ararat Bible |
| |
243. BIBLE |
Grabar 1805 |
ԱՍՏՈՒԱԾԱՇՈՒՆՉ, ՄԱՏԵԱՆ ՀԻՆ ԵՒ ՆՈՐ ԿՏԱԿԱՐԱՆԱՑ BIBLE, Book of the Old and New Testaments Hovhannis Zohrabian |
| |
244. BIBLE |
WAB 1994 |
Աստուածաշունչ Արեւմտահայերէն Western Armenian Bible |
| |
245. BIBLE - Catholic |
WANT 2019 |
Western Armenian New Translation - Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia - New Testament |
| |
246. New Testament |
WA 1853 |
Western Armenian New Testament |
| |
247. New Testament |
WANT 2017 |
Արեւմտահայերէն Նոր Կտակարան, հարմարցուած․ Eastern Armenian Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
248. New Testament |
ArmW 1953 |
Հայերեն (արեւմտահայերեն) Նոր Կտակարան Armenian (Western) NT |
| |
249. BIBLE |
Niobe 2009 |
Niobi Study Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Niobi H Watson |
| |
250. New Testament |
ESB 1978 |
Easy Study Bible: New Testament |
| |
251. BIBLE |
RSB 2011 |
Restoration Study Bible |
| |
252. BIBLE - KJV |
OSB 2008 |
Orthodox Study Bible Original OT, NT is New King James Version. |
| |
253. BIBLE - ASB |
ASV 1901 |
American Standard Bible The Holy Bible With Strong's lexiconPhilip SchaffDetailsContaining the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues, Being the Version Set Forth, Compared with the Most Ancient Authorities and Revised A.D. 1881-1885, Newly Edited by the American Revision Committee A.D. 1901, Standard Edition. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1901. |
| |
254. BIBLE - ASB |
RSV 1952 |
Revised Standard Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsA heavily annotated version by Roman Catholic scholars, notable for its excellent literary quality. A revision called The New Jerusalem Bible appeared in 1985. |
| |
255. BIBLE - ASB |
NASB 1971 |
New American Standard Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon |
| |
256. BIBLE - ASB |
NRSVA 1971 |
New Revised Standard Version Anglicised The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
257. BIBLE - ASB |
Logos 1972 |
The Logos Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsThe Rock of Biblical Honesty. |
| |
258. BIBLE - ASB |
NRSV 1989 |
New Revised Standard Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsDivision of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. |
| |
259. BIBLE - Catholic |
NRSV-CE 1993 |
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
260. BIBLE - ASB |
NASU 1995 |
New American Standard Bible (Updated) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
261. BIBLE - Catholic |
NRSVACE 1995 |
New Revised Standard Version Anglicised Catholic Edition The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
262. BIBLE - ASB |
WEB 1997, 2020 |
World English Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon |
| |
263. BIBLE - ASB |
WEBBE 1997, 2020 |
World English Bible: British Edition |
| |
264. BIBLE - ASB |
WEB 1997, 2020 |
World English Bible Michael Peter (Stone) EngelbriteDetailsBased on 1901 ASV. |
| |
265. BIBLE - ASB |
RcV 2003 |
Recovery Version Holy Bible Recovery Version |
| |
266. BIBLE - ASB |
ESV-UK 2007, 2011 |
English Standard Version Anglicised |
| |
267. BIBLE - ASB |
ESV 2007, 2011 |
English Standard Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Revision of the 1971 edition of the Revised Standard Version. |
| |
268. BIBLE - ASB |
NHEB 2010 |
New Heart English Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Wayne A Mitchell |
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269. BIBLE - ASB |
ESV-GSB 2011 |
The ESV Global Study Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
270. BIBLE - ASB |
ASV 2014 |
American Standard Version The Holy Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Philip Schaff |
| |
271. BIBLE - ASB |
ACV 2015 |
A Conservative Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Dr Walter Nathaniel PorterDetailsЗа основу взята American Standard Bible. Сделаны только незначительные изменения, в основном заменены устаревшие слова. |
| |
272. BIBLE - Catholic |
ESV-CE 2018 |
English Standard Version Catholic Edition |
| |
273. BIBLE - ASB |
NASB 2020 |
New American Standard Bible |
| |
274. BIBLE - ASB |
UASV 2022 |
Updated American Standard Version |
| |
275. BIBLE - Catholic |
RSV-CE 1965 |
Revised Standard Version Catholic Interconfessional |
| |
276. BIBLE - Catholic |
NRSV-CI 1989 |
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Interconfessional |
| |
277. BIBLE - Catholic |
NCB 2008 |
New Community Bible |
| |
278. BIBLE - Catholic |
NCB 2015 |
New Catholic Bible |
| |
279. BIBLE - Catholic |
2019 |
St. Joseph New Catholic Bible Saint Joseph Edition New Catholic Bible |
| |
280. BIBLE - Catholic |
RNJB 2019 |
Revised New Jerusalem Bible Henry Wansbrough |
| |
281. BIBLE - Catholic |
RSV-2CE 2006 |
Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ecumenical w/Apocrypha. DetailsThis is one of the first translations of the Greek text done by Roman Catholics. Spencer had published a translation of the four Gospels in 1898, and had completed a translation of the remainder of the New Testament by the time of his death in 1913. The remainder went unpublished until Callan and McHugh revised Spencer's complete translation for this volume. |
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282. BIBLE - KJV |
AVU 2006 |
Authorized Version Update |
| |
283. BIBLE - KJV |
BRG 2012 |
BRG Bible Blue, Red and Gold Letter Edition of the Holy Bible |
| |
284. BIBLE - KJV |
AV7 2006 |
The AV7 Bible The New Authorized Version of the Holy Bible in Present-day English DetailsThe New Testament was a new revision of the 1891 revision of the American Bible Union 1862-1863 version. |
| |
285. BIBLE - KJV |
WYC 1382-1395 |
Wycliffe Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red John Wycliffe |
| |
286. BIBLE - KJV |
KJV 1611 |
King James Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon |
| |
287. BIBLE - KJV |
KJV 1611 |
Biblia King James |
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288. BIBLE - KJV |
KJV 1611-1769 |
King James Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon |
| |
289. BIBLE - KJV |
PCE 1611 |
King James Version: Pure Cambridge Edition The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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290. BIBLE - KJV |
KJG 1672 |
King James Version with Geneva Notes |
| |
291. BIBLE - KJV |
KJ 1769 |
King James Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
292. BIBLE - KJV |
KJV69D 1769 |
King James Version with Apocrypha |
| |
293. BIBLE - KJV |
IV 1867 |
Inspired Version A revision of the King James Version. |
| |
294. BIBLE - KJV |
FHB 1890 |
The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments With Amendments of the Language. William FryDetailsA conservative revison of the KJV, in which obsolete words and constructions are replaced with modern equivalents. |
| |
295. BIBLE - KJV |
KJPCE 1900 |
King James Bible 1611: Pure Cambridge Edition The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon |
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296. BIBLE - KJV |
AV 1914 |
King James Version with cross references The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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297. BIBLE - KJV |
RNKJV 1934 |
Restored Names King James Version |
| |
298. BIBLE - KJV |
TDB 1961 |
Dartmouth Bible Roy Bullard Chamberlin, Herman FeldmanDetailsAn abridgment of the King James Version, w/Apocrypha. This version expands the text with alternative renderings and explanations added in parentheses, brackets, and other typographical devices. |
| |
299. BIBLE - KJV |
MKJV 1962 |
Modern King James Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Sr Jay Patrick Green |
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300. BIBLE - KJV |
KJII 1971 |
King James II Version King James II Version of the Bible OT 1982. Sr Jay Patrick Green |
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301. BIBLE - KJV |
KJV20 1972 |
King James Version — Twentieth Century Edition |
| |
302. BIBLE - KJV |
RCB 1980 |
Reese Chronological Bible An arrangement of the King James Version in chronological order. Edward Reese, Frank R Klassen |
| |
303. BIBLE - KJV |
NKJV 1982 |
New King James Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Thomas NelsonDetailsHoly Bible: The New King James Version: Containing the Old and New Testaments. |
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304. BIBLE - KJV |
KJ21 1994 |
21st Century KJV 21st Century King James Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsThe Holy Bible: 21st Century King James Version. |
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305. BIBLE - KJV |
CKJV 1999 |
Evidence Bible Comfortable King James Version Donald A Jr Waite |
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306. BIBLE - KJV |
AKJV 1999 |
American King James Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexiconMichael Peter (Stone) Engelbrite |
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307. BIBLE - KJV |
KJ2 2000 |
King James 2000 King James Version 2000 The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Dr Robert A Couric |
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308. BIBLE - KJV |
UKJV 2000 |
Updated King James Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsSame as KJV but with modern word endings Translater. |
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309. BIBLE - KJV |
cKJV 2003 |
Crossword Project King James Version With Strong's lexicon |
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310. BIBLE - KJV |
DKJB 2004 |
Defined King James Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated Out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised by His Majesty's Special Command. Roy Bullard Chamberlin |
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311. BIBLE - KJV |
KJVCE 2005 |
King James Version — Corrected Edition |
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312. BIBLE - KJV |
KJV 2006 |
King James Version |
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313. BIBLE - KJV |
KJVA 2010 |
King James Version with Apocrypha, American Edition King James Version 1611, spelling, punctuation and text formatting modernized by ABS in 1962. |
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314. BIBLE - KJV |
DNKJB 2011 |
Divine Name King James Bible 1st ed 2012. |
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315. BIBLE - KJV |
MEV 2014 |
Modern English Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red James F LinzeyDetailsModern English Version, The Holy Bible Passio (KJV based) Charisma House. |
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316. BIBLE - KJV |
WBMS 2014 |
Wycliffe Bible DetailsA modern-spelling edition of their 14th century Middle English translation, the first complete English vernacular version < by Terence P. Noble. |
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317. BIBLE - KJV |
BKJV 2019 |
Breakthrough KJV New Testament - Breakthrough KJV Fourth Edition |
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318. BIBLE - KJV |
BB 1568 |
The Bishop's Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsUpdated 1572 was base text for KJV. |
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319. BIBLE - KJV |
JST 1830 |
Joseph Smith's New Translation of the Bible Joseph Smith JrDetailsThe Holy Scriptures, Translated and Corrected by the Spirit of Revelation, by Joseph Smith, Jr. the Seer. Plano, Illinois: Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. |
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320. BIBLE - KJV |
BDRL 1936 |
Bible Designed to Be Read as Literature Ernest Sutherland BatesDetailsStresses literary qualities of the Bible w/Apocrypha. |
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321. BIBLE - KJV |
TMB 1998 |
Third Millennium Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Minor update of the King James Version. |
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322. BIBLE - KJV |
HSV 2001 |
Holy Scriptures Version Rabon Vincent JrDetailsBased on the King James Version. |
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323. BIBLE - KJV |
LHB 2006 |
Lighthouse Bible DetailsIs an update of the KJV. |
| |
324. BIBLE - KJV |
BSV 2009 |
Bond Slave Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Revision of the King James Version. |
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325. BIBLE - KJV |
NEV 2011 |
New European Version of the Bible Remediation of KJV & ASV. Russell Martin Stendal |
| |
326. New Testament - KJV |
WWNT 1745 |
The Primitive New Testament William WhistonDetailsIn this revision of the KJV Whiston adopts the readings of the three earliest (“primitive”) manuscripts which were then known to scholars. The Gospels and Acts are revised according to the Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis, the Pauline epistles according to Codex Claromontanus, and the rest according to Codex Alexandrinus. Whiston’s source of information for the readings of these manuscripts was the apparatus of Mill 1707. This Greek-English diglot gave side-by-side the Greek text of Griesbach 1805 and a revision of Thomas Belsham's English version (1808). Also in 1823 Kneeland issued The New Testament: Being the English Only of the Greek and English Testament, etc., in one volume. Like Belsham, Kneeland was a Unitarian, and also a Universalist. He changed several verses of Belsham's version according to his own opposition to the doctrine of eternal punishment. He later renounced Christianity altogether, and became a deist. For a discussion of his version see Paul Gutjahr, An American Bible, pages 95-100. |
| |
327. New Testament - KJV |
WNNT 1796 |
An Attempt toward revising our English Translation of the Greek Scriptures, or the New Covenant of Jesus Christ William NewcomeDetailsA revision of the KJV by Archbishop Newcome, based on the text of Griesbach 1774. This was the first English version to represent Griesbach’s new critical text. In this revision of the KJV Whiston adopts the readings of the three earliest (“primitive”) manuscripts which were then known to scholars. The Gospels and Acts are revised according to the Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis, the Pauline epistles according to Codex Claromontanus, and the rest according to Codex Alexandrinus. Whiston’s source of information for the readings of these manuscripts was the apparatus of Mill 1707. |
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328. New Testament - KJV |
SSNT 1840 |
The New Testament, translated from the Text of J.J. Griesbach Samuel SharpeDetailsSecond edition, 1844; third edition, 1856; fourth edition, 1859; fifth edition, 1862; seventh edition, 1881. A translation of Griesbach 1805, by a Unitarian. Sharpe also published a light revision of the KJV Old Testament in 1865. A one-volume edition of the complete Bible appeared in the year of his death 1881. |
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329. New Testament - KJV |
SPC 1851 |
Commonly Received Version of The New Testament Spencer New Testament Spencer H Cone, William H WyckoffDetailsCone and Wyckoff were Baptists, and founders of the American Bible Union. Their limited revision of the King James Version substitutes 'immerse' for 'baptise'. The Commonly Received Version of the New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, with Several Hundred Emendations, edited by Spencer H. Cone and William H. Wyckoff. |
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330. New Testament - KJV |
RVNT 1881 |
Comparative New Testament: Old & New Versions in Parallel Cols |
| |
331. New Testament - KJV |
CENT 1905 |
Corrected English New Testament: a Revision of the 'Authorised' version Samuel LloydDetailsA revision of the KJV New Testament. (by Nestle's resultant text) prepared with the assistance of eminent scholars and issued by Samuel Lloyd, a life govenor of the British and foreign Bible Society, as his memorial of the Society's centenary, 1904, with preface by the Bishop of Durham. |
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332. New Testament - KJV |
LVME 1948 |
Letchworth Version in Modern English Thomas F Ford, Ralph E FordDetailsThe King James text with archaic expressions replaced by modern English. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: the Letchworth version in modern English by T.F. Ford and R.E. Ford. |
| |
333. Some books - KJV |
GO 1952 |
Genesis Octapla Robert G BratcherDetails8 english versions of Genesis from Tydale to KJV. |
| |
334. New Testament - KJV |
KJC 1998 |
King James Bible, Clarified New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Bill McGinnis |
| |
335. New Testament - KJV |
RKJNT 2000 |
Revised King James New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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336. New Testament - KJV |
BV 2020 |
Breakthrough Version |
| |
337. BIBLE - NIV |
NIV 1978 |
New International Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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338. BIBLE - NIV |
NIV 1984 |
New International Version |
| |
339. BIBLE - NIV |
NIVi 1996 |
New International Version Inclusive Language Edition DetailsThe Holy Bible: New International Version. Inclusive Language Edition. NIV Inclusive Language Edition. |
| |
340. BIBLE - NIV |
TNIV 2005 |
Today's New International Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ronald F Youngblood, Kenneth L Barker, John H Stek, Donald H Madvig, Richard T France, Gordon Fee, Karen H Jobes, Walter Liefeld, Douglas J Moo, Bruce K Waltke, Larry L Walker, Herbert M Wol |
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341. BIBLE - NIV |
NIV 2011 |
New International Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsThe Holy Bible, New International Version: Containing the Old Testament and the New Testament. |
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342. BIBLE - NIV |
NIVUK 2011 |
New International Version UK New International Version Anglicized The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
343. New Testament - OEB |
OEB 2010 |
Open English Bible, New Testament and Psalms The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Russell Allen |
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344. New Testament - OEB |
OEBUS 2010 |
Open English Bible, New Testament and Psalms The words of Jesus are highlighted in red US spelling. Russell Allen |
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345. New Testament - OEB |
OEBw 2010 |
Open English Bible, New Testament (Commonwealth Spellings) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsCommonwealth spelling. |
| |
346. BIBLE |
UDB 2018 |
Unlocked Dynamic Bible DetailsAn open-licensed translation, intended to provide a ‘functional’ understanding of the Bible. |
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347. BIBLE |
ULB 2017 |
Unlocked Literal Bible DetailsAn open-licensed update of the ASV, intended to provide a ‘form-centric’ understanding of the Bible. |
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348. BIBLE |
ULT 2024 |
unfoldingWord Literal Text |
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349. BIBLE |
UST 2024 |
unfoldingWord Simplified Text |
| |
350. BIBLE |
WBMS 1870 |
Wisdom Books in Modern Speech John Edgar McFadyenDetailsThe Wisdom Books in Modern Speech. |
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351. BIBLE |
MRB 1907 |
Modern Reader's Bible W/Apocrypha. Richard G Moulton |
| |
352. BIBLE |
MNTB 1922 |
A New Translation A New Translation of the Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments. James MoffattDetailsThis version was highly regarded by scholars, and also popular. Revised edition, New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1935. Reprinted, Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1995. |
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353. BIBLE |
MLB 1959 |
Modern Language Bible The Holy Bible, The Berkeley Version in Modern English. Revision of Berkeley Version BVNT of 1945. Gerrit VerkuylDetailsThis version was highly regarded by scholars, and also popular. |
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354. BIBLE |
NMB 1999 |
New Millenium Bible A contemporary English translation. |
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355. BIBLE |
MASV 2008 |
Modern American Standard Version |
| |
356. New Testament |
MAB 1901 |
The New Testament. The Modern American Bible The modern American Bible: the books of the Bible in modern American form and phrase, with notes and introduction. Frank Schell BallentineDetailsAn accurate translation of the inspired Word of God in an easily understood modern day English. |
| |
357. New Testament |
WNT 1903 |
Weymouth New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red The New Testament in Modern Speech. Richard Francis Weymouth |
| |
358. New Testament |
TCNT 1904 |
Twentieth Century New Testament The New Testament in Modern Speech The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ernest Malan, Mary HiggsDetailsA Translation into Modern English. Made from the Original Greek. |
| |
359. New Testament |
JBP 1958 |
The New Testament in Modern English The words of Jesus are highlighted in red John Bertram PhillipsDetailsA fresh translation in colloquial English. The Gospels were published in 1952, four Prophets (Isaiah 1-39, Hosea, Amos, Micah) in 1963, and a revised New Testament in 1972. Phillips shares some thoughts on his work as translator in his book, Ring of Truth: A Translator's Testimony (New York: MacMillan, 1967. Revised 1978). See also the discussion in Edwin H. Robertson, The New Translations of the Bible (London: S. C. M. Press, 1959), pp. 119-132. |
| |
360. BIBLE - KJV |
SN-KJ 2005 |
Sacred Name King James Bible Daniyah W Merrick, PhDDetailsSacred Name Bible, Updated King James Version. |
| |
361. BIBLE |
JSFB 1864 |
Jewish School and Family Bible Dr Abraham BenischDetailsThe first Bible translation by a woman. |
| |
362. BIBLE |
BOY 1933 |
The Book of Yahweh: The Holy Scriptures |
| |
363. BIBLE |
JBFR 1956 |
Jewish Bible for Family Reading W/Apocrypha. Joseph GaerDetailsA limited revision of the King James Version, in which only the most archaic words and usages are replaced. Lectionary readings from the Revised Common Lectionary are marked with double diamonds. A revised edition with the Apocrypha (but without lectionary markings) appeared in 1998 as the Third Millennium Bible. William D. Prindle was the chief editor for both editions, assisted by Barbara P. Graff, B.A., Florence P. Ronning, B.A., and Mary E. Burkman, B.S. |
| |
364. BIBLE |
HNB 1963 |
Holy Name Bible Sacred Name Bible Angelo B Traina |
| |
365. BIBLE |
SNB 1976 |
Sacred Name Bible Restoration of Original Sacred Name Bible The Restoration of Original Sacred Name Bible. |
| |
366. BIBLE - ASB |
SSBE 1981-2016 |
Sacred Scriptures Bethel Edition Restored sacred names Assemblies of Yahweh based on the American Standard Version. Jacob Owen Meyer |
| |
367. BIBLE - ASB |
TLS 1982 |
The Living Scriptures: Paraphrased Messianic Edition of the Living Bible. David BronsteinDetailsAn evangelical revision of the Revised Standard Version. |
| |
368. BIBLE |
CJB 1989 |
Complete Jewish Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red David Harold Stern |
| |
369. BIBLE - ASB |
WMB 1997 |
World Messianic Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Michael Paul Johnson, Wayne A MitchellDetailsBased on 1901 ASV. |
| |
370. BIBLE |
NMV 2000-2018 |
New Messianic Version Bible |
| |
371. BIBLE |
TS 2000 |
The Scriptures |
| |
372. BIBLE - ASB |
WMB 2000 |
World Messianic Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Michael Paul Johnson, Wayne A Mitchell |
| |
373. BIBLE - ASB |
WMBB 2000 |
World Messianic Bible British Edition The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Michael Paul Johnson, Wayne A Mitchell |
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374. BIBLE |
HRV 2001 |
Hebraic-Roots Version Scriptures James Scott Trimm |
| |
375. BIBLE - KJV |
IAV 2001 |
Israeli Authorized Version Hebraic King James Version With Strong's lexicon |
| |
376. BIBLE |
OJB 2002 |
Orthodox Jewish Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Tanakh and Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha. Dr Phillip E GobleDetailsEnglish language version that applies Yiddish and Hasidic cultural expressions to the Messianic Bible. |
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377. BIBLE - KJV |
WOY 2003 |
Word of Yahweh The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Base Text - King James Version 1611. |
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378. BIBLE |
ZSMS 2004 |
Zikarown Say'fer Memorial Scroll James Meyer |
| |
379. BIBLE |
HRB 2009 |
Hebraic Roots Bible A Literal Translation. Paul W Esposito |
| |
380. BIBLE |
HS 2009 |
HalleluYah Scriptures |
| |
381. BIBLE - NHEB |
NHEB-JM 2010 |
New Heart English Bible Special Edition (Jesus Messiah) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Wayne A Mitchell |
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382. BIBLE - NHEB |
NHEB-ME 2010 |
New Heart English Bible Messianic Edition The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Wayne A Mitchell |
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383. BIBLE - NHEB |
NHEB-Y 2010 |
New Heart English Bible (Yahweh Edition) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Wayne A Mitchell |
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384. BIBLE - NHEB |
NHEB-YS 2010 |
New Heart English Bible (YHWH Sabaoth Edition) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Wayne A Mitchell |
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385. BIBLE - NHEB |
NHEB 2015, 2021 |
New Heart English Bible The New Heart English Bible (NHEB) is adapted from the World English Bible, public domain. For the Old Testament the MTH (public domain Wayne A Mitche |
| |
386. BIBLE |
NOG 2011 |
Names of God Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
387. BIBLE |
TLV 2012 |
Tree of Life Version The Tree of Life Bible Version (New Covenant). DetailsThe second volume of this paraphrase of the New Testament was first published as A Paraphrase and Commentary upon all the Epistles of the New Testament in 1700. Whitby was a learned Arminian controversialist, who after 1712 advocated Arian views. His most famous work was an anti-Calvinist treatise entitled A Discourse concerning the True Import of the Words Election and Reprobation, etc. (London: John Wyat, 1710). |
| |
388. New Testament - KJV |
MNT 1950 |
New Testament of our Messiah and Saviour Yahshua Sacred Name Version. |
| |
389. New Testament |
ANT 1958 |
The Authentic New Testament Edited and translated from the Greek for the general reader. Hugh Joseph SchonfieldDetailsTranslated by a Jewish scholar to reflect 'the atmosphere of the period in which the documents were written.'. |
| |
390. New Testament |
GNT 1989 |
God's New Covenant: A New Testament Translation Heinz W CassirerDetailsTranslated by a Jewish Christian who is a classics scholar and philosopher. |
| |
391. New Testament |
SNT 1996 |
Semitic New Testament James Scott Trimm |
| |
392. New Testament |
APNT 2009 |
Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Messianic Version Janet M Magiera |
| |
393. New Testament |
WMTH-JM 2013 |
New Weymouth Version NT: Jesus Messiah Edition The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Richard Francis WeymouthDetailsBased on the Weymouth NT 1909. |
| |
394. Old Testament |
WNE 1755 |
Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament by John Wesley New Edition 1813. Thomas Cordeux |
| |
395. |
JPSA1 1862 |
Torah: The Five Books of Moses |
| |
396. Old Testament |
JPS 1917 |
JPS Version Jewish Publication Society of America Version |
| |
397. Old Testament |
JPOT 1917 |
Old Testament Masoretic Text |
| |
398. Old Testament |
HSM 1960 |
Holy Scriptures (Menorah) Jewish Family Bible. |
| |
399. Some books |
JPSA2 1978 |
Prophets: Nev'im DetailsThe Prophets: Nev'im Vol 2 of 3 (see JPSA1, JPSA3). |
| |
400. |
TLT 1981 |
The Living Torah A New Translation Based On Traditional Jewish Sources Aryeh Kaplan |
| |
401. Some books |
JPSA3 1982 |
Writings: Kethubim DetailsThe Writings: Kethubim Vol 3 of 3 (see JPSA1, JPSA2). |
| |
402. Old Testament |
NJPS 1985 |
New JPS Version New Jewish Publication Society of America Version Complete English Tanakh. |
| |
403. Old Testament |
TNK 1985 |
Tanakh: A New Translation of The Holy Scriptures According to the Traditional Hebrew Text |
| |
404. Old Testament |
JPS 1995 |
JPS TANAKH TANAKH: The Holy Scriptures. DetailsThe New JPS Translation according to the Masoretic (the traditional Hebrew) text. |
| |
405. |
TSB 1995 |
The Five Books of Moses: A New Translation with Introductions, Commentary, and Notes Everett Fox |
| |
406. Old Testament |
TLN 1996 |
The Living Nach Yaakov Elman |
| |
407. |
FBM 2004 |
The Five Books of Moses: A Translation with Commentary Robert Alter |
| |
408. - KJV |
SPE 2013 |
Samaritan Pentateuch in English |
| |
409. Old Testament |
MATS 2014 |
Messianic Aleph Tav Scriptures William H Sanford |
| |
410. BIBLE |
TRC 1530 |
Tyndale Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red William Tyndale Translation. William Tyndale |
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411. BIBLE |
CVB 1535 |
Coverdale Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Myles Coverdale |
| |
412. BIBLE |
TMB 1537 |
The Matthew Bible Matthew's Version W/NT of William Tyndale. John Rogers |
| |
413. BIBLE |
MSB 1539 |
Most Sacred Bible The Most Sacred Bible whiche is the holy scripture, conteyning the old and new testament, translated into English Taverner's Bible Richard Taverner |
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414. BIBLE |
GB 1539 |
Great Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Tyndale-Rogers-Coverdale-Cranmer Bible, Thomas Cromwell Version. Myles CoverdaleDetailsKing Henry VIII of England. |
| |
415. BIBLE - Geneva |
GB 1557 |
Geneva Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Первый значимый перевод Библии на английский, была основной до перевода короля Якова. |
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416. BIBLE |
BHS 1568 |
Bible That Is The Holy Scriptures The Bible That Is The Holy Scriptures. Robert Barker |
| |
417. BIBLE |
Gill 1763 |
John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible John Gill |
| |
418. BIBLE |
AGHB 1792 |
The Holy Bible, or the Books Accounted Sacred by Jews and Christian Alexander Geddes |
| |
419. BIBLE |
DMT 1799 |
David Macrae Translation David Macrae |
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420. BIBLE |
JMR 1799 |
Revised Translation and Interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures John Mead Ray |
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421. BIBLE |
JBHB 1818 |
Holy Bible Newly Translated from the Original Hebrew: with Notes Critical and Explanatory. John Bellamy |
| |
422. BIBLE |
BOOT 1833 |
New Family Bible |
| |
423. BIBLE - KJV |
RWV 1833 |
Webster Bible Noah Webster's Bible With Strong's lexiconNoah Webster |
| |
424. BIBLE |
JCHB 1841 |
Holy Bible John T ConquestDetailsThe Holy Bible, containing the Authorized Version with twenty thousand emendations. |
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425. BIBLE |
HBRV 1885 |
Holy Bible Revised Version |
| |
426. BIBLE |
PB 1885-1895 |
Pulpit Bible The Pulpit Bible. Joseph Parker |
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427. BIBLE |
RV 1885 |
Revised Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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428. BIBLE |
TNB 1886 |
Newberry Bible The Englishman's Bible. Thomas Newberry |
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429. BIBLE |
NBG 1890 |
Numberical Bible Frederick William Grant |
| |
430. BIBLE - DBY |
DBY 1890 |
Darby Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red The Holy Scriptures: A New Translation from the Original Languages by J. N. Darby. John Nelson Darby |
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431. BIBLE |
ERB 1902 |
Emphasized Bible Rotherham's Emphasized Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Joseph Bryant RotherhamDetailsTextual basis: Westcott and Hort, 1892 revision (NT). |
| |
432. BIBLE |
ABPS 1912 |
The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments: An Improved Edition |
| |
433. BIBLE |
SBK 1918 |
The Shorter Bible Charles Foster Kent |
| |
434. BIBLE |
HBW 1923 |
Holy Bible |
| |
435. BIBLE |
1924 |
The Everyday Bible |
| |
436. BIBLE |
AAT 1931 |
The Complete Bible: An American Translation The Old Testament, The Apocrypha, and the New Testament. Edgar J Goodspeed, John Merlin Powis Smith |
| |
437. BIBLE |
LBP 1933 |
Aramaic of The Peshitta: Lamsa Holy Bible Gospel of The Ancient Eastern Texts Aramaic of The Peshitta |
| |
438. BIBLE |
WVSS 1935 |
Westminster Version The Westminster Version of the Sacred Scriptures Cuthbert LatteyDetailsAn unofficial Roman Catholic version. Only the New Testament was completed; revised 1948. |
| |
439. BIBLE - Vulgata |
CB 1941 |
Confraternity Bible |
| |
440. BIBLE |
BRB 1950 |
Bible Revised Francis Barham |
| |
441. BIBLE |
ASB 1956 |
A Short Bible Austin Farrer |
| |
442. BIBLE |
PES 1957 |
The Holy Bible from Ancient Eastern Manuscripts Lamsa Bible Philadelphia: A. J. Holman Co. The New Testament was published in 1940. Based on the Syriac Peshitta version. George M LamsaDetailsContaining the Old and New Testaments, translated from the Peshitta, the authorized Bible of the Church of the East. |
| |
443. BIBLE |
NAB 1970 |
New American Bible DetailsTranslated from the Original Languages, with Critical Use of All the Ancient Sources, by Members of the Catholic Biblical Association of America. Sponsored by the Bishops' Committee of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine w/Apocrypha. |
| |
444. BIBLE |
TSB 1971 |
The Story Bible Pearl Sydenstricker Buck |
| |
445. BIBLE |
TPB 1973 |
Poetic Bible Veo Gray |
| |
446. BIBLE |
WMF 1975 |
Word Made Fresh Andrew EdingtonDetailsThe Word Made Fresh Vol. 3 NT, 2nd print 1977. |
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447. BIBLE |
TDB 1980 |
Distilled Bible Roy Greenhill |
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448. BIBLE |
RDB 1982 |
Reader's Digest Bible Condensed RSV. |
| |
449. BIBLE |
ABT 1987-1992 |
The Targums The Aramaic Bible. |
| |
450. BIBLE |
CCB 1988 |
Christian Community Bible Bernardo HuraultDetailsTranslated, Presented and Commented for the Christian Communities of the Philippines and the Third World; and for Those Who Seek God. Complete Text Translated from Hebrew and Greek. Pastoral Edition. |
| |
451. BIBLE |
GWN 1988 |
God's Word to the Nations Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Phillip B Giessler |
| |
452. BIBLE |
DBP 1989 |
Dramatized Bible Perry |
| |
453. BIBLE - KJV |
REV 1989 |
Revised English Version® John W SchoenheitDetailsNT ASV based. |
| |
454. BIBLE |
BSH 1992 |
Bible Summarized Handbook Keith L Brooks |
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455. BIBLE |
AHHS 1995 |
Holy Scriptures Alexander Harkavy |
| |
456. BIBLE |
CTH 1995 |
According to the Coptic text by G. Horner 1911 Lance Jenott |
| |
457. BIBLE - Webster |
RWB 1995 |
Revised Webster Update The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
458. BIBLE |
SISR 1996 |
Scriptures (ISR) Names replaced by Hebraic names. DetailsBased on the Rotherham version. |
| |
459. BIBLE |
CEVUK 1997 |
Contemporary English Version (Anglicised Version) |
| |
460. BIBLE |
NCNT 1997 |
New Covenant Commonly Called the New Testament Willis Barnstone |
| |
461. BIBLE |
ARA 1998 |
Aramaic Bible Victor N Alexander |
| |
462. BIBLE |
SSFOY 2000 |
Sacred Scriptures. Family of Yah Edition Mark Bowron |
| |
463. BIBLE |
UPDV 2000 |
Updated Bible Version Greg AbramsDetailsGreg Abrams (Ver. 2.16 2003-2006) © Updated Publishers (free copy & dist.). |
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464. BIBLE |
EJB 2000 |
English Jubilee Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Russell Martin Stendal |
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465. BIBLE |
AEB 2001 |
An American English Bible Jim Wheeler |
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466. BIBLE |
CE 2003 |
Clementine Edition |
| |
467. BIBLE |
ABP 2003 |
Apostolic Bible Polyglot With Strong's lexiconEnglish Text. Charles Lynn VanderPool |
| |
468. BIBLE |
GAN 2004 |
Good as New A Radical Retelling of the Scriptures. John Henson |
| |
469. BIBLE |
IB 2004 |
Inclusive Bible: The First Egalitarian Translation DetailsThe Inclusive Bible: The First Egalitarian Translation OT 2007, Priests for Equality. |
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470. BIBLE |
RSTNE 2004 |
Restoration Scriptures: True Name Edition Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky |
| |
471. BIBLE |
HCSB 2004 |
Holman Christian Standard Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Edwin BlumDetailsHoly Bible: Holman Christian Standard Bible. |
| |
472. BIBLE - Webster |
RHB 2004 |
Restored Holy Bible |
| |
473. BIBLE |
DTE 2005 |
The Writ. Dabhar Translation Fritz Henning Baader |
| |
474. BIBLE |
NJV 2005 |
The New Jubilees Version The Beloved and I: The Sacred Scriptures in English Verse Thomas McElwain |
| |
475. BIBLE - NET |
NET 2005 |
New English Translation with Full Notes The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsNET Bible. |
| |
476. BIBLE |
CEV 2006 |
Contemporary English Version (with Apocrypha) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Second Edition. Barclay M Newman |
| |
477. BIBLE |
MGB 2007 |
Manga Bible |
| |
478. BIBLE |
CPB 2008 |
Biblia Polyglotta Complutense Complutensian Polyglot Bible 123 of 600 printed survived. |
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479. BIBLE |
TFB 2008 |
Free Bible Craig Richmond |
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480. BIBLE |
CBP 2009 |
Conservative Bible Project Andrew Layton Schlafly |
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481. BIBLE |
EXB 2009 |
Expanded Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Thomas Nelson |
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482. BIBLE |
LOL 2010 |
LOLCat Bible LOLCat Bible Translation Project. Martin GrondinDetailsThomson was secretary of the Continental Congress from 1774-1789. Volumes 1-3 present the first English translation of the Septuagint. The Old Testament was reprinted by S. F. Pells in 1904 (London: Skeffington), and revised by C. A. Muses in 1954 (Indian Hills, Colorado: Falcon's Wing). |
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483. BIBLE |
CGV 2010 |
Context Group Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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484. BIBLE |
LEB 2010 |
The Lexham English Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
485. BIBLE |
ISV 2011 |
International Standard Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsAn American edition was distributed by William Wells of Boston in 1809. A fourth London edition 'with corrections and additions' was printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor in 1817. This Unitarian revision of Newcome's version (1796) provoked much indignation when it appeared. |
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486. BIBLE |
BRB 2020 |
Berean Reader's Bible |
| |
487. BIBLE |
BSB 2016, 2020 |
Berean Standard Bible |
| |
488. BIBLE |
CEB 2011 |
Common English Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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489. BIBLE |
HHBT 2012 |
Hebrew Heritage Bible Translation |
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490. BIBLE |
MB 2012 |
Mirror Bible Francois Du Toit |
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491. BIBLE |
TBE 2012 |
Transparent English Bible The Original Bible Project. James Tabor |
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492. BIBLE |
TVB 2012 |
The Voice (Bible translation) Thomas Nelson |
| |
493. BIBLE |
t4t 2014 |
Translation for Translators The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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494. BIBLE |
CSB 2017 |
Christian Standard Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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495. BIBLE |
RGT 2019 |
Revised Geneva Translation |
| |
496. Old Testament |
LOT 1853 |
Leeser Old Testament Leeser Bible Tanakh Old Testament Isaac Leeser |
| |
497. Old Testament |
CROT 1859 |
A Revised Translation of the Old Testament William G Cookesley |
| |
498. Old Testament |
HSOC 1859 |
Holy Scriptures of the Old Covenant London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts. A limited revision of the KJV. Volume 1 (1859) contains the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. Vol. 2 (1861) contains the books of Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job and Psalms. Vol. 3 (1862) contains Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Prophets. Wellbeloved is the reviser of the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Minor Prophets. Smith is the reviser of Samuel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the Lamentations. Porter is the reviser of Kings, Chronicles, Ezekiel and Daniel. Charles Wellbeloved, George Vance Smith, John Scott PorterDetailsThe Holy Scriptures of the Old Covenant, in a Revised Translation, by the late Rev. Charles Wellbeloved, the Rev. George Vance Smith, B.A., the Rev. John Scott Porter. 3 volumes. |
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499. Old Testament |
SHST 1865 |
Sharpe's Hebrew Scriptures Translated London: J. Russell Smith. A light revision of the KJV Old Testament, by an English Unitarian. Genesis 1:2 is translated “and the breath of God moved upon the face of the waters,” eliminating the reference to the Spirit of God. Sharpe (1799-1881) had published his own version of the New Testament in 1840. A detailed account of Sharpe’s life and work is given in Peter W. Clayden, Samuel Sharpe: Egyptologist and Translator of the Bible (London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Co., 1883). Samuel SharpeDetailsThe Hebrew Scriptures, Translated by Samuel Sharpe, Being a Revision of the Authorized English Old Testament, in three volumes. |
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500. Old Testament |
HSOT 1885 |
Translation of the Old Testament Scriptures from the Original Hebrew James Nisbet LondonDetailsA Translation of the Old Testament Scriptures from the Original Hebrew Helen Spurrell. |
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501. Old Testament |
ARTB 2006 |
Ancient Roots Translinear Bible (OT) A Frances Werner |
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502. Old Testament |
THF 2018 |
The heavenly fire OT |
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503. New Testament |
GJNT 1534 |
New Testament George JoyeDetailsTranslated by a Jewish Christian who is a classics scholar and philosopher. |
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504. New Testament |
OSJC 1552 |
New Testament of Our Saviour Jesu Christe William Tyndale, Richard Jugge, Theodore Irwin |
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505. New Testament |
CNT 1611 |
The New Covenant New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Based on the so-called 'Western' readings noted in the Greek Nestle text (4th edition). Other editions appeared, e.g., in 1919 published by by T. Foster Unwin of London under the title, The Adelphi New Testament; and in 1926 under the title, The Western New Testament. Edward Ernest CunningtonDetailsThe New Covenant, commonly called the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: A revision of the version of A.D. 1611. |
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506. New Testament |
NVNT 1726 |
New Version of All the Books of the New Testament Jeremiah Batley, Samuel Chandler |
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507. New Testament |
MNT 1729 |
New Testament in Greek and English London: for J. Roberts. Daniel MaceDetailsThe New Testament in Greek and English, Containing the Original Text Corrected from the Authority of the most Authentic Manuscripts: and a New Version Form’d agreeably to the Illustrations of the Most Learned Commentators and Critics: with Notes and Various Readings, and a Copious Alphabetical Index. 2 vols. |
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508. New Testament |
SIMO 1730 |
New Testament SimonDetailsA literal translation. |
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509. New Testament |
JWNT 1755 |
John Wesley New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Explanatory notes upon the New Testament. John Wesley |
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510. New Testament |
WYNN 1764 |
New Testament Carefully Collated with the Greek and Corrected. William Wynne |
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511. New Testament |
EHNT 1768 |
A Liberal Translation of the New Testament Edward HarwoodDetailsBeing An Attempt to translate the Sacred Writings with the same Freedom, Spirit, and Elegance, With which other English Translations from the Greek Classics have lately been executed with select Notes, Critical and Explanatory. 2 Vols. |
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512. New Testament |
WNT 1770 |
John Worsley's New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red John Worsley |
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513. New Testament |
WTNT 1791 |
A Translation of the New Testament Featured a paragraphed text with verse numbers in the margin. Wakefield was a prominent Unitarian minister. Gilbert Wakefield |
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514. New Testament |
THNT 1795 |
A Translation of the New Testament from the original Greek An original version by one of the founders of the London Missionary Society. Thomas HaweisDetailsHumbly attempted with a view to assist the unlearned with clearer and more explicit views of the mind of the Spirit in the Scriptures of Truth. |
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515. New Testament |
OGNT 1798 |
A Translation of the New Testament from the Original Greek The collaborating “men of piety and literature” were all of Universalist convictions. They included James Creighton (Anglican), William Vidler (Universalist), and John Cue (Sandemanian). Nathaniel ScarlettDetailsHumbly attempted by Nathaniel Scarlett, assisted by men of piety and literature. |
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516. New Testament |
IVNT 1808 |
The New Testament, in an Improved Version, upon the Basis of Archbishop Newcome's New Translation An American edition was distributed by William Wells of Boston in 1809. A fourth London edition 'with corrections and additions' was printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor in 1817. This Unitarian revision of Newcome's version (1796) provoked much indignation when it appeared. Thomas BelshamDetailsWith a Corrected Text, and Notes Critical and Explanatory. |
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517. New Testament |
WNT 1812 |
Williams New Testament A Translation in the Language of the People New Testament. Charles B WilliamsDetailsA “modern speech” version based on the Westcott & Hort text, with a some attempt to represent the nuances of Greek tenses, as Williams understood them. A slightly revised edition was published by Moody Press in 1950. |
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518. New Testament |
JEFF 1820 |
New Testament Jefferson Bible. or The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth. Thomas Jefferson |
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519. New Testament |
CVNT 1827 |
The New Testament in the Common Version, Conformed to Griesbach's Standard Greek Text John Gorham Palfrey |
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520. New Testament |
RDNT 1833 |
A New and Corrected Version of the New Testament Boston: Lilly, Wait, Colman and Holden. Rodolphus DickinsonDetailsA foppish translation by an Episcopal rector, based on the text of Griesbach 1805. Luke 1:41 is translated thus: 'And it happened, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the embryo was joyfully agitated'. Or, a minute revision, and professed translation of the original histories, memoirs, letters, prophecies, and other productions of the Evangelists and Apostles: to which are subjoined a few, generally brief, critical, explanatory and practical notes. |
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521. New Testament |
PSNT 1846 |
The Peschito Syriac New Testament Peshitta Etheridge Translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red John Wesley Etheridge |
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522. New Testament |
GNLJ 1849 |
The Good news of Our Lord Jesus, the Anointed Nathan N Whiting |
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523. New Testament |
JHNT 1856 |
New Testament John Hollybushe |
| |
524. New Testament |
NTJC 1860 |
New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Lenard ThornDetailsA literal translation of the Nestle text, supplemented with parenthetical comments to clarify the meaning of the words. |
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525. New Testament |
HANT 1863 |
New Testament for English Readers Henry AlfordDetailsThe King James Version 'with Semitic names restored to their Hebrew and Aramaic forms.'. |
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526. New Testament |
KNT 1863 |
New Testament being the English Only of the Greek and English Testament Abner Kneeland |
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527. New Testament |
EDW 1864 |
The Emphatic Diaglott The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Benjamin Wilson |
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528. New Testament |
ABU 1865 |
American Bible Union Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red New Testament ABU. DetailsThe New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. |
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529. New Testament |
CNT 1867 |
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: with Explanatory Notes and Practical Sylvanus CobbDetailsBased on the so-called 'Western' readings noted in the Greek Nestle text (4th edition). Other editions appeared, e.g., in 1919 published by by T. Foster Unwin of London under the title, The Adelphi New Testament; and in 1926 under the title, The Western New Testament. |
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530. New Testament |
RTNT 1869 |
Revised Translation of the New Testament Henry Highton |
| |
531. New Testament - KJV |
GRN 1869 |
Noyes' New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red The New Testament: Translated from the Greek text of Tischendorf, by George R. Noyes, D.D., Hancock Professor of Hebrew and Other Oriental Languages, and Dexter Lecturer on Biblical Literature, in Harvard University. George Rapall NoyesDetailsBased on Codex Sinaiticus. The Gospels are presented synoptically in parallel columns. |
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532. New Testament |
JBNT 1870 |
New Testament John BowesDetailsA fresh translation in colloquial English. The Gospels were published in 1952, four Prophets (Isaiah 1-39, Hosea, Amos, Micah) in 1963, and a revised New Testament in 1972. Phillips shares some thoughts on his work as translator in his book, Ring of Truth: A Translator's Testimony (New York: MacMillan, 1967. Revised 1978). See also the discussion in Edwin H. Robertson, The New Translations of the Bible (London: S. C. M. Press, 1959), pp. 119-132. |
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533. New Testament |
RNT 1877 |
New Testament John August RichterDetailsA version in modern speech, based on the Nestle text; slightly revised in 1934. |
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534. New Testament |
CBNT 1881 |
Compact Bible The New Testament in fewer words 1st edition. |
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535. New Testament |
SCNT 1881 |
Sinai and Comparative New Testament Edwin Leigh |
| |
536. New Testament - DBY |
DBY 1890 |
Darby Bible With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsThe Holy Scriptures A New Translation from the Original Languages. John Nelson Darby |
| |
537. New Testament |
PNT 1891 |
People's New Testament Barton Warren Johnson |
| |
538. New Testament |
NDNT 1897 |
The New Dispensation The New Testament Translated from the Greek The New Dispensation. Robert D WeekesDetailsThe New Testament translated from the Greek by Robert D. Weekes. |
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539. New Testament |
NTE 1897 |
New Testament Emphasized Charles Reynolds |
| |
540. New Testament |
CVNT 1898 |
Coptic Version of the New Testament George William HornerDetailsBased on translations from northern Egypt. |
| |
541. New Testament |
TGNT 1902 |
Translation of the New Testament from the original Greek The words of Jesus are highlighted in red The Godbey New Testament. William Baxter GodbeyDetailsTranslation of the New Testament from the Original Greek. |
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542. New Testament |
1904 |
The New Testament Revised and Translated |
| |
543. New Testament |
UNT 1909 |
University New Testament The University New Testament in Modern Historical and Literary Form, for the Church, the School, and the Home, Embracing the Life of Jesus. S Townsend Weaver |
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544. New Testament |
NTM 1913 |
New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red James Moffatt |
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545. New Testament |
NumNT 1914 |
Numeric English New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red The New Testament from the Greek text as established by Bible Numerics. Ivan Panin |
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546. New Testament |
RNT 1914 |
Restored New Testament According to ancient philosophy and psychology. James Morgan Pryse |
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547. New Testament |
LMNT 1915 |
Literary Man’s New Testament William Leonard CourtneyDetailsA translation by a classical scholar. The parts first appeared separately in 1979 and 1982. |
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548. New Testament |
RNT 1923 |
The Riverside New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red William G BallantineDetailsA translation from the original Greek into the English of to-day. |
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549. New Testament |
CTNT 1924 |
The Centenary Translation of the New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Montgomery New Testament. Helen Barrett Montgomery |
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550. New Testament |
1926 |
The Western New Testament |
| |
551. New Testament |
COM 1926 |
Comprehensive New Testament Edited by Clontz, Clontz |
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552. New Testament |
CBNT 1928 |
Christian’s Bible — New Testament George N Lefevre |
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553. New Testament |
RWP 1930 |
Word Pictures in the New Testament Archibald Thomas Robertson |
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554. New Testament |
DNT 1934 |
Documents of the New Testament George Woosung Wade |
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555. New Testament |
WIL 1937 |
The New Testament: In the Language of the People Charles Bray Williams |
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556. New Testament |
NTAT 1938 |
The New Testament A Translation Edgar Lewis Clementson |
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557. New Testament |
TNTT 1938 |
New Testament--Translation Johannes Greber |
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558. New Testament |
NTV 1955 |
The New Testament in Verse: From the Bible in Verse Alvy E Ford |
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559. New Testament |
NNT 1961 |
Noli New Testament Based on the traditional Greek Byzantine text. Fan S NoliDetailsThe New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Translated into English from the Approved Greek Text of the Church of Constantinople and the Church of Greece. |
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560. New Testament |
WET 1961 |
The New Testament: An Expanded Translation Wuest Expanded Translation This is a one-volume edition of a translation which was first published in 3 volumes, 1956-59, under the title, Wuest's Expanded translation of the Greek New Testament. Kenneth S Wuest |
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561. New Testament |
LNT 1962 |
The New Testament Richmond A LattimoreDetailsA translation by a classical scholar. The parts first appeared separately in 1979 and 1982. |
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562. New Testament |
JPNT 1972 |
Jesus People New Testament A New Translation in Modern English. Olaf Morgan Norlie |
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563. New Testament |
CCNT 1977 |
The Christian Counselors New Testament A New Translation in Everyday English with Notations .. Jay E Adams |
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564. New Testament |
JAVNT 1978 |
New Testament Judean & Authorized Version |
| |
565. New Testament |
PBNT 1978 |
New Testament Picture Bible The New Testament Picture Bible Hoth & Le Blanc. DetailsBased on the Greek text underlying the English Revised Version; 'Plain English' comprises a simplified vocabulary of 1,500 words, and is supplemented by some 170 words explained in a glossary. Reprinted 1963 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans). |
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566. New Testament |
VNT 1980 |
Variorum Edition of the New Testament William Sanday, Alfred Goodwin, Robert Lowes Clarke |
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567. New Testament |
BNC 1984 |
Book of the New Covenant Granville. Duncan |
| |
568. New Testament |
WPNT 1986 |
Word of Promise (next generation) New Testament DetailsThe Word of Promise (next generation) New Testament. |
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569. New Testament |
MCT 1988 |
McCord's New Testament Translation of the Everlasting Gospel. Hugo McCord, McCord'sDetailsAn accurate translation of the inspired Word of God in an easily understood modern day English. |
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570. New Testament |
CLBV 1989-1989 |
The Clarified Bible: New Testament Clarified New Testament Heinrich (Heinz) Walter Cassirer |
| |
571. New Testament |
NETNT 1992 |
New Evangelical Translation Holy Bible New Testament. DetailsBased on the traditional Greek Byzantine text. |
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572. New Testament |
ABNT 1995 |
The African Bible New Testament Family Edition. Conor Murphy |
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573. New Testament |
AIV 1995 |
New Testament and Psalms: An Inclusive Version Victor R GoldDetailsA politically correct adaptation of the NRSV which eliminates all 'oppressive' features of the Bible. |
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574. New Testament |
ANCJ 1996 |
Aramaic New Covenant A translation and transliteration of the New Covenant. DetailsTranslated by a Jewish scholar to reflect 'the atmosphere of the period in which the documents were written.'. |
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575. New Testament |
DRP 1998 |
Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments David R PalmerDetailsUpdated OT of ASV, NT by Palmer 2011. |
| |
576. New Testament |
TCE 1999 |
The Common Edition New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Timothy E Clontz |
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577. New Testament |
OONT 2003 |
New Testament In Its ORIGINAL ORDER: A Faithful Version StephensDetailsThe New Testament In Its ORIGINAL ORDER: A Faithful Version Byzantine Greek 1550. |
| |
578. New Testament |
UNT 2003 |
Unvarnished New Testament Andy Gaus |
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579. New Testament |
TSNT 2004 |
Source New Testament Extensive notes on Greek word meaning. Anne Nyland |
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580. New Testament |
FAA 2005 |
Far Above All The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Maurice A Robinson, William G Pierpont |
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581. New Testament |
GBNT 2005 |
Great Book New Testament Hannah Hurnard |
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582. New Testament |
BLB 2006 |
Better Life Bible New Testament Dan Sindlinger |
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583. New Testament |
TNT 2008 |
Translator's New Testament Alvin Cordes |
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584. New Testament |
JMNT 2010 |
Jonathan Mitchell New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red A literal translation from the Syriac Peshito version. Jonathan Paul MitchellDetailsJewish aspects of the New Testament are emphasized, with explanatory footnotes for gentile readers. Based on the United Bible Societies Greek New Testament (3rd edition). |
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585. New Testament |
SBLNT 2010 |
Greek New Testament SBL Edition Michael William Holmes |
| |
586. New Testament |
BOOKS 2011 |
The Books of the Bible NT |
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587. New Testament |
EMTV 2011 |
English Majority Text Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Paul W Esposito |
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588. New Testament |
NTE 2011 |
The Kingdom New Testament: A Contemporary Translation With Strong's lexicon1st ed. Nicholas Thomas Wright |
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589. New Testament |
NTE 2011 |
New Testament for Everyone The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Morphological formsNicholas Thomas WrightDetailsScripture quotations from The New Testament for Everyone are copyright © Nicholas Thomas Wright 2011. |
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590. New Testament |
AENT 2012 |
Aramaic English New Testament Andrew Gabriel RothDetailsA politically correct adaptation of the NRSV which eliminates all 'oppressive' features of the Bible. |
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591. New Testament |
WTNT 2012 |
Wilton Translation of the New Testamnet Clyde C WiltonDetailsThe Wilton Translation of the New Testamnet 2014. |
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592. New Testament |
WPNT 2015 |
Wilbur Pickering’s New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Wilbur N Pickering |
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593. New Testament |
BV 2016 |
The Sovereign Creator Has Spoken Wilbur N Pickering |
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594. New Testament |
NMB 2016 |
New Matthew Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Morphological formsRuth Magnusson (Davis) |
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595. New Testament |
EHV 2017 |
Evangelical Heritage Version, New Testament & Psalms The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Morphological forms |
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596. New Testament |
TPT 2017 |
The Passion Translation Brian SimmonsDetailsNew Testament with Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Songs. |
| |
597. Some books |
PSTS 1812 |
Certayne Psalmes chose out of the Psalter Thomas StarnholdDetailsMetrical psalter. |
| |
598. Psalms - Psalms |
PSSH 1812 |
Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, others |
| |
599. Some books |
LEP 1864 |
Life and Epistles of St. Paul William John Conybeare, John Saul Howson |
| |
600. Some books |
PSI 1886 |
Praise Songs of Israel A New Rendering of the Book of Psalms. John De Witt |
| |
601. Some books |
NTG 1890 |
Translation of the Gospels Andrews Norton |
| |
602. Some books |
GWC 1915 |
The Trench Epistles GWC Gerald Warre-Cornish |
| |
603. Some books |
BBC 1920 |
Black Bible Chronicles McCary |
| |
604. Some books |
THR 1920 |
Book of Amos Theodore H RobinsonDetailsTranslated into colloquial English. |
| |
605. Gospel |
TFG 1933 |
The Four Gospels A New Translation. Charles Cutler Torrey |
| |
606. Some books |
ILNT 1956 |
Inspired Letters In Clearest English Frank C LaubachDetailsThe Inspired Letters In Clearest English. |
| |
607. Some books |
SOS 1959 |
Song of Songs Hugh J Schonfield |
| |
608. Gospel - bibles |
CPV Cotton Pat-1963 |
Cotton Patch Gospel Clarence Jordan Details0 |
| |
609. Some books - Catholic |
AHG 1992 |
Alba House Gospels (Catholic) Mark WauckDetailsOne of the first translations of the Greek text done by a Roman Catholic. The complete New Testament appeared in 1937. |
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610. Gospel |
SV 1992 |
Scholars Version A.k.a. Five Gospels; four gospels & Gospel of Thomas. James Russell Miller |
| |
611. Some books |
L21 1996 |
Living Water: The Gospel of John Arthur L FarstadDetailsLogos 21st century version of John. |
| |
612. BIBLE |
IB 1976 |
Interlinear Bible Hebrew/Greek/English Sr Jay Patrick Green |
| |
613. New Testament |
GRBNT 1974 |
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament George Richter BerryDetailsAn English version of Tischendorf 1856, by a Unitarian. The manuscript was at the printer when Noyes died in 1868, and it was seen through the press with some editorial alterations by Ezra Abbott. |
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614. New Testament |
MRINT 2011 |
Mounce Reverse-Interlinear New Testament Robert H Mounce, William D Mounce |
| |
615. New Testament |
iESVTH 2017 |
The Interliniar English-Greek New Testament With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsESV + GNT Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge. DetailsThe Greek New Testament is priceless in its value as it is how God has given us his revelation of the gospel and of Jesus Christ. While a few trusted Greek texts are in print, significant advances have been made in Greek translation studies of the New Testament since a standard text was adopted by academics in 1975. The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition has been created under the oversight of editors Dr. Dirk Jongkind (St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge) and Dr. Peter Williams (Tyndale House, Cambridge). Together with their team, they have taken a rigorously philological approach to reevaluating the standard text—reexamining spelling and paragraph decisions as well as allowing more recent discoveries related to scribal habits to inform editorial decisions. Ideal for students, scholars, and pastors alike, and published to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition is a groundbreaking contribution to biblical scholarship. |
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616. New Testament |
OCT 2019 |
MCT Octuagint |
| |
617. Old Testament - KJV |
ILT 1951 |
Interlinear Literal Translation of the Hebrew Old Testament With the King James Version and the Revised Version Conveniently Placed in the Margins for Ready Reference, and with Explanatory Textural Footnotes, Supplemented by Tables of the Hebrew Verb, and the Hebrew Alphabet. George Richter Berry |
| |
618. Old Testament |
Interlinear Hebrew Old Testament with Strong's Number Hebrew Old Testament Interlinear With Strong's lexicon |
| |
619. BIBLE |
APB 1764 |
A New and Literal Translation of All the Books of the Old and New Testament with Notes Critical and Explanatory 2 Vols. Anthony Purver |
| |
620. BIBLE |
QB 1764 |
Quaker Bible A new and literal translation of all the books of the Old and New Testament; with notes critical and explanatory |
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621. BIBLE |
YLT 1862 |
Young's Literal Translation of the Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Robert YoungDetailsThe Holy Bible literally and idiomatically translated out of the original languages. |
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622. BIBLE |
SLT 1876 |
Julia E. Smith Parker Translation The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments The first Bible translation by a woman. Julia Evelina Smith |
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623. BIBLE |
YLT 1898 |
Young's Literal Translation of the Bible |
| |
624. BIBLE |
FF 1903 |
Ferrar Fenton Bible The Holy Bible in Modern English Ferrar Fenton Bible. Ferrar FentonDetailsThe Holy Bible in Modern English, containing the complete sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, translated into English direct from the original Hebrew, Chaldee and Greek languages. |
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625. BIBLE |
CV 1926 |
Concordant version The version resembles Young's Literal Translation, being hyper-literal, but it was evidently designed to support Knoch's peculiar teachings, which included such heretical doctrines as Universalism, 'soul sleep,' Arminian soteriology, and Arian Christology. He avoids orthodox interpretations by various means, as for example in his treatment of the Greek word aionios ('eternal'). Knoch translates this word 'eonian' instead of 'eternal,' and explains in his writings that this adjective should be understood in the sense 'pertaining to the æon' or 'age-long.' By this means he obscures the biblical teaching on the soul's immortality and the eternal punishment of the unredeemed. Knoch had no formal education in the biblical languages. Adolph Ernst KnochDetailsBy means of a restored Greek text, with various readings, conforming, as far as possible, to the inspired autographs, a consistent sublinear based upon a standard English equivalent for each Greek element, and an idiomatic, emphasized English version with notes, which are linked together and correlated for the English reader by means of an English concordance and lexicon and a complementary list of the Greek elements. |
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626. BIBLE |
LIT 1985 |
A Literal Translation of The Bible Sr Jay Patrick Green |
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627. BIBLE - ASB |
AMPC 1987 |
Amplified Bible Classic Edition Расширенный перевод Библии с пояснениями. Frances E Siewert |
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628. BIBLE |
LITV 1993 |
Green's Literal Translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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629. BIBLE |
MLV 1999-2019 |
Modern Literal Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Holy Bible, Modern Literal Version |
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630. BIBLE - KJV |
KJ3 2006 |
King James 3 — The Literal Translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Sr Jay Patrick Green |
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631. BIBLE - KJV |
VW 2006 |
A Voice in the Wilderness The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Paul BeckerDetailsEnglish translation of the Bible from the Masoretic and Textus Receptus Hebrew/Greek texts. A 'Literal' translation with the readability of a NKJV or MKJV. |
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632. BIBLE - ASB |
LEV 2014 |
Literal English Version of Scripture Shem Qadosh Version. Jonathan A BrownDetailsBased on the World English Bible. |
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633. BIBLE - ASB |
AMP 2015 |
Amplified Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Расширенный перевод Библии с пояснениями. Frances E Siewert |
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634. BIBLE |
LSV 2020 |
Literal Standard Version |
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635. BIBLE |
LSV 2020 |
Literal Standard Version |
| |
636. Old Testament |
SET 1996 |
Stone Edition of the Tanach Side-by-side Hebrew and English. |
| |
637. Old Testament |
ALB 2009 |
A Literary Bible: An Original Translation David Rosenburg |
| |
638. New Testament |
JMNT 1795 |
A New Literal Translation from the Original Greek, of All the Apostolical Epistles Edinburgh and London. First published in four volumes from 1787-1795. A second edition, in six volumes, was published in London by Longmans & Co., 1806, and in Boston by W. Wells and T.B. Wait & Co., 1810. Reprints of the second edition in one large volume were later published in Philadelphia, 1835 and 1841. The most recent reprint (of the one-volume edition) was issued by Baker Book House in Grand Rapids, 1984. The text of MacKnight’s translation, minus the notes, was reprinted in The New Testament Translated from the Original Greek, by G. Campbell, P. Doddridge and J. MacKnight. London: John Lepard, 1818. This text was revised by Alexander Campbell for his edition of the New Testament published in 1826. Another similar edition containing MacKnight’s translation, unrevised, was published in London by Wightman and Cramp in. James MacKnightDetailsWith a Commentary, and Notes Philological, Critical, Explanatory, and Practical. In Four Volumes. To which is Added a History of the Life of the Apostle Paul. |
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639. New Testament |
GENT 1823 |
H KAINH DIAQHKH. The New Testament, in Greek and English Abner KneelandDetailsThe Greek According to Griesbach; the English upon the basis of the fourth London edition of the Improved Version, with an attempt to further improvement from the translations of Campbell, Wakefield, Scarlett, MacKnight, and Thomson. In Two Volumes. By Abner Kneeland, Minister of the First Independent Church of Christ, called Universalist, in Philadelphia. |
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640. New Testament |
Murd 1851 |
James Murdock Translation of the Peshitta The New Testament, A Literal Translation from the Syriac Peshito Version. James Murdock |
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641. New Testament |
YLR 1898 |
Young's Literal Translation, Revised Edition A strictly literal translation. |
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642. New Testament |
CLNT 1966 |
The Concordant Literal New Testament |
| |
643. New Testament |
AUV 1995 |
An Understandable Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red William E PaulDetailsA literal translation of the Nestle text, supplemented with parenthetical comments to clarify the meaning of the words. |
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644. New Testament |
ALT 1999 |
Analytical Literal Translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Gary F Zeolla |
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645. New Testament |
LTNTB 2008 |
Literally Translated New Testament Bible Biily J MooneyhamDetailsThe King James text with archaic expressions replaced by modern English. |
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646. New Testament |
DLNT 2011 |
Disciples’ Literal New Testament |
| |
647. Some books |
LSP 1906 |
Letters of St. Paul Arthur S WayDetailsThe Letters of St. Paul side-by-side Hebrew and English. |
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648. Some books |
SNT 1947 |
Swann New Testament A literal translation. George SwannDetailsThe New Testament Translated from the Greek text of Westcott and Hort. |
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649. Some books |
VRGS 1980 |
Versified Rendering of the Complete Gospel Story Details4 gospels written in poetic form. |
| |
650. BIBLE |
MSG 1993, 2002 |
The Message The Bible in Contemporary Language The words of Jesus are highlighted in red The Bible in Contemporary Language. Eugene Hoiland Peterson |
| |
651. BIBLE |
TLB-EMB 2004 |
Every Man's Bible: New Living Translation thousands of notes on topics just for men―work, sex, competition, integrity, and more. |
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652. BIBLE |
WB 1895-1898 |
The Woman’s Bible Elizabeth Cady Stanton |
| |
653. BIBLE |
OCB 1927 |
Older Children’s Bible |
| |
654. BIBLE - KJV |
CKJV 1962 |
The Children's King James Bible Children's Version of The Holy Bible. Sr Jay Patrick Green |
| |
655. New Testament |
WPE 1963 |
New Testament in Plain English Charles Kingsley Williams |
| |
656. BIBLE |
PEB 1978 |
Plain English Bible Simple English Bible q.v. SEB. DetailsA simplified version 'in the spirit of the King James Version'; revised as The King James II Bible, 1971. |
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657. BIBLE |
NCV 1987 |
New Century Version Morphological formsБиблия для детей на простом английском. DetailsThe everyday Bible. |
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658. BIBLE |
WGCIB 2010 |
Work of God Children Illustrated Bible DetailsThe Work of God Children Illustrated Bible. |
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659. BIBLE |
ICB 2015 |
International Children’s Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Thomas Nelson |
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660. New Testament |
LONT 1826 |
The Living Oracles The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Alexander Campbell's Living Oracles New Testament. Alexander Campbell |
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661. BIBLE |
NLV 1969 |
New Life Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Gleason Ledyard, Kathryn LedyardDetailsSimplified English translation. |
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662. BIBLE - ASB |
TLB 1971 |
The Living Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Kenneth Nathaniel TaylorDetailsThe New Testament was published in 1967. An interpretive paraphrase of the American Standard Version (1901). |
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663. BIBLE - ERV |
EVD 1978 |
English Version for the Deaf Holy Bible Aka Easy-to-Read Version ERV. |
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664. Some books |
TB 1984 |
The Book Special ed. of the Living Bible 1971. Kenneth Nathaniel TaylorDetailsBased on Torrey's reconstruction of hypothetical Aramaic documents underlying the Greek Gospels. Book of Revelation published in 1958. |
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665. BIBLE - NIV |
NIrV 1996 |
New International Reader's Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsRevised in 1984 and 2011. The New Testament first appeared in 1973. |
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666. Some books |
GLW 1996 |
God's Living Word The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Michael Paul Johnson |
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667. BIBLE |
IEB 1998 |
International English Bible Aka Simple English Bible q.v. SEB. Dr Andrew JacksonDetailsA very simple 'dynamic equivalence' version, also published as the International Children's Bible. |
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668. BIBLE - ERV |
ERV 2005 |
Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Dr Trennis E Killian |
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669. BIBLE |
NLT 2007 |
New Living Translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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670. BIBLE |
NLT 2015 |
New Living Translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Mark R NortonDetailsHoly Bible, New Living Translation 1999, Second Edition 2004, update 2007. |
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671. BIBLE - Catholic |
NLT-CE 2016 |
New Living Translation Catholic Edition |
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672. New Testament |
BWE 1959 |
Bible In Worldwide English The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Annie Cressman |
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673. New Testament |
NSNT 1961 |
Norlie's Simplified New Testament w/Psalms Olaf Morgan NorlieDetailsThe New Testament in Modern English. |
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674. BIBLE |
BBE 1965 |
Bible in Basic English The words of Jesus are highlighted in red The Basic Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments in Basic English. Samuel Henry HookeDetailsBasic English vocabulary of 850 words proposed as an international auxiliary language, with an additional 150 biblical words. |
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675. BIBLE |
GNB 1976 |
Good News Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Today's English Version. |
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676. BIBLE |
TEB 1980 |
The Easy Bible Robert Reed Tucker |
| |
677. BIBLE - Catholic |
GNT-CE 1992 |
Good News Bible Catholic Edition Today's English Version. |
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678. BIBLE |
GW 1995 |
God's Word New Evangelical Translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Today’s English Version, Second Edition. Eugene W Bunkowske |
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679. BIBLE - KJV |
KJVer 2001 |
Holy Bible: King James Version Easy Reader KJVer (Easy Reader). |
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680. BIBLE |
GNT 2001 |
Good News Translation (US Version) Today’s English Version, Second Edition. |
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681. New Testament |
HNC 2002 |
Holy New Covenant The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
682. BIBLE |
NSBJ 2003 |
New Simplified Bible Jehovah Version James R MadsenDetailsIn 1961 Norlie's Simplified New Testament in plain English for Today's Reader was published by Zondervan; reprinted in 1962 as The Children's Simplified New Testament. |
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683. New Testament |
FBV 2003 |
The Free Bible Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
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684. BIBLE |
NSB 2004 |
New Simplified Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red James R Madsen |
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685. BIBLE |
EE 2005 |
EasyEnglish Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red 1200 word vocabulary. |
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686. New Testament |
SENT 2008 |
Spoken English New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red A New Translation from the Greek. J Webb Mealy |
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687. New Testament |
FBVNT 2018 |
Free Bible Version New Testament with Psalms Free Bible Version New Testament with Psalms |
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688. BIBLE - KJV |
SKJV 2022 |
Simplified King James Version |
| |
689. BIBLE |
FMHB 1850 |
Holy Bible Josiah Forshal, E MaddenDetailsRevised with inclusive language in 1992. The New Testament (Good News for Modern Man) appeared in 1966. A paraphrastic version, designed to be easily understood by all. |
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690. BIBLE - ASB |
LAS 1861 |
The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments Leicester Ambrose SawyerDetailsThe New Testament was published in 1967. An interpretive paraphrase of the American Standard Version (1901). |
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691. BIBLE |
CW 1994 |
Clear Word An expanded paraphrase of the Bible to nurture faith and growth Non-official Seventh-day Adventist. Jack J Blanco |
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692. BIBLE - Catholic |
CEV 1995 |
Contemporary English Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Also known as Bible for Today's Family. Barclay M NewmanDetailsA paraphrastic version, at a fourth grade reading level. |
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693. New Testament |
1703 |
A Paraphrase and Commentary on the New Testament The second volume of this paraphrase of the New Testament was first published as A Paraphrase and Commentary upon all the Epistles of the New Testament in 1700. Whitby was a learned Arminian controversialist, who after 1712 advocated Arian views. His most famous work was an anti-Calvinist treatise entitled A Discourse concerning the True Import of the Words Election and Reprobation, etc. (London: John Wyat, 1710). Daniel WhitbyDetailsA Paraphrase and Commentary on the New Testament, containing the Gospels, the Acts, all the Epistles, with a discourse of the Millenium. 2 vols. |
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694. New Testament |
FE 1756 |
Family Expositor First published in 6 volumes. Volume 1, “Containing the Former Part of The History of our Lord Jesus Christ, As recorded by the Four Evangelists, Disposed in the Order of an Harmony,” was printed by John Wilson in London, 1739. Volume 2, continuing the Gospels, appeared in 1740. Volume 3, containing the Acts of the Apostles, was printed by J. Waugh, 1748. Doddridge died in 1751, but he had completed the whole work in manuscript, and the remaining volumes were published by J. Waugh under the care of Job Orton. Volume 4, containing the Epistles to the Romans and Corinthians, was published in 1753; volumes 5 (Galatians to Philemon) and 6 (Hebrews to Revelation) appeared in 1756. There were many subsequent reprint editions. Philip DoddridgeDetailsThe Family Expositor or a Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament; with Critical Notes; and a Practical Improvement of each Section. |
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695. New Testament |
WB 1895 |
Welcome Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Based on the Textus Receptus, NonCommercial. Len Gane |
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696. New Testament |
WAS 1904 |
Worrell New Testament Adolphus S WorrellDetailsWith Notes and Instructions designed to aid the earnest Reader in obtaining a clear Understanding of the doctrines, Ordinances, and primitive Assemblies as revealed in these Scriptures. A free translation with moderate interpretation, verging on paraphrase. |
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697. Some books |
TLP 1965 |
The Letters of Paul: An Expanded Paraphrase Frederick F BruceDetailsPrinted in Parallel with the Revised Version with Fuller References by Drs. Scrivener, Moulton & Greenup. |
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698. New Testament |
WBNT 1969 |
A New Translation A free translation with moderate interpretation, verging on paraphrase. William BarclayDetailsThis is a one-volume edition of a translation which was first published in 3 volumes, 1956-59, under the title, Wuest's Expanded translation of the Greek New Testament. |
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699. New Testament |
Rem 2005 |
The Remedy The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Morphological formsThe Remedy New Testament Expanded Paraphrase In Everyday English Timothy R Jennings |
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700. New Testament |
INT 2020 |
The Interpreted New Testament: An Expanded Paraphrase Дэниел М. Бёргер Daniel M Boerger |
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701. BIBLE - LXX |
LXXCT 1808 |
Thomson LXX & NT Charles ThomsonDetailsThe Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Covenant, commonly called the Old and New Testament: translated from the Greek. |
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702. BIBLE - LXX |
1844 |
The Septuagint version of the Old Testament Brenton's English Translation of the Septuagint Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton |
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703. BIBLE - LXX |
ABC 2002-2004 |
Apostles' Bible Complete The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Paul W Esposito |
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704. BIBLE - LXX |
HOB 2003 |
Holy Orthodox Bible |
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705. BIBLE - LXX |
EOB 2011 |
Eastern/Greek Orthodox Bible |
| |
706. Old Testament - LXX |
LXXBR 1851 |
Septuagint Greek & English Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton |
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707. Old Testament - LXX |
LXXRH 1860 |
Septuagint OT hebrew into greek w/Apocrypha. Rahlfs-Hanhart |
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708. Old Testament - LXX |
NETS 2007 |
New English Translation of the Septuagint Allen Pietersma, Benjamin G Wright |
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709. Old Testament - LXX |
LXX-US 2012 |
Septuagint in American English Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton |
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710. Old Testament - LXX |
LXXE 2012 |
English version of the Septuagint Bible Septuagint in British/International English Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton |
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711. Old Testament - LXX |
LES 2013 |
Lexham English Septuagint |
| |
712. BIBLE - Vulgata |
DRB 1609-1610 |
Douay-Rheims Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Translated from Latin Vulgate. DetailsThe Holy Bible Douay Rheims Version. |
| |
713. BIBLE - Vulgata |
DRB 1752 |
Douay-Rheims Bible, Challoner Revision The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Translated from Latin Vulgate. Richard ChallonerDetailsThe Holy Bible Douay Rheims Version. |
| |
714. BIBLE - Vulgata |
KNOX 1949 |
Knox Bible Knox's Translation of the Vulgate Ronald Arbuthnott Knox |
| |
715. BIBLE - Vulgata |
KNX 1955 |
The Holy Bible; A Translation from the Latin Vulgate in the Light of the Hebrew and Greek Originals Ronald A Knox |
| |
716. New Testament - Vulgata |
LSNT 1893 |
The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Translated out of the original Greek, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. DetailsThe Common English Version, Corrected by the Final Committee of the American Bible Union. |
| |
717. BIBLE - Catholic |
RV 1895 |
Revised Version with Apocrypha The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Morphological forms |
| |
718. BIBLE - Catholic |
CCD 1958 |
Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation w/Apocrypha |
| |
719. BIBLE - Catholic |
JB 1966 |
The Jerusalem Bible Alexander JonesDetailsA heavily annotated version by Roman Catholic scholars, notable for its excellent literary quality. A revision called The New Jerusalem Bible appeared in 1985. |
| |
720. BIBLE - Catholic |
TBR 1969 |
Bible Reader Walter M Abbott, S J Rabbi Arthur Gilbert, Rolfe Lanier Hunt, J Carter SwaimDetailsAn interfaith version w/Apocrypha. |
| |
721. BIBLE - Catholic |
NEB 1970 |
The New English Bible Charles Harold Dodd |
| |
722. BIBLE - Catholic |
TAB 1971 |
The abbreviated Bible James Leslie McCary, Mark McElhaneyDetailsEliminates duplications w/Apocrypha. |
| |
723. BIBLE - Catholic |
NJB 1985 |
New Jerusalem Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Roman Catholic. Dom Henry Wansbrough |
| |
724. BIBLE - Catholic |
DSSB 1999 |
Dead Sea Scrolls Bible The Oldest Known Bible Translated for the First Time into English. Martin G Abegg Jr, Peter Flint, Eugene UlrichDetailsTranslated from DSS documents w/Apocrypha. |
| |
725. BIBLE - Catholic |
NCPB 2005 |
New Cambridge Paragraph Bible w/Apocrypha Previous ed 1873. David NortonDetailsThe New Testament appeared in 1961. |
| |
726. BIBLE - Catholic |
CPDV 2009 |
Catholic Public Domain Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ronald L Conte Jr |
| |
727. BIBLE - Catholic |
NABRE 2011 |
New American Bible (Revised Edition) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsThe New Testament first appeared in 1963. A conservative literal revision of the American Standard Version (1901). |
| |
728. New Testament - Catholic |
SCM 1941 |
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Francis Aloysius SpencerDetailsThis is one of the first translations of the Greek text done by Roman Catholics. Spencer had published a translation of the four Gospels in 1898, and had completed a translation of the remainder of the New Testament by the time of his death in 1913. The remainder went unpublished until Callan and McHugh revised Spencer's complete translation for this volume. Translated into English from the original Greek by the Very Rev. Francis Aloysius Spencer, O.P.; edited by Charles J. Callan, O.P., and John A. McHugh, O.P. |
| |
729. New Testament - Catholic |
KLNT 1954 |
The New Testament Rendered from the Original Greek with Explanatory Notes Kleist-Lilly New Testament Based on the Greek text edited by the Jesuit scholar José Bover, in Novi Testamenti Biblia Graeca et Latina (Madrid). James A Kleist, Joseph L LillyDetailsPart One, The Four Gospels, translated by James A. Kleist, S. J.; Part two, The Acts of the Apostles, Epistles, and Apocalypse translated by Joseph L. Lilly, C. M. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co., 1954. A modern-language translation with introductions and notes, by two Roman Catholic scholars. |
| |
730. New Testament - Catholic |
INT 1994 |
The Inclusive New Testament Produced by dissident Roman Catholics. Craig R SmithDetailsA revamping of Scripture according to the latest rules of political correctness. |
| |
731. BIBLE |
AVDDV 1999 |
New Van Dyck Bible Reduced Vocalization with Helps. |
| |
732. BIBLE |
AVD 1999 |
الكتاب المقدس New Van Dyck Bible (Full Vocalization with Helps) |
| |
733. BIBLE |
SAB 2016 |
شريف Sharif Arabic Bible |
| |
734. BIBLE |
LA |
Live Arabic (targamet El hayah) |
| |
735. BIBLE |
SVDA 1865 |
فانديك Smith & Van Dyke Arabic Bible |
| |
736. BIBLE - ERV |
ERV-AR 2009 |
Arabic Bible: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
737. BIBLE - NIV |
NAV 1997 |
كتاب الحياة Book of Life |
| |
738. BIBLE |
GNA 1993 |
الترجمة العربية المشتركة مع الكتب اليونانية Good News Arabic Bible with DC |
| |
739. BIBLE |
SAT 2009 |
الكتاب المقدس، الترجمة العربية المبسطة |
| |
740. New Testament |
TMA 2008 |
True Meaning Arabic |
| |
741. New Testament |
aebNT 2018 |
العهد الجديد بالعربية التونسية Tunisian Arabic New Testament |
| |
742. New Testament |
aryNT 2012 |
الترجمة المغربية القياسية Moroccan Standard Translation |
| |
743. New Testament |
كَلِمَةُ يَهُوَه إِيلْوهِيم إله إِبْراهِيم إِسْحاق وَيَعْقُوب. Original God's Name's Van Dyck Bible |
| |
744. BIBLE |
CAV 2018 |
الترجمة الكاثوليكيّة (اليسوعيّة) Catholic Arabic Version |
| |
745. BIBLE |
ANV 2016 |
Die Nuwe Afrikaanse Bybel |
| |
746. BIBLE |
ABA 2007 |
Bybel vir almal |
| |
747. BIBLE |
AFR 1953 |
Afrikaans |
| |
748. BIBLE |
AFR 1983 |
Afrikaans |
| |
749. BIBLE |
DB 2006 |
Die Boodskap |
| |
750. BIBLE |
NLV 2011 |
Nuwe Lewende Vertaling |
| |
751. BIBLE |
AFR 1953 |
Die Bybel Bible Afrikaans The words of Jesus are highlighted in red J D du Toit, E E van Rooyen, J D Kestell, H C M Fourie, BB Keet |
| |
752. New Testament |
KBMNT 1984 |
Yisu Kilisi ane Binge Vie Giengk Iwal Avos |
| |
753. BIBLE |
কিতাবুল মোকাদ্দস |
| |
754. BIBLE |
BCL 2016 |
পবিএ বাইবেল CL Bible Bengali C.L. Bible |
| |
755. BIBLE |
BOV 2016 |
পবিত্র বাইবেল O.V. (BSI) Bengali O.V. Bible |
| |
756. BIBLE |
BENBL 2001 |
পবিত্র বাইবেল Bengali Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Version All rights reserved. |
| |
757. BIBLE |
MBCL 2006 |
Kitabul Mukkadas |
| |
758. BIBLE |
ROVU 2001 |
পবিত্র বাইবেল (কেরী ভার্সন) |
| |
759. BIBLE |
SBCL 2000 |
Pobitro Baibel |
| |
760. BIBLE |
BCV 2019 |
বাংলা সমকালীন সংস্করণ The Holy Bible, Bengali Contemporary Version |
| |
761. BIBLE |
BIRV 2017 |
বাংলা বাইবেল Bengali Indian Revised Version Bible |
| |
762. New Testament - ERV |
ERV-BN 2006 |
Bengali Bible: Easy-to-Read |
| |
763. BIBLE |
BJB 1840 |
Burmese Bible Adoniram Judson |
| |
764. BIBLE |
BurB 1825 |
Burmese (Myanmar) Bible Adoniram Judson |
| |
765. BIBLE |
myCL 2005 |
Common Language Bible |
| |
766. BIBLE |
myJB 1933 |
Judson Bible McGuire revision. |
| |
767. BIBLE |
mySB 2014-2017 |
Myanmar Standard Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
768. BIBLE |
GHB 1928 |
Garrad Bible Garrad Holy Bible |
| |
769. BIBLE |
BG 2008 |
Българска Библия Text Revision The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ревизирано издание 1940. |
| |
770. BIBLE |
VBG 2010 |
Библия |
| |
771. BIBLE |
BG 1871 |
Цариградската Библия Konstantin Fotinov, Petko Slaveykov, Hristodul Sichan-Nikolov |
| |
772. BIBLE |
BB 1940 |
Българска Библия: Придворна печатница |
| |
773. BIBLE |
БЛБ 2001 |
Библейски текст: Ревизирано издание The words of Jesus are highlighted in red На ревизираното издание от 1924 г. на протестантския превод на Библията на български език от 1871 г. |
| |
774. BIBLE |
РИ 2015 |
Библия, ревизирано издание |
| |
775. BIBLE |
РИ 2015 |
Библия, ревизирано издание Bulgarian Protestant Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
776. BIBLE |
РИВ 2010 |
Библия |
| |
777. BIBLE - Synodal |
BSB 1924 |
Синодалната Библия Bulgarian Synodal Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
778. BIBLE - Synodal |
СИ 1982 |
Библия, Синодално издание Bulgarian Orthodox Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
779. BIBLE - Synodal |
СИ 2016 |
Библия, Синодално издание |
| |
780. BIBLE |
НП 2013 |
Библия, нов превод от оригиналните езици (с неканоничните книги) Contemporary Bulgarian Translation (with Deuterocanon) |
| |
781. BIBLE |
НП 2013 |
Библия, нов превод от оригиналните езици (с неканоничните книги) |
| |
782. BIBLE |
BPB 1992 |
Библията Bulgarian Protestant Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ревизирано издание. |
| |
783. New Testament |
BB 2000 |
Библията НЗ The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
784. New Testament |
SPB 2011 |
Новият завет — съвременен превод The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
785. New Testament |
TZA 1914 |
Bulgarian New Testament Tsarigrad Edition The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
786. New Testament |
BCB 1871 |
Цариградска Библия |
| |
787. New Testament - ERV |
ERV-BG 2004 |
Bulgarian New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
788. BIBLE |
BNET 2015 | |
| |
789. BIBLE |
BWM 1620 |
Beibl William Morgan |
| |
790. BIBLE |
BCND 2004 |
Beibl Cymraeg Newydd Diwygiedig yn cynnwys yr Apocryffa |
| |
791. BIBLE |
BCN 1988 |
Y Beibl Cymraeg Newydd, New Welsh Bible |
| |
792. BIBLE |
BNET 2015, 2019 | Welsh Colloquial Bible |
| |
793. New Testament |
SBY 1567 |
Testament Newydd a'r Salmau Salesbury Salesbury Welsh New Testament and Psalms 1567 |
| |
794. New Testament |
SBY 1850 |
Testament Newydd Salesbury - Argraffiad Testament Newydd Salesbury |
| |
795. Some books |
SC 1621 |
Salmau Cân |
| |
796. Psalms - Psalms |
SCN 2008 |
Salmau Cân Newydd |
| |
797. BIBLE |
EFO 2012 |
BIBLIA: Egyszerű fordítás |
| |
798. BIBLE |
UF 1990 |
Magyar Bibliatársulat új fordítású Bibliája |
| |
799. BIBLE |
RUF 2014 |
Revised Hungarian Bible |
| |
800. BIBLE - Catholic |
SZIT 2000 |
Szent István Társulati Biblia (katolikus) DetailsA Szent István Társulat Szentírás-Bizottságának fordítása, új bevezetőkkel és magyarázatokkal; sajtó alá rendezte Rózsa Huba. |
| |
801. BIBLE |
HUNUJ 1990 |
Magyar Újfordítású Biblia Hungarian Bible - New Translation |
| |
802. BIBLE |
KB 1964 |
Hungarian Károli Károli Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
803. BIBLE |
KIB 1935 |
Kecskeméthy István Biblia fordítása |
| |
804. BIBLE |
KSZE 2011 |
Revideált Károli Biblia |
| |
805. BIBLE - ERV |
ERV-HU 2012 |
Hungarian Bible: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
806. BIBLE - Vulgata |
KNB 1997 |
Káldi Neovulgata Bible |
| |
807. BIBLE |
BIBLIA: Egyszerű fordítás BIBLIA: Egyszerű fordítás |
| |
808. New Testament |
BDUZ 1951 |
Hungarian Bekes — Dalos NT Békés Gellért, Dalos Patrik |
| |
809. New Testament |
BUZ 1967 |
Dr. Budai Gergely Ujszovetseg forditasa |
| |
810. New Testament |
CLUZ 1978 |
Csia Lajos Újszövetség fordítása Csia Lajos |
| |
811. New Testament |
CLUZ 2005 |
Csia Lajos Újszövetség fordítása Csia Lajos |
| |
812. New Testament |
CSUZ 1924 |
Czeglédy Sándor Újszövetség fordítása |
| |
813. New Testament |
MRUZ 1925 |
Dr. Masznyik Endre Újszövetség fordítása |
| |
814. New Testament |
RLUZ 1971 |
Ravasz László Újszövetség fordítása |
| |
815. New Testament |
SIUZ 1911 |
P. Soós István,karmelita szerzetes, Újszövetség fordítása |
| |
816. New Testament |
UZEF 2003 |
Újszövetség egyszerű fordítás |
| |
817. New Testament |
VSUZ 1971 |
Vida Sándor Újszövetség fordítása |
| |
818. New Testament |
EIV 2003 |
Újszövetség: élet, igazság és világosság |
| |
819. BIBLE |
ShoB 2009 |
Shona Bible |
| |
820. New Testament |
FL 2004 |
Téereb Injiil di Kàddug Yàlla Wolof New Testament (second edition) |
| |
821. BIBLE |
LCCMN 2012 |
Lời Chúa Cho Mọi Người Word For Everyone |
| |
822. BIBLE |
NVB 2002 |
Kinh Thánh Bản Dịch Mới New Vietnamese Bible |
| |
823. BIBLE |
RVV 2010 |
Revised Vietnamese Version Bible |
| |
824. BIBLE |
VI’34 1934 |
Kinh Thánh Tin Lành Protestant Vietnamese Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Переведено с французского. |
| |
825. BIBLE - ERV |
ERV-VI 2010 |
Vietnamese Bible: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
826. BIBLE |
viCB 1982-2015 |
Kinh Thánh Hiện Đại Vietnamese Contemporary Bible |
| |
827. BIBLE |
Haitian Creole Version |
| |
828. BIBLE |
HAT98 1998 |
Haïtienne |
| |
829. BIBLE |
HCB 1985 |
Bib La Haitian Creole Bible |
| |
830. New Testament |
HWCNT 2000 |
Da Jesus Book |
| |
831. New Testament |
HATN 2017 |
Nouvo Testaman: Vèsyon Kreyòl Fasil New Testament: Easy-to-Read Translation – |
| |
832. BIBLE |
NBV 2004 |
De Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling |
| |
833. BIBLE |
HTB 2007 |
Het Boek The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Книга основана на Живой Библии по Кеннет Тейлор. |
| |
834. BIBLE |
LUV 1648 |
Lutherse Vertaling The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
835. BIBLE |
NBG 1951 |
NBG-vertaling |
| |
836. BIBLE - KJV |
DSV 1619 |
Statenvertaling Bijbel States Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexiconГолландский King James Bible. |
| |
837. BIBLE - KJV |
HSV 2017 |
Herziene Statenvertaling DetailsHSV is een „revisie” van de oude Statenvertaling uit 1637 in meer hedendaags Nederlands. |
| |
838. BIBLE |
BB 2016 |
BasisBijbel |
| |
839. BIBLE |
NL 1939 |
De Heilige Schrift, Petrus Canisiusvertaling Dutch Bible |
| |
840. BIBLE |
SV-RJ 2018 |
Statenvertaling Jongbloed-editie States General Version (edition Jongbloed 1995) |
| |
841. BIBLE |
Sfilos 1994 |
Μετάφραση Σπύρου Φίλου Modern Greek Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Spyros Filos |
| |
842. BIBLE |
MNB 1850 |
Μετάφραση Νεόφυτου Βάμβα |
| |
843. BIBLE |
NEB 1901 |
Νέα Ελληνικά βιβλία Neophytus Vamvas Translation. Modern Greek Bible Modern Greek. Anonymous |
| |
844. BIBLE |
FPB 2013 |
H Αγία Γραφή στη Δημοτική (Filos Pergamos) The Holy Bible, Spyros Filos Translation |
| |
845. BIBLE |
Η Αγία Γραφή (Παλαιά και Καινή Διαθήκη) |
| |
846. BIBLE |
TGVD 2003 |
Η Αγία Γραφή με τα Δευτεροκανονικά (Παλαιά και Καινή Διαθήκη) |
| |
847. New Testament |
UGNT 2018 |
Unlocked Greek New Testament DetailsAn open-licensed, lexically tagged, morphologically parsed critical Greek New Testament with full apparatus. |
| |
848. BIBLE - LXX |
Barach-m 2012 |
Koine Greek Bible: Septuagint, New Testament, Apocrypha + Lexicon With Strong's lexiconJohn Barach at Motoreracom |
| |
849. BIBLE |
ABP 2003 |
Apostolic Bible Polyglot Greek Text With Strong's lexiconCharles Lynn VanderPool |
| |
850. BIBLE |
ABP-EL 2013 |
Apostolic Bible Polyglot. Greek With Strong's lexicon |
| |
851. BIBLE |
Septuagint (Rahlfs’) w/ apocrypha |
| |
852. New Testament |
NA 2012 |
Novum Testamentum Graece, 28th Revised Edition. Novum Testamentum Graece |
| |
853. New Testament |
TR'1550+ 1550 |
Textus Receptus 1550 Stephanus (with accents, Strong's numbers and parsing info) With Strong's lexicon |
| |
854. New Testament |
TR'1598+ 1598 |
Textus Receptus 1598 Beza Theodore Beza With Strong's lexicon |
| |
855. New Testament |
TR'1624 1598 |
Textus Receptus 1624 Elzevir |
| |
856. New Testament |
A 400-440 |
Αλεξανδρινός Κώδικας Codex Alexandrinus |
| |
857. New Testament |
B 1209 |
Codex Vaticanus |
| |
858. New Testament |
NA26 |
Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestle-Aland 26 |
| |
859. New Testament |
TR 1894 |
Scrivener’s Textus Receptus |
| |
860. New Testament |
א 1300-1400 |
Σιναϊτικός Κώδικας Codex Sinaiticus |
| |
861. New Testament |
GNTTH 2017-Tyndale |
The Greek New Testament With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsDetailsThe Greek New Testament is priceless in its value as it is how God has given us his revelation of the gospel and of Jesus Christ. While a few trusted Greek texts are in print, significant advances have been made in Greek translation studies of the New Testament since a standard text was adopted by academics in 1975. The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition has been created under the oversight of editors Dr. Dirk Jongkind (St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge) and Dr. Peter Williams (Tyndale House, Cambridge). Together with their team, they have taken a rigorously philological approach to reevaluating the standard text—reexamining spelling and paragraph decisions as well as allowing more recent discoveries related to scribal habits to inform editorial decisions. Ideal for students, scholars, and pastors alike, and published to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition is a groundbreaking contribution to biblical scholarship. |
| |
862. New Testament |
iTHESV 2017 |
The Interliniar Greek-English New Testament (ESV) With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsDetailsThe Greek New Testament is priceless in its value as it is how God has given us his revelation of the gospel and of Jesus Christ. While a few trusted Greek texts are in print, significant advances have been made in Greek translation studies of the New Testament since a standard text was adopted by academics in 1975. The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition has been created under the oversight of editors Dr. Dirk Jongkind (St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge) and Dr. Peter Williams (Tyndale House, Cambridge). Together with their team, they have taken a rigorously philological approach to reevaluating the standard text—reexamining spelling and paragraph decisions as well as allowing more recent discoveries related to scribal habits to inform editorial decisions. Ideal for students, scholars, and pastors alike, and published to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition is a groundbreaking contribution to biblical scholarship. |
| |
863. New Testament |
iTHESV2 2017 |
The Interliniar Greek-English New Testament (ESV) With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsDetailsPriceless in its value as it is how God has given us his revelation of the gospel and of Jesus Christ. While a few trusted Greek texts are in print, significant advances have been made in Greek translation studies of the New Testament since a standard text was adopted by academics in 1975. The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition has been created under the oversight of editors Dr. Dirk Jongkind (St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge) and Dr. Peter Williams (Tyndale House, Cambridge). Together with their team, they have taken a rigorously philological approach to reevaluating the standard text—reexamining spelling and paragraph decisions as well as allowing more recent discoveries related to scribal habits to inform editorial decisions. Ideal for students, scholars, and pastors alike, and published to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition is a groundbreaking contribution to biblical scholarship. |
| |
864. New Testament |
BGB 1904 |
Berean Greek Bible With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
865. New Testament |
NA27 1993 |
Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestle-Aland With Strong's lexicon27th ed., (with critical apparatus). DetailsGesamtherstellung Biblia-Druck, Stuttgart. Nestle, E., Nestle, E., Aland, K., Aland, B., & Universität Münster. Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung. (1993, c1979). Novum Testamentum Graece. At head of title: Nestle-Aland. (27. Aufl., rev.) Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelstiftung. |
| |
866. New Testament |
TR 1894 |
Scrivener's 1894 Textus Receptus With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsWade Balzer |
| |
867. New Testament |
NE 1904 |
Nestle. Greek New Testament With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
868. New Testament |
Tisch+ 1864-1894 |
Editio Octava Critica Maior Tischendorf's Greek New Testament: 8th Edition With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsConstantin von Tischendorf |
| |
869. New Testament |
Alef 360 |
Σιναϊτικός Κώδικας Codex Sinaiticus |
| |
870. New Testament |
APE 1912 |
Antoniades Patriarchal Edition |
| |
871. New Testament |
Beza 1598 |
Beza Greek New Testament |
| |
872. New Testament |
BGNT 2014 |
Byzantine Greek New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsKr/Family 35 Textform. |
| |
873. New Testament |
BYZ 500 |
Codex Beratinus Codex Purpureus Beratinus |
| |
874. New Testament |
BYZ 2005 |
Byzantine textform with breathings, punctuation, capitalization, lemmas, Byzantine variants and Nestle-Aland variants With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
875. New Testament |
Critical NT text SBL Greek New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Michael William Holmes |
| |
876. New Testament |
ETR 1624 |
Elzevir Textus Receptus Abraham Elzevir |
| |
877. New Testament |
F35 2005 |
Byzantine GNT Family 35 |
| |
878. New Testament |
F35 2015 |
The Greek New Testament According to Family 35 The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexiconWilbur N Pickering ThM PhD |
| |
879. New Testament |
Westcott-Hort+Nestle-Aland With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
880. New Testament |
WHNU 1881 |
Westcott and Hort Greek New Testament (with NA27/UBS4 text variants) With Strong's lexicon |
| |
881. New Testament |
GNT5+ 2014 |
The Greek New Testament, 5th Edition, with Diacritics The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
882. New Testament |
Combines Textus Receptus, Scrivener, Byzantine Majority, Alexandrian/Critical in one text With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
883. New Testament |
NA27 2007 |
Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestle-Aland 27 Greek Nestle-Aland 27 The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
884. New Testament |
NA28t 2012 |
Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestle-Aland 28 Greek Nestle-Aland 28 |
| |
885. New Testament |
Νέα Δημοτική Μετάφραση The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
886. New Testament |
NTG 1993 |
Novum Testamentum Graece The Greek New Testament With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
887. New Testament |
NTPT 2003 |
New Testament Patriarchial Text The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon |
| |
888. New Testament |
NTPT 1904 |
Πατριαρχικό Κείμενο (Έκδοση Αντωνιάδη) Patriarchal Text (Antoniadis Text) |
| |
889. New Testament |
RP 2005 |
The New Testament in the original Greek: Byzantine textform With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsMaurice A Robinson, William G Pierpont |
| |
890. New Testament |
RP18 2018 |
The New Testament in the original Greek: Byzantine textform Maurice A Robinson, William G Pierpont |
| |
891. New Testament |
BYZ 2005 |
Byzantine text-type Majority Text With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsMaurice A Robinson, William G Pierpont |
| |
892. New Testament |
SBL 2010 |
The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition |
| |
893. New Testament |
SBL 2010 |
The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition With Strong's lexiconMichael William Holmes |
| |
894. New Testament |
STR 1550 |
Stephanus Textus Receptus with accents With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
895. New Testament |
TNT 1886 |
Novum Testamentum Graece Praetextuit Constantinus Tischendorf Bible. N.T. Greek. Tischendorf With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsConstantin von Tischendorf |
| |
896. New Testament |
TR 1550 |
Textus Receptus With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsStephanici |
| |
897. New Testament |
Treg 2009 |
Tregelles’s Greek New Testament With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms1857 (Corrected edition). Samuel Prideaux Tregelles |
| |
898. New Testament |
UBS4 1881 |
Greek Westcott and Hort/UBS4 With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
899. New Testament |
WH 1881 |
Westcott and Hort With Strong's lexicon |
| |
900. New Testament |
Westcott-Hort+Nestle-Aland/UBS With Strong's lexicon |
| |
901. New Testament |
RGNT 2015 |
A Reader’s Greek New Testament: Third Edition With Strong's lexiconRichard J Goodrich, Albert L Lukaszewski |
| |
902. New Testament |
BSB 2016 |
Berean Study Bible With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsReverse-interlinear. |
| |
903. New Testament |
BLB 2016 |
Berean Literal Bible With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsReverse-interlinear. |
| |
904. New Testament |
The literal translation of the Bible from Greek Для мобильного. Alexey Vinokurov |
| |
905. New Testament |
The literal translation from Greek to mobile phone |
| |
906. New Testament |
CT BYZ 2005 |
Byzantine Textform The New Testament in the Original Greek: Byzantine Textform William G Pierpont, Maurice A Robinson |
| |
907. New Testament |
CT ST 1550 |
Stephanus |
| |
908. New Testament |
CT WH 1885 |
Wescott and Hort DetailsContent: Matt.-Rev. omitting Matt. 12:47, 16:3, 17:21, 18:11, 23:14, Mark 7:16, 9:44, 46, 11:26, 15:28, 16:9-20, Luke 17:36, 22:20, 43-44, 23:17, 24:12, 40, John 5:4, 7:53-8:11, Acts 8:37, 15:34, 24:7, 28:29, Rom. 16:24 |
| |
909. New Testament - KJV |
CT KJTR 2005 |
King James Textus Receptus Alan Bunning |
| |
910. BIBLE - Joint |
Septuagint OT and Westcott-Hort NT With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
911. Old Testament - LXX |
LXX-TR'1894 1894 |
Analytic Septuagint with embedded Strong's Numbers and morphology + Textus Receptus 1894 Scrivener With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
912. Old Testament - LXX |
Analytic Septuagint With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
913. Old Testament - LXX |
Analytic Septuagint with accents and with God's name With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
914. Old Testament - LXX |
Analytic Septuagint with with God's name With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
915. Old Testament - LXX |
LXXprs 1935 |
Μετάφραση των Εβδομήκοντα Septuagint Morphological formsС символами. |
| |
916. Old Testament - LXX |
LXXprs2 1935 |
Μετάφραση των Εβδομήκοντα Septuagint Morphological formsГрамматический разбор с символами. |
| |
917. BIBLE - Joint |
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia + Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament with Vowels (DHNT'85+) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon |
| |
918. BIBLE - Joint |
Orig+ |
Old Testament — Westminster Leningrad Codex + New Testament — Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament With Strong's lexicon |
| |
919. BIBLE - Joint |
Orig2+ |
Old Testament — Westminster Leningrad Codex + New Testament — Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon |
| |
920. BIBLE - Joint |
Orig0+ |
Hebrew Old Testament Interlinear with Strong's Numbers + The Greek New Testament, 5th Edition, 2014 With Strong's lexiconПростой текст, без огласовок. |
| |
921. BIBLE |
MGB 1982 |
ახალი ქართულით Modern Georgian Bible |
| |
922. BIBLE |
ძველი ქართულით Old Georgian Bible |
| |
923. BIBLE |
kaBS 2012 |
ქართული ბიბლია, სრული ვერსია Georgian Bible, full version |
| |
924. BIBLE |
kaBSD 2012 |
ქართული ბიბლია, სრული ვერსია Georgian Bible, Bible with DC |
| |
925. BIBLE |
kaGM |
მცხეთური ხელნაწერი–გ. მთაწმინდელი |
| |
926. BIBLE |
kaOrth |
საპატრიარქო |
| |
927. BIBLE |
kaSBS 2001 |
სბს–სტოკჰოლმი |
| |
928. BIBLE |
2002 |
ბიბლია Bible |
| |
929. BIBLE |
2002 |
ბიბლია Bible with deuterocanonical books |
| |
930. BIBLE |
ka 2015 |
ახალი გადამუშავებული გამოცემა |
| |
931. BIBLE |
kaDC 2002 |
ბიბლია Georgian Bible with DC |
| |
932. New Testament |
kaAdish 897 |
ადიშის ოთხთავი ძველი მონუსკრიპტები |
| |
933. Gospel |
Vani 1200 |
ვანის ოთხთავი Vani Gospels Vani Four Gospels. |
| |
934. BIBLE |
BPH 2015 |
Bibelen på Hverdagsdansk |
| |
935. BIBLE |
D71 1871 |
Dansk Bibel Danish Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Revisions of Bishop Hans Svane's 1647 Revision of Bishop Hans Poulsen Resen’s Translation of 1607. |
| |
936. BIBLE |
D31 1931 |
Det Danske Bibel. De Hellige Skrifter Danish Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsThe New Testament is Public Domain. |
| |
937. BIBLE |
DA 1871/1907 |
Danske Bibel Danske Bibel |
| |
938. New Testament |
WIE 1997 |
Det Nye Testamente The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ole Wierøds |
| |
939. New Testament |
LB 1866 |
Lindberg Bibelen Wierød Danish New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
940. BIBLE |
MHB 2010 |
Modern Hebrew Bible (Consonants) Israeli Hebrew, Modern Israeli Hebrew compilation from Westmister (OT) and Modern Hebrew(NT). DetailsЕврейские Писания объединённые из Ленинградского Кодекса Танаха, книг Нового Завета на современном иврите. |
| |
941. BIBLE |
MHBc 2010 |
Modern Hebrew Bible with Vowels Israeli Hebrew, Modern Israeli Hebrew. DetailsЕврейские Писания объединённые из Ленинградского Кодекса Танаха, книг Нового Завета на современном иврите. |
| |
942. New Testament |
Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament with Vowels and Strong's Number |
| |
943. New Testament |
DHNT 1885 |
Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament with Vowels The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
944. New Testament |
DHNT 1885 |
Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament (Consonants) |
| |
945. New Testament |
DHNT 1877-1998 |
Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament (Consonants) |
| |
946. New Testament |
SGHNT 1886-1999 |
Salkinson-Ginsburg Hebrew New Testament (Consonants) |
| |
947. New Testament |
DHNT 1877-1998 |
Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament with Vowels |
| |
948. New Testament |
HNT 1977 |
First Modern Hebrew New Testament |
| |
949. New Testament |
SGHNT 1886-1999 |
Salkinson-Ginsburg Hebrew New Testament with Vowels Salkinson-Ginsburg edition of 1886, revised 1999 to conform to the Textus Receptus Greek NT. |
| |
950. New Testament |
HHH 2009 |
ha-Derekh Hebrew New Testament (Consonants) |
| |
951. New Testament |
MHNT 2010 |
Modern Hebrew New Testament (with vowels) |
| |
952. New Testament |
MHNT 1991 |
Modern Hebrew New Testament |
| |
953. New Testament |
MHNT 1991 |
Modern Hebrew New Testament |
| |
954. New Testament |
SGNT 2018 |
Salkinson-Ginsburg Hebrew New Testament 1886, 2018 (with vowels) Isaac Edward SalkinsonDetailsMiddlesex, England, edition of 1886, revised 1999. The Hebrew New Testament is a translation of the Textus Receptus Greek text. Isaac E. Salkinson, HaB'rit HaChadashah. British Missionary Society, 1886. Online. Produced by the Society For Distributing Hebrew Scriptures, Middlesex, England. The latest edition has been revised in some places to bring it closer to the Textus Receptus and is the 2012/2013 edition with a few minor spelling mistakes corrected in 2018. |
| |
955. Old Testament |
OSDHB 1885 |
Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible With Strong's lexicon |
| |
956. Old Testament |
Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible with Vowels With Strong's lexicon |
| |
957. Old Testament |
Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible, version 2.0 With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsWestminster Leningrad Codex DetailsThe Open Scripures Hebrew Bible is a project to analyze the Hebrew Bible by lemma and morphology. |
| |
958. Old Testament |
UHB 2018 |
Unlocked Hebrew Bible Based on the Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible. DetailsAn open-licensed, lexically tagged, morphologically parsed Hebrew Old Testament. |
| |
959. Old Testament - KJV |
Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer 4с with Vowels, Accents; KJV versification With Strong's lexicon |
| |
960. Old Testament - KJV |
Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer 4с with Vowels, Accents; incl. clause & phrase markers; KJV versification With Strong's lexicon |
| |
961. Old Testament - KJV |
Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer 4с with Vowels, Accents With Strong's lexicon |
| |
962. Old Testament - KJV |
Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer 4c with Vowels, Accents; incl. clause & phrase markers With Strong's lexicon |
| |
963. Old Testament |
HAC 920 |
כֶּתֶר אֲרָם צוֹבָא Aleppo Codex — Keter Aram Tzova |
| |
964. Old Testament - WLC |
BHS 1977 |
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia DetailsКритическое издание масоретского текста еврейской Библии основанное на Ленинградском кодексе. Название «Biblia Hebraica» по-латински означает «Еврейская Библия». С огласовками. |
| |
965. Old Testament - WLC |
BHS 1977 |
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia DetailsКритическое издание масоретского текста еврейской Библии основанное на Ленинградском кодексе. Название «Biblia Hebraica» по-латински означает «Еврейская Библия». |
| |
966. Old Testament - WLC |
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with Vowels, Accents With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsDetailsКритическое издание масоретского текста еврейской Библии основанное на Ленинградском кодексе. |
| |
967. Old Testament - WLC |
BHS 1977 |
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia With Strong's lexiconDetailsКритическое издание масоретского текста еврейской Библии основанное на Ленинградском кодексе. Название «Biblia Hebraica» по-латински означает «Еврейская Библия». |
| |
968. Old Testament - WLC |
WLC 1008 |
Westminster Leningrad Codex Morphological with Vowels, Accents With Strong's lexicon |
| |
969. Old Testament - WLC |
WLCa 2017 |
Westminster Leningrad Codex with Accents With Strong's lexicon |
| |
970. Old Testament - WLC |
WLCm 2017 |
Westminster Leningrad Codex Morphological with Vowels, Accents With Strong's lexicon |
| |
971. Old Testament - WLC |
WLCv 2017 |
Westminster Leningrad Codex with Vowels With Strong's lexicon |
| |
972. Old Testament - WLC |
WLCc 2017 |
Westminster Leningrad Codex (Consonants) With Strong's lexicon |
| |
973. Old Testament |
AFATc 2008 |
Andersen-Forbes Analyzed Text (Consonants) |
| |
974. Old Testament |
AFATv 2008 |
Andersen-Forbes Analyzed Text with Vowels |
| |
975. Old Testament |
LHBa 2012 |
Lexham Hebrew Bible with Accents |
| |
976. Old Testament |
LHBc 2012 |
Lexham Hebrew Bible (Consonants) |
| |
977. Old Testament |
LHBv 2012 |
Lexham Hebrew Bible with Vowels |
| |
978. Old Testament - WLC |
HSB 2013 |
Interlinear Hebrew Study Bible with Vowels, Accents, Transliteration and Strong's Number With Strong's lexiconWestminster Leningrad Codex with vowels and cantillation signs, with interlinear and transliteration. |
| |
979. Old Testament - WLC |
HSB2 2013 |
Interlinear Hebrew Study Bible with Vowels, Accents and Strong's Number With Strong's lexiconWestminster Leningrad Codex with vowels and cantillation signs, with interlinear and transliteration. |
| |
980. Old Testament - WLC |
HSB3 2013 |
Hebrew Study Bible with Vowels, Accents and Strong's Number With Strong's lexiconWestminster Leningrad Codex with vowels and cantillation signs, with interlinear. |
| |
981. Old Testament - WLC |
HSB4 2013 |
Hebrew Study Bible with Vowels and Accents Westminster Leningrad Codex. Adele Berlin, Marc Zvi Brettler, Michael Fishbane |
| |
982. Torah |
TpsJ |
Targum Pseudo-Jonathan Jonathan Ben Uzziel (Pseudo-Jonathan) |
| |
983. Torah |
TO 35-120 |
תרגום אונקלוס Targum Onkelos Onkelos |
| |
984. BIBLE |
BIMK 1985 |
Alkitab dalam Bahasa Indonesia Masa Kini |
| |
985. BIBLE |
BISH 1985 |
Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari Everyday Indonesian The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Anonymous |
| |
986. BIBLE |
TB 1974 |
Terjemahan Baru The Indonesian New Translation Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
987. BIBLE |
TJB 1974 |
Terjemahan Baru New Translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
988. BIBLE |
TJL 1954 |
Terjemahan Lama Old Translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
989. BIBLE |
VMD 2006 |
Versi Mudah Dibaca The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
990. BIBLE |
TSI 2021 |
Terjemahan Sederhana Indonesia Plain Indonesian Translation |
| |
991. New Testament |
BNPB 2009 |
Bahasa Nias-Perjanjian Baru Old Translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
992. New Testament |
Kitab Perjanjian Baru The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
993. New Testament |
AMD 2005 |
Perjanjian Baru: Versi Mudah Dibaca |
| |
994. New Testament |
TSI 2013 |
Terjemahan Sederhana Indonesia The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
995. New Testament |
INDER 2021 |
Perjanjian Baru: Alkitab Mudah Dibaca New Testament: Easy-to-Read Translation – |
| |
996. New Testament |
INDN 2004 |
Indonesian Tazi NT Study Bible Indonesian Tazi NT Study Bible |
| |
997. New Testament |
Perjanjian Baru Terjemahan Baru Edisi 2 Second Edition New Testament |
| |
998. Old Testament |
Alkitab Terjemahan Lama Indonesian Bible Old Translation |
| |
999. New Testament |
OC 1970 |
Ó Cuinn Tiomna Nua |
| |
1000. BIBLE - Catholic |
ABN 1981 |
An Bíobla Naofa The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1001. BIBLE |
ICEB 2015 |
Íslenska Biblían Icelandic Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ágrip rúmlega fjögurra alda sögu. Sigurð Ægisson |
| |
1002. BIBLE |
ISL 2007 |
Biblían Icelandic Bible |
| |
1003. BIBLE |
ISL 1981 |
Biblían Icelandic Bible |
| |
1004. BIBLE |
NBD 2008 |
Nueva Biblia al Día |
| |
1005. BIBLE |
BDO 1573 |
Sagradas Escrituras. La Biblia del Oso |
| |
1006. BIBLE |
DHHED 2002 |
Dios Habla Hoy Con Deuterocanónicos Versión Española |
| |
1007. BIBLE |
DHHE 2002 |
La Biblia Dios Habla Hoy (Castellano Peninsular) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1008. BIBLE |
DHHD 1994 |
Biblia Dios Habla Hoy The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1009. BIBLE |
DHHS 1994 |
Dios habla Hoy Estándar |
| |
1010. BIBLE |
BHTI 2014 |
La Biblia Hispanoamericana (Traducción Interconfesional, versión hispanoamericana) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1011. BIBLE |
BTI-ES 2008 |
La Biblia, Traducción Interconfesional The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1012. BIBLE |
TLAD 2004 |
Traducciόn En Lenguaje Actual con Deuterocanónicos The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1013. BIBLE |
EUNSA 1997-2016 |
Sagrada Biblia With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1014. BIBLE |
BLP 2010 |
La Palabra The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1015. BIBLE |
BLPH 2010 |
La Palabra Hispanoamericana The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1016. BIBLE |
BSO 1569 |
Biblia del Siglo de Oro The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1017. BIBLE |
BTX 1999 |
La Biblia Textual The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1018. BIBLE |
ESE 1569 |
Sagradas Escrituras. La Biblia del Oso Holy Scripture. Oso Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1019. BIBLE - LXX |
Jünemann Septuaginta en español The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1020. BIBLE |
KDSH 2003 |
Traducción Kadosh Israelita Mesiánica The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Мессианская Библия. |
| |
1021. BIBLE |
LBLA 1997 |
La Biblia de las Américas American Bible With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1022. BIBLE |
NBdLH 2005 |
Nueva Biblia de los Hispanos The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1023. BIBLE |
NBLH 2005 |
Nueva Biblia de los Hispanos The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1024. BIBLE |
NTV 1996 |
Nueva Traducción Viviente The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1025. BIBLE - NIV |
NVI 1999 |
La Santa Biblia (Nueva Versión Internacional) New International Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1026. BIBLE - NIV |
NVIC 2017 |
Nueva Versión Internacional (Castellano) Spanish NVI |
| |
1027. BIBLE |
SEVA 2002 |
Sagradas Escrituras Version Antigua The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Russell Martin Stendal |
| |
1028. BIBLE |
TLA 2003 |
Traducción en Lenguaje Actual The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1029. BIBLE |
VIN 2007 |
Las Sagradas Escrituras — Versión Israelita Nazarena Nazarene Israelite Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Мессианская Библия. |
| |
1030. BIBLE |
Ausejo 1975 |
La Biblia Serafín de Ausejo |
| |
1031. BIBLE |
BAD 1989 |
Biblia al día DetailsEditorial 'Mundo Hispano' en 1989, inspirada en la versión americana 'The Living Bible'. |
| |
1032. BIBLE |
BDO 1569 |
La Biblia del Oso Versión de Dominio Público. |
| |
1033. BIBLE |
BJ3 |
Biblia de Jerusalem 3-Edicion |
| |
1034. BIBLE |
BL5 1995 |
Biblia Latinoamericana |
| |
1035. BIBLE |
Biblia de nuestro Pueblo Nuestro Pueblo Luis Alonso Schökel |
| |
1036. BIBLE |
BTX3 |
La Biblia Textual 3a Edicion |
| |
1037. BIBLE |
CAB 1999-2003 |
Biblia Castilian La Biblia, Nueva Versión Internacional. |
| |
1038. BIBLE |
CJ |
Biblia Corona de Jerusalen DetailsNueva edición del Kéter Aram Tzová, el Códice de Alepo. |
| |
1039. BIBLE - Catholic |
El Libro del Pueblo de Dios |
| |
1040. BIBLE - LXX |
Biblia Septuaginta al Español Natalio Fernández Marcos y María Victoria Spottorno Díaz |
| |
1041. BIBLE |
N-C 1944 |
Nacar-Colunga Alberto Colunga Cueto, y Eloíno Nácar Fúster |
| |
1042. BIBLE |
NBJ 1998 |
Biblia de Jerusalén |
| |
1043. BIBLE - Catholic |
BJ75 1975 |
Biblia de Jerusalén The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Morphological forms |
| |
1044. BIBLE - Catholic |
Platense 1951-1952 |
Biblia Platense The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Morphological formsJohannes Straubinger |
| |
1045. BIBLE - Catholic |
CEE 2011 |
Versión oficial de la Conferencia Episcopal Española |
| |
1046. BIBLE - Vulgata |
TA 1825 |
Torres Amat The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Morphological formsTraducción de la Vulgata al castellano 1825. Félix Torres Amat |
| |
1047. BIBLE - Catholic |
BJ 1976 |
Catolica Biblia de Jerusalén The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1048. BIBLE - LXX |
Sagrada Biblia — Versión de la LXX al español — por Guillermo Jünemann The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1049. BIBLE |
NRV 1990-2000 |
Nueva Reina Valera (Adventista) |
| |
1050. BIBLE |
RVI 2012 |
Reina Valera Independiente |
| |
1051. BIBLE |
SBMN 1961 |
La Santa Biblia Evaristo Martín Nieto |
| |
1052. BIBLE |
Biblia Universidad de Jerusalem |
| |
1053. BIBLE |
SM 1975 |
Nueva Biblia Española Biblia - Luis Alonso Schökel y Juan Mateos Luis Alonso Schökel y Juan Mateos. |
| |
1054. BIBLE |
SSE 1569 |
La Biblia (Spanish Sagradas Escrituras) |
| |
1055. BIBLE |
VIN 2011 |
Versión Israelita Nazarena Diego Ascunce |
| |
1056. BIBLE |
VM 1929 |
Version Moderna |
| |
1057. BIBLE - ERV |
PDT 2012 |
Español Palabra de Dios para Todos The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1058. BIBLE |
BTX4 |
Biblia Textual IV edición | BTX IV Textual Bible 4th Edition | BTX IV |
| |
1059. BIBLE |
NBV 2008 |
Nueva Biblia Viva The New Living Bible, Spanish |
| |
1060. BIBLE - NIV |
NVI 1984-1999 |
Nueva Version Internacional |
| |
1061. BIBLE - NIV |
NVI 2015 |
Nueva Versión Internacional New International Version |
| |
1062. BIBLE - NIV |
NVI-S 2019 |
Nueva Versión Internacional Simplificada Spanish New International Version |
| |
1063. BIBLE |
RV 2017 |
Reina-Valera 2017 de Russel Stendal and Larry Pierce Biblia Reina Valera 2017 es una revisión de la llamada 'Biblia del Oso' de 1569, la tercera revisión de Martin Russel Stendal después de SAGRADAS ESCRITURAS VERSION ANTIGUA (1996) y LA BIBLIA DEL JUBI With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1064. BIBLE |
RV 1909 |
Biblia Reina Valera Biblia Reina Valera 1909 |
| |
1065. BIBLE - RV |
RV77 1977 |
Reina Valera |
| |
1066. BIBLE - RV |
RVA 2015 |
Reina Valera Actualizada |
| |
1067. BIBLE - RV |
NRV 1990 |
Nueva Reina Valera The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1068. BIBLE - RV |
RV09 1909 |
Reina-Valera Spanish Reina-Valera With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1069. BIBLE - RV |
RV60 1960 |
La Santa Biblia Reina-Valera Reina-Valera edition Revised With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1070. BIBLE - RV |
RV65 1865 |
Reina-Valera The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1071. BIBLE - RV |
RV65 1865 |
La Santa Biblia Reina-Valera Spanish Reina-Valera Bible |
| |
1072. Some books - RV |
RV58 1858 |
Reina Valera (Nuevo Testamento) |
| |
1073. BIBLE - RV |
RV62 1862 |
Reina Valera |
| |
1074. BIBLE - RV |
RV95 1995 |
La Santa Biblia Reina Valera Revisión Reina-Valera edition Revised, corrected The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1075. BIBLE - RV |
RV00 2000-2010 |
Reina Valera Russell Martin Stendal |
| |
1076. BIBLE - RV |
RV04 2004-2010 |
Reina Valera Dr Humberto Gómez Caballero |
| |
1077. BIBLE - RV |
RVA 1989 |
Reina Valera Actualizada The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1078. BIBLE - RV |
RVA 1602 |
Reina Valera Antigua |
| |
1079. BIBLE - RV |
RVC 2010 |
Reina Valera Contemporánea The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1080. BIBLE - RV |
RVG 2004 |
Reina Valera Gómez The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1081. BIBLE - RV |
RVP 1602 |
Reina-Valera 1602 Purificada The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1082. BIBLE - RV |
Español Reina Valera The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1083. BIBLE - RV |
RVR 1960 |
La Santa Biblia Reina Valera Revisión, con títulos Reina-Valera edition Revised without titles The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1084. New Testament |
NTPB 1919 |
El Nuevo Testamento The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Pablo Besson |
| |
1085. New Testament |
VBL -2018 |
El Nuevo Testamento, Versión Biblia Libre The New Testament in Spanish, Free Bible Version DetailsEsta obra se encuentra bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs Unported License. La traducción Free Bible Version está siendo distribuida para uso libre, con las únicas condiciones siguientes: a) debe ser identificada como Free BibleVersion, y b) el texto no debe ser cambiado. |
| |
1086. New Testament |
Pesh-es |
Peshita (Nuevo Testamento) Biblia Peshitta (Spanish Edition) By B&H. |
| |
1087. New Testament |
Arcas-Fernandez (Nuevo Testamento) Fernando Arcas-Alfonso Fernández |
| |
1088. New Testament |
BLSNT 2000 |
Lenguaje Sencillo (Nuevo Testamento) |
| |
1089. New Testament |
BXJO 1999 |
Brit Xadasha Judia Ortodoxa (Nuevo Testamento) DetailsThe Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha por Artists For Yisrael International. |
| |
1090. New Testament |
EUNSA (Nuevo Testamento) |
| |
1091. New Testament |
El Codigo Real - Nuevo Testamento Textual Hebraico |
| |
1092. New Testament |
NTV 2010 |
Nueva Traducción Viviente |
| |
1093. Some books |
BDI 2003 |
Biblia de Israel (Solo Genesis) DetailsEditorial Benéi Nóaj Texto Reina Valera 1960. |
| |
1094. Some books |
DuTillet 1553 |
DuTillet — Solo Mateo — Hebreo Jean Du Tillet, Obispo de Brieu |
| |
1095. Some books |
Scio de San Miguel Solo los Evangelios. P Felipe Scío de San Miguel con la colaboración del P Benito Felíu de San Pedro |
| |
1096. Some books |
La Torah |
| |
1097. New Testament |
iBY 2011 |
Bizantino interlineal griego-español With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
1098. New Testament |
iNA27 |
NA27 interlineal griego-español The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
1099. New Testament |
inWH |
Westcott y Hort interlineal griego-español With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
1100. New Testament |
iTisch |
Tischendorf interlineal griego-español With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms |
| |
1101. BIBLE |
BDG 2006 |
La Bibbia della Gioia |
| |
1102. BIBLE |
DO 1649 |
Diodati Bible Diodati Bible Giovanni Diodati |
| |
1103. BIBLE |
RDV 1924 |
Versione Diodati Riveduta |
| |
1104. BIBLE |
NR 1994 |
Nuova Riveduta |
| |
1105. BIBLE |
TILC 1985 |
La Traduzione interconfessionale in lingua corrente The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Bibbia TILC, an Interconfessional edition edited by Catholic and Protestant scholars. |
| |
1106. BIBLE |
TILCD 2014 |
Traduzione Interconfessionale in Lingua Corrente Editrice Elledici. |
| |
1107. BIBLE |
TILC 1985 |
La Traduzione interconfessionale in lingua corrente The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1108. BIBLE |
IPN 1996 |
San Paolo |
| |
1109. BIBLE |
CEI 1974 |
La Bibbia CEI Bible of CEI The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1110. BIBLE |
CEI 2008 |
Bibbia CEI The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1111. BIBLE |
GDB 1649 |
Bibbia di Giovanni Diodati Giovanni Diodati Bibble The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Giovanni Diodati |
| |
1112. BIBLE |
LND 1991 |
La Nuova Diodati The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1113. BIBLE |
NR 2006 |
La Nuova Riveduta The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1114. BIBLE |
RIV 1990 |
La Riveduta the Revised The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Waldesan Giovanni Luzzi |
| |
1115. BIBLE |
RIV 1927 |
Riveduta Bibbia The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1116. BIBLE |
CEI 1974 |
Bibbia CEI Conferenza Episcopale Italiana |
| |
1117. BIBLE |
Versione Diodati Riveduta |
| |
1118. BIBLE |
BM 2010 |
| |
1119. BIBLE |
BMY 2014 |
Bíbélì Mímọ́ ní Èdè Yorùbá Òde Òní Biblica Yoruba Bible |
| |
1120. BIBLE |
YCB 2017 |
Bíbélì Mímọ́ ní Èdè Yorùbá Òde-Òní |
| |
1121. BIBLE |
KZB 2010 |
Киелi Кiтап Kazakh Bible Таурат, Забур, Пайғамбарлар жазбалары және Інжіл шариф. |
| |
1122. BIBLE |
KTB 2019 |
Қазақ тіліндегі Библия |
| |
1123. BIBLE |
KTB 2022 |
Қазақ тіліндегі Библия |
| |
1124. BIBLE |
BCI 2008 |
Bíblia Catalana, Traducción Interconfesional |
| |
1125. BIBLE |
BEC 2007 |
Bíblia Evangèlica Catalana |
| |
1126. BIBLE |
qubNT 2011 |
Tayta Diosninchi Isquirbichishan |
| |
1127. BIBLE |
quyCHQ 1992 |
Chuya Qellqa |
| |
1128. BIBLE |
QUZ 2004 |
Diospa Simin Qelqa Revised |
| |
1129. BIBLE |
QUZ 1988 |
Quechua Cuzco Bible |
| |
1130. BIBLE |
QUHD 1986 |
Qheshwa Biblia DC Qheshwa Biblia DC |
| |
1131. New Testament |
qufNT 2008 |
Mushuq Testamento |
| |
1132. New Testament |
quhBNT 2006 |
Dios Tatanchispaq Musuq Rimayninkuna Quechua Norte New Testament |
| |
1133. New Testament |
quhNT 2011 |
Dios Parlapawanchej |
| |
1134. New Testament |
qulNT 1985 |
Mosoj Testamento |
| |
1135. New Testament |
qupNT 2008 |
Yaya Diospa mushu killkachishkan shimi |
| |
1136. New Testament |
qvaNT |
Quechua Ambo-Pasco New Testament |
| |
1137. New Testament |
qvcNT 2008 |
Mushuq Tistamintu |
| |
1138. New Testament |
qveNT 2013 |
Mosoq Testamento |
| |
1139. New Testament |
qvhNT 2008 |
Mushog Testamento |
| |
1140. New Testament |
qvmNT 2008 |
Mushog Testamento |
| |
1141. New Testament |
qvnNT 2008 |
Tayta Diospa Guepacag Testamentun |
| |
1142. New Testament |
qvsNT |
Tata Diospa Mushuk Rimanan |
| |
1143. New Testament |
qvwNT 2010 |
Muśhü limalicuy |
| |
1144. New Testament |
qwhNT 2008 |
Teyta Diospa Mushoq Testamentun |
| |
1145. New Testament |
qxhNT 2009 |
Mushug Testamento |
| |
1146. New Testament |
qxnNT 2002 |
Señor Jesucristopa alli willacuynin |
| |
1147. New Testament |
qxoNT 2002 |
Mushog Testamento |
| |
1148. BIBLE |
KYB 2004 |
Кыргыз тилиндеги Библия Kyrgyz tilindegi Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Написание кириллицей. |
| |
1149. New Testament |
KyNT 1991 |
Кыргызча Инжил The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1150. New Testament - Synodal |
KYR 2004 |
Ыйык Китеп The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1151. BIBLE |
CRV 2003 |
聖經恢復本 Recovery Version Details《聖經恢復本》新舊約聖經恢復本,係按原文重譯經文,附以綱目、註解、串珠等,其編譯過程歷時逾三旬,主要係配合主僕李常受弟兄所帶領,聖經各卷生命讀經之進程。緣自一九七四年四月,李弟兄在美國帶領查讀創世記及馬太福音起,至一九九五年七月帶領查讀雅歌,歷經二十二載,完成全部聖經之生命讀經;該查讀記錄經編輯為生命讀經信息出版,共一千九百八十四篇。查讀期間,先根據希臘或希伯來原文將經文逐卷重新繙譯;李弟兄並為新約各卷撰寫詳盡註解,編列綱目與串珠。一九八七年冬,新約聖經中文恢復本經深度修訂及校勘後正式出版。一九九四年,在完成舊約生命讀經以前,李弟兄囑水流職事站編輯部著手修訂舊約經文之英譯,並根據生命讀經信息,為舊約各卷編寫註解,同時編列經文串珠。李弟兄於一九九七年六月九日離世與主同在,恢復本編譯工作仍持續進行。一九九九年夏,英文新舊約聖經恢復本經文版正式出版,其中包含各卷綱目,乃取自李弟兄之著作,或根據生命讀經編輯而成;二〇〇三年冬,含全部新舊約經文及註解、串珠之英文恢復本正式發行。中文方面,一九九八年夏,福音書房編輯部開始參照英文恢復本,修訂舊約經文之中譯,譯經工作完成於二〇〇三年夏,隨即出版中文新舊約聖經恢復本經文版;二〇〇五年秋,舊約註解譯事告竣,全部恢復本經文及註解終得以供陳與神的眾兒女。因篇幅之鉅,特將中文舊約聖經恢復本獨立成冊付梓,與新約聖經恢復本分為兩冊印行,俾便使用。. |
| |
1152. BIBLE |
Pinyin |
拼音和合本 Romanized Chinese |
| |
1153. BIBLE |
CCB 2010 |
当代圣经修订版 Chinese Contemporary Bible Simplified, Red letter edition The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1154. BIBLE |
CLB 1997 |
當代聖經 Chinese Living Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1155. BIBLE |
CNV 1992 |
新譯本 Chinese New Version Simplified |
| |
1156. BIBLE |
CSB 2011 |
中文標準譯本 Chinese Standard Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1157. BIBLE |
CUNP 1998 |
新標點和合本 Chinese Union New Punctuation |
| |
1158. BIBLE |
CUV 1919 |
中文和合本 繁體中文版連史特朗經文滙篇 Chinese Union Version From English Revised Version. |
| |
1159. BIBLE |
CUV 1919 |
中文和合本 繁體中文版連史特朗經文滙篇 Chinese Union Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexiconFrom English Revised Version. |
| |
1160. BIBLE |
CUVC 1919 |
文理和合本 Chinese Union Version - Classical Chinese |
| |
1161. BIBLE |
CUV2 |
和合本串珠附原文編號 Chinese Union Version Cross References With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1162. BIBLE |
HWUV 1923 |
深文理和合本 High Wenli Union Version |
| |
1163. BIBLE |
LCT 2007 |
聖經原文編號逐字中譯 Chinese Contemporary Bible With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1164. BIBLE |
LZZ 1970 |
呂振中譯本 Lü Zheng Zhong Перевод с оригинальных текстов. Lü Zheng Zhong |
| |
1165. BIBLE |
RCUV 2010 |
和合本修訂版 Revised Chinese Union Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1166. BIBLE |
TCV 1979 |
現代中文譯本 Today's Chinese Version |
| |
1167. BIBLE |
环球圣经译本 Worldwide Chinese Bible Simplified The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1168. BIBLE |
新廣東話 1997 |
新廣東話聖經 New Cantonese Bible |
| |
1169. BIBLE |
直譯-CBOL |
原文直譯參考用(CBOL) |
| |
1170. BIBLE |
神天聖書 1823 |
神天聖書 |
| |
1171. BIBLE - NET |
CNET 2011 |
新英语译本 Chinese New English Translation Simplified |
| |
1172. BIBLE |
BKL 1933 |
Pa-khek-lé Pe̍h-ōe-jī Sèng-keng Barclay Taiwanese Bible, - Full Romanization Rev Dr Thomas Barclay |
| |
1173. BIBLE |
BKLH 1933 |
巴克禮台語聖經漢羅 Barclay Taiwanese Bible, - Mixed Sino-Romanization |
| |
1174. BIBLE |
CDDV 1908 |
委辦譯本新舊約聖書 Chinese Deep-classical Delegate's Version |
| |
1175. BIBLE |
PCB 1899 |
京委本聖經 Peking Committee Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1176. BIBLE |
JF |
和合本附原文編號 Chinese Union Version With Strong's lexiconJoseph Fung |
| |
1177. BIBLE |
北京官話 2002 |
北京官話譯本 Beijing Official Translation |
| |
1178. BIBLE |
思高聖經 1968 |
思高聖經 Studium Biblicum Version |
| |
1179. BIBLE |
次經 2014 |
次經全書, 香港聖公會 The Complete Book of the Second Classics, Hong Kong Anglican Church |
| |
1180. BIBLE - KJV |
中文钦定本 Chinese King James Version |
| |
1181. BIBLE - KJV |
CKJVsd |
中文欽定本上帝版 Chinese King James Version — Shang-Di |
| |
1182. BIBLE - KJV |
中文英王欽定本(聖經信徒協會) Chinese King James Version (Bible Believers Of Washington) |
| |
1183. BIBLE - KJV |
中文英皇欽定本(天上之聲編譯組) Chinese King James Version (Message of Heaven) |
| |
1184. Gospel |
IV(FG) 2015 |
共同譯本(四福音書) Interconfessional Version (Four Gospels) |
| |
1185. Some books |
次經1933 1933 |
次經全書, 中華聖公會書籍委員會 |
| |
1186. New Testament |
EWUV 1904 |
淺文理和合本 Easy Wenli Union Version |
| |
1187. New Testament |
朱寶惠 1936 |
重譯新約全書 ZHU Baohui, NT with study notes |
| |
1188. New Testament |
新汉语译本 Contemporary Chinese Version Simplified |
| |
1189. New Testament |
委辦譯本 1858 |
委辦譯本 |
| |
1190. New Testament |
新遺詔聖經 1864 |
新遺詔聖經 |
| |
1191. BIBLE |
CRVS 2003 |
圣经恢复本 Recovery Version Details《圣经恢复本》新旧约圣经恢复本,系按原文重译经文,附以纲目、注解、串珠等,其编译过程历时逾三旬,主要系配合主仆李常受弟兄所带领,圣经各卷生命读经之进程。缘自一九七四年四月,李弟兄在美国带领查读创世记及马太福音起,至一九九五年七月带领查读雅歌,历经二十二载,完成全部圣经之生命读经;该查读记录经编辑为生命读经信息出版,共一千九百八十四篇。查读期间,先根据希腊或希伯来原文将经文逐卷重新繙译;李弟兄并为新约各卷撰写详尽注解,编列纲目与串珠。一九八七年冬,新约圣经中文恢复本经深度修订及校勘后正式出版。一九九四年,在完成旧约生命读经以前,李弟兄嘱水流职事站编辑部着手修订旧约经文之英译,并根据生命读经信息,为旧约各卷编写注解,同时编列经文串珠。李弟兄于一九九七年六月九日离世与主同在,恢复本编译工作仍持续进行。一九九九年夏,英文新旧约圣经恢复本经文版正式出版,其中包含各卷纲目,乃取自李弟兄之著作,或根据生命读经编辑而成;二〇〇三年冬,含全部新旧约经文及注解、串珠之英文恢复本正式发行。中文方面,一九九八年夏,福音书房编辑部开始参照英文恢复本,修订旧约经文之中译,译经工作完成于二〇〇三年夏,随即出版中文新旧约圣经恢复本经文版;二〇〇五年秋,旧约注解译事告竣,全部恢复本经文及注解终得以供陈与神的众儿女。因篇幅之钜,特将中文旧约圣经恢复本独立成册付梓,与新约圣经恢复本分为两册印行,俾便使用。. |
| |
1192. BIBLE |
CCBS 2010 |
當代聖經修訂版 Chinese Contemporary Bible, Red letter edition The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1193. BIBLE |
CLBS 1979 |
当代圣经 Chinese Living Bible Simplified The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1194. BIBLE |
CNVS 1992 |
新译本 Chinese New Version Simplified |
| |
1195. BIBLE |
中文标准译本(簡) Chinese Standard Bible Simplified The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1196. BIBLE |
CUNPS 1998 |
新标点和合本 Chinese Union New Punctuation |
| |
1197. BIBLE |
CUVS 1919 |
和合本附经文滙篇 Chinese Union Version Simplified From English Revised Version. |
| |
1198. BIBLE |
CUVS 1919 |
和合本附经文滙篇 Chinese Union Version Simplified The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexiconFrom English Revised Version. |
| |
1199. BIBLE |
CUVSC 1919 |
文理和合本 Chinese Union Version Simplified - Classical Chinese |
| |
1200. BIBLE |
和合本串珠附原文编号 Chinese Union Version Cross References With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1201. BIBLE |
CDDVS 2014 |
委办译本 Chinese Deep-classical Delegate's Version |
| |
1202. BIBLE |
HWUVS 1923 |
深文理和合本 High Wenli Union Version |
| |
1203. BIBLE |
LZZS 1970 |
吕振中译本 Lü Zheng Zhong Simplified Перевод с оригинальных текстов. Lü Zheng Zhong |
| |
1204. BIBLE |
RCUVS 2010 |
和合本修订版 Revised Chinese Union Version Simplified The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1205. BIBLE |
TCVS 1997 |
现代中文译本 Today's Chinese Version Simplified |
| |
1206. BIBLE |
環球聖經譯本 Worldwide Chinese Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1207. BIBLE |
思高圣经 1968 |
思高圣经 Studium Biblicum Version Simplified |
| |
1208. BIBLE |
神天圣书 1823 |
神天圣书 |
| |
1209. BIBLE - NET |
CNETS 2011 |
新英语译本 Chinese New English Translation |
| |
1210. BIBLE |
和合本附原文编号 Chinese Union Version With Strong's lexiconJoseph Fung |
| |
1211. BIBLE |
PCBS 1899 |
京委本圣经 Peking Committee Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1212. BIBLE |
CUV-e |
简体中文和合本圣经增强版 Chinese Union Version - Simplified Enhanced |
| |
1213. BIBLE |
北京官话 1999 |
北京官话译本 Beijing official translation |
| |
1214. BIBLE |
次经 2014 |
次经全书, 香港圣公会 The Second Scriptures, Hong Kong Anglican Church |
| |
1215. BIBLE - KJV |
中文钦定本 Chinese King James Version Simplified |
| |
1216. BIBLE - KJV |
中文英王钦定本(圣经信徒协会) Chinese King James Version (Bible Believers Of Washington) |
| |
1217. BIBLE - KJV |
中文英皇钦定本(天上之声编译组) Amplified Bible、Complete Jewish Bible |
| |
1218. BIBLE |
LCTS 2007 |
圣经原文编号逐字中译 Literal Chinese Translation Simplified With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1219. Gospel |
IVS(FG) 2015 |
共同译本(四福音书) Interconfessional Version (Four Gospels) |
| |
1220. Some books |
次经1933 1933 |
次经全书, 中华圣公会书籍委员会 |
| |
1221. New Testament |
EWUVS 1904 |
浅文理和合本 Easy Wenli Union Version |
| |
1222. New Testament |
朱宝惠 1936 |
重译新约全书 ZHU Baohui, NT with study notes Simplified |
| |
1223. New Testament |
新漢語譯本 Contemporary Chinese Version |
| |
1224. New Testament |
委办译本 1858 |
委办译本 |
| |
1225. New Testament |
新遗诏圣经 1864 |
新遗诏圣经 |
| |
1226. New Testament |
直译-CBOL |
原文直译参考用(CBOL) |
| |
1227. New Testament - ERV |
ERV-ZH 2004 |
Chinese New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
1228. BIBLE |
AEB 1994 |
아가페 쉬운 성경 Agape Easy Bible |
| |
1229. BIBLE |
CoTr |
Korean CoTrans Bible |
| |
1230. BIBLE |
CTB 1977 |
공동번역 Common Translation Bible |
| |
1231. BIBLE |
Korean Easy Bible |
| |
1232. BIBLE |
Korean Hyeondaeeo Bible |
| |
1233. BIBLE |
KLB 1985 |
현대인의 성경 Korean Living Bible pastor Ganga Prasad Pradhan |
| |
1234. BIBLE |
Korean Modern Bible |
| |
1235. BIBLE |
평양말 성경 Pyongyang Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1236. BIBLE |
KOR 1910 |
성경 Korean Bible William D Reynolds, Lee Seung Doo, Kim Jeong Sam |
| |
1237. BIBLE |
Korean Rentier Bible |
| |
1238. BIBLE |
RNKSV 2001 |
Revised New Korean Standard Version |
| |
1239. BIBLE |
TKV 1991 |
현대어성경 Today's Korean Version |
| |
1240. BIBLE |
Woor |
우리말사랑누리집 Korean Bible (Woorimal) |
| |
1241. BIBLE |
KRV 1961 |
개역한글 |
| |
1242. BIBLE - ASB |
American Standard Hangul Korean Bible |
| |
1243. BIBLE - ASB |
Korean American Standard Revised |
| |
1244. BIBLE - ASB |
Korean American Standard Revised 4th Edition |
| |
1245. BIBLE - ASB |
NRKV 1998 |
개역개정 New Revised Korean Version |
| |
1246. BIBLE - Catholic |
KCB 2005 |
성경 Korean Catholic Bible |
| |
1247. BIBLE - KJV |
KKJV 1994 |
한글판 킹제임스 Korean King James Version |
| |
1248. Old Testament |
ABK 2014 |
An Testament Nowydh ha'n Salmow |
| |
1249. BIBLE |
ABK 2019 |
An Bibel Kernewek Cornish Bible |
| |
1250. New Testament |
PNÛ 2017 |
Peymana Nû (Încîl) |
| |
1251. New Testament |
KUR 2009 |
Kurmanji Încîl |
| |
1252. New Testament |
KMRNC 2000, 2011 |
Пәймана Ну (Инщил) New Testament in Kurmanji Kurdish of Transcaucasia (Cyrillic) |
| |
1253. New Testament |
KMRNL 2000, 2011 |
Peymana Nû (Încîl) New Testament in Kurmanji Kurdish of Transcaucasia (Latin) |
| |
1254. New Testament |
KMRP 2005 |
Kurmanji Încîl Kurdish New Testament and Psalms + |
| |
1255. BIBLE |
KHSV 2005 |
Khmer Standard Version |
| |
1256. BIBLE |
Hmar 1968 |
Hmar Bible Rochunga Pudaite |
| |
1257. BIBLE |
kmGB 2019 |
ព្រះគម្ពីរខ្មែរសាកល Global Khmer Bible |
| |
1258. BIBLE |
kmOV 1962 |
ព្រះគម្ពីរបរិសុទ្ធ ១៩៥៤ Khmer Old Version |
| |
1259. BIBLE |
kmRV 2016 |
ព្រះគម្ពីរបរិសុទ្ធកែសម្រួល ២០១៦ Revised Khmer Old Version |
| |
1260. BIBLE |
kmTV 2016 |
អាល់គីតាប Revised Khmer Old Version |
| |
1261. BIBLE |
kmSV 2005 |
Khmer Standard Version |
| |
1262. New Testament |
kmCB 2011 |
Khmer Christian Bible |
| |
1263. New Testament |
KhNT 2012 |
Khmer Christian Bible — New Testament |
| |
1264. BIBLE |
RLV 2015 |
ພຣະຄຳພີສັກສິ Holy Bible |
| |
1265. BIBLE - Vulgata |
VG 1591 |
La Vulgata Clementina Clementine Vulgate The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1266. BIBLE - Vulgata |
V 405 |
Biblia Sacra Vulgata |
| |
1267. BIBLE - Vulgata |
CVg 2018 |
Biblia Sacra juxta Vulgatam Clementinam DetailsThe Bishops' Conference of England and Wales gives its approval to the publication of Biblia Sacra juxta Vulgatam Clementinam. Published with approbation. CBCEW, 9th January 2006. The Clementine Text Project was an effort between 2002 and 2005 to create a free online text version of the Clementine Vulgate. This is an historically important edition of the Latin Bible that previously did not exist in electronic form. Many people generously gave their time to help create and proof-read the new text. Work to maintain the text and correct errors that are found is ongoing: the latest update was on Jan 23 2018. |
| |
1268. BIBLE - Vulgata |
NVUL 1979 |
Nova Vulgata Neo-Vulgate The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Bibliorum Sacrorum nova vulgata editio. |
| |
1269. BIBLE - Vulgata |
NVg |
Nova Vulgata |
| |
1270. BIBLE - Vulgata |
V |
Vulgata latina |
| |
1271. BIBLE |
BJT 2012 |
Bībele jaunajā tulkojumā ar apokrifiem New Bible translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1272. BIBLE |
LVB 1965 |
Bībele latviešu valodā Latvian bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1273. BIBLE |
LTV 1965 |
Bībele latviešu valodā Latvian Bible |
| |
1274. BIBLE |
LvG 1694 |
Glika Bībele |
| |
1275. BIBLE |
LTV 1965, 1997 |
1965. gada Bībeles izdevuma revidētais teksts Revised Latvian Bible |
| |
1276. BIBLE |
LVSB 2012 |
New Latvian Inter-confessional Bible New Latvian Inter-confessional Bible with Deuterocanonicals |
| |
1277. BIBLE |
LVSD 2012 |
New Latvian Inter-confessional Bible with Deuterocanonicals New Latvian Inter-confessional Bible with Deuterocanonicals |
| |
1278. New Testament |
LJD 1947 |
Jaunā Derība New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1279. Psalms - Psalms |
Psalmės Psalms с древнегреч. и древнеевр. |
| |
1280. New Testament |
1701 |
Naujasis Testamentas New Testament перевод с древнегреческого Samuelis Bitneris |
| |
1281. New Testament |
1727 |
Naujasis Testamentas New Testament перевод с немецкого P Ruigisa |
| |
1282. New Testament |
1937 |
Naujasis Testamentas New Testament католиками с Вульгаты. |
| |
1283. New Testament |
1961 |
Naujasis Testamentas New Testament перевод НЗ и Псалмов с оригинальных языков |
| |
1284. New Testament |
1973 |
Naujasis Testamentas New Testament |
| |
1285. BIBLE |
Biblija Bible с Вульгаты. |
| |
1286. BIBLE |
1579-1590 |
Biblija Bible перевод с немецкой Библии М. Лютера Jonas Bretkūnas |
| |
1287. BIBLE |
1660 |
Biblija Bible перевод с голландского S B Hilinskis |
| |
1288. BIBLE |
1735, 1755 |
Biblija Bible J J Kvantas, J Berentas |
| |
1289. BIBLE |
1998 |
Biblija Bible |
| |
1290. BIBLE |
KBB 1999 |
Biblija (Šventasis Raštas) Bible (Scripture) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Kosto Burbulis |
| |
1291. BIBLE |
LBD 1999-Lietuvos |
Biblija, arba Šventasis Raštas The words of Jesus are highlighted in red с евр., арам. и древнегреч. языков |
| |
1292. BIBLE |
2000 |
Biblija Bible |
| |
1293. BIBLE |
LTZB 2010 |
Biblija. Senasis Testamentas. Naujasis Testamentas |
| |
1294. BIBLE |
LTRK 2012 |
A. Rubšio ir Č. Kavaliausko vertimas be Antrojo Kanono knygų Lithuanian Bible Antano Rubšio, Česlovas Kavaliauskas |
| |
1295. BIBLE - KJV |
LTKJV 2012 |
Biblija KJV Lithuanian Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Karaliaus Jokūbo Versija lietuviškai. Verte Darius Kundrotas |
| |
1296. BIBLE - Catholic |
LTRKD 2012 |
A. Rubšio ir Č. Kavaliausko vertimas su Antrojo Kanono knygomis Lithuanian Bible Antano Rubšio, Česlovas Kavaliauskas |
| |
1297. BIBLE |
MKB 2006 |
Свето Писмо: Стандардна Библија 66 книги. |
| |
1298. BIBLE |
MKB 2006 |
Свето Писмо: Стандардна Библија Со девтероканонски книги. |
| |
1299. BIBLE |
BK 1999 |
Библија The words of Jesus are highlighted in red dr Dushan Konstantinov |
| |
1300. BIBLE |
MKG 1990 |
Свето Писмо („Гаврилова“ Библија) Macedonian Bible (Gavril's) |
| |
1301. BIBLE |
MKDK 1999, 2004 |
БИБЛИЈА (Свето Писмо): Стариот и Новиот Завет |
| |
1302. BIBLE |
MKDB 2006 |
Свето Писмо: Стандардна Библија Macedonian Standard Bible (66 books) |
| |
1303. New Testament |
MKDN 1999 |
Динамичен превод на Новиот завет на македонски јазик |
| |
1304. New Testament |
MNT 1999 |
Динамичен превод на Новиот завет на македонски јазик The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1305. New Testament |
NZM 2007 |
Новиот завет на македонски јазик The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1306. New Testament - Synodal |
SP 1990 |
Свето Писмо на македонски јазик, Синодското издание The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1307. BIBLE |
Bible Interconfessionelle |
| |
1308. BIBLE |
MG 1865 |
Ny Baiboly Malagasy Malagasy Bible |
| |
1309. BIBLE |
BMDC 2008 |
Alkitab Berita Baik +Deuterokanonika |
| |
1310. BIBLE |
BM 1996 |
Alkitab Berita Baik |
| |
1311. BIBLE |
MCL 2016 |
സത്യവേദപുസ്തകം C.L. Malayalam C.L. Bible |
| |
1312. BIBLE |
MOV 2016 |
സത്യവേദപുസ്തകം O.V. alayalam O.V. Bible |
| |
1313. BIBLE |
POC-ML 2013 |
POC Bible-Malayalam Malayalam Bible Version by P.O.C |
| |
1314. BIBLE |
MBSI 1956 |
Malayalam Bible Kerala Auxiliary |
| |
1315. BIBLE |
BCS-ml 2017 |
മലയാളം ബൈബിള് Malayalam Bible |
| |
1316. BIBLE |
ML 1910 |
മലയാളം സത്യവേദപുസ്തകം 1910 പതിപ്പ് (പരിഷ്കരിച്ച ലിപിയിൽ) Malayalam Sathyavedapusthakam 1910 Edition (Revised Orthography) |
| |
1317. BIBLE |
MSV 2017 |
മലയാളബൈബിള്-നൂതനപരിഭാഷ Malayalam Contemporary Version |
| |
1318. New Testament |
ERV-MA 2007 |
Malayalam Bible: Easy to Read NT |
| |
1319. New Testament - ERV |
ERV-ML 2007 |
Malayalam Bible: Easy to Read NT |
| |
1320. BIBLE |
MB 1858 |
Maori Bible Bible Maori |
| |
1321. BIBLE |
MRIB 1952 |
Te Paipera Tapu Maori Bible 1952 |
| |
1322. BIBLE |
SSDC 1998 |
Sebr Sõngo The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1323. New Testament |
MOSBSB 1998 |
Sebr Sõngo Protestant Version |
| |
1324. BIBLE |
АБ 2004 |
Ариун Библи Mongolian Ariun Bible |
| |
1325. BIBLE |
АБ 2013 |
Ариун Библи Ariun Bible |
| |
1326. New Testament - KJV |
MnKJV 2012 |
Библийн Mongolian KJV New Testamen |
| |
1327. BIBLE |
NdeB 2002 |
Ndebele Bible |
| |
1328. BIBLE |
SND 2012 |
IsiNdebele |
| |
1329. BIBLE |
SCH 1951 |
Schlachter |
| |
1330. BIBLE |
EÜ 2017 |
Revidierte Einheitsübersetzung. Gesamtausgabe. |
| |
1331. BIBLE |
ESS 1836 |
Die Bibel The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Johann Heinrich van Eß |
| |
1332. BIBLE |
FB4 2004 |
FreeBible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Michael Mustun |
| |
1333. BIBLE |
Grun 1924 |
Grünewald Bibel |
| |
1334. BIBLE |
HFA 2002 |
Hoffnung für Alle New International Version. The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1335. BIBLE |
Zu'07 2007 |
Zürcher Bibel |
| |
1336. BIBLE |
NLB 2006 |
Neues Leben. Die Bibel New life. The Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Morphological formsDetailsDer Text der 'Neues Leben. Die Bibel' unterliegt dem Copyright und darf weder kopiert noch anderweitig vervielfältigt werden. |
| |
1337. BIBLE |
PAT 1980 |
Katholische Pattloch Bibel |
| |
1338. BIBLE |
S51 1951 |
Schlachter-Bibel, Franz Eugen Schlachter With Strong's lexiconFrancis Eugene Schlachter |
| |
1339. BIBLE - Geneva |
S00 2000 |
Schlachter-Bibel Schlachter Bible 2000 The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Francis Eugene Schlachter |
| |
1340. BIBLE |
Taf 1911 |
Tafelbibel The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Johann Friedrich Leonhard Tafel |
| |
1341. BIBLE |
Zu31 1931 |
Zürcher Bibel The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1342. BIBLE |
ZB'07 2007 |
Die Zürcher Bibel |
| |
1343. BIBLE |
deW 1858 |
De Wette Dr Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de Wette |
| |
1344. BIBLE - Catholic |
EÜ 2005 |
Einheitsübersetzung Unity Translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1345. BIBLE - Catholic |
GNB 1997 |
Gute Nachricht Bibel The Good News The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1346. BIBLE |
AL 1914 |
Allioli Die Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testamentes |
| |
1347. BIBLE |
ELB 2006 |
Elberfelder Bibel German Elberfelder |
| |
1348. BIBLE |
ELB 1905 |
Elberfelder Bibel German Elberfelder |
| |
1349. BIBLE |
ELBBK 2019 |
Elberfelder Übersetzung Elberfelder Translation |
| |
1350. BIBLE |
KW 1906 |
Textbibel von Kautzsch und Weizsäcker The Holy Bible in German |
| |
1351. BIBLE |
LH 1545 |
Luther (Letzte Hand) |
| |
1352. BIBLE |
STKB 1986 |
Stuttgarter Kepplerbibel Stuttgart Keppler Bible |
| |
1353. BIBLE |
UELB 1905 |
Darby Unrevidierte Elberfelder German Unrevised Elberfelder Bible John Nelson Darby |
| |
1354. BIBLE |
NMÜ 2022 |
Die Bibel |
| |
1355. BIBLE |
NLB 2006 |
Neues Leben Bibel Holy Bible, New Living Translation |
| |
1356. BIBLE |
NeÜ 2017 |
Neue evangelistische Übersetzung New evangelistic translation Karl-Heinz Vanheiden |
| |
1357. BIBLE |
NeÜ 2010 |
Neue evangelistische Übersetzung New evangelistic translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Karl-Heinz Vanheiden |
| |
1358. BIBLE |
NLB 2005 |
Neues Leben. Die Bibel New life. The Bible DetailsDer Text der 'Neues Leben. Die Bibel' unterliegt dem Copyright und darf weder kopiert noch anderweitig vervielfältigt werden. |
| |
1359. BIBLE |
MENG 2010 |
Menge-Bibel The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Hermann August Menge |
| |
1360. New Testament |
VLX3 2009 |
Volxbibel 3.0 |
| |
1361. New Testament |
VLX4 2013 |
Volxbibel 4.0 |
| |
1362. BIBLE - DBY |
ELB 1871 |
Elberfelder The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1363. BIBLE - DBY |
ELB 1905 |
Elberfelder Darby Bible With Strong's lexiconJohn Nelson Darby |
| |
1364. BIBLE - DBY |
ELB1 1871 |
Elberfelder Bibel German Elberfelder The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1365. BIBLE - DBY |
REB 1985 |
Revidierte Elberfelder Bibel The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1366. BIBLE - DBY |
REB 1985 |
Revidierte Elberfelder Bibel (Jahwe edition) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1367. BIBLE - Catholic |
LB 2017 |
Lutherbibel |
| |
1368. BIBLE - Catholic |
LUTD 1912 |
Lutherbibel mit Apokryphen Luther Bible with Apocrypha The words of Jesus are highlighted in red German Lutherbibel. |
| |
1369. BIBLE |
LB 1984 |
Lutherbibel Luther Bible 1984 The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1370. BIBLE |
LB 1545 |
Lutherbibel Luther Bible With Strong's lexiconGerman Lutherbibel. |
| |
1371. BIBLE |
LLH 1545 |
Luther Bibel, Wittenberg, Letzte Hand mit Apokryphen Biblia, Das ist: Die gantze Heilige Schrifft. Deudsch. Auffs new zugericht. Wittenberg 1545. Faksimilierte Ausgabe der Lutherbibel |
| |
1372. BIBLE |
LB 1912 |
Lutherbibel Luther Bible With Strong's lexiconGerman Lutherbibel. |
| |
1373. BIBLE |
NL 2009 |
NeueLuther Bibel: Nach der Übersetzung Martin Luthers |
| |
1374. Gospel |
EdR 1910 |
Die vier Evangelien des Reinhardt The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ludwig Louis Philipp Reinhard |
| |
1375. New Testament |
MNT 2018 |
Münchener Neues Testament. Studienübersetzung Mit exegetischen Anmerkungen. Gerhard Kautz |
| |
1376. New Testament |
MNT 1998 |
Münchener Neues Testament With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1377. New Testament |
Leo-NA28+ 2016 |
Leonberger Bibel (NA28) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexiconWort. Weg. Wahrheit. |
| |
1378. New Testament |
Leo-RP05+ 2005 |
Leonberger Bibel (RP05) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexiconWort. Weg. Wahrheit. |
| |
1379. New Testament |
Alemannische Bibel NT The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1380. New Testament |
AMNT 1989 |
Abraham Meister NT The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Abraham Meister |
| |
1381. New Testament |
AN 1927 |
Albrecht Neues Testament und Psalmen The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ludwig Albrecht |
| |
1382. New Testament |
DBNT 1974 |
Die Bengel Neuen Testament New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1383. New Testament |
JNT 1999 |
Jantzen NT The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Herbert Jantzen |
| |
1384. New Testament |
KNT 1939 |
Konkordantes Neues Testament Adolph Ernst Knoch |
| |
1385. New Testament |
KIST 1825 |
Kistemaker NT Johann Hyacinth Kistemake |
| |
1386. New Testament |
PBNT 2016 |
Die Piscator-Bibel NT Johannes Piscator |
| |
1387. New Testament - Geneva |
NGÜ 2011 |
Neue Genfer Übersetzung – Neues Testament und Psalmen New Geneva Version - New Testament and Psalms The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1388. Old Testament |
AT 1906 |
German Textbibel AT |
| |
1389. Old Testament |
Schrift 1929 |
Die Schrift Martin Buber und Franz Rosenzweig |
| |
1390. Old Testament |
SNHTS 1954 |
Die Heilige Schrift Naftali Herz Tur-Sinai |
| |
1391. New Testament |
ILD 1979 |
Deutsch Interlinearübersetzung NT The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1392. New Testament |
ILGRDE 2014 |
Interlinearübersetzung Neues Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1393. Old Testament |
DHSAT 1934 |
Die Heilige Schrift — Übersetzung des AT Naftali Herz Tur-Sinai |
| |
1394. BIBLE |
NEPS 2008 |
सरल नेपाली पवित्र बाइबल |
| |
1395. BIBLE |
NNRV 2012 |
Nepali New Revised Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1396. BIBLE - ERV |
ERV-ne 1914 |
Nepali Bible: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
1397. BIBLE |
N11NN 2011 |
Bibel 2011 Bible |
| |
1398. BIBLE |
N78NN 1978-1985 |
Bibelen Bible |
| |
1399. BIBLE |
SMB 1921 |
Studentmållagsbibelen The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1400. BIBLE |
NN 1938 |
Bibelen Norwegian Bible |
| |
1401. BIBLE |
LB 2006 |
En Levende Bok |
| |
1402. BIBLE |
N11 2011 |
Bibel 2011 Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1403. BIBLE |
N78 1978 |
Bibelen Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1404. BIBLE |
DNB 1930 |
Norsk Bibelen Norwegian Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1405. BIBLE |
NB 2007 |
Norsk Bibel Norwegian Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1406. BIBLE |
BGO 2017 |
Bibelen – Guds Ord |
| |
1407. BIBLE |
BGO 2018 |
Bibelen – Guds Ord Hverdagsbibelen (Hermon Forlag) |
| |
1408. New Testament |
Brød 2011 |
Brød Nye Testamente Bread New Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1409. BIBLE - Catholic |
BT 1965 |
Biblia Tysiąclecia MThe illennium Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Современный католический перевод. DetailsTekst Biblii Tysiąclecia |
| |
1410. BIBLE - Catholic |
BT 1971 |
Biblia Tysiąclecia II The Millennium Bible II |
| |
1411. BIBLE - Catholic |
BT 1976 |
Biblia Tysiąclecia III The Millennium Bible III |
| |
1412. BIBLE - Catholic |
BT 1999 |
Biblia Tysiąclecia V The Millennium Bible V |
| |
1413. BIBLE - Catholic |
BT 2003 |
Biblia Tysiąclecia IV The Millennium Bible IV Современный католический перевод. DetailsTekst Biblii Tysiąclecia |
| |
1414. BIBLE |
BG 1881 |
Biblia Gdańska Gdansk Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1415. BIBLE |
BG 1632 |
Biblia Gdańska Gdansk Bible DetailsPrzekład Biblii na język polski dokonany wspólnie przez braci czeskich i kalwinistów. W Gdańsku ukazuje się drukiem pełne wydanie Biblii Gdańskiej: \BIBLIA SWIĘTA: To jest, KSIĘGI STAREGO Y NOWEGO PRZYMIERZA Z Zydowskiego y Greckiego Języka na Polski pilnie y wiernie przetłumaczone. Cum Gratia et Privilegio. S. R. M., Gdańsk, A. Hünefeldt, 1632. Tłumaczenie Daniel Mikołajewski, Jan Turnowski. Podstawa tłumaczenia Tekst Masorecki (ST); Textus Receptus (NT). Prawo autorskie © 1632, AUTOR. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. |
| |
1416. BIBLE |
NBG 2012 |
Nowa Biblia Gdańska New Gdansk Bible |
| |
1417. BIBLE |
UBG 2018 |
Uwspółcześniona Biblia Gdańska Updated Gdansk Bible |
| |
1418. BIBLE |
UBG 2013 |
Uwspółcześniona Biblia Gdańska Updated Gdansk Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1419. BIBLE |
SNP 2018 |
Biblia, to jest Pismo Święte Starego i Nowego Przymierza Wydanie pierwsze Polish Bible |
| |
1420. BIBLE |
PAU 2016 |
Biblia Paulistów |
| |
1421. BIBLE |
BJW 1593 |
Biblia Jakuba Wujka The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Jakub Wujek |
| |
1422. BIBLE |
BW 1975 |
Biblia warszawska The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1423. BIBLE |
BWP 1997 |
Biblia warszawsko-praska The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1424. BIBLE - Catholic |
BL 1991 |
Biblia lubelska The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1425. BIBLE |
BN 1572 |
Biblia nieświeska The Nesvizh Bible Simon Budny |
| |
1426. BIBLE |
BTZ 1549 |
Brulion Tomasza ze Zbrudzewa The Bible of Textual IV edición | BTX IV Brulion of Tomasz from Zbrudzewo |
| |
1427. BIBLE |
EIB 2016 |
Przekład Literacki |
| |
1428. BIBLE |
EKU 2018 |
Biblia Ekumeniczna Ecumenical Bible Pismo Święte Starego i Nowego Testamentu przekład ekumeniczny z języków oryginalnych. |
| |
1429. BIBLE |
Interlinearna Biblia Hebrajsko-Polska Interlinear Hebrew-Polish Bible With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1430. BIBLE |
MILOSZ 2004 |
Przekłady biblijne Czesława Miłosza Czesław Miłosz's biblical translations Czesław Miłosz |
| |
1431. BIBLE |
Textus Receptus Oblubienicy Textus Receptus The Bride and Groom With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1432. BIBLE |
POZ 1975 |
Biblia Poznańska I DetailsWydanie I, Pismo Święte Starego i Nowego Testamentu. T.3, Nowy Testament / w przekładzie z języków oryginalnych ze wstępami i komentarzami oprac. zespół pod red. Michała Petera i Mariana Wolniewicza. |
| |
1433. Some books |
BLT 1561 |
Biblia Leopolity Tora |
| |
1434. Some books - Psalms |
KPHA 2006 |
Księga Psalmów Henryk Adamczyk |
| |
1435. Some books - Psalms |
PsJK 1579 |
Psałterz Dawidowy Jan Kochanowski |
| |
1436. Gospel |
EDB 2010 |
Ewangelie dla badaczy The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Sławomir Łuczkiewicz |
| |
1437. New Testament |
GOR 2005 |
Nowy Testament Góralski DetailsNowy Testament w przekładzie Marii Matejowej Torbiarz na gwarę górali skalnopodhalańskich z Zakopanego. Praca studyjna na podstawie Biblii Tysiąclecia Wydawnictwo Pallottinum 1982, Poznań – Zakopane Krzeptówki 2005. Podstawa tłumaczenia Biblia Tysiąclecia. |
| |
1438. New Testament |
Przekład toruński Nowego Przymierza |
| |
1439. New Testament |
Textus Receptus Oblubienicy With Strong's lexicon, Morphological formsEwangeliczny Przekład Intelinearny Nowego Testamentu. |
| |
1440. New Testament |
BB 1563 |
Biblia Brzeska The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1441. New Testament |
Dąb 1961 |
Biblia Dąbrowskiego The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Eugeniusz Dąbrowski |
| |
1442. New Testament |
DąbV |
Biblia Przekład Dąbrowskiego z Wulgaty Eugeniusz Dąbrowski |
| |
1443. New Testament |
NP |
Nowe Przymierze: Pismo Święte Nowego Testamentu The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1444. New Testament |
NTK 1956 |
Nowy Testament Kowalskiego The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Seweryn Kowalski |
| |
1445. New Testament |
PBP 2010 |
Nowy Testament Popowskiego The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Remigiusz Popowski |
| |
1446. New Testament |
PBR 1606 |
NT Rakowski The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1447. New Testament |
PBW 1991 |
NT — Współczesny przekład The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1448. New Testament |
PSZ 2016 |
Słowo Życia |
| |
1449. New Testament |
EKU 2001 |
Przekład Ekumeniczny NT |
| |
1450. New Testament |
Goetze 1937 |
Nowy Testament i Psalmy Goetze |
| |
1451. New Testament |
SZW 1948 |
Nowy Testament Szwedzki The New Swedish Testament |
| |
1452. Psalms - Psalms |
ASZK 1927 |
Chwała Boża (Psałterz Dawidowy) God's Glory (David's Psalter) Fryderyk Tobiasz Aszkenazy |
| |
1453. Psalms - Psalms |
STAFF 1937 |
Księga Psalmów Book of Psalms Leopold Staff |
| |
1454. Psalms - Psalms |
Psalmy z Biblii Greckiej w przekładzie ks. Tronma, DATE |
| |
1455. Old Testament |
KRUS 1926 |
Przekłady biblijne Józefa Kruszyńskiego Józef Kruszyński |
| |
1456. New Testament |
PBPW 2014 |
Grecko-polski Nowy Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Remigiusz Popowski, Michał Wojciechowski |
| |
1457. New Testament |
PBD 1993 |
NT Przekład Dosłowny EIB The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1458. BIBLE |
BWM 1975 |
Biblia Mesjańska The Messianic Bible DetailsBiblia Mesjańska jest edycją Biblii Warszawskiej - wydanej w roku 1975 przez Brytyjskie i Zagraniczne Towarzystwo Biblijne w Warszawie. Przyczyną tej edycji jest to, że podstawą do tłumaczenia Starego Testamentu Biblii Warszawskiej była Biblia Hebraica (1951), czyli Kodeks Leningradzki - rok 1008 n.e. poważnie skażony przez żydowskich masoretów. Stary Testament Biblii Warszawskiej został w wielu znanych wersetach poprawiony według angielskiego tłumaczenia z greki - Septuaginty LXX (285 p.n.e.) Brenton. (1851). Słowa greckie, jak: amen, alleluja i hosanna przetłumaczono na język polski. Polski termin - piekło - został zastąpiony oryginalnymi nazwami greckimi - Hades, Gehenna i Tartar. Oryginalne greckie imię Jezusa Chrystusa - Isus - zostało przeliterowane z greckiego oryginału. W miejsce Tetragramu JHWH wstawiono jego prawidłowe oryginalne znaczenie - Bóg. Prawo autorskie © 1975, AUTOR. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Copyright © 1975 by AUTOR. All rights reserved. |
| |
1459. Torah - Psalms |
Cylk 1895 |
Psalmy, Tora Izaak Cylkow |
| |
1460. New Testament |
Nowy Testament z Perspektywy Żydowskiej |
| |
1461. BIBLE |
ARAi |
Revista e Atualizada Interlinear With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1462. BIBLE |
LTT 2009 |
Bíblia Literal do Texto Tradicional Anotada The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1463. BIBLE |
LTT 2015 |
Bíblia Literal do Texto Tradicional The words of Jesus are highlighted in red DetailsHélio de Menezes Silva 2005, 2009 e 2015 |
| |
1464. BIBLE |
LTT 2018 |
Bíblia de Estudo LTT The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Bíblia Literal do Texto Tradicional (com Notas de Rodapé) Details1ª edição publicada em dez.2016, 2ª em nov.2018.Até 500 versos desta Bíblia podem ser citados em qualquer forma (escrita, áudio, vídeo, etc.) sem a permissão expressa e escrita do autor e da publicadora, desde que: a) não se omita ou modifique nenhuma letra da LTT (inclusive suas notas); b) tais versos não formem um livro completo da Bíblia nem 25% do texto do trabalho que faz as citações; c) tal trabalho registre em local de destaque algo equivalente a "todos os versículos citados são da Bíblia de Estudo LTT - Bíblia Literal do Texto Tradicional (com Notas), 2ª edição (2018) ®, copyright © 2018 em favor de Hélio de Menezes Silva e de Gráfica Gino. Usada por permissão. Todos os direitos reservados em escala global." Qualquer uso dessas Escrituras excedendo 500 versos, mesmo satisfazendo (a,b,c), sem a prévia autorização escrita do autor e da publicadora, constitui-se crime, ainda mais se tal uso for em troca de algum retorno ou vantagem financeiros. |
| |
1465. BIBLE |
ACF'07 2007 |
Almeida Corrigida Fiel The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1466. BIBLE |
ACF'11 2011 |
Almeida Corrigida Fiel The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1467. BIBLE |
ALM 2007 |
Bíblia Almeida Século 21 The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1468. BIBLE |
AR 2011 |
Bíblia Almeida Recebida The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1469. BIBLE |
ARA 1993 |
Almeida Revista e Atualizada With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1470. BIBLE |
ARCA 1750 |
Almeida Revista e Corrigida, Anotada The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1471. BIBLE |
ARM 1967 |
Almeida Revisada de Acordo com os Melhores Textos em Hebraico e Grego The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1472. BIBLE - Catholic |
BAM 1959 |
Bíblia Ave Maria The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1473. BIBLE |
BEP 1990 |
Bíblia Sagrada — Edição Pastoral The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1474. BIBLE |
BEP 2009 |
Bíblia de Estudo Pentecostal The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexiconDetailsCom a Versão Revista e Corrigida de João Ferreira de Almeida - 4ª Edição. Texto corrigido entre os anos de 1995 a 2009. |
| |
1475. BIBLE |
BPT 1993 |
Tradução Interconfessional — A Bíblia Para Todos The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1476. BIBLE |
CF 1753 |
Corrigida Fiel The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1477. BIBLE |
CNBB 2002 |
Bíblia CNBB (Nova Capa) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1478. BIBLE |
DBFC 1955 |
Difusora Bíblica The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1479. BIBLE |
A Bíblia Livre The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1480. BIBLE |
Bíblia Livre - Textus Receptus |
| |
1481. BIBLE |
Bíblia+ |
Bíblia Sagrada With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1482. BIBLE |
LN4 |
Nestle 1904 Texto Crítico — Biblia Livre |
| |
1483. BIBLE |
NTLH 2000 |
Nova Tradução na Linguagem de Hoje The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1484. BIBLE |
NVT 2016 |
Bíblia Sagrada, Nova Versão Transformadora |
| |
1485. BIBLE |
OL 2000 |
Tradução O Livro em Português Comum The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1486. BIBLE |
OL 2000 |
O Livro |
| |
1487. BIBLE |
PCF 1994 |
Sinta-se português Corrigida The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1488. BIBLE |
POR 1948 |
Portuguese Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red João Ferreira de Almeida |
| |
1489. BIBLE |
VIVA 2002 |
Biblia Viva The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1490. BIBLE |
ARA 2010 |
Almeida Revista e Atualizada The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1491. BIBLE |
ARC 2009 |
Almeida Revista e Corrigida The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1492. BIBLE |
BPT 2009 |
a BÍBLIA para todos Edição Comum The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1493. BIBLE - Catholic |
BPT 2009 |
a BÍBLIA para todos Edição Católica The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1494. BIBLE |
TB 2010 |
Tradução Brasileir The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1495. BIBLE |
NAA 2017 |
Nova Almeida Atualizada The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Português (Brasil). DetailsA Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil trabalha para que a Bíblia esteja, efetivamente, ao alcance de todos e seja lida por todos. A SBB é uma entidade sem fins lucrativos, dedicada a disseminar a Bíblia e, por meio dela, promover o desenvolvimento integral do ser humano. Você também pode ajudar a Causa da Bíblia!. |
| |
1496. BIBLE |
Difusora Bíblica - Franciscanos Capuchinhos |
| |
1497. BIBLE |
AS21 2008 |
Biblia Almeida Século 21 Almeida 21 Bible Portuguese BR language Bíblia Sagrada Almeida Século 21 |
| |
1498. BIBLE |
BJRD 2002 |
Bíblia de Jerusalém Bíblia de Jerusalém |
| |
1499. BIBLE |
Bíblia Sagrada, Nova Versão Transformadora |
| |
1500. BIBLE - ERV |
VFL 1999 |
Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Translation |
| |
1501. BIBLE - KJV |
AA 1959 |
João Ferreira de Almeida Atualizada AA Portuguese Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red João Ferreira de Almeida |
| |
1502. BIBLE - KJV |
ARC 2001 |
Almeida Revista e Corrigida The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1503. BIBLE - KJV |
KJA 2001 |
Bíblia King James Atualizada King James Bible Updated Portuguese The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1504. BIBLE - KJV |
JFA 1628 |
Tradução de João Ferreira de Almeida With Strong's lexiconVersão Revista e Atualizada, grafia brasileira. |
| |
1505. BIBLE - KJV |
JFA-br 1628 |
João Ferreira de Almeida (R. A.) With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1506. BIBLE - KJV |
KJFiel 2001 |
Bíblia King James Fiel 1611 King James Bible Updated Portuguese |
| |
1507. BIBLE - NIV |
NVI-pt 2011 |
Biblia Sagrada, Nova Versão Internacional The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1508. BIBLE - NIV |
NVI-br 2011 |
Nova Versão Internacional The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1509. BIBLE |
Mens 2011 |
Bíblia A Mensagem Eugene Hoiland Peterson |
| |
1510. BIBLE - LXX |
BOLSNT 2017 |
Bíblia Online SNT, Septuaginta + Novo Testamento José CassaisDetailsA Bíblia Online SNT é um projeto em construção, unindo a tradução da Septuaginta para o idioma português, com acréscimos do texto massorético tradicional, à uma versão atual do Novo Testamento, contendo comentários e ilustrações. |
| |
1511. BIBLE - LXX |
LXX-pt 2017 |
Bíblia Online SNT, Septuaginta + Novo Testamento José CassaisDetailsA Bíblia Online SNT é um projeto em construção, unindo a tradução da Septuaginta para o idioma português, com acréscimos do texto massorético tradicional, à uma versão atual do Novo Testamento, contendo comentários e ilustrações. |
| |
1512. New Testament - NIV |
NBV 2007 |
Nova Bíblia Viva Brazilian Portuguese New Living Bible |
| |
1513. New Testament |
JFA 1681 |
Primeira Tradução da Bíblia de Almeida Contendo apenas o Novo Testamento. |
| |
1514. New Testament |
JFA 1819 |
Bíblia de João Ferreira de Almeida |
| |
1515. New Testament |
BDJ 1981 |
Bíblia de Jerusalem |
| |
1516. New Testament |
Bíblia Peshitta Completa Novo Testamento The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1517. New Testament - ERV |
VFL 1999 |
Perjanjian Novo Testamento: Versão Fácil de Ler Portuguese New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1518. Old Testament |
Biblia Hebraica Sêfer |
| |
1519. New Testament |
NTJ 2007 |
Novo Testamento Judaico David Harold Stern |
| |
1520. BIBLE |
BIR 2001 |
Bibiliya Ijambo ry'imana Kinyarwanda Interconfessional Bible |
| |
1521. BIBLE |
BIRD 2001 |
Bibiliya Ijambo ry'imana D Kinyarwanda Interconfessional Bible with DC |
| |
1522. New Testament |
BYSB 2001 |
Bibiliya Yera |
| |
1523. New Testament |
KBNT 2012 |
Bibiliya Ntagatifu |
| |
1524. BIBLE |
VBA 2001 |
Versiunea Bartolomeu Anania The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1525. BIBLE - Catholic |
VBRC 2013 |
Versiunea Biblia Romano-Catolică The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1526. BIBLE |
BIV 2014 |
Biblia în versuri The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ioan Ciorca |
| |
1527. BIBLE |
BLAJ 1795 |
Biblia de la Blaj |
| |
1528. BIBLE |
BOS 1982 |
Biblia Ortodoxă Sinodală The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1529. BIBLE |
BRC 1939 |
Biblia Regele Carol II |
| |
1530. BIBLE |
BTF 2015 |
Biblia Traducerea Fidela The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Dr Brian J Nibbe |
| |
1531. BIBLE |
BVA 2018 |
Biblia în Versiune Actualizată Bible in Updated Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Viorel Silion |
| |
1532. BIBLE |
BVA 2015 |
Biblia în Versiune Actualizată Bible in Updated Version |
| |
1533. BIBLE |
GBV 2001 |
Biblia GBV The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1534. BIBLE |
EDCR 2019 |
Ediția Dumitru Cornilescu revizuită Revised Dumitru Cornilescu Edition |
| |
1535. BIBLE |
NTR 2006 |
Noua Traducere Românească The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1536. BIBLE |
NTR 2016 |
Biblia, Noua Traducere Românească |
| |
1537. BIBLE |
SBB 1921 |
Biblia SBB |
| |
1538. BIBLE |
VBT 2002 |
Versiunea Biblică Trinitariană |
| |
1539. BIBLE |
VDC 1924 |
Versiunea Dumitru Cornilescu Dumitru Cornilescu |
| |
1540. BIBLE |
БДК 1924 |
Библия Думитру Корнилеску Romanian Cornilescu Reference Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1541. BIBLE |
VDCC 2016 |
Biblia sau Sfânta Scriptură cu Trimiteri Reference Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1542. BIBLE |
VDCC 1924 |
Biblia sau Sfânta Scriptură cu Trimiteri, Dumitru Cornilescu |
| |
1543. BIBLE |
RMLB 2019 |
Библия - Пэ Балтитко Романи чиб (Романэс) Baltic Romani Bible 2019 in Cyrillic script |
| |
1544. BIBLE |
RMLB 2019 |
Biblija - Pe Baltitko Romani čib (Romanes) Baltic Romani Bible 2019 in Roman scrpt |
| |
1545. BIBLE |
RMOB 2021 |
O Debleskro Drom I Bibla an o Romano Rakepen 2021 |
| |
1546. BIBLE |
RMYB 2020 |
E Romaii Biblia 2020 (Kăldărărihko) E Romaii Biblia 2020 (Kăldărărihko) |
| |
1547. BIBLE |
VDCL 1931 |
Traducere Literală Cornilescu Romanian Cornilescu literal translation |
| |
1548. New Testament |
BLG 1648 |
Noul Testament de la Bălgrad |
| |
1549. New Testament |
CLV 1993 |
Noul Testament CLV |
| |
1550. New Testament |
CV 2013 |
Cuvântul viu The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1551. New Testament |
NTIT 1984 |
Noul Testament pe Înţelesul Tuturor The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1552. New Testament |
NTS 1857 |
Noul Testament de la Smirna |
| |
1553. New Testament |
TINT 2009 |
Traducerea Interconfesională a Noului Testament The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1554. New Testament |
TLRC 1998 |
Traducere în Limba Română Contemporană |
| |
1555. New Testament |
VDCM 2003 |
Versiunea Dumitru Cornilescu Modernizată |
| |
1556. Psalms |
1648 |
Psalter Псалтырь и фрагменты Свящ. Писания |
| |
1557. New Testament |
1755 |
New Testament |
| |
1558. BIBLE |
1811 |
Bible |
| |
1559. New Testament |
1903 |
New Testament |
| |
1560. New Testament |
850 |
New Testament норвеж. лопарей |
| |
1561. BIBLE |
1895 |
Bible |
| |
1562. Some books |
1903 |
Some books of the Bible Для лопарей Финляндии и России |
| |
1563. BIBLE |
O LE Tusi Pa'ia Samoan Old Version Bible |
| |
1564. BIBLE - Catholic |
SMD 2010 |
O LE Tusi Pa'ia - Ekalesia Katoliko Roma Revised Samoan Catholic Bible |
| |
1565. New Testament |
SMN 2009 |
Samoan Contemporary New Testament |
| |
1566. BIBLE |
SDK 1865 |
Библија The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Написание кириллицей. Vuk Karadzic, Jura Danichich |
| |
1567. BIBLE |
SDK-L 1865 |
Biblija Написание латиницей. Vuk Karadzic, Jura Danichich |
| |
1568. BIBLE |
NST 2017 |
Нови српски превод New Serbian Translation - Cyrillic |
| |
1569. BIBLE |
NST-L 2017 |
Novi srpski prevod New Serbian Translation - Latin |
| |
1570. BIBLE |
SR 1865 |
Sveta Biblija Serbian Bible |
| |
1571. New Testament |
Sveto pismo Stefanović |
| |
1572. New Testament |
NTEC 1973 |
Serbian Emilijan Carnić NT |
| |
1573. New Testament |
NTLB 1938 |
Novi Zavet Dr Lujo Bakotic |
| |
1574. New Testament |
Свето Писмо |
| |
1575. New Testament |
SDS 1934 |
Нови завјет Dimiry Stefanovich |
| |
1576. New Testament - ERV |
ERV-sr 2003 |
Савремени Српски Превод. Нови Завет Serbian New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
1577. BIBLE |
siNRV |
Sinhala New Revised Version |
| |
1578. BIBLE |
siROV |
Sinhala Revised Old Version |
| |
1579. BIBLE |
SINNRV 2018 |
Sinhala New Revised Version Sinhala New Revised Version 2018 |
| |
1580. BIBLE |
SEBD 2008 |
Slovenský Ekumenický Biblia |
| |
1581. BIBLE |
Slovenský evanjelický preklad |
| |
1582. BIBLE |
Preklad Jozefa Roháčka AV Autorizovaná verzia Dušana Seberíniho. Jozef Rohachek |
| |
1583. BIBLE |
RSB 1936 |
Svätá Biblia v preklade Jozefa Roháčka Roháček Slovakian Bible Jozef Rohachek |
| |
1584. BIBLE |
SEB 2008 |
Slovenský ekumenický preklad Slovak Ecumenical Translation |
| |
1585. BIBLE |
EKU 1974-2017 |
Ekumenska izdaja Ecumenical Edition |
| |
1586. BIBLE |
SSV 2008 |
Sveto Pismo Slovenian Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1587. BIBLE - Catholic |
Sväté Písmo – katolícky preklad Slovak catholic translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1588. BIBLE |
SkBotek 2015 |
Dobrá kniha — Botekov preklad ThDr Anton Botek |
| |
1589. BIBLE |
SLB 1936-1937 |
Biblia – Evanjelický preklad |
| |
1590. BIBLE |
CHR 2017 |
Chráskov prevod Chraska Bible |
| |
1591. BIBLE |
DAL 1584 |
Dalmatin Bible |
| |
1592. BIBLE |
SSP 2013 |
Slovenski standardni prevod Slovenian standard translation |
| |
1593. Some books |
ŽJ 2015 |
Življenje z Jezusom |
| |
1594. New Testament |
JUB 1990 |
Jubilejni prevod Nove zaveze |
| |
1595. New Testament |
ZNZ 2014 |
Živa Nova zaveza |
| |
1596. New Testament |
PREK 1928 |
Prekmurska NZ & Psalmi |
| |
1597. New Testament |
SJV 1990 |
Jubilejni prevod Nove zaveze Jubilee Version of the New Testament |
| |
1598. New Testament |
SLVN 1997, 2014 |
Živa Nova zaveza Slovenian Living New Testament – |
| |
1599. New Testament |
SkRom 2014 |
Rómska Nová zmluva |
| |
1600. New Testament |
NPK 1993 |
Nádej pre kazdého |
| |
1601. BIBLE |
KQA 2008 |
Kitaabka Quduuska Ah Somali Bible |
| |
1602. BIBLE |
SOMB 2008 |
Kitaabka Quduuska Ah Somali Bible |
| |
1603. BIBLE |
SOMB 2019 |
| |
1604. BIBLE |
SOMD 2019 |
| |
1605. BIBLE |
SOMPE 1976, 1979 |
| |
1606. BIBLE |
BHN 2001 |
Biblia Habari Njema The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1607. BIBLE |
SUV 1997 |
Swahili Union Version The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1608. BIBLE |
SRUV 2005 |
Swahili Revised Union Version |
| |
1609. BIBLE - Catholic |
SRUVD 2005 |
Swahili Revised Union Version |
| |
1610. BIBLE |
BHN01 2001 |
Biblia Habari Njema Swahili, Common Language Bible DetailsBiblia Habari Njema kwa Watu Wote (Yenye Vitabu vya Deuterokanoni): Tafsiri ya Ushirikiano wa Makanisa (BHN). |
| |
1611. BIBLE |
BHND 2001 |
Biblia Habari Njema Swahili, Common Language Bible with DCs |
| |
1612. BIBLE |
SUV 1997 |
Swahili Union Version |
| |
1613. BIBLE |
SNT 2014 |
Neno: Bibilia Takatifu Kiswahili Contemporary Version |
| |
1614. BIBLE |
Biblia Habari Njema: Toleo la Kujifunza Kiswahili Study Bible |
| |
1615. BIBLE |
SWCB 2002 |
BIBLIA Maandiko Matakatifu Kwa Watu Wote Swahili Congo Revised Bible 2002 |
| |
1616. BIBLE |
SWHB 1937 |
Swahili Roehl Bible Swahili Roehl Bible 1937 |
| |
1617. BIBLE |
SWHCLD 1995, 2001 |
BIBLIA Yenye Vitabu vya Deuterokanoni HABARI NJEMA Swahili Common Language DC Bible: |
| |
1618. BIBLE |
SWHRUD 2013 |
BIBLIA KISWAHILI Bible in Kiswahili, Revised Union Version 2013 |
| |
1619. New Testament |
SWHN 1921 |
New Testament in Swahili (Zanzibar) Revised Edition New Testament in Swahili (Zanzibar) Revised Edition 1921 |
| |
1620. New Testament - ERV |
TKU 2017 |
Agano Jipya: Tafsiri ya Kusoma-Kwa-Urahisi New Testament: Easy-to-Read Translation |
| |
1621. New Testament |
SWNT 1989 |
Agano Jipya Na Zaburi Swahili New Testament |
| |
1622. BIBLE |
KM 2016 |
Китоби Муқаддас The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1623. BIBLE |
1992, 1999 |
Библия Bible |
| |
1624. New Testament |
TgNT 2021 |
Инҷил New Testament in Tajik Provided by Josua König ( |
| |
1625. New Testament |
КМО 2016 |
Китоби муқаддаси оммафаҳм |
| |
1626. BIBLE - KJV |
TKJV 2003 |
ไทยฉบับ KJV Thai KJV Bible Перевод с английской KJV. |
| |
1627. BIBLE |
TSV 2011 |
ฉบับมาตรฐาน Thai Standard Version Revision Detailsพระคริสตธรรมคัมภีร์ ภาคพันธสัญญาเดิมและใหม่ ฉบับมาตรฐาน 2011 สงวนลิขสิทธิ์ 2011 โดยสมาคมพระคริสตธรรมไทย. |
| |
1628. BIBLE |
TNCV 2007 |
พระคริสตธรรมคัมภีร์ไทย ฉบับอมตธรรมร่วมสมัย Thai New Contemporary Version |
| |
1629. BIBLE |
THSV 1971 |
พระคัมภีร์ไทย ฉบับ Thai Holy Bible |
| |
1630. BIBLE |
thOV'83 1983 |
พระคริสตธรรมคัมภีร์ Thai OV 83 Thai Holy Bible |
| |
1631. New Testament - ERV |
ERV-th 2001 |
Thai New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
1632. BIBLE |
CTB 2019 |
Radiant Light to the Ends of the Earth |
| |
1633. New Testament |
NTB 2019 |
དམ་པའི་གསུང་རབ་བོད་འགྱུར་གསར་མ། New Tibetan Bible |
| |
1634. Old Testament |
TOT 2011 |
Tibetan Old Testament |
| |
1635. BIBLE |
TON 1884 |
Koe Tohi Tabu Katoa The Holy Bible in Tongan |
| |
1636. BIBLE |
toMB'11 2011 |
Ko e Tohitapu Katoa Tongan Moulton Bible |
| |
1637. New Testament |
toCNT'11 2011 |
Ko e Fuakava Fo'ou (Ko e TAULUA) Tongan Contemporary New Testament |
| |
1638. BIBLE |
Te Tusi Tapu I Te Gana Tuvalu Lomiga Lua Tuvalu Revised Bible |
| |
1639. BIBLE |
KKD 2003 |
Kutsal Kitap ve Deuterokanonik Kitaplar Turkish Bible with Deuterocanonicals |
| |
1640. BIBLE |
KK 2002 |
KUTSAL KITAP Yeni Ceviri / Eski ve Yeni Antlasma (Tevrat, Zeburil) Turkish Bible |
| |
1641. BIBLE |
KKYC 2008 |
Kutsal Kitap Yeni Ceviri The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1642. BIBLE |
KM'18 2018 |
Kitabı Mukaddes Eski ve Yeni Ahit |
| |
1643. BIBLE |
NTB 2001 |
Kutsal Kitap New Turkish Bible |
| |
1644. BIBLE |
TUR 1994 |
Kutsal Kitap Turkish Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1645. New Testament |
INC 1987 |
İncil Turkish New Testament |
| |
1646. New Testament |
COS 2009 |
Cosmades Turkish NT |
| |
1647. BIBLE |
2017 |
Мукаддес Китап Bible (Cyrillic) |
| |
1648. BIBLE |
TKL 2016 |
Mukaddes Kitap türkmen dilinde Bible (Latin) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1649. New Testament |
TKCI 2010 |
Инжил Bible in Turkmen The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Написание кириллицей. |
| |
1650. New Testament |
TKLI 2010 |
Mukaddes Kitap Bible in Turkmen The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Написание латиницей. |
| |
1651. BIBLE |
UZV 2016 |
Ўзбек тилидаги Муқаддас Китоб Uzbek Bible cyr |
| |
1652. BIBLE |
UZVL 2013 |
O‘zbek tilidagi Muqaddas Kitob Uzbek Bible lat |
| |
1653. New Testament |
UZC 2009 |
Ҳaёт китаби Tavrot in Uzbek Написание кириллицей. |
| |
1654. New Testament |
UZNT 2009 |
Ҳaёт китаби Tavrot in Uzbek Написание латиницей. |
| |
1655. New Testament |
UZIBT 2008 |
Ўзбек тилидаги Инжил |
| |
1656. New Testament |
UZIBTL 2008 |
O‘zbek tilidagi Injil |
| |
1657. BIBLE |
FB 1896 |
کتاب مقدس Farsi Bible |
| |
1658. BIBLE |
OPV 1815 |
Old Persian Version ترجمه قدیم |
| |
1659. BIBLE |
TPV 2007 |
کتاب مقدس Today's Persian Version |
| |
1660. BIBLE |
NMV 2014 |
هزارۀ نو New Millennium Version |
| |
1661. BIBLE |
FACB 2005 |
کتاب مقدس، ترجمه تفسیری Farsi Contemporary Bible |
| |
1662. BIBLE |
POV 2011 |
Persian Old Version |
| |
1663. BIBLE |
Ai Vola Tabu Ena Vakavakadewa Vou Fijian New Version Revised |
| |
1664. BIBLE |
FNVDC 2012 |
Vakavakadewa Vou kei na iVola tale eso Fijian New Version including Deuterocanonical Books |
| |
1665. BIBLE |
FOV 1974 |
Vakavakadewa Makawa Fijian Bible |
| |
1666. BIBLE |
STLK 2017 |
Pyhä Raamattu With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1667. BIBLE |
RK12 2012 |
Raamattu Kansalle The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1668. BIBLE |
KR 1992 |
Jumalan Kansan Raamattu New Church Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1669. BIBLE |
KINB 1933-1938 |
Biblia. Kirkkoraamattu Church Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Erik Rothovius |
| |
1670. BIBLE |
FIKala 1933-1938 |
Kirkkoraamattu Finnish Bible |
| |
1671. BIBLE |
FIK38 1933-1938 |
Kirkkoraamattu alaviitteineen |
| |
1672. BIBLE |
FIK 1933-1938 |
Kirkkoraamattu Finnish Bible |
| |
1673. BIBLE - Catholic |
FI76D 1776 |
Biblia apokryfit |
| |
1674. BIBLE - Catholic |
FI76 1776 |
Biblia alaviitteineen apokryfit |
| |
1675. BIBLE |
FIDala 1776 |
Biblia ei apokryfikirjoja alaviitteineen |
| |
1676. BIBLE |
FIK76 1776 |
Biblia ei apokryfikirjoja alaviitteineen |
| |
1677. BIBLE |
FI76 1776 |
Raamattu Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1678. BIBLE - Catholic |
FI42D 1642 |
Coco Pyhä Raamattu apokryfit |
| |
1679. BIBLE |
FI42 1642 |
Raamattu Petrenus |
| |
1680. New Testament |
Toivo Koilo Suuri Ilosanoma |
| |
1681. New Testament |
FI48 1548 |
Se Wsi Testamentti sanasta sanaan Mikael Agricola |
| |
1682. New Testament |
FIASUTa 1969 |
Aapeli Saarisalo UT alaviite |
| |
1683. New Testament |
FITKSI 1633 |
Suuri Ilosanoma Toivo Koilo |
| |
1684. New Testament |
FI48 1548 |
Se Wsi Testamentti |
| |
1685. New Testament |
ASUT 1969 |
Aapeli Saarisalo UT |
| |
1686. New Testament |
UT2020 2020 |
Uusi testamentti 2020 New Testament 2020 |
| |
1687. Psalms - Psalms |
1551 |
Psalms Псалтири |
| |
1688. Some books |
1552 |
Prophets Пророки |
| |
1689. BIBLE |
ТОВ 1975-1976 |
Traduction œcuménique de la Bible |
| |
1690. BIBLE |
SBF 2016 |
La Sainte Bible de Machaira Jean leDuc |
| |
1691. BIBLE |
SBF 1904 |
La Bible Machaira The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Jean leDuc |
| |
1692. BIBLE |
FRC 1997 |
La Bible en français courant Current Language Bible |
| |
1693. BIBLE |
NBS 2002 |
Nouvelle Bible Segond |
| |
1694. BIBLE |
NBS 1978 |
Nouvelle Segond révisée Nouvelle Bible Segond Bible à la colombe. |
| |
1695. BIBLE |
NEG 1979 |
Nouvelle Edition de Genève |
| |
1696. BIBLE |
PDV 2000 |
Bible Parole de Vie |
| |
1697. BIBLE - Catholic |
BCC 1923 |
Bible catholique Crampon |
| |
1698. BIBLE |
CHRQ 1974 |
La Bible Chouraqui André Chouraqui |
| |
1699. BIBLE |
BBB 1900 |
Bible Bovet Bonnet The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1700. BIBLE |
BDP 1998 |
Bible des Peuples Peoples Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Bernard and Louis Yuro |
| |
1701. BIBLE |
BDS 1992 |
La Bible du Semeur |
| |
1702. BIBLE |
BFC 1997 |
La Bible en français courant The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1703. BIBLE |
BV 1902 |
Bible de Pirot Clamer The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Clamer Pirot |
| |
1704. BIBLE |
BCC 1923 |
Bible catholique Crampon The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Augustin Crampon |
| |
1705. BIBLE |
DMB 1744 |
La Bible Martin Martin Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red David Martin |
| |
1706. BIBLE |
DMB 1744 |
La Bible Martin The words of Jesus are highlighted in red La SAINTE BIBLE qui contient vieux et Le Nouveau Testament. David Martin |
| |
1707. BIBLE |
JB 1966 |
La Bible de Jérusalem Jerusalem Bible |
| |
1708. BIBLE |
LBM 2012 |
La Bible de Zadoc Khan Zadoc Kahn |
| |
1709. BIBLE |
OST 1877 |
La Bible Ostervald French Ostervald revision The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Jean-Frédéric Osterwald |
| |
1710. BIBLE |
OSTr 1996 |
La Bible Ostervald French Ostervald revision The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Jean-Frédéric Osterwald |
| |
1711. BIBLE |
NFC 2019 |
Nouvelle Français courant New French current |
| |
1712. BIBLE - Catholic |
BdM 1701 |
Bible de Sacy Bible de Mons. Louis-Isaac Lemaître de SacyDetailsКатолический перевод. |
| |
1713. BIBLE - Geneva |
BPC 1560 |
Bible de Genève The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Pierre Robert Olivétan |
| |
1714. BIBLE |
LSG 1910 |
La Bible Segond Segond Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Louis Segond |
| |
1715. BIBLE |
LSG 1910 |
La Bible Segond Segond Bible With Strong's lexiconLouis Segond |
| |
1716. BIBLE |
SG21 2007 |
La Bible Segond 21 The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1717. BIBLE |
PDV 2017 |
Parole de Vie Parole de Vie 2017 |
| |
1718. BIBLE - DBY |
FR2 2013 |
French Darby translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red AnonymousDetailsConsidérée comme l'une des traductions françaises les plus proches de l'original. Dernières corrections apportées le 6 août 2013. |
| |
1719. BIBLE - DBY |
DBY 1890 |
la Bible de Darby Darby Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red John Nelson Darby |
| |
1720. BIBLE - DBY |
DBY 2006 |
Bible Perret-Gentil et Rilliet The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1721. BIBLE - KJV |
PGR 1861 |
King James Française The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1722. BIBLE - KJV |
KJF 1902 |
Bible Vigouroux The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Abbé Fulcran Vigouroux |
| |
1723. New Testament |
BdG 1669 |
Sainte Bible Fillion The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Louis-Claude Fillion |
| |
1724. Old Testament |
BZK 1899 |
French Darby John Nelson Darby |
| |
1725. BIBLE |
FB |
Fulfulde Bible |
| |
1726. New Testament |
FBFNT 2012 |
Fulfulfe Burkina. Dewtere Laamɗo Amaana Keso |
| |
1727. BIBLE |
HAU 2010 |
Littafi Mai Tsarki |
| |
1728. New Testament |
BHANT 2013 |
Biblica Hausa New Testament |
| |
1729. BIBLE |
HICL 2000 |
पवित्र बाइबिल CL Hindi Common Language Bible |
| |
1730. BIBLE |
Hindi O.V. — Re-edited |
| |
1731. BIBLE |
hiULB 2018 |
पवित्र बाइबिल The Holy Bible in Hindi |
| |
1732. BIBLE |
Hindi Holy Bible |
| |
1733. BIBLE |
HIND 2016 |
पवित्र बाइबिल Morphological forms |
| |
1734. BIBLE |
HBSI 2002 |
पवित्र बाइबिल Hindi Bible |
| |
1735. BIBLE |
PaBa |
Pavitra Baaibil Hindi Transliterated Bible Romanized Bible. |
| |
1736. BIBLE - ERV |
ERV-hi 2010 |
पवित्र बाइबिल Hindi Bible. Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
1737. BIBLE - ERV |
HERV 1995 |
पवित्र बाइबल Hindi Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
1738. New Testament |
SHB 2016 |
सरल हिन्दी बाइबल Saral Hindi Bible |
| |
1739. BIBLE |
KS 1974 |
Krscanska sadasnjost The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Dr Jure Kaštelan, Dr Bonaventura Duda |
| |
1740. BIBLE |
GKS 2010 |
Biblija (Šarić) The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1741. BIBLE |
HRV 1942 |
Biblija na hrvatskom Bible in Croatian The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1742. BIBLE |
SHP 2019 |
Biblija: suvremeni hrvatski prijevod Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Translation |
| |
1743. New Testament |
CNT 2000 |
Knjiga O Kristu Croatian New Testament |
| |
1744. New Testament |
HNZ-RI 2001 |
Hrvatski Novi Zavjet – Rijeka |
| |
1745. New Testament |
BKJ 2011 |
Novi Zavjet i Psalmi - 1. izd. The New Testament and the Psalms - 1st ed. |
| |
1746. BIBLE - Catholic |
CEP 1979 |
Ekumenický překlad Podle katolického a pravoslavného kánonu. |
| |
1747. BIBLE |
B21 2009 |
Překlad 21. století Bible 21 The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1748. BIBLE |
B21 2015 |
Bible21, včetně DTK |
| |
1749. BIBLE |
BK 1613 |
Bible kralická Bible of Kralice The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1750. BIBLE |
ČEP 1979 |
Český ekumenický překlad Czech ecumenical translation The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1751. BIBLE |
ČSP 2009 |
Český studijní překlad The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1752. BIBLE |
CSP 2009 |
Ceský studijní preklad Nadacní fond prekladu Bible. Pouzito s povolením. Nedistribuovat |
| |
1753. BIBLE |
PMPZ 2014 |
Český studijní překlad Miloše Pavlíka The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Miloš Pavlík |
| |
1754. BIBLE |
SNC 2000 |
Slovo na cestu Czech Living Bible |
| |
1755. New Testament |
SNC12 2012 |
Slovo na cestu Biblica's Czech New Testament |
| |
1756. New Testament |
BKR 1579 |
Bible kralická Bible of Kralice The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1757. New Testament |
BKR 1613 |
Bible kralická Bible of Kralice With Strong's lexicon |
| |
1758. New Testament |
COL 1947 |
Nový zákon The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Sýkorův překlad v revisi Hejčlově. Dr Rudolf Col |
| |
1759. New Testament |
KMS 2000 |
Nová smlouva New Testament |
| |
1760. New Testament |
SYK 1922 |
Nový zákon The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Dr Jan Ladislav Sýkora |
| |
1761. New Testament |
SKRABAL 1951 |
Překlad NZ od P. Dr. Pavla Škrabala O. P. Dr Pavel Škrabal |
| |
1762. Old Testament |
HEJCL 1930 |
Starý zákon a deuterokanonické knihy Dr Jan Hejčl |
| |
1763. BIBLE |
KXII 1873 |
Karl XII:s bibel The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1764. BIBLE |
S17 1917 |
Bibeln Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1765. BIBLE |
DNF 2014 |
Svenska Folkbibeln The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Den nya Folkbibeln. |
| |
1766. BIBLE |
SFB 1998 |
Svenska Folkbibeln Swedish Folk Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1767. BIBLE |
NUB15 2015 |
nuBibeln Swedish Contemporary Bible |
| |
1768. BIBLE |
SB00 2000 |
Bibel 2000 Bible 2000 Swedish Translation |
| |
1769. BIBLE |
SBD00 2000 |
Bibel 2000 Bible 2000 Swedish Translation |
| |
1770. BIBLE |
SFB98 1998 |
Svenska Folkbibeln |
| |
1771. BIBLE |
SFB15 2015 |
Svenska Folkbibeln |
| |
1772. BIBLE |
SV17 1917 |
1917 års kyrkobibel |
| |
1773. New Testament |
SKB 2005-2013 |
Svenska Kärnbibeln Swedish Core Bible |
| |
1774. New Testament |
SVL 2004 |
Nya Levande Bibeln Swedish New Living Bible |
| |
1775. New Testament |
SB16 2016 |
Svenskbibel Ragnar Blomfelt |
| |
1776. New Testament |
RFBNT 2019 |
Reformationsbibeln NT |
| |
1777. BIBLE |
BDCS 2005 |
Bhaibheri Dzvene MuChiShona The Holy Bible in Shona |
| |
1778. BIBLE |
snCB'17 2017 |
Bhaibheri Dzvene MuChiShona Chanhasi Shona Contemporary Bible |
| |
1779. BIBLE |
snUB'49 1949-2018 |
Baiberi Magwaro Matȿene aMŋari (Doke) Original Shona Union Bible (Doke Orthography) |
| |
1780. BIBLE |
snUV'02 1949-2002 |
Shona Bible Shona Union Version 1949, revised 2002 |
| |
1781. BIBLE |
snCL 2008 |
Bhaibhiri Idzva rechiShona Shona Common Language Bible |
| |
1782. BIBLE |
snCLC 2008 |
Bhaibhiri Idzva rechiShona rine Dhuterokanonika Shona Common Language Interconfessional Bible |
| |
1783. BIBLE |
ESP 1926 |
La Sankta Biblio Holy Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ludwik Lazarus Zamenhof |
| |
1784. BIBLE |
ESP 1926 |
La Sankta Biblio, sen Ĉapelo Esperanto Non Diacritics Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Ludwik Lazarus Zamenhof |
| |
1785. Some books |
2002 |
Книги Нового Завета на языке глосса New Testament in Gloss Gary Miller |
| |
1786. Some books |
Klingon Version |
| |
1787. BIBLE |
EEB 1739 |
Piibel Estonian Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1788. BIBLE |
SO 1961 |
BIBELE e Halalelang |
| |
1789. BIBLE |
JAV 1981 |
Kitab Sutji |
| |
1790. New Testament |
JVNNT 2009 |
Kitab sutyi prejanjian anyar ing Basa Jawa Suriname sing gampang |
| |
1791. BIBLE |
JSS 1973 |
新改訳聖書 第二版 New Japanese Bible - Shinkai-yaku |
| |
1792. BIBLE |
JSS 2003 |
新改訳聖書 第二版 New Japanese Bible - Shinkai-yaku |
| |
1793. BIBLE |
JCB 2001 |
リビングバイブル Japanese Living Bible |
| |
1794. BIBLE |
文語訳 1950 |
文語訳聖書 (ルビあり) |
| |
1795. BIBLE |
新共同訳 1987 |
新共同訳聖書 Japanese New Interconfessional Translation Bible |
| |
1796. BIBLE |
明治訳 1953 |
明治訳聖書 Classical Japanese — Meiji-yaku |
| |
1797. BIBLE |
正之訳 2009 |
正之訳(坪井 正之) |
| |
1798. BIBLE |
現代訳 1983 |
現代訳聖書 Modern Japanese Bible |
| |
1799. BIBLE - KJV |
KOG 1955 |
口語訳聖書 Colloquial Japanese — Kougoyaku Senji Kuroi |
| |
1800. BIBLE - NIV |
大正改訳 1950 |
大正改訳聖書 Classical Japanese — Taisho-kaiyaku |
| |
1801. New Testament |
1901 |
新約聖書 New Testament Saint Nicholas (Kasatkin) |
| |
1802. New Testament |
ラゲ訳 1910 |
ラゲ訳聖書 Raguet-yaku |
| |
1803. New Testament |
前田訳 1983 |
前田護郎訳聖書 |
| |
1804. New Testament |
塚本訳 2011 |
塚本虎二訳聖書 |
| |
1805. New Testament |
新改訳1965 1965 |
新改訳聖書, New Japanese Bible — Shinkai-yaku |
| |
1806. New Testament |
永井訳 1928 |
永井直治訳聖書 |
| |
1807. New Testament - NET |
電網聖書 2002 |
電網聖書 NET Bible |
| |
1808. New Testament |
回復訳 |
回復訳聖書 Recovery Version |
| |
1809. Some books |
ヘボン訳 1873 |
ヘボン訳聖書 James Curtis Hepburn |
| |
1810. Some books |
聖公会続編 1934 |
聖公会続編 |
| |
1811. New Testament |
NTKab 2001 |
Awal N Tudert Adlis N Leqed Ajdid Kabyle New Testament |
| |
1812. BIBLE |
WCHB 2002 |
Biblia Wichi |
| |
1813. BIBLE |
MCV 1988 |
La'qaatqa ñi qota'olec Qota'olec & Qota'olec Novita Na Qomyipi |
| |
1814. New Testament |
WHYK 2002 |
Silààt tà ‘is. tà ‘no’weenho wikyi’ |
| |
1815. New Testament |
PLGNT 1993 |
Nuevo Testamento Pilagá |
| |
1816. New Testament |
TSN 2010 |
Nuevo Testamento Toba Sombrero Negro |
| |
1817. BIBLE |
BS 1997 |
Beibel santu |
| |
1818. BIBLE |
PAPB 2013 |
Beibel na Papiamentu Koriente Papiamentu Bible 2013 |
| |
1819. BIBLE |
PAPD 2013 |
Beibel na Papiamentu Koriente Papiamentu Bible with DC 2013 |
| |
1820. BIBLE |
DariB 2007 |
Dari Bible |
| |
1821. BIBLE |
TDV 2008 |
Today's Dari Version |
| |
1822. BIBLE |
PUS-n |
د پښتو مقدس کتاب Pashto Bible (Nangahari) |
| |
1823. BIBLE |
PUS-y |
د پښتو مقدس کتاب Pashto Bible (Yusufzai) |
| |
1824. Some books |
د شغنان مقدس کتاب Shughni Bible |
| |
1825. Some books |
د هزارګی مقدس کتاب Hazaragi Bible |
| |
1826. New Testament |
BZJNT 2012 |
Di Nyoo Testiment eena Bileez Kriol |
| |
1827. New Testament |
MOPNT 2012 |
Le'ec Ada' U T'an A Dios A Tumulbene |
| |
1828. BIBLE |
bba1996 1996 |
Bibeli Gusunɔn Gari Bariba Bible DetailsUEEB/SIM au Benin, SIM International Baatonum |
| |
1829. New Testament |
SNT 2010 |
Nkomine Fal Ritɛlɛ́ |
| |
1830. New Testament |
YRENT 1999 |
Bali -le 'fluba 'trɛ Zozi blamin pli Bali man 'e 'pee |
| |
1831. BIBLE |
AYOP 1997 |
Biblia Aymara, Qullan Arunaca |
| |
1832. BIBLE |
GUABD 2001 |
Biblia Guarani. Tumpa Iñee |
| |
1833. New Testament |
GYOB 2002 |
Tüpä Ñe'ëngagwer |
| |
1834. New Testament |
GUINT 2012 |
Nuevo Testamento Guaraní Pe |
| |
1835. New Testament |
CAVNT 2012 |
Yusuja Quisarati |
| |
1836. New Testament |
IGB 2004 |
Táurinakene máechejiriruwa’i ema Viya tikaijare |
| |
1837. New Testament |
IGNNT 2012 |
Eta Táurinaquene máechajiriruvahi ema Viya eta viyehe. ticaijare puito Eta Nuevo Testamento |
| |
1838. New Testament |
GVC 2007 |
Cohamacʉ Yare Yahari Tjuel New Testament in Guanano |
| |
1839. New Testament |
QULNT 1985 |
Mosoj Testamento |
| |
1840. New Testament |
SRQNT 1977 |
Mbia Cheẽ |
| |
1841. New Testament |
TNANT 2009 |
Diusu sa mimi |
| |
1842. New Testament |
CAONT 2010 |
Dios Chani |
| |
1843. New Testament |
CHIQB 2002 |
Manityanati Tupax |
| |
1844. New Testament |
CAXNT 2012 |
Manitanati Tuparrü |
| |
1845. New Testament |
CAPNT 2009 |
El Nuevo Testamento: Chipay Tawkquiztan |
| |
1846. New Testament |
CHIPBO 2004 |
Ew Testamento Chipay Tawqkistan |
| |
1847. New Testament |
ESENT 2012 |
Eyacuiñajjija Esohui New Testament in Ese Ejja |
| |
1848. BIBLE |
MSTD 2012 |
Moroccan Standard Translation |
| |
1849. New Testament |
APY 1969 |
O Novo Testamento na Apalaí do Brazil The New Testament in Apalaí of Brazil |
| |
1850. New Testament |
APNNT 1999 |
Tĩrtũm kapẽr ã kagà nyw |
| |
1851. New Testament |
APUNT 2004 |
Teoso sãkire amaneri |
| |
1852. BIBLE |
GUN 1999 |
A Bíblia Sagrada na língua guarani mbyá do Brasil |
| |
1853. BIBLE |
GDC 2010 |
Ñandejara Ñe’e |
| |
1854. New Testament |
GRN1913 1913 |
Tûpâ Ñandeyára Ñeê |
| |
1855. New Testament |
PAHNT 1996 |
Tupanaʼga nhiʼig̃a |
| |
1856. New Testament |
KBC 2014 |
Novo Testamento na língua Kadiwéu do Brasil |
| |
1857. New Testament |
KGPNT 2011 |
Topẽ vĩ rá |
| |
1858. New Testament |
CBVNT 2008 |
Dios ã jáap naáwát tólih |
| |
1859. New Testament |
KPJ 2014 |
Novo Testamento na lingua Karajá do Brasil |
| |
1860. New Testament |
KYZNT 2012 |
Janeruwarete 'Ga Je'eg |
| |
1861. New Testament |
TXU 2011 |
O Novo Testamento na lingual Kayapó |
| |
1862. New Testament |
CUBNT 2009 |
Majepacʉ jʉ̃menijicʉi yávaiye mamaene coyʉitucubo New Testament in Cubeo |
| |
1863. New Testament |
MBCNT 2013 |
Amenan pe paapaya uyetato'kon |
| |
1864. New Testament |
MBJ 2011 |
O Novo Testamento na língua Nadëb do Brasil The New Testament in Nadëb of Brazil |
| |
1865. New Testament |
GUNNT 2004 |
Nhanderuete ayvu iky'a e'ỹ va'e |
| |
1866. New Testament |
MYUNT 2010 |
Deus ekawẽntup Kawẽn iisuat ekawẽn |
| |
1867. New Testament |
MBJNT 2011 |
Pꞌop Hagä Do Panyyg Hanäm Do Hahỹỹh |
| |
1868. New Testament |
MBC 1996 |
The New Testament in Macushi of Brazil O Novo Testamento na língua Macushi do Brasil |
| |
1869. New Testament |
PABNT 2012 |
Waitare Wenati Aho |
| |
1870. New Testament |
PADNT 2010 |
Deus Athi Kapapirani Hida |
| |
1871. New Testament |
RKBNT 2011 |
Deus Harere Aibaky Sesus mymyspirikpoko naha |
| |
1872. New Testament |
MAVNT 2011 |
Tupana Ehay Satere Mawe Pusupuo |
| |
1873. New Testament |
MAV 1986 |
O Novo Testamento na língua Sateré-Mawé do Brasil The New Testament in Sateré-Mawé of Brazil. |
| |
1874. New Testament |
TER 1994 |
O Novo Testamento na lingua Terêna |
| |
1875. New Testament |
TUONT 2009 |
Õ'âkĩ̶ hɨ yeere uúkũri turi Tukano |
| |
1876. New Testament |
URBNT 2012 |
Tupã Je'ẽha |
| |
1877. New Testament |
HIX 1976 |
Novo Testamento na língua Hixkaryána |
| |
1878. New Testament |
XAV 2004 |
O Novo Testamento na xavánte |
| |
1879. New Testament |
NABNT 2012 |
Txa²wã¹sũ̱³na² Wãn³txa² |
| |
1880. New Testament |
BOXNT 2012 |
Dónbeenì páaníi fĩnle vũahṹ |
| |
1881. BIBLE |
ZarB 1990 |
Zarma Bible |
| |
1882. BIBLE |
JULB 2013 |
Jula Bible of Côte d’Ivoire |
| |
1883. BIBLE |
JULDC 2008 |
Ala ka kuma Jula Bible + DC |
| |
1884. New Testament |
CMENT 2011 |
Diiloŋ-nelma Tobisĩfɛlɛnni |
| |
1885. New Testament |
LEENT 2001 |
Yi dɔbrɛ̀ nándúl lé sɛ̀bɛ̀ rɛ̀ Lyélé NT (Burkina Faso) |
| |
1886. BIBLE |
BISBR 2012 |
Baebol Long Bislama Bislama Bible Revised |
| |
1887. New Testament |
OMBNT 2013 |
Havai Niu Testamen Havai New Testament |
| |
1888. New Testament |
UPVNT 2006 |
Naul On Nga Mimerr Uripiv Uripiv New Testament |
| |
1889. New Testament |
UNT 2006 |
Naul On Nga Mimerr Uripiv |
| |
1890. New Testament |
NWINT 2012 |
Nəkwəkwə imərhakə kape kughen: nɨrpenien vi |
| |
1891. New Testament |
USNT 2009 |
Guid Wittins Frae Doctèr Luik |
| |
1892. BIBLE |
ABG 1992 |
Am Bìoball Gàidhlig Scots Gaelic Bible |
| |
1893. New Testament |
ABIG 2017 |
Am Bìoball Iomraidh Gàidhlig Scots Gaelic Reference Bible |
| |
1894. New Testament |
ATN 2017 |
An Tiomnadh Nuadh anns an Eadar-Theangachadh Ùr Gàidhlig Scots Gaelic New Translation: A New Translation |
| |
1895. Some books |
GLD 1986 |
Ann An Gàidhlig an Latha An-diugh Today's Gaelic Version |
| |
1896. Some books |
SD 2000 |
Scots Gaelic Metrical Psalms Scots Gaelic Metrical Psalms |
| |
1897. Some books |
SD92 1992 |
Scots Gaelic Metrical Psalms Scots Gaelic Metrical Psalms |
| |
1898. New Testament |
BAONT 2010 |
U̶mʉreco pacʉ wederique |
| |
1899. BIBLE |
JBSV 2013 |
Hơdrôm Hră Rơgoh Hiam |
| |
1900. New Testament |
JrNT 2014 |
Jarai NT |
| |
1901. New Testament |
WAPNT 2012 |
Kaimana'o Tominkaru Paradan |
| |
1902. New Testament |
AKENT 2010 |
Wakʉ Itekare: Emenna' Pe Ekonekan Nɨto' |
| |
1903. BIBLE |
ADA 2018 |
| |
1904. New Testament |
ADA 1977 |
Somi He Ɔ Dangme New Testament |
| |
1905. New Testament |
NKONT 2010 |
Bulu ntam pɔpwɛ |
| |
1906. New Testament |
NCUB 2010 |
Abware̱se̱ŋ Wo̱re̱-ɔ |
| |
1907. New Testament |
DGZNT 2013 |
Nop Ewakewa |
| |
1908. BIBLE |
FATB 2011 |
BAEBOR Mfantse Bible Revision |
| |
1909. BIBLE |
FATD 2011 |
BAEBOR Mfantse DC Bible Revision |
| |
1910. BIBLE |
AGUBI 2011 |
Yi Antiw Bible / Yi Ac'aj Testament |
| |
1911. New Testament |
AGUNT 2011 |
Yi Antiw Testament |
| |
1912. New Testament |
KNJNT 2012 |
Ja' An Nuevo Testamento |
| |
1913. New Testament |
ACRNNT 2009 |
Ri utzilaj tzij re ri kanimajawal Jesucristo |
| |
1914. New Testament |
ACRNT 2009 |
I 'utz laj tzij re i dios |
| |
1915. New Testament |
IXLCNT 2001 |
Viakʼla txumbʼal u tioxh |
| |
1916. New Testament |
IXLNNT 2008 |
U ak' Testamento tu kuyob'al |
| |
1917. New Testament |
CAKSC 2007 |
GT:cak:Kaqchikel |
| |
1918. BIBLE |
KQC 2003 |
Kaqchiquel Bible |
| |
1919. New Testament |
CAKCNT 2012 |
Ri C'ac'a Trato ri Xuben ri Dios Quiq'uin ri Vinek |
| |
1920. New Testament |
CAKENT 2012 |
Ri Dios Nch'o Pa Kach'abül Cheke |
| |
1921. New Testament |
CAKNT 1993 |
Ri utzilaj rutzij ri Dios pa kachʼabel |
| |
1922. New Testament |
CAKSMNT 2010 |
Ri c'ac'ac' Testamento pa kach'ab'al |
| |
1923. New Testament |
CAKWNT 2010 |
Ri C'ac'ac' Testamento pa Kach'abel |
| |
1924. New Testament |
CAKYNT 2012 |
Re C'ac'a Testamento pa Kach'abal |
| |
1925. BIBLE |
KANJ 1989 |
Kanjobal Bible |
| |
1926. BIBLE |
KEKB 2000 |
Q'eqchi Bible |
| |
1927. New Testament |
KEKNT 2000 |
Li Santil hu |
| |
1928. BIBLE |
QUICH1 1995 |
Quiché Bible |
| |
1929. New Testament |
QUCNNT 2011 |
Ru Loqꞌ Pixabꞌ Ri Dios |
| |
1930. BIBLE |
MAMH 1993 |
Mam de Huehuetenango Bible |
| |
1931. BIBLE |
MAMO 2009 |
Biblia Mam de Quetzaltenango |
| |
1932. New Testament |
MAMNT 2000 |
Acʼaj testamento El Nuevo testamento in Mam de Todos Santos. |
| |
1933. BIBLE |
POK 2009 |
Pokomchi Bible |
| |
1934. New Testament |
POHNT 2012 |
Reꞌ Lokꞌ Laj Hu̱j Wilic wi̱ꞌ Ribiral i Jesus |
| |
1935. New Testament |
TTCNT 2003 |
Te akʼaʼj tuʼjal tuj tuʼjal qtata Dios |
| |
1936. New Testament |
USPNT 2010 |
Lok'laj Jyolj Kakaj Dios |
| |
1937. New Testament |
TZJNT 2010 |
Ja Cꞌacꞌa Chominem |
| |
1938. New Testament |
CAANT 2012 |
E ojroner xeʼ imbʼutz tuaʼ Cawinquirar Jesucristo |
| |
1939. New Testament |
SUS 2015 |
Inyila Isa a nun Isa xa Xɛɛrae xa Sɛbɛli Sɛniyɛnxie |
| |
1940. BIBLE |
YALB 2012 |
Kisin Kiraan Kitabuna |
| |
1941. New Testament |
CABNT 2012 |
Lerérun Búngiu To Lánina Iséri Darádu |
| |
1942. BIBLE |
MSKTU 1999 |
Dawan Bîla Aiska |
| |
1943. New Testament |
JICNT 2010 |
Dios Tjevele Jupj 'Üsüs La Qjuisiji Jesucristo Mpes |
| |
1944. New Testament |
BCNT 2011 |
Bohairic New Testament The Bohairic New Testament in Standardized Form |
| |
1945. New Testament |
Coptic New Testament |
| |
1946. New Testament |
SahNT 2006 |
A New Edition of the New Testament in Sahidic Coptic J Warren Wells |
| |
1947. BIBLE |
MBB 2003 |
Livulu lya Shukulu Kalunga |
| |
1948. BIBLE |
GMN 2013 |
Uthenga Uweme wa Yesu Kristu Wolembewa na Maliko |
| |
1949. BIBLE |
BB03 2003 |
Baibo |
| |
1950. BIBLE |
ILL 2015 |
Ishiwi Lyakwa Lesa Revised Bemba Bible |
| |
1951. BIBLE |
BL 1992 |
Buku Lopatulika |
| |
1952. BIBLE |
BL14 2014 |
Chichewa Buku Lopatulika Bible |
| |
1953. BIBLE |
BL92 1992 |
Buku Lopatulika Nyanja/Chewa Bible |
| |
1954. BIBLE |
CCL 2016 |
Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero The Word of God in Contemporary Chichewa The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
1955. BIBLE |
Buku Loyera Catholic Edition - Chichewa |
| |
1956. BIBLE |
ndcNB |
Bhaibheri Rakachena muChindau Chindau New Bible |
| |
1957. New Testament |
NMN 2009 |
Ndebo Mbuya ne Njimbo |
| |
1958. BIBLE - ERV |
AERV 2005 |
पवित्तर बाइबिल Awadhi Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
1959. New Testament |
AWBNT 2012 |
Manikáne O Ehwehne |
| |
1960. New Testament - ERV |
ERV-awa 2005 |
अवधी Awadhi New Testament-FL-Easy to Read |
| |
1961. BIBLE |
NBRE 2014 |
Nicobarese Bible |
| |
1962. BIBLE |
FCL 2011 |
Falam Common Language Bible |
| |
1963. BIBLE |
HCL 2006 |
Hakha Common Language Bible |
| |
1964. BIBLE |
CTD 2011 |
Tedim Bible |
| |
1965. BIBLE |
TDB 2010 |
Tedim Bible |
| |
1966. New Testament |
DIMA 2005 |
Dara Gadain |
| |
1967. BIBLE |
Pathien Lekhabu Thiengtho |
| |
1968. BIBLE - ERV |
GERV 2003 |
પવિત્ર બાઈબલ Gujarati Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
1969. BIBLE |
BCS-gu 2017 |
ગુજરાતી બાઇબલ Gujarati Bible |
| |
1970. BIBLE |
GUCL 2016 |
પવિત્ર બાઇબલ C.L. Gujarati Common Language Bible |
| |
1971. BIBLE |
GUOV 2016 |
Gujarati Old Version Reference Bible. |
| |
1972. New Testament - ERV |
ERV-gu 2005 |
Gujarati New Testament: Easy-To-Read Version |
| |
1973. New Testament |
HRAN 2008 |
Pathian Lekhabu Irthiang |
| |
1974. BIBLE |
JCLB 2009 |
Jinghpaw Common Language Bible |
| |
1975. BIBLE |
KHACL 2016 |
Khasi CL Bible |
| |
1976. BIBLE |
ಕ್ರೈಸ್ತರ ಧರ್ಮಗ್ರಂಥ Kannada Bible |
| |
1977. BIBLE - ERV |
ERV-kn 2007 |
ಕ್ರೈಸ್ತರ ಧರ್ಮಗ್ರಂಥ Kannada Bible: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
1978. BIBLE - KJV |
Kannada KJV |
| |
1979. BIBLE |
KNCL 2016 |
ಕನ್ನಡ ಸತ್ಯವೇದವು C.L. Kannada Common Language Bible |
| |
1980. BIBLE |
KNJV 2016 |
ಕನ್ನಡ ಸತ್ಯವೇದವು J.V. Kannada Jevoha Version |
| |
1981. BIBLE |
KANBL 1997 |
ಪರಿಶುದ್ದ ಬೈಬಲ್ Kannada Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Version All rights reserved. |
| |
1982. New Testament |
KRUNT 2014 |
पुना गच्छरना NT Kurux (Devanagiri) NT |
| |
1983. New Testament |
LA79 1979 |
Baibul |
| |
1984. New Testament |
NAG1 2002 |
REN Pauriina |
| |
1985. BIBLE |
LCL 2009 |
Lacid Common Language Bible |
| |
1986. BIBLE |
MIZ 1959 |
Mizo Old Version Bible |
| |
1987. BIBLE |
MIZO 1995 |
Pathian Lehkhabu Thianghlim Mizo (Lushai) Bible |
| |
1988. New Testament |
MizB |
Baibul Mizo Bible |
| |
1989. New Testament |
MAINT 2010 |
jivən səndesh |
| |
1990. BIBLE |
MRCL 2018 |
Marathi Common Language (NT) - BSI |
| |
1991. BIBLE |
MRIRV 2017 |
मराठी बायबल Marathi Indian Revised Version Bible |
| |
1992. BIBLE - ERV |
ERV-mr 1998 |
Marathi Bible: Easy to Read |
| |
1993. BIBLE |
MRRV 2015 |
पवित्र शास्त्र — R.V. Marathi - R.V. (Re-edited |
| |
1994. New Testament |
MISH 2001 |
Anu Lugod |
| |
1995. BIBLE |
NAGC 2002 |
Saopobü Lai |
| |
1996. BIBLE |
NAGE 2011 |
Üjao Laitep |
| |
1997. BIBLE |
POU 2009 |
Sheeyu Baibel |
| |
1998. New Testament |
NOKT 2010 |
Niemnyan |
| |
1999. BIBLE |
ANB10 2004 |
Ao Naga C.L. Bible |
| |
2000. New Testament |
NAG2 2001 |
Karanu Kabi Samtam |
| |
2001. New Testament |
MOYO 2008 |
Ithar Chonghak |
| |
2002. BIBLE |
NAGW 2012 |
Otsao Baibel |
| |
2003. BIBLE |
NAGP 2005 |
Daülangpü Laihing |
| |
2004. BIBLE |
NPH 2005 |
DAÜLANGPÜ LAIHING Phom Naga Holy Bible |
| |
2005. BIBLE |
NAGS 1995 |
Amüsa Baibel |
| |
2006. BIBLE |
NAGZ 2009 |
Kemci Bible |
| |
2007. BIBLE - ERV |
ERV-or 2010 |
Oriya Bible: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
2008. BIBLE |
OROV 2014 |
ପବିତ୍ର ବାଇବଲ Odia Old Version (Re-edited) Re-edited. |
| |
2009. BIBLE |
PAOV 216 |
ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਬਾਈਬਲ O.V. Punjabi Old Version Bible |
| |
2010. New Testament - ERV |
ERV-pa 2002 |
Punjabi New Testament: Easy to Read |
| |
2011. BIBLE |
Pait 1971 |
Paite Bible |
| |
2012. New Testament |
SANNT 2015 |
Sanskrit New Testament |
| |
2013. New Testament |
SCLNT 2009 |
Common Language New Testament |
| |
2014. BIBLE |
SUZBI 2011 |
परमप्रभु यावे आ लोव़ |
| |
2015. BIBLE |
திருவிவிலியம் Tamil Bible |
| |
2016. BIBLE - ERV |
ERV-TA 2005 |
திருவிவிலியம் Tamil Bible: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
2017. BIBLE |
TAMRB 2017 |
Tamil Romanised Bible (Beta) |
| |
2018. BIBLE |
TBS 2017 |
தமிழ் பைபிள் Tamil Bible |
| |
2019. New Testament |
TAMNT 2017 |
Tamil New Testament |
| |
2020. BIBLE |
TAMBL 1998 |
பரிசுத்த பைபிள் Tamil Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Version All rights reserved. |
| |
2021. BIBLE |
TAMIRV 2019 |
இண்டியன் ரிவைஸ்டு வெர்ஸன் (IRV) - தமிழ் Indian Revised Version (IRV) Tamil |
| |
2022. BIBLE |
பரிசுத்த வேதாகமம் O.V. Red Letter Edition Tamil Older Version Bible |
| |
2023. BIBLE |
TBO 1880 |
పరిశుద్ధ గ్రంథము Telugu Bible Original Version |
| |
2024. BIBLE |
TelB 2016 |
పరిశుద్ధ గ్రంథము Telugu Bible |
| |
2025. BIBLE - ERV |
ERV-TE 2012 |
పరిశుద్ధ గ్రంథము Telugu Bible: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
2026. BIBLE |
TELOV 2016 |
పరిశుద్ధ గ్రంథము OV Bible |
| |
2027. New Testament |
TELNT 2017 |
తెలుగు బైబిల్ Telugu New Testament |
| |
2028. BIBLE |
TELBL 1997 |
పవిత్ర బైబిల్ Telugu Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Version All rights reserved. |
| |
2029. BIBLE |
VAIP 2006 |
Pathian Lekhabu Thiangtho |
| |
2030. BIBLE |
NAGY 2007 |
Amüsüh Hüm |
| |
2031. BIBLE |
ZCL 1992 |
Zou Bible |
| |
2032. BIBLE |
ZIV 1994 |
Zokam International Version |
| |
2033. BIBLE |
ZO 2018 |
Zo Bible |
| |
2034. BIBLE |
nbuBSI 2013 |
Rongmei Naga Bible (Revised) Rongmei Naga Bible (Revised) |
| |
2035. New Testament |
ALPNT 2012 |
Janji beluke |
| |
2036. New Testament |
BLZNT 2010 |
Kitap molinas men ringkat na alaata'ala: perjanjian baru |
| |
2037. BIBLE |
BAN 1990 |
Cakepan Suci |
| |
2038. BIBLE |
INABAM 2004 |
Suha’ Maseho: Kadadiam anna Pa’dandiam Bakahu |
| |
2039. BIBLE |
BTX-ID 2003 |
Pustaka Si Badi |
| |
2040. BIBLE |
BTS 2007 |
Bibel |
| |
2041. New Testament |
KJENT 2008 |
Makromod lalap lirna wawan |
| |
2042. New Testament |
MQJN 2011 |
Buku Masero: Pa'dandi Bakaru Holy Scripture in the Mamasa language West Sulawesi, Indonesia |
| |
2043. New Testament |
BMNT 2013 |
Bahasa Manggarai New Testament |
| |
2044. BIBLE |
NIA 2009 |
Soera Ni’amoni’ö |
| |
2045. New Testament |
NATWI 2000 |
Akuapem Twi New Testament and Psalm |
| |
2046. BIBLE - ASB |
NAAS 1996 |
Nkwa Asɛm Life-Giving Words, New Testament |
| |
2047. BIBLE |
twAS 2012 |
Twerɛ Kronkron Asante-Twi Bible With Deutero-Canons |
| |
2048. BIBLE |
twAS 2012 |
New Revised Asante Twi Bible |
| |
2049. BIBLE |
NAAK 2020 |
Akuapem Twi Nkwa Asɛm |
| |
2050. BIBLE |
NAAS 2020 |
Asante Twi Nkwa Asɛm |
| |
2051. BIBLE |
twAS 2017 |
Twerɛ Kronkron Asante-Twi Bible With Deutero-Canons |
| |
2052. BIBLE |
TSB 2013 |
La'aqtaqa Ñim Lo'onatac 'Enauacna |
| |
2053. BIBLE |
BBC 1998 |
Bibel |
| |
2054. New Testament |
Uma 1996 |
New Testament Uma |
| |
2055. New Testament |
PPKN 1996 |
Buku Tomoroli' Pojanci to Bo'u The New Testament in Uma Central Sulawesi, Indonesia |
| |
2056. New Testament |
YVANT 2011 |
Ayao amisy urairi wanyin |
| |
2057. BIBLE |
SUN 1991 |
KITAB SUCI Old and New Testament in Today's Sundanese Version |
| |
2058. New Testament |
KurNT 2011 |
IBS Modern Sorani |
| |
2059. Some books |
GHB 2010 |
کیتاب مقدّس به گیلکی |
| |
2060. BIBLE |
EAB 2008 |
Elizen Arteko Biblia Biblia en Euskara, Traducción Interconfesional. |
| |
2061. New Testament |
BHNT 1571 |
Navarro-Labourdin New Testament (in Basque) Pierre Hautin |
| |
2062. New Testament |
MYU 2010 |
Nuevo Testamento na Mundurukú |
| |
2063. BIBLE |
| |
2064. New Testament |
ANVNT 2010 |
Ŋwɛ menomenyɛɛ́ mekɛ́ |
| |
2065. New Testament |
bbjNT 2002 |
Ghomala New Testament |
| |
2066. BIBLE |
BUM 2009 |
Bible en langue Bulu New Bulu Bible |
| |
2067. New Testament |
NTD 1991 |
Nouveau Testament Doyayo |
| |
2068. New Testament |
ETUNT 1996 |
Ejagham New Testament |
| |
2069. New Testament |
ewoNT 2012 |
MKPAMAṄ AMVOE Nouveau Testament en langue Ewondo Ewondo New Testament |
| |
2070. BIBLE |
Bible en langue guiziga |
| |
2071. BIBLE |
GB11 2011 |
Gbaya Bible |
| |
2072. New Testament |
KENNT 2010 |
Ɛkáti Nku Nkɔ |
| |
2073. New Testament |
ksfNT |
Bafia New Testament Bafia New Testament |
| |
2074. New Testament |
BSSNT 2011 |
Melɛ̌ Mékɔ̄ɔ̄lē |
| |
2075. BIBLE |
MASSANA 2001 |
Bibalda Ta Peldetta |
| |
2076. New Testament |
MOF 2007 |
Mofu Gudur New Testament |
| |
2077. New Testament |
MGONT 2013 |
Fɨso Fi The New Testament in the Metaʼ language (Cameroon) |
| |
2078. New Testament |
MQBNT 2010 |
Aɓan 'am wiya awan |
| |
2079. BIBLE |
MUAR 1996 |
Version révisée avec note explicatives |
| |
2080. New Testament |
NHUNT 2011 |
Ŋwa' Nyo' Moŋkan mo Monfɛm |
| |
2081. New Testament |
NBGM 2007 |
Ngiemboon New Testament |
| |
2082. New Testament |
ALGNT 1998 |
Kije Manido Odikido8in: Ocki Mazinaigan |
| |
2083. New Testament |
GWINT 2010 |
Vit'eegwijyąhchy'aa Vagwandak Nizįį |
| |
2084. New Testament |
DOGNT 2008 |
Nǫ̀htsı̨̨ Nı̨̨htł'è |
| |
2085. BIBLE |
EAIB 2012 |
ᐊᒡᓔᑦ ᐃᑦᔪᕐᖕᓁᑦᑐᑦ Eastern Artic Inuktitut Bible |
| |
2086. BIBLE |
LIB 1980 |
Gûdib Uĸausingit |
| |
2087. New Testament |
ESKNT 2010 |
Ipqitchuat Makpiġaat — Agaayyutim Uqałhi Iñupiatun |
| |
2088. New Testament |
CRXNTPO 2011 |
Yak'usda Ooghuni |
| |
2089. New Testament |
CAFNT 2002 |
Yakʼusda bughunek: k’andit khunek neba lhaidinla |
| |
2090. New Testament |
MIQNT 1998 |
Gelulg Glusuaqan: Gisiteget Agnutmugsi'gw |
| |
2091. New Testament |
MCNT 1991 |
ᐅᔅᑭ ᑎᔅᑌᒥᓐᑦ |
| |
2092. BIBLE |
GKY13 2013 |
Kiugo Gĩtheru Kĩa Ngai, Kĩrĩkanĩro Kĩrĩa Gĩkũrũ Na Kĩrĩa Kĩerũ Holy Bible in Gĩkũyũ |
| |
2093. BIBLE |
KIK14 2014 |
| |
2094. BIBLE |
KIKD14 2014 |
Gikuyu Common Language with DC |
| |
2095. BIBLE |
KIKOB 2019 |
| |
2096. BIBLE |
KLN16 2016 |
Bukuit Ne Tilil Kalenjin Revised Bible |
| |
2097. BIBLE |
KLND15 2015 |
BUKUIT NE TILIIL Sireet ne Dutero Kanon Kalenjin Revised DC Bible |
| |
2098. BIBLE |
KLNB 2020 |
| |
2099. BIBLE |
MBS 1991 |
Biblia Sinyati New Testament in Maasai |
| |
2100. BIBLE |
MASB 2018 |
| |
2101. BIBLE |
MASD 2018 |
| |
2102. New Testament |
MASN 1964, 1970 |
Osotua Ng'ejuk Osotua Ng'ejuk |
| |
2103. New Testament |
SPYNT 2011 |
Biibilya Nyēē Tiliil |
| |
2104. New Testament |
SXBNT 2010 |
Endagano Empia |
| |
2105. BIBLE |
SXBN 2010 |
Endagano Empia Endagano Empia |
| |
2106. BIBLE |
ATE 1961 |
Ebaibuli |
| |
2107. BIBLE |
TEO 1961 |
Ebaibuli |
| |
2108. New Testament |
TEOP 2020 |
| |
2109. BIBLE |
LUO15 2015 |
MUMA MALER The Bible in Dholuo |
| |
2110. BIBLE |
MLM 2020 |
Motingʼo Loko Manyien New Luo Translation |
| |
2111. New Testament |
SUK00 2000 |
Sukuma New Testament |
| |
2112. BIBLE |
SUK15 2015 |
Bibilia Ilagano Lya Kale Sukuma Bible |
| |
2113. BIBLE |
DAV 1997 |
Biblia Ilagho Jiboie Kwa Wandu Wose Taita Bible |
| |
2114. BIBLE |
LSM 2019 |
| |
2115. BIBLE |
LSMD 2019 |
| |
2116. Some books |
DNG 2015 |
Сульманэди Цунмин Хуа |
| |
2117. Gospel |
2002 |
Евангелие от Марка Gospel of Mark |
| |
2118. Torah |
2012 |
Торати Китабу Torah |
| |
2119. BIBLE |
Te B'aib'ara Kiribati New Version Bible |
| |
2120. BIBLE |
LHCL 2009 |
Lhaovo Common Language Bible |
| |
2121. BIBLE |
WCL 2012 |
Wa Common Language Translation |
| |
2122. New Testament - KJV |
STT 2015 |
Tibetan NT Bible Team Tibetan Bible courtesy of STT Perjanjian-Nya Kabanjahe. |
| |
2123. New Testament |
HEGNTPO 2011 |
Buk Niu In Hida Balu nol Dehet deng Apan-kloma ki in Dadi ka |
| |
2124. BIBLE |
KARB 2010 |
Baibel Kangthir |
| |
2125. BIBLE |
ฉบับอักษรลาว |
| |
2126. BIBLE |
ฉบับอักษรโรมันโบราณ |
| |
2127. BIBLE |
ฉบับอักษรโรมันใหม่ |
| |
2128. BIBLE |
ฉบับอักษรไทย |
| |
2129. BIBLE |
yaoBJ |
Yao (chi-) Bible – Chiyawo Bible |
| |
2130. New Testament |
YAON 2018-Yao New |
Lilangano lya Sambano |
| |
2131. New Testament |
KWINT 2002 |
Masas Pit Jesucristowa |
| |
2132. New Testament |
BSNNT 2010 |
Dios oca gotirituti |
| |
2133. New Testament |
HTO 2011 |
Juziñamui Ñuera Uai |
| |
2134. New Testament |
NOAE 2011 |
Ẽwandam Iek |
| |
2135. New Testament |
NOAH 2011 |
Hẽwandam Hiek |
| |
2136. New Testament |
GUH 2011 |
Dios pejumelivaisibaxuto pejanalivaisibaxuto |
| |
2137. New Testament |
GUONT 2009 |
Pajelwʉajan Dios pejjamechan New Testament in Guayabero |
| |
2138. New Testament |
INB 2009 |
Kaipimi Taita Dius Rimaku |
| |
2139. BIBLE |
QCA 2004 |
Dios Rimashcata Quillcashcami |
| |
2140. BIBLE |
QCHI 2004 |
Dios Rimashca Shimicunami |
| |
2141. BIBLE |
QUII 1994 |
Diospaj Shimi |
| |
2142. New Testament |
MTDS 2010 |
Mushuj Testamento Diospaj Shimi |
| |
2143. New Testament |
QUPNT 2008 |
Yaya Diospa mushu killkachishkan shimi |
| |
2144. New Testament |
KBH 2009 |
Bëngbe Bëtsa Cabëngaftaca Entsoyebuambna |
| |
2145. New Testament |
CBCNT 2012 |
Dios Cʉ̃ Cauetibʉjʉ Cũrĩcã Tuti New Testament in Carapana |
| |
2146. New Testament |
GUM 2009 |
Nacom Pejume Diwesi po diwesi pena jume diwesi xua Jesucristo yabara tinatsi |
| |
2147. New Testament |
CCONT 2002 |
Júu ʼmɨ́ɨ e cacuo fidiée New Testament in Chinantec, Comaltepec |
| |
2148. New Testament |
CUI 2010 |
Nacom Pejume Diwesi po diwesi pena jume diwesi xua Jesucristo yabara tinatsi |
| |
2149. New Testament |
MYY 2012 |
Dios Oca Tuti |
| |
2150. New Testament |
BMRNT 2009 |
Moocaani iijɨ |
| |
2151. New Testament |
PIONT 2010 |
El Nuevo Testamento de nuestro Señor Jesucristo en el idioma piapoco |
| |
2152. New Testament |
PIRNT 2011 |
Cohãcjʉ̃ Yere Yahuducuri Tju |
| |
2153. New Testament |
SNNNT 2009 |
Riusu cocabera: mai ëjaguë Jesucristo ba'iyete toyani jo'case'e'ë |
| |
2154. New Testament |
SRINT 2009 |
Marĩpʉya Kerere Wereri Turi |
| |
2155. BIBLE |
TNCPOR 2013 |
Tuᵽarã Majaroka |
| |
2156. New Testament |
TAV 2009 |
Dio Wadarique |
| |
2157. New Testament |
TUF 2011 |
Sir chihtá |
| |
2158. New Testament |
TUENT 2011 |
Cõãmacʉ̃ mecʉ̃ã wedesei |
| |
2159. New Testament |
SJANT 2005 |
Tachi ak'õre pedee |
| |
2160. New Testament |
YCN 2011 |
Tupana Puraca'alo Mari |
| |
2161. New Testament |
BKQNT 2011 |
Deus Itaumbyry |
| |
2162. BIBLE - Catholic |
BYK 2010 |
Bibele ye Kenile |
| |
2163. BIBLE |
AAL 1959 |
Amashiwi Aba Lesa Lamba Bible version |
| |
2164. New Testament |
LN 2002 |
Mokanda na Bomoi, Boyokani ya sika mpe banzembo Lingala New Testament with Psalms |
| |
2165. New Testament |
BZDNT 1994 |
Tte Pa̱ꞌa̱li̱ Meꞌ Skëköl tö Seꞌ a̱ |
| |
2166. New Testament |
BCI 1974 |
Nyanmien nde Ufle Baoule New Testament |
| |
2167. New Testament |
KQO 1996 |
Kuo :Dele' Tchien Krahn New Testament |
| |
2168. New Testament |
MFEN 2009 |
Nouvo Testaman dan Kreol Morisien Nouvo Testaman dan Kreol Morisien |
| |
2169. BIBLE |
TBV 2014 |
Simanya Bauh |
| |
2170. New Testament |
RJ 1999 |
Rengah Jian |
| |
2171. BIBLE |
BK 1988 |
Bup Kudus |
| |
2172. BIBLE |
tumNTB |
New Tumbuka Bible |
| |
2173. New Testament |
ZOSNT 1978 |
Jomepø Testamento |
| |
2174. New Testament |
ZPONT 2009 |
Wdizh kwaan nyaadno yalnaban |
| |
2175. New Testament |
MIGNT 1951 |
Testamento jaa maa jitoho-yo Jesucristo |
| |
2176. New Testament |
MIBNT 1973 |
Nuevo Testamento en mixteco de Atatláhuca |
| |
2177. New Testament |
VMYNT 2009 |
El Nuevo Testamento Mazateco de Ayautla |
| |
2178. New Testament |
TKUNT 1999 |
Xasāstiʼ testamento Xatze tachihuīn ixpālacata Jesucristo. |
| |
2179. BIBLE |
NCHBI 2005 |
Icamanal toteco |
| |
2180. New Testament |
AMUNT 1999 |
Ñʼoom xco na tqueⁿ tyʼo̱o̱tsʼom cantxja ʼnaaʼ Jesucristo |
| |
2181. New Testament |
NGUNT 1987 |
In yencuic iyectlajtoltzin Dios itech ica toTeco Jesucristo |
| |
2182. New Testament |
CTPNT 1992 |
Chaʼ suʼwe nu nchkwiʼ chaʼ ʼin Jesucristo nu nka xʼnaan |
| |
2183. New Testament |
CHQNT 1983 |
Juu³ tyʉ² ʼe gafaaʼ²¹ Dios tyaʼ tsá² |
| |
2184. New Testament |
XTDNT 2001 |
Tnuʼu vaʼa tnuʼu Jesucristo |
| |
2185. New Testament |
ZAINT 1988 |
Stiidxa Dios didxazá El Nuevo Testamento de nuestro señor Jesucristo en el Zapoteco del Istmo. |
| |
2186. New Testament |
MPMNT 1988 |
Nuevo Testamento en mixteco de Yosondúa |
| |
2187. New Testament |
ZADNT 2005 |
Dillꞌ wen dillꞌ Kob C̱he Jesucrístonaꞌ |
| |
2188. New Testament |
OTQNT 2009 |
Àr 'ra'yo nkohi Jö har ñhöñhö maxei nto̱ngwi ár mahwifi har ha̱i m'onda ne har ñhömfo̱ |
| |
2189. New Testament |
ZTQNT 2009 |
Tiits nii xnee kyalmbañ; El Nuevo Testamento en el zapoteco de Quioquitani |
| |
2190. New Testament |
ZCANT 2013 |
Widi'zh che'n Jesukrist kwa'n kinu yalnaban |
| |
2191. New Testament |
MIXE 2005 |
New Testament in Mixe of Mazatlán |
| |
2192. New Testament |
MCONT 1976 |
El Nuevo Testamento en mixe de Coatlán |
| |
2193. New Testament |
MIRNT 1988 |
El Nuevo Testamento en mixe de Guichicovi |
| |
2194. New Testament |
MIZNT 2003 |
Tūʼún xuva kō vatā ó ntákaʼan ña ñuú Coatzospan |
| |
2195. New Testament |
TRCNT 1987 |
Se-nānā Diosē nanā sāʼ me rá catūū nimán níʼ a |
| |
2196. New Testament |
CRNNT 2008 |
Ɨ niuucari tɨ jejcua, tɨ ajta jɨme'en ra'axa a'ɨjna ɨ tavastara'a, ɨ Cɨriistu'u tɨ ji'i Jesús tɨ̀ tu'irájtuaa |
| |
2197. New Testament |
TOSNT 2009 |
Hua̱ xasa̱sti talacca̱xlan quinTla̱tican Jesucristo |
| |
2198. New Testament |
TOCNT 2006 |
Xasasti talacaxlan |
| |
2199. New Testament |
HUS05 2005 |
An it jilchith cau cʼal i Ajatic Jesucristo |
| |
2200. New Testament |
HUS71 1971 |
An it jilchith cau cʼal i Ajatic Jesucristo |
| |
2201. New Testament |
LACNT 1978 |
A quet u tʼʌnoʼ a ricʼbenoʼ |
| |
2202. New Testament |
CNLNT 2012 |
Júu² 'mɨɨn³² 'e³ ca²³ŋɨń² Dios |
| |
2203. New Testament |
ZPLNT 2010 |
Stichia' Diose dialu |
| |
2204. New Testament |
CLENT 2009 |
Ja̱³la³ fáh⁴dxa⁴²dxú⁴ hi³mɨɨ³² chiáh² Ñúh³a² Jesucristo; Salmos |
| |
2205. New Testament |
XTMNTPP 2013 |
Tnu'u vii tnu'u va'a Su'si ma |
| |
2206. New Testament |
OTENT 2008 |
Ra 'Ra'yo Testamento |
| |
2207. New Testament |
ZPMNT 1998 |
Diidz ne rdeed guielmban |
| |
2208. New Testament |
ZAWNT 2008 |
Xtidxcoob Dios ni biädnä dad Jesucrist |
| |
2209. New Testament |
MAZNT 2007 |
Nu o̱ jña mizhocjimi nu mama ja ga cja e Jesucristo |
| |
2210. New Testament |
NCLNT 1998 |
Ilajtulisli Yancuic toTata Jesucristo |
| |
2211. New Testament |
ZAMNT 1971 |
Testament cub coʼ nac diʼs ndac cheʼn Tad Jesucrist |
| |
2212. BIBLE |
NHEBI 2005 |
Itlajtol toteco: Santa Biblia |
| |
2213. New Testament |
NHENT 2009 |
Ya ni nopa yancuic tlajtoli tlen toteco toca mocajtoc |
| |
2214. New Testament |
MIENT 1977 |
Nuevo Testamento en mixteco de Ocotepec |
| |
2215. New Testament |
ZACNT 1983 |
Dizaʼquë shtë Dios con dizë |
| |
2216. New Testament |
ZAONT 2007 |
Diiz kuu ndyaadno yalnaban |
| |
2217. New Testament |
CHZNTPS 2003 |
Hmooh hmëë he- ga-jmee Jesucristo; Salmos New Testament and Psalms in Chinantec, Ozumacín |
| |
2218. New Testament |
CPANT 1973 |
El Nuevo Testamento de nuestro señor Jesucristo: Versión chinanteca |
| |
2219. New Testament |
TOPNT 1979 |
Xasasti talaccaxlan |
| |
2220. New Testament |
Tnúhu ní cáháⁿ yǎ ndiǒxí xito cùu uú |
| |
2221. New Testament |
MIONT 1980 |
Tutu chaa cha iyo cuenda ra hahnu Jesucristo\ El Nuevo Testamento de nuestro señor Jesucristo. |
| |
2222. New Testament |
POINT 2002 |
Jém jomipɨc trato jém iwatnewɨɨp tánomi Jesucristo |
| |
2223. New Testament |
ZARNT 2009 |
Didza' cubi rucá'ana tsahui' |
| |
2224. New Testament |
AZGNT 1992 |
Jnʼoon xco na tquen tyoʼtsʼon |
| |
2225. New Testament |
OTSNT 1994 |
El Nuevo Testamento en otomí de San Felipe Santiago. Edo. de México |
| |
2226. New Testament |
HUVNT 2009 |
Jayats nanderac wüx miteatiiüts Jesucristo |
| |
2227. New Testament |
POENT 1982 |
Tí Nuevo Testamento cuènte Inchéni Jesucristo Cʼóna Nquìva |
| |
2228. New Testament |
MJCNT 1994 |
Tuhun tsaa tsa nacoo̱ jutu mañi yo Jesucristo tsi yo |
| |
2229. New Testament |
ZPINT 2010 |
Xdiiz Dëdyuzh kon disa |
| |
2230. New Testament |
ZASNT 2010 |
Xtiidx Dios |
| |
2231. New Testament |
PLSNT 1982 |
Tti jian joajné Jesucristo |
| |
2232. New Testament |
NTPNT 1981 |
Diuusi ñiooquidʌ utuducami oodamicʌdʌ |
| |
2233. New Testament |
STPNT 2007 |
Gu ñio'ki'ñ gu Dios na bhaan tu a'ga guch xoi'kam |
| |
2234. New Testament |
NHYNT 2006 |
Itlajtol totajtzin Dios = El Nuevo Testamento |
| |
2235. New Testament |
MKSNT 2009 |
Tu̱hun sa̱á ña̱ na̱jándacoo Jesucristo nu̱ yo̱: El Nuevo Testamento en el mixteco de Silacayoapan |
| |
2236. New Testament |
ZPQNT 1987 |
Dižaʼ güen c̱he ancho Jesucristo |
| |
2237. New Testament |
CNTNT 1994 |
Jag₁ ʼmɨ́₂ a₂ma₂lɨʼ₅₄ quianʼ₅₄ Diu₄ |
| |
2238. New Testament |
OTMNT 1974 |
Ra ʼdaʼyonhogui nangue ma Hmuhʉ ra Jesucristo |
| |
2239. New Testament |
OTNNT 1975 |
Ja ua ra̱ ʼdaʼyo cohi bi gomi̱ Oja̱ yø ja̱ʼi̱ |
| |
2240. New Testament |
NCJNT 1979 |
In yancuic mononotzalistli ica Totecohtzin Jesucristo |
| |
2241. New Testament |
NHINT 2012 |
In Yancuic Tlahtolsintilil |
| |
2242. New Testament |
AZZNT 1981 |
In cuali tajtoltzin de Dios |
| |
2243. New Testament |
ZATNTPS 1981 |
Xela wezria cube nen salmo caʼ |
| |
2244. New Testament |
CTANT 1981 |
Chaʼ tsoʼo nu nchcuiʼ jiʼi̱ Jesucristo nu xuʼna na |
| |
2245. New Testament |
MAANT 2013 |
'Én-la̱ Nainá xi kjoa̱ ts'e̱ Jesucristo |
| |
2246. New Testament |
CUCNT 2004 |
Jau²³ hm²³ i⁴ra³tya²³ nei² quieh¹ re¹ Jesucristo quian⁴-¹ |
| |
2247. New Testament |
MXBNT 2006 |
Tuti yó'o kúú to̱'on Ndios. ta xí'o ña kuendá sa'a̱ Jesús |
| |
2248. New Testament |
NHGNT 1980 |
El Nuevo Testamento en nahuatl de Tetelcingo |
| |
2249. New Testament |
NPLNT 2011 |
Itlajtol Totajtsi Dios |
| |
2250. New Testament |
ZPZNTPP 2004 |
De riidz ni trat cub nu bicy nu Ñgyoozh mbecy: Salmos. Proverbios |
| |
2251. New Testament |
MXPNT 1987 |
Ja øgyajpxy ja ømyadya̱ʼa̱ky midi xukpa̱a̱jtɨmp ja nɨtsoʼokʼajtɨn |
| |
2252. New Testament |
TPTNT 2004 |
Ixchivinti Dios: ni sastʼi chivinti yu Dios jatʼatamakaul ixlapanakni laka lhimasipijni |
| |
2253. New Testament |
MTONT 1989 |
Ya̱ʼa̱ tseʼe je̱ nam ko̱jtstán juuʼ veʼe je̱ Nteʼyamˍ xyaktaajnjimdu je̱ nMa̱j Vintsá̱namda Jesucristo ka̱jx |
| |
2254. New Testament |
TOJNT 1972 |
Ja yajcʼachil testamento sbaj ja cajualtic Jesucristo |
| |
2255. BIBLE |
TOGB 1986 |
Tonga Bible Tonga Bible 1986 |
| |
2256. New Testament |
MAUNT 1960 |
Xon⁴-le⁴ ni³na¹ xi³ tʔa³tsʔe⁴ Jesucristo |
| |
2257. New Testament |
HCHNT 1988 |
Cacaüyari niuquieya xapayari türatu hecuame hepaüsita tatiʼaitüvame tasivicueisitüvame Quesusi Cürisitu miʼatüa |
| |
2258. New Testament |
CUTNT 1972 |
El Nuevo Testamento: Cuicateco de Teutila |
| |
2259. New Testament |
CUXNT 1974 |
Nduudu nʼdai yeⁿʼe Ndyuūs yeⁿʼe cuicateco yeⁿʼe Tepeuxila |
| |
2260. New Testament |
TEENT 1976 |
Ixchivinti Dios |
| |
2261. BIBLE |
Jacalteco. Oriental |
| |
2262. New Testament |
JACNT 1997 |
Nuevo Testamento yin̈ abxubal |
| |
2263. New Testament |
MAJNT 2013 |
Éhe̱n Nti̱a̱ná |
| |
2264. New Testament |
MIHNT 1979 |
Tuhun Ndyoo sihin tyehen ñi |
| |
2265. New Testament |
MXTNT 1983 |
Tuhun cha sañahá ra Jesucristo chi yo |
| |
2266. New Testament |
MXQNT 2009 |
Ja jembyʉ kajxy'átypyʉ mʉdʉ Jesukristʉkyʉjxm |
| |
2267. BIBLE |
TZH 2006 |
Bible in Tzeltal Bachajón |
| |
2268. BIBLE |
TZOXCH 2001 |
Bible in Tzeltal de Oxchuc y Tenejapa |
| |
2269. New Testament |
TACNT 2008 |
Onorúgame nila ra'íchali |
| |
2270. New Testament |
TZONT 1995 |
Jaʼ ti achʼ Testamento: jaʼ scʼopilal ti Jesucristoe jaʼ ti Jcoltavanej cuʼuntique |
| |
2271. New Testament |
TZOSA 1983 |
Achʼ Testamento: Jaʼ scʼoplal ti jaʼ Cajcoltavanejtic li Cajvaltic Jesucristoe |
| |
2272. New Testament |
TZOZNT 2009 |
Sc'op riox: ja' li' yaloj ti chac' jcuxlejaltic ta sbatel osli ti cajvaltic Jesucristoe |
| |
2273. New Testament |
MAQNT 1991 |
Compromisu xi majo xi casahmi nina cojo xuta |
| |
2274. New Testament |
CSONT 1986 |
Jú¹ chú³² quioh²¹ Jesús tsá² lɨn³ Cristo |
| |
2275. New Testament |
ZPVNT 1990 |
Xchiʼdxyi cuubi dxiohs nin bieʼgaluuʼyi daada Jesucristu El Nuevo Testamento en el zapoteco de Chichicapan y en español. |
| |
2276. New Testament |
ZPCNT 1986 |
Xtiʼidzaʼ Diuzi |
| |
2277. New Testament |
CTUBI 1977 |
I T’an Dios |
| |
2278. New Testament |
CTU 1976 |
Jini wen bʌ tʼan |
| |
2279. New Testament |
CHFNT 1977 |
U Chʼuʼul Tʼan Dios New Testament in Chontal, Tabasco |
| |
2280. BIBLE |
CSS 1999 |
Chuj San Sebastian Bible |
| |
2281. BIBLE |
CSM 2007 |
Chuj San Mateo Bible |
| |
2282. New Testament |
TOONT 1978 |
Huan Xasāstiʼ testamento: Huan xatzey tachihuīn ixpālacata Jesucristo |
| |
2283. New Testament |
MITNT 1978 |
Ley saa ni nacoo Jesucristu |
| |
2284. BIBLE |
YUAB 1992 |
Biblia Maya Maya Bible |
| |
2285. New Testament |
YRB 1987 |
Godinu Dubu Kobere Sina |
| |
2286. New Testament |
YAQNT 2003 |
El Nuevo Testamento en yaqui |
| |
2287. New Testament |
ZPUNT 2000 |
Diʼll danʼ nsaʼa yel nban El Nuevo Testamento en el Zapoteco de Yalálag. |
| |
2288. New Testament |
ZAANT 1970 |
Ca titsaʼ de laʼlabani para iyate ca enneʼ |
| |
2289. New Testament |
ZTYNTPS 2002 |
Dižaʼ chaweʼ kub len Salmo kaʼ |
| |
2290. New Testament |
ZAVNT 1971 |
Testament Cobə deʼen choeʼ dižəʼ c̱he ancho Jesocristənʼ |
| |
2291. BIBLE |
PohB 2006 |
Bible in Pohnpeian language |
| |
2292. New Testament |
KDENT 2013 |
Ibibiliya mu Shimakonde Imbodi Yaambi na dimbande dya Imbodi Yakala |
| |
2293. New Testament |
KDENT 2019 |
Makonde NT |
| |
2294. New Testament |
GGZC 2006 |
Ени Бааланты гагауз дилиндӓ |
| |
2295. New Testament |
GGZL 2006 |
Eni Baalantı gagauz dilindä |
| |
2296. New Testament |
ATBNT 2009 |
Chyoiyúng chyumlaiká |
| |
2297. New Testament |
ZYPNT 2010 |
Biahrai Tha. Zyphe rei |
| |
2298. BIBLE |
MCSB 2015 |
Matupi Chin Standard Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red With Strong's lexicon |
| |
2299. BIBLE |
KAUB 2008 |
Baibel Kthar |
| |
2300. BIBLE |
OKYB 2012 |
Ombibeli Iyapuki |
| |
2301. BIBLE |
ONDB 2008 |
Ombiimbeli Ondjapuki |
| |
2302. BIBLE |
KKG 2012 |
Elobmîs |
| |
2303. New Testament |
LIFNT 2009 |
ᤏᤡᤱᤘᤠ᤹ᤑᤢ ᤐᤠ᤺ᤴᤈᤠᤰ ᤁᤢᤛᤱ ᤔᤠᤱᤜᤢᤵ |
| |
2304. BIBLE |
IGBOB 2010 |
Bible NSO |
| |
2305. New Testament |
IGLNT 1988 |
Baịbụlụ Nsọ Igbo Living New Testament |
| |
2306. BIBLE |
IGBCB 2020 |
Baịbụlụ Nsọ nʼIgbo Ndị Ugbu a Igbo Contemporary Bible 2020 – |
| |
2307. New Testament |
NTMOF 1989 |
Nouveau Testament Mofa |
| |
2308. New Testament |
mafNT 1989 |
Mofa New Testament Mofa New Testament |
| |
2309. New Testament |
ATGNT 2012 |
Ebe-No-Pfuasẹ Ishobọ Onogbọ New Testament – Ebe-No-Pfuasẹ Ishobọ Onogbọ |
| |
2310. BIBLE |
ANN 2012 |
Ikpa Mbuban The Obolo Bible |
| |
2311. BIBLE - Catholic |
ANND 2013 |
Ikpa Mbuban Eyi Katolik Obolo Catholic Bible |
| |
2312. New Testament |
TSW 2011 |
Nzuwulai n Sa'avu na̱ Tsishingini na̱ a̱ɗiva̱ a na a ɗangulai a Nzuwulai mu Ufaru |
| |
2313. New Testament |
KDL 2010 |
Kazuwamgbani ka savu n Tsikimba n aɓon a ɗa a ɗanga̱sai a kazuwamgbani ka cau |
| |
2314. BIBLE |
BOM 2009 |
Bwok-basa Dagwi wuna-na-sira roso tanga pas Berom Bible |
| |
2315. New Testament |
Izere New Testament Izere New Testament |
| |
2316. New Testament |
IKW 2010 |
Tẹsitamenti Ikne n'Ọnu Ikwere Ikwere New Testament |
| |
2317. New Testament |
MDA 1999 |
Rɛn Kpan Nyu Suswɛ Mada New Testament |
| |
2318. New Testament |
MZM 2018 |
Nyaa Shɔɔ Ɓɔɔ Laa a Ɓɛɛ The New Testament in the Mumuye language of Nigeria |
| |
2319. New Testament |
NIN 2011 |
Ungbamvu Ku Abachi Azhi Ahe̲he̲ Ka New International Version |
| |
2320. New Testament |
IRI 2012 |
Jee Hwi na Krre̱de̱ Be̱ne̱ a zhi Rigwe Rigwe New Testament |
| |
2321. New Testament |
TUL 2015 |
Bwaki Kifwiyang Kitule (Tula) New Testament |
| |
2322. New Testament |
KCG 2015 |
A̠lyiat A̠gwaza na di̠n Tyap: A̠li̠ka̠uli A̠fai The New Testament in the Tyap language of Nigeria |
| |
2323. BIBLE |
ENA 2019 |
Edisana ñwed Abasi Ibom Efik Old Bible With Sectional Headings |
| |
2324. New Testament |
PRINT 2012 |
Tii Pwicîri: Âmu Aamwari naa na cî |
| |
2325. New Testament |
AJINT 2014 |
Ajie New Testament |
| |
2326. New Testament |
AJINT 2014 |
South Pacific Ajie New Testament |
| |
2327. BIBLE |
RAR 1972 |
Bibilia Tapu Cook Islands Maori Bible Reprinted from the edition of 1888 |
| |
2328. New Testament |
Te Koreromotu Ou - Reo Maori Kuki Airani Cook Island Maori Revised New Testament |
| |
2329. BIBLE |
UGV 2017 |
Urdu Geo Version |
| |
2330. BIBLE |
URD 2010 |
Revised Urdu Bible |
| |
2331. BIBLE - ERV |
ERV-UR 2007 |
Urdu Bible: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
2332. BIBLE |
RGV 2017 |
Roman Urdu Geo Bible |
| |
2333. BIBLE |
DGV 2010 |
किताब-ए मुक़द्दस |
| |
2334. New Testament - ERV |
ERV-UR 2007 |
Urdu New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version |
| |
2335. New Testament |
SABNT 2008 |
Chube gerua jagere Jesucristo giti degaba kwian ulita alin: El Nuevo Testamento de nuestro Señor Jesucristo en el idioma buglere |
| |
2336. New Testament |
GYMNT 2004 |
Kukwe kuin ngöbökwe |
| |
2337. New Testament |
KVNNT 2009 |
Pab tummad karta pab Jesucristobal igal-pin mezhijad |
| |
2338. Some books |
CUK 2014 |
Bab-Dummad-Garda-Islidikid |
| |
2339. New Testament |
CUK 2009 |
Bab dummad Jesucristoba igar mesisad garda |
| |
2340. New Testament |
TFRNTPO 2008 |
Sbö Tjl̈õkwo |
| |
2341. BIBLE |
NGCL 2010 |
Ngochang Common Language Bible |
| |
2342. New Testament |
AAUNT 2013 |
God so Sokior-ok Iwon |
| |
2343. New Testament |
ABTNT 1983 |
Gotna Kudi |
| |
2344. New Testament |
AUY 1984 |
Aú-aai símai kááísamakain-aai |
| |
2345. New Testament |
AGDNT 2010 |
Yisasini Kama Vaya |
| |
2346. New Testament |
AMPNT 2013 |
Bro Nkifrarhu Mrokfot |
| |
2347. New Testament |
GAHNT 2013 |
Monó Gotola Gosohá |
| |
2348. New Testament |
AMM 2009 |
Kotoni Imo Itouniyaimo |
| |
2349. New Testament |
AMNNT 2012 |
Godna mo Awai mona go |
| |
2350. New Testament |
AEYNTPO 1997 |
Bal cehec je haun |
| |
2351. New Testament |
AGMNT 2004 |
Autaahaatɨhomɨ Pɨwɨha Gaaha Wanɨha |
| |
2352. BIBLE |
NAGA 2009 |
Ketholeshu |
| |
2353. New Testament |
AKHNT 2013 |
Angal Heneng mbuk Ngaoran Angal Bib Hobau Sao ngo wi o |
| |
2354. New Testament |
AGGNT 2001 |
Godɨndɨ Hoafɨ |
| |
2355. New Testament |
ABYNT 1988 |
Godinu irau wake |
| |
2356. New Testament |
BOJNT 2013 |
Yesus Aqa Anjam Bole |
| |
2357. New Testament |
AAK 1990 |
Ankave |
| |
2358. New Testament |
KNVANT 2006 |
Godokono Hido Tabo |
| |
2359. New Testament |
KNVF 2006 |
Nupela Testamen long tokples Tabo |
| |
2360. New Testament |
YUJNT 1994 |
Kwaromp kwapwe kare kar |
| |
2361. New Testament |
BBBp 2013 |
Godido Vua Maeje |
| |
2362. New Testament |
MLPNT 2001 |
God ago maror muturta agamukan |
| |
2363. New Testament |
BCHNTPO 2012 |
Deo Ele Posanga |
| |
2364. New Testament |
BYRNTPO 2013 |
Gotɨyare Yagaala Mudɨke' |
| |
2365. New Testament |
BYR 1985 |
Yipma Genesis and New Testament |
| |
2366. New Testament |
BEF 2013 |
Ka Lamana'a Mono'i Lu Mu Tifi'ehina Ka Yabe |
| |
2367. New Testament |
BONNT 2013 |
Ireclota Mene |
| |
2368. New Testament |
BJR 2013 |
Fúka Moodaanaki Kira Ufa Afaqínaasa Ufa |
| |
2369. BIBLE |
BNPNTPO 2011 |
A Nitana Vure |
| |
2370. New Testament |
MMONT 1981 |
Vakasin Moos |
| |
2371. New Testament |
BUKNT 2013 |
Anötö ndê Yom Lêŋsêm Wakuc |
| |
2372. New Testament |
APEANT 2012 |
Iruhin Ananin Baraen |
| |
2373. New Testament |
APEBNT 2013 |
God Ananin Balan |
| |
2374. New Testament |
BDD 2013 |
Loina Nuahuana |
| |
2375. New Testament |
BMUNTPO 2013 |
Urumeleŋgö Buŋa Kimbi Jöhöjöhö Dölökŋi |
| |
2376. New Testament |
WER 1984 |
Ngönën Pepewer |
| |
2377. New Testament |
WIU 1992 |
Weneya Totono Keraisu Yesunomo |
| |
2378. New Testament |
DAHNT 2000 |
Al Kuruŋyen Mere Igiŋ |
| |
2379. New Testament |
GDRNT 2014 |
Wipi Yɨt God ma Yɨna Sisɨl Yɨna Peba |
| |
2380. New Testament |
BBR 2013 |
Anut nukan Ämän Eposek |
| |
2381. New Testament |
GVF 2013 |
God ka main buku Golin New Testament |
| |
2382. New Testament |
GHS 1975 |
Poro tongo usaqe |
| |
2383. BIBLE |
BMK 2009 |
Ghayavi Mak |
| |
2384. New Testament |
DWWNT 2002 |
Vari Verenama |
| |
2385. New Testament |
ASONT 2013 |
Monoꞌ Godolo Gosohoꞌ |
| |
2386. New Testament |
DOBNT 1985 |
Loina Tabu Auwauna |
| |
2387. New Testament |
KQC 2016 |
Sei di Uka Ago Ruaka di Buka Bedakai |
| |
2388. New Testament |
MCQ 1999 |
Godoni Vu'a Maiu'ina |
| |
2389. New Testament |
YAMANO 2004 |
God Reri Teiktem Tuma Ager |
| |
2390. New Testament |
YAWU 1996 |
God Eter Agerke Namderasem Tuma Yenbo |
| |
2391. New Testament |
IWS 2014 |
Yai Wɨn Kɨbiya |
| |
2392. New Testament |
IMONT 1997 |
Goteni lino kinye opa peamili nimu Ungu Tukumemu |
| |
2393. New Testament |
INONT 2013 |
Anumaya Kotiꞌa Saufa Lamiꞌnea Ke |
| |
2394. New Testament |
IPINT 2008 |
Ipili Nutestamene |
| |
2395. New Testament |
KGKNT 2006 |
Nhandejáry Nhe'ẽ |
| |
2396. New Testament |
KAKABAI 2009 |
Kakabai Mak |
| |
2397. New Testament |
BYXNTPO 1996 |
A Slurlka Aa Langinka Ama Iameska |
| |
2398. New Testament |
KMHMNT 2014 |
Mɨnɨm Komiŋ |
| |
2399. New Testament |
KMH 2014 |
Kalam Baybol Buk Gor minim nuk kisin angayak |
| |
2400. New Testament |
SOQ 1996 |
Ina Sanaa Gagalowa |
| |
2401. New Testament |
KMUNT 2002 |
Anumayamoʼa haegafa alino hagelafilatenea kea |
| |
2402. New Testament |
LEU 2014 |
A Turoxoian Faꞌui Sina Piran |
| |
2403. New Testament |
KWJ 2014 |
Kwanga New Testament |
| |
2404. New Testament |
KMONT 1974 |
God riiti maji kepi |
| |
2405. New Testament |
KYG 2001 |
Saufa Kotalake Gemae |
| |
2406. New Testament |
KHZ 2004 |
Vekapawai Valiguna |
| |
2407. New Testament |
BMH 2013 |
Uwait nugau Ze Naliu |
| |
2408. New Testament |
KPX 1981 |
Buka Tumute |
| |
2409. New Testament |
KPXNT 1981 |
Iesu Keliso Hotoe Tumu |
| |
2410. New Testament |
KPF 1980 |
Siŋgi Âlip Ekap |
| |
2411. BIBLE |
KPR 2003 |
God da geka seka |
| |
2412. New Testament |
KZE 1980 |
aúná-aimba simái tarúmakain-kwasai |
| |
2413. BIBLE |
GKP 2012 |
Bible |
| |
2414. BIBLE |
XPE 2014 |
Ŋ̀âla Kɔlɔ Maa Waai Kpelle Bibl |
| |
2415. New Testament |
KWB 2012 |
Bible |
| |
2416. New Testament |
BIGNT 2013 |
Anotogi Ngago Wikta |
| |
2417. New Testament |
KUPNT 2002 |
Baiñetinavoz Tep Tokatit |
| |
2418. New Testament |
KTONT 2001 |
Bais ula mumuru aime iesu |
| |
2419. New Testament |
KUD 2014 |
Yaubada Yana Walo Yemidi Vauvauna |
| |
2420. New Testament |
MMXNTPS 2011 |
Lenavolo Lovoang Kaala Maxat La Sam |
| |
2421. New Testament |
MTINT 2011 |
Gae Mataiwa |
| |
2422. New Testament |
HOT 2010 |
Wapômbêŋ Anêŋ Abô Matheŋ |
| |
2423. New Testament |
BZHNT 2003 |
Mehöböp Yesu Kerisi yi GAGEK MEWIS sën vong yam vu hil |
| |
2424. New Testament |
DADNT 2011 |
Mata Ifenẽya Nẽ Od |
| |
2425. New Testament |
MED 1995 |
Got Nga Nambuⱡa Ik Kai |
| |
2426. New Testament |
MEE 2003 |
Piunga Ba Bonga A Pau |
| |
2427. Some books |
MPPPOR 2013 |
Wapongte hibi: Luka. Salecebaicne. nga Galata |
| |
2428. New Testament |
AAINT 2009 |
Tur gewasin o baibasit boubun |
| |
2429. New Testament |
TUCNT 2011 |
Maaron Saveeŋ Tooni Patabuyaaŋ |
| |
2430. New Testament |
TUCONT 2011 |
Maaron Saveeŋ Toni Patabuaŋ |
| |
2431. New Testament |
AOJFNT 2013 |
Basef Buꞌwami Godi |
| |
2432. New Testament |
MYW 1993 |
Kaleiwag Kweivaw |
| |
2433. New Testament |
LIDNTPO 2001 |
Sahou ta Kindrei |
| |
2434. New Testament |
NSNNT 2011 |
O uelhire uaia |
| |
2435. New Testament |
GAWNT 2013 |
Kayaknu Nai Tituanak Bau |
| |
2436. Some books |
KLT 2014 |
Rut yot Mark kán Miti Papia |
| |
2437. New Testament |
NOPNTPO 2005 |
Bepaŋ'walaŋ yofolok kobuli tiŋa kap |
| |
2438. New Testament |
OPM 1992 |
Got orhe meng brak ban |
| |
2439. New Testament |
AOMNT 1991 |
God-are Jögoru Iꞌoho |
| |
2440. New Testament |
OKV 1988 |
God Ta Duru Javotoho |
| |
2441. New Testament |
GFKNT 1997 |
No hinhinawas uta no sigar kunubus tano Watong |
| |
2442. New Testament |
ATANTPO 2009 |
Vaikala Noxou Lataua |
| |
2443. New Testament |
ROO 1982 |
Airepa Vae Reo Ovoi |
| |
2444. New Testament |
SLL 1978 |
Salt-Yui New Testament |
| |
2445. New Testament |
SPS 2001 |
U Vurungan Rof Foun Ten Gov Nane Jisas Krais |
| |
2446. New Testament |
APZNT 1988 |
Mpohwoe Hungkuno Songofoho |
| |
2447. New Testament |
SSG 2012 |
Kakai Haeu |
| |
2448. New Testament |
SSX 1991 |
Sembeleke |
| |
2449. New Testament |
LAMBAU 1997 |
Goti Ukuwala Hala |
| |
2450. New Testament |
SNP 1991 |
Gotiki olu kutifi ledami ka kofawa |
| |
2451. New Testament |
XSI 1995 |
Maro Kindeni Kawa Ŋgua |
| |
2452. New Testament |
SGZ 2009 |
Hutngin kamkabat si Káláu |
| |
2453. New Testament |
TBG 1979 |
Qaraaka uva tivatora |
| |
2454. New Testament |
IOU 2011 |
Anutu Täŋo Man |
| |
2455. New Testament |
LCM 1999 |
Akus Ro na Palatung Tanginang ani Iesu Karisto |
| |
2456. New Testament |
GDN 2013 |
Iya Yonai |
| |
2457. New Testament |
WNU 2001 |
Qenu Qob Uber |
| |
2458. New Testament |
FAINT 2013 |
Got Weng Abem |
| |
2459. New Testament |
FAANT 1994 |
Kotimo Kawe Someaka Masane Oyapo |
| |
2460. New Testament |
PPO 2005 |
Yesu Kerisoné So Whi̧ Tao Sere Kisi Fo Wisi |
| |
2461. New Testament |
FORNT 2013 |
Mono Agowe |
| |
2462. New Testament |
FOR 1974 |
Fore New Testament |
| |
2463. New Testament |
HLA 2013 |
U Bulungana U Niga |
| |
2464. New Testament |
WOS 1997 |
Godna Hundi |
| |
2465. New Testament |
CJVNT 1992 |
Yai Guman Gunom Kam |
| |
2466. BIBLE |
KSS 2012 |
Kisi Bible |
| |
2467. BIBLE |
KBQ 2012 |
Kisi Bible |
| |
2468. New Testament |
YML 1984 |
Youbada Yana Vona'Awaufaufa 'Ivauna |
| |
2469. New Testament |
IANNT 2013 |
God Waa Nyaangɨt |
| |
2470. New Testament |
YUW 1997 |
Fat Mata ogepma |
| |
2471. New Testament |
CHRNT 1994 |
Nuevo Testamento Chorote |
| |
2472. New Testament |
MCA 2013 |
| |
2473. New Testament |
COTNT 2008 |
Iroaquerari Itioncacaantaqueca Aapani Irioshi: Tsavetacoquerica Amajirote Jesoquirishito |
| |
2474. New Testament |
KAQNT 2008 |
Noquen hihbaan joi |
| |
2475. New Testament |
CBRNT 2011 |
Nukën 'Ibu Diosan ain unikama 'inan ain bana |
| |
2476. New Testament |
AGRNT 2008 |
Yamajam chicham apajuinu |
| |
2477. New Testament |
CPCNT 2000 |
Kamiithari Ñaantsi |
| |
2478. New Testament |
AMRNT 2008 |
Jesucristo oy oa’pak: Kenda Jesucristoa; monigka’uyatenok; Diostaj mo’manopo’yarea’ika’ne |
| |
2479. New Testament |
QVHNT 2008 |
Mushog Testamento |
| |
2480. New Testament |
QWHNT 2008 |
Teyta Diospa Mushoq Testamentun |
| |
2481. New Testament |
QXNNT 2002 |
Señor Jesucristopa alli willacuynin |
| |
2482. New Testament |
QXONT 2008 |
Mushog Testamento |
| |
2483. New Testament |
ARLNT 2008 |
Quiarinio pueyaso rupaa pa jiyaniijia Jesucristojiniji pueyano rupaajinia |
| |
2484. New Testament |
ACUNT 2008 |
Yuse chichame aarmauri |
| |
2485. New Testament |
CNINT 2008 |
Irineane tasorentsi oquenquetsatacotaqueri Avincatsarite Jesoquirishito |
| |
2486. New Testament |
CJONT 2008 |
Iwaperite tajorentsi ikenkithatakoetziri awinkatharite Jesokirishito: owakirari inimotakiri tajorentsi |
| |
2487. New Testament |
CPBNT 2000 |
Kameethari Ñaantsi: ikenkitha-takoitziri awinkatharite Jesucristo |
| |
2488. New Testament |
CPUNT 2008 |
Kameethari Ñaantsi: Iñaaventaitzirira Avinkatharite Jesucristo |
| |
2489. New Testament |
BOANT 2008 |
Píívyéébé ihjyu: jetsocríjyodítyú cáátúnuháámɨ |
| |
2490. New Testament |
QVENT 2013 |
Mosoq Testamento |
| |
2491. New Testament |
PIBNT 2008 |
Gerotu Tokanchi Gipiratkaluru |
| |
2492. New Testament |
QVCNT 2008 |
Mushuq Tistamintu |
| |
2493. New Testament |
CBUNT 2010 |
Apanlli Kuku |
| |
2494. New Testament |
CBSNT 2008 |
Diosun Jesúswen taexun yuba bena yiniki |
| |
2495. New Testament |
MCFNT 2008 |
Esuquidistu Chuiquin Tantiamete |
| |
2496. New Testament |
MCBNT 2008 |
Iriniane Tasorintsi |
| |
2497. New Testament |
HUUNT 2016 |
Jusiñamui uai: Jusiñamui jito rafue illa rabenico |
| |
2498. New Testament |
NOTNT 2008 |
Irinibare Tosorintsi Ocomantëgotëri Antigomi Jesoquirisito |
| |
2499. New Testament |
QVSNT 2008 |
Tata Diospa Mushuk Rimanan |
| |
2500. New Testament |
TCANT 2008 |
Tupanaarü Ore i Tórü Cori ya Ngechuchu ya Cristuchiga |
| |
2501. New Testament |
QVNNT 2008 |
Tayta Diospa Guepacag Testamentun |
| |
2502. New Testament |
QUBNT 2011 |
Tayta Diosninchi Isquirbichishan |
| |
2503. New Testament |
QVMNT 2008 |
Mushog Testamento |
| |
2504. New Testament |
QXHNT 2009 |
Mushug Testamento |
| |
2505. New Testament |
URANT 2008 |
Cana Coaunera Ere |
| |
2506. New Testament |
QVWNT 2010 |
Muśhü limalicuy |
| |
2507. New Testament |
HUBNT 2010 |
Yuusa chichame yaunchukia tura yamaram chichamjai aarmau |
| |
2508. New Testament |
MCDNT 2008 |
Diospan Tsain |
| |
2509. Some books |
SHP 2012 |
Diossen joi jatíxonbi onanti joi |
| |
2510. New Testament |
YADNT 2008 |
Ju̱denu jto̱ nijya̱nvamyu |
| |
2511. New Testament |
YAANT 2008 |
Niospa meka fena Jesucristoõnoa |
| |
2512. New Testament |
AMENT 2008 |
Yompor Poʼñoñ ñeñt ̃ attõ Yepartseshar Jesucristo eʼñe etserra aʼpoctaterrnay Yomporesho |
| |
2513. Some books |
2023-– |
Библия Bible |
| |
2514. Gospel |
1912 |
Четвероевангелие Four Gospels |
| |
2515. New Testament |
AVAR 2008 |
МагӀарул мацӀ New Testament in Avar |
| |
2516. New Testament |
AVR 2008 |
Инжил |
| |
2517. New Testament |
XAVNT 2004 |
'Re ĩhâimana u'âsi mono zadawa wasu'u |
| |
2518. New Testament |
AGL 2005 |
Лукайин Китаб Месигь Іисайихъас Идже Хабар |
| |
2519. Some books |
ADG 2002 |
УблапІэ, Апэрэ Самуел, ЯтІонэрэ Самуел, Апэрэ тхылъыр, ЯтІонэрэ тхылъыр, ТхьэлІыкІоу Юныс, Рут, Эстэр, Ушъый гъэсэпэтхыдэхэр |
| |
2520. New Testament |
ADYNT 2014 |
Къэбарышӏур (Инджыл) Adyghe New Testanemt |
| |
2521. Gospel |
1975, 1912 |
Четвероевангелие и Деяния Four Gospels and Acts |
| |
2522. New Testament |
ALTNT 2017 |
Јаҥы Кереес |
| |
2523. Some books |
2015 |
Лукашди босам рергьанолълъи хабар Gospel of Luke |
| |
2524. Some books |
2022 |
Жюнюс файгъамбарны китабы Jonah |
| |
2525. Some books |
2020 |
Даниял файгъамбар, Рут, Эстер Daniel, Ruth, Esther |
| |
2526. Gospel |
1999 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2527. New Testament |
2000 |
Новый Завет и Псалтирь New Testament and Psalms |
| |
2528. BIBLE |
2023 |
Изге Яҙма Bible |
| |
2529. New Testament |
BaI 2013 |
Инжилдең башҡорт теленә тәржемәһе |
| |
2530. New Testament |
BAKNT 2015 |
Инжил Bashkir IBT New Testament |
| |
2531. Some books |
BEZ 2013 |
Сулайбан авараглис аᴴкълова |
| |
2532. Gospel |
2005 |
sái bárawá Lukái wasshén ahwál Gospel of Luke |
| |
2533. New Testament |
BUR 2010 |
Шэнэ Хэлсээн New Testament |
| |
2534. Gospel |
2001 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2535. Gospel |
Евангелия и Деяния Gospels and Acts |
| |
2536. New Testament |
Новый Завет New Testament |
| |
2537. Some books |
2023 |
Инжил Four Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Revelation |
| |
2538. Some books |
DRG 2016 |
дарган мез Gospel of Matthew |
| |
2539. Gospel |
2002 |
Евангелие от Иоанна Gospel of John |
| |
2540. Gospel |
2002 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2541. Gospel |
1996 |
Евангелие от Марка Gospel of Mark |
| |
2542. Some books |
2018 |
Бытие, Притчи Genesis, Proverbs |
| |
2543. Some books |
2015 |
Руфь, Есфирь и Иона Ruth, Esther and Jonah |
| |
2544. Gospel |
2007 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2545. Gospel |
2021 |
ийсас бена, Яхьяс дІаязбаь Хоза Кхаъ Gospel of John |
| |
2546. Gospel |
2013 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2547. Some books |
KBD 2009 |
Руфэ, Инус бегъымбар, Лукас |
| |
2548. New Testament |
KBD 2017 |
ХъыбарыфӀыр. ЩӀэдзапӀэр Kabardian New Testament, Genesis, Psalms |
| |
2549. New Testament |
Новый Завет New Testament |
| |
2550. New Testament |
KAL 2013 |
Шин Бооцан, Эклц, Рут, Цецн Селвгүд, Псалмс |
| |
2551. Torah |
2023 |
Мошен тавн дегтр Pentateuch |
| |
2552. BIBLE |
KRK 2022 |
Карақалпақ тилиндеги Мухаддес Китап |
| |
2553. BIBLE |
KRKL 2022 |
Karaqalpaq tilindegi Muxaddes Kitap |
| |
2554. New Testament |
KI 2004 |
Қарақалпақ Инжил New Testament in Karakalpak language |
| |
2555. New Testament |
KRC 2000 |
Сыйлы Инжил бла Забур Balkar New Testament + Psalms 2nd edition |
| |
2556. Some books |
Иона Jonah |
| |
2557. Gospel |
1999 |
Марка и Луки Mark and Luke |
| |
2558. Some books |
Деяния Acts |
| |
2559. Gospel |
Евангелие от Иоанна Gospel of John |
| |
2560. Gospel |
2000 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2561. Gospel |
Евангелие от Марка Gospel of Mark |
| |
2562. Gospel |
Евангелие от Матфея Gospel of Matthew |
| |
2563. Gospel |
2011 |
Евангелие от Иоанна Gospel of John |
| |
2564. Gospel |
1979 |
Евангелие от Матфея Gospel of Matthew |
| |
2565. New Testament |
Новый Завет New Testament |
| |
2566. Gospel |
Евангелие от Марка Gospel of Mark |
| |
2567. Gospel |
1882; 2001 |
Евангелие от Матфея Gospel of Matthew |
| |
2568. Gospel |
2012 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2569. BIBLE |
МК 2016 |
Мукъаддес Китап Bible |
| |
2570. Some books |
CRT 2008 |
Мукъаддес Китап къырымтатар тилинде |
| |
2571. Gospel |
2000 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2572. New Testament |
SK 2007 |
Къумукъ тил New Testament in Kumyk language |
| |
2573. New Testament |
KUM 2007 |
Сыйлы Китап. Янгы разилешивню. Къумукъча таржумасы New Testament |
| |
2574. Torah |
2021 |
Таврат Torah |
| |
2575. New Testament |
KKD 2011 |
Kurdish-Kurmanji New Testanemt in Kurdish (cyrillic) |
| |
2576. Some books |
2023 |
Инжил Gospel of Mark |
| |
2577. Some books |
2023 |
Таврат Pentateuch |
| |
2578. New Testament |
LEZNT 2018 |
ЦӀийи Икьрар Lezgi New Testament |
| |
2579. Gospel |
Евангелие от Марка Gospel of Mark |
| |
2580. Gospel |
2000 |
Марка и Луки Mark and Luke |
| |
2581. Gospel |
1906 |
Четвероевангелие Four Gospels |
| |
2582. New Testament |
Новый Завет с псалмами New Testament with Psalms |
| |
2583. Gospel |
1995 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2584. Gospel |
2005 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2585. Gospel |
NEN 2010 |
Маймбабцо Юн |
| |
2586. New Testament |
NOGNT 2011 |
Nogai New Testament Nogai New Testament |
| |
2587. BIBLE |
2022 |
Библи Bible |
| |
2588. New Testament |
OSNT 2004 |
Ирон æвзаг, Райдиан, Псаломтае New Testament in Ossetian language |
| |
2589. Gospel |
2004 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2590. Gospel |
2001 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2591. Some books |
2019 |
Йунус пәйғәмпәрнең китабы Jonah |
| |
2592. New Testament |
TABNT 2010 |
ЦІийи Йикьрар New Testament |
| |
2593. BIBLE |
TTRB 2016 |
Изге Язма Tatar Bible |
| |
2594. New Testament |
TTR 2001 |
Инҗил Tatar New Testament |
| |
2595. BIBLE |
TVN 2011 |
Ыдыктыг Библия Holy Bible |
| |
2596. Gospel |
1912 |
Четвероевангелие Four Gospels |
| |
2597. Psalms |
1999 |
Псалтирь Psalter |
| |
2598. BIBLE |
HZUT 2005 |
ھازىرقى زامان ئۇيغۇرچە تەرجىمىسى |
| |
2599. New Testament |
MKug |
Муқәддәс Китап New Testament DetailsИнҗил Тәвраттин талланмилар Һазирқи заман уйғурчә тәрҗимиси. |
| |
2600. New Testament |
KJHNT 2009 |
Наа Молҷағ Khakas New Testament |
| |
2601. Gospel |
Евангелие от Марка Gospel of Mark |
| |
2602. Gospel |
2003 |
Лукайкена Шадна хабар Gospel of Luke |
| |
2603. Gospel |
2000 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2604. BIBLE |
CHE 2012 |
Делан Йозанаш Chechen Bible |
| |
2605. Some books |
Иеремия, Плач Иеремии, Осия, Малахия Jeremiah, Lamentations, Hosea, Malachi |
| |
2606. New Testament |
CHV 2009 |
Ҫӗнӗ-Халал New Testament in Chuvash |
| |
2607. Torah |
1921 |
Пятикнижие Pentateuch |
| |
2608. Some books |
CHK 2017 |
Таӈпыӈыԓ Луканэн |
| |
2609. Gospel |
2022 |
Иона Jonah |
| |
2610. Gospel |
1995 |
Четвероевангелие Four Gospels |
| |
2611. Gospel |
2001 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2612. Gospel |
1995 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2613. Gospel |
Марка и Луки Mark and Luke |
| |
2614. Gospel |
1910 |
Четвероевангелие и Деяния Four Gospels and Acts |
| |
2615. Gospel |
2000 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2616. Gospel |
2000 |
Евангелие от Луки Gospel of Luke |
| |
2617. Some books |
YKT 1009 |
Саҥа Кэс Тыл Yakut Bible |
| |
2618. New Testament |
YKT 2008 |
Саҥа Кэс Тыл New Testament |
| |
2619. Some books |
YKT 2021 |
Библия тылбааһын Института Yakut Bible Ruth, Esther |
| |
2620. |
NZR 2014 |
E Nevi Zmluva pal o Romanes |
| |
2621. |
Kald'04 2004 |
E Nevi Viasta o Psalmo Kalderash New Testament and Psalms |
| |
2622. |
Karp'14 2014 |
E Nevi Zmluva pal o Romanes |
| |
2623. |
Vlax'07 2007 |
Nuevo Testamento Romané Romané New Testament |
| |
2624. New Testament |
GPS 1984 |
E Lashi Viasta Gypsy Bible Ruth Modrow |
| |
2625. New Testament |
SRNT 2020 |
Romski prevod Novog zaveta - Srbija Serbian Romani New Testament |
| |
2626. New Testament |
Ne Bibliaj Tik Nawat |
| |
2627. New Testament |
ACFNT 1999 |
Tèstèman nèf-la: Épi an posyòn an liv samz-la |
| |
2628. |
BSK 2014 |
Labib An Kreol Seselwa |
| |
2629. BIBLE |
aii2014 2014 |
ܕܝܬܩܐ ܚܕܬܐ ܕܡܪܢ ܝܫܘܥ ܡܫܝܚܐ ܘܡܙܡܘܪ̈ܐ ܒܠܫܢܐ ܐܬܘܪܝܐ The New Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Psalms in Assyrian |
| |
2630. BIBLE |
Peshitta |
The Syriac Peshitta With vowels. |
| |
2631. New Testament |
PeshNT+ |
The Syriac New Testament, according to the British and Foreign Bible Society's Edition of 1905 With Strong's lexiconWith vowels. |
| |
2632. New Testament |
PST 1905 |
Aramaic New Testament |
| |
2633. New Testament |
SyrNT |
Syriac Bible |
| |
2634. New Testament |
sycNT 1905 |
The Syriac New Testament, according to the British and Foreign Bible Society's Edition of 1905 (with vowels) With Strong's lexicon |
| |
2635. BIBLE - Catholic |
KCB 2008 |
Buka Apuna (I Lotu Katolika) Kahua Catholic Bible |
| |
2636. BIBLE |
SIPB 2008 |
Pijin Bible Solomon Islands Pijin Bible |
| |
2637. BIBLE |
SIDC 2008 |
Pijin Deuterocanon Solomon Islands Bible with Deuterocanonical Books |
| |
2638. BIBLE |
UDK 2007 |
Uduk New Teatament and OT Portions |
| |
2639. New Testament |
CARNT 2010 |
Asery Tamusi karetary |
| |
2640. New Testament |
HNSNT 2010 |
Parmeswar ke naawa poestak |
| |
2641. New Testament |
DJKNT 2009 |
Beibel: okanisi tongo |
| |
2642. New Testament |
SRMNT 1998 |
Gadu Buku |
| |
2643. New Testament |
SRNNT 2002 |
Nyun Testamenti |
| |
2644. Some books |
HWP 2000 |
Hawaii Creole English — Hawaii Pidgin |
| |
2645. New Testament |
GULNT 2005 |
De Nyew Testament |
| |
2646. New Testament |
APWNT 2012 |
The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ |
| |
2647. BIBLE |
NVJOB 1975 |
Navajo Bible |
| |
2648. New Testament |
OODNT 1975 |
Jiosh Wechij O'ohana |
| |
2649. New Testament |
HOPNT 2012 |
God Lavayiyat Aṅ Puhuvasiwni |
| |
2650. New Testament |
CHR 1860 |
Cherokee New Testament |
| |
2651. New Testament |
DJNT 2012 |
Di Jamiekan Nyuu Testiment |
| |
2652. BIBLE |
NVB 2000 |
Navajo Bible Spanish New International Version |
| |
2653. BIBLE |
Lahu Bible |
| |
2654. New Testament |
TAYNT 2013 |
Jisas Klays Takaw Teplep Ne |
| |
2655. New Testament |
RNT 2008 |
Kirimi New Testament |
| |
2656. New Testament |
VID 2014 |
Ilagano lwa sambi kwa wanhu weng’ha |
| |
2657. New Testament |
KDC 2014 |
Lagano da Sambi kwa Wanhu Wose |
| |
2658. New Testament |
KUJNT 1995 |
Endagano Ehea Igikuria New Testament |
| |
2659. BIBLE |
KUJB 2021 |
| |
2660. BIBLE |
KUJD 2021 |
| |
2661. New Testament |
VUN 1999 |
Kivunjo New Testament New Testament in Kivunjo |
| |
2662. New Testament |
KSB 2005 |
Kishambala New Testament New Testament in Kishambala |
| |
2663. New Testament |
New Testament |
| |
2664. New Testament |
GNGNT 2011 |
Uwien ya Jɔtiefɛ̀nku ya gbɔnku |
| |
2665. BIBLE |
Fon Bible |
| |
2666. BIBLE |
Bible Fon |
| |
2667. BIBLE |
EWERV 1913 |
Biblia alo Ŋɔŋlɔ Kɔkɔe La Le Eʋegbe Me Bible in Éwé Revised Version |
| |
2668. New Testament |
EWENT 2006 |
Biblica Éwé New Testament Biblica Éwé New Testament |
| |
2669. New Testament |
KNTP 2009 |
Încîl û Zebûr |
| |
2670. BIBLE |
ACO 1985 |
Baibul Acholi Bible |
| |
2671. New Testament |
LAJ 1979 |
Baibul Bible |
| |
2672. BIBLE |
LG 2013 |
Ekitabo Ekitukuvu ekiyitibwa Baibuli Endagaano Enkadde n'Empya Luganda Bible |
| |
2673. BIBLE |
LGCB 2014 |
Bayibuli Entukuvu Luganda Contemporary Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
2674. BIBLE |
LBR 1959 |
Ekitabo Ekitukuvu, Baibuli Luganda Revised Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red |
| |
2675. BIBLE |
LAJ 1978 |
| |
2676. New Testament |
LAJ 1979 |
Baibul |
| |
2677. BIBLE |
LG 1968-2013 |
Ekitabo Ekitukuvu ekiyitibwa Baibuli Endagaano Enkadde n'Empya |
| |
2678. BIBLE |
LG 2018 |
| |
2679. BIBLE |
LUGB 2003 |
Luganda Bible |
| |
2680. BIBLE |
LUGD 2003 |
Luganda DC Bible |
| |
2681. BIBLE |
NYN 1964 |
Baibuli Erikwera |
| |
2682. BIBLE |
NYND 2008 |
EKITABO EKIRIKWERA BAIBULI N'EBITABO EBY'OMUBONANO APOKURUFA/DYUTROKANONIKO The Bible with Apocrypha in Runyankore-Rukiga, new revised joint translation |
| |
2683. New Testament |
XOG 2014 |
Baibuli Ekibono kya Katonda, Bible with DC books |
| |
2684. BIBLE |
ADH 2018 |
KITAWO MALEŊ Dhopadhola Bible |
| |
2685. BIBLE |
ADH 2018 |
KITAWO MALEŊ Catholic Dhopadhola Catholic DC Bible |
| |
2686. BIBLE |
KDI 2013 |
Baibuli I Leb Kumam Kumam Bible |
| |
2687. BIBLE |
MYX 2016 |
Ibayibuli Ingwalaafu Lumasaaba Protestant Edition |
| |
2688. BIBLE |
MYD 2017 |
Ibayibuli Ingwalaafu Lumasaaba Catholic Edition |
| |
2689. New Testament |
MSMNT 1999 |
Kasuyatan to Diyus |
| |
2690. New Testament |
ATDNT 2000 |
Kasulatan to Magboboot |
| |
2691. New Testament |
BLW 1982 |
Hen alen Apudyus |
| |
2692. New Testament |
BKD 1986 |
Lalang hu Dios |
| |
2693. New Testament |
BPRNT 1995 |
I Falami Kasafnè |
| |
2694. New Testament |
SMKNT 2012 |
Si Biblia |
| |
2695. New Testament |
EBKNT 2003 |
Nan kalen apo Dios |
| |
2696. BIBLE |
BDK 1981 |
Buuk Do Kinorohingan Today's Revised Version |
| |
2697. Old Testament |
MBBOT 2013 |
Is Lalag te Megbevayà |
| |
2698. BIBLE |
RIPV 1996 |
Ti Baro a Naimbag a Damag Biblia |
| |
2699. New Testament |
CLU 1990 |
Anang ambal ang Dios: Magandang balita Biblia |
| |
2700. New Testament |
ABXNT 1996 |
I Baha'o Kasuratan |
| |
2701. BIBLE |
PmPV 1984 |
Ing Mayap a Balita Biblia |
| |
2702. BIBLE |
PmPV 1981-1994 |
Ing Mayap a Balita Biblia |
| |
2703. New Testament |
Yang Bago na Togon Kanatu |
| |
2704. New Testament |
MBTNT 2010 |
Meupiya ne panugtulen: Bibliya ne Matigsalug |
| |
2705. New Testament |
OBONT 2011 |
Moppiyon Dinoggan. Moka-atag ki Disas Krays |
| |
2706. BIBLE |
PnPV 1983 |
Maung a Balita Biblia |
| |
2707. BIBLE |
PnPV 1977-1993 |
Maung a Balita Biblia |
| |
2708. New Testament |
PRFNT 2012 |
En Maganda A Bareta Biblia |
| |
2709. BIBLE |
CEBU 1917 |
Cebuano Ang Biblia, Bugna Version Cebuano Bible |
| |
2710. BIBLE |
RCPV 1999 |
Ang Bag-ong Maayong Balita Biblia |
| |
2711. BIBLE |
CEBFB 2011 |
Ang Biblia Cebuano Form-Based Bible |
| |
2712. BIBLE |
CEBMB 1999 |
Maayong Balita Biblia Cebuano Meaning-Based Bible |
| |
2713. New Testament |
APSD 2010 |
Ang Pulong Sa Dios |
| |
2714. New Testament |
BGSNTPO 2004 |
Kagi Ka Manama |
| |
2715. BIBLE |
ASND 2014 |
Ang Salita ng Dios |
| |
2716. BIBLE |
ABAB 1973 |
Ang Bagong Ang Biblia |
| |
2717. BIBLE |
ADB 1905 |
Ang Dating Biblia The Old Bible |
| |
2718. BIBLE |
MBB 2005 |
Magandang Balita Biblia |
| |
2719. BIBLE |
TAGMB 2001 |
Ang Biblia Tagalog Form-Based Bible |
| |
2720. BIBLE |
TAGMB 1905-1982 |
Ang Biblia Tagalog Form-Based Bible |
| |
2721. BIBLE |
Magandang Balita Biblia Tagalog Meaning-Based Bible |
| |
2722. BIBLE |
AB 1978 |
Ang Biblia |
| |
2723. BIBLE |
AB 2001 |
Ang Biblia |
| |
2724. New Testament |
ABT 2009 |
Ang Bagong Tipan: Filipino Standard Version |
| |
2725. New Testament |
TBLNT 2007 |
Udél dwata: gna kesfasad ne lomi kesfasad |
| |
2726. BIBLE |
MBBR 2005 |
Magandang Balita Bible Revised |
| |
2727. BIBLE |
TLAB 2012 |
Ang Biblia |
| |
2728. BIBLE |
HLGN 2006 |
Hiligaynon Bible Ang Pulong Sang Dios. |
| |
2729. BIBLE |
BPV 1992 |
An Marahay Na Bareta Biblia |
| |
2730. BIBLE |
BPV 1981-1992 |
Marahay na Bareta Biblia |
| |
2731. New Testament |
BBRNT 2013 |
Anut nukan Ämän Eposek |
| |
2732. New Testament |
BrNT 1827 |
Testamant nevez Breton New Testament |
| |
2733. New Testament |
GUL 2004 |
Gulei New Testament |
| |
2734. New Testament |
DAANT 2012 |
Jamaw ta Marbinto: Kabarre ta Gala ɗo bi ka Iisa Masi iŋ daŋla |
| |
2735. New Testament |
BJVNT 2011 |
| |
2736. |
BA 1999 |
Bible azumeina |
| |
2737. BIBLE |
BM80 1980 |
Bible mbaï |
| |
2738. BIBLE |
BN89 1989 |
Bible ngambaï |
| |
2739. BIBLE |
TUPB 2006 |
Le Bible en Tupurri |
| |
2740. BIBLE |
SHU-ar 2019 |
الكتاب المقدس بالعربي الدارجي هنا تشاد Arabe tchadien (alphabet arabe) |
| |
2741. BIBLE |
SHU-la 2019 |
Al-Kitaab al-Mukhaddas be l-arabi al-daariji hana Tchad Arabe tchadien (alphabet latin) Bible |
| |
2742. |
Ngünechen Tañi Küme Dungu |
| |
2743. New Testament |
ARNNT 2011 |
Ngünechen ñi Küme Dungu |
| |
2744. New Testament |
ARN 1996 |
Ngünechen Tañi Küme Dungu Mapudungun New Testament |
| |
2745. New Testament |
AUCNT 2009 |
Wængonguï nänö Apæ̈negaïnö |
| |
2746. New Testament |
QVZNT 2009 |
Diospa shimi |
| |
2747. New Testament |
CONNTPO 1998 |
Chiga Tevaen'Jema Atesuja 1, Aisheve Caña'cho |
| |
2748. New Testament |
SEYNT 2012 |
Maija'quë Huajë Ca Nëose'e |
| |
2749. New Testament |
COFNT 2012 |
Diosichi Pila |
| |
2750. |
CBINTPO 2008 |
Diosa' kiika |
| |
2751. New Testament |
JIVNT 2012 |
Yus Papí: Shuarja̱i̱ Yus Yamaram Chicham Najanamu New Testament in Shuar |
| |
2752. New Testament |
Shuar NT |
| |
2753. New Testament |
DWRNT 2011 |
Ooratha Caaquwaa |
| |
2754. New Testament |
GMVNT 2011 |
ኦራ ጫቆ ማፃፋ ጋሞ |
| |
2755. New Testament |
GMVRNT 2011 |
Ooratha Caaqo Maxaafa Gamoththo |
| |
2756. New Testament |
GOFENT 2011 |
ኦራ ጫቁዋ ጎፋ |
| |
2757. New Testament |
GOFRNT 1994 |
Ooratha Caaquwa Goofatho |
| |
2758. BIBLE |
Geez 1962 |
Ge'ez Bible |
| |
2759. New Testament |
ሐዲስ ኪዳን በልሳነ ግእዝ Ge'ez NT |
| |
2760. BIBLE |
TigB 1997 |
መ/ቅዱስ ትግርኛ Tigrigna Bible |
| |
2761. BIBLE |
መፅሓፍ ቅዱስ Tigrigna Bible |
| |
2762. BIBLE |
VEN 1998 |
Bivhili Khethwa Mafhungo Madifha |
| |
2763. BIBLE |
ZUL 1997 |
iBhayibheli Elingcwele |
| |
2764. BIBLE |
XhB 1859 |
Xhosa Bible Henry Hare Dugmore |
| |
2765. BIBLE |
XHO96 1996 |
iBhayibhile |
| |
2766. BIBLE |
XHO75 1975 |
IziBhalo eZingcwele |
| |
2767. BIBLE |
SWT 1996 |
Siswati Bible |
| |
2768. BIBLE |
NSO00 2000 |
Bibele Taba yea Botse |
| |
2769. BIBLE |
NSO51 1951 |
Bibele |
| |
2770. BIBLE |
SSO89 1989 |
Bibele |
| |
2771. BIBLE |
TSW08 1908 |
Baebele e e Boitshepo |
| |
2772. BIBLE |
TSW70 1970 |
Beibele |
| |
2773. BIBLE |
TSO29 1875 |
Xitsonga (Bibele) |
| |
2774. BIBLE |
TSO89 1989 |
Bibele Mahungu Lamanene |
| |
2775. New Testament |
TSON 2014 |
Testamente Leyimpsha Xichangana Novo Testamento Changana |
| |
2776. New Testament |
DIK 2006 |
Lëk yam |
| |
2777. New Testament |
1897 |
Seisho Shinyaku Ainu John Batchelor |
| |
2778. Gospel |
1891 |
St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John in Ainu |
| |
2779. New Testament |
ASAN 1967 |
Chasu New Testament Chasu New Testament |
| |
2780. New Testament |
BEZN 1958 |
Itesamende Imya New Testament in Bena |
| |
2781. BIBLE |
GORB 2006 |
KITABI HABARI MOPIOHE Old and New Testament in Today's Gorontalo Version |
| |
2782. BIBLE |
GUZB 2020 |
Ebibilia Enchenu Ekegusii Bible |
| |
2783. BIBLE |
GUZB 2021 |
Ebibilia Enchenu The Holy Bible in Ekegusii Protestant Edition |
| |
2784. BIBLE - Catholic |
GUZD 2021 |
| |
2785. BIBLE |
JMCB 2016 |
BIBILLYA Mareiyo Meele a Iruva Holy Bible in Kimashami |
| |
2786. New Testament |
JMCN 2000 |
Kyaasa Kiiya Mashami New Testament |
| |
2787. BIBLE |
KAMB 2011 |
MBIVILIA ŨVOO MŨSEO Kikamba Bible Protestant Edition |
| |
2788. BIBLE |
KAMB 1956 |
Mbivilia Old Kamba Bible |
| |
2789. BIBLE - Catholic |
KAMD 2011 |
YÎ NA MAVUKU MA NDIŨTELOKANONI Kikamba Bible Catholic Edition |
| |
2790. BIBLE |
LUAB 2003 |
Mukanda wa Nzambi Dihungila Dikulukulu ne Dihungila Dihia-dihia Bible in Tshiluba |
| |
2791. BIBLE |
LUAD 1996 |
| |
2792. BIBLE |
LUNB 1962 |
MUKANDA WANZAMBI Lunda-Ndembu Bible Version |
| |
2793. BIBLE |
MADB 1994 |
ALKETAB E DHALEM BASA MADURA Old and New Testament Today's Madura Version |
| |
2794. BIBLE |
MAKB 1999 |
KITTA' MATANGKASA' Old and New Testament in Today's Makassar Version |
| |
2795. BIBLE |
MENP 2020 |
Mende Bible Portions |
| |
2796. New Testament |
MENN 2002 |
Ngowili Yekpei Numu Kpɛlɛɛ Va Mende New Testament |
| |
2797. BIBLE |
MERB 2009 |
| |
2798. BIBLE - Catholic |
MERD 2009 |
| |
2799. BIBLE |
MOSB 2014 |
| |
2800. New Testament |
MOSN 1997 |
KÃAB-PAALGÃ KOE-NOOGO Moore New Testament |
| |
2801. BIBLE |
NDEB 2006 |
IBhayibhili Elingcwele Ndebele Contemporary Version |
| |
2802. New Testament |
NYMN 1951 |
Nyamwezi New Testament Kinyamwezi New Testament |
| |
2803. New Testament |
RUNN 1967 |
Isezerano Risha kiRundi New Testament |
| |
2804. New Testament |
RWKN 1954, 1967 |
MMA SHIYYA New Testament in Kimeru |
| |
2805. BIBLE |
Samburu |
| |
2806. New Testament |
SASP 2007 |
KITAB SUCI ZABUR INJIL Psalms and New Testament in Sasak |
| |
2807. New Testament |
SATN 2012 |
Santali Common Language New Testament Santali Common Language New Testament |
| |
2808. New Testament |
Cibverano Cipsa Cisena Cisena New Testament |
| |
2809. New Testament |
Cibverano Cipsa The New Testament in Sena |
| |
2810. BIBLE |
Qullaawa Maxaafa Sidama Bible |
| |
2811. New Testament |
TEMN 2009 |
Ȧŋlemrȧnɛ Ȧfu Themne New Testament © Bible Society of Sierra Leone |
| |
2812. BIBLE |
BGRB 2004, 2004 |
Bawm Common Language Bible Version Bawm Common Language Bible Version |
| |
2813. BIBLE |
YRLN 2021 |
Comunidade Buya igarape Bíblia Baré |
| |
2814. New Testament |
BFON 1993 |
A NAAŊMƖN PƲLƖ̃-TA-PAALAA Birifor New Testament |
| |
2815. BIBLE |
DGID 2013 |
A SƐB-SÕW Dagara DC Bible |
| |
2816. BIBLE |
GUXB 2003 |
Gourmanchéma Bible Gulmancema (Gourma) Bible |
| |
2817. BIBLE |
GUXB 2013 |
U TIENU MAAMA TILI Protestant Gulmancema Bible |
| |
2818. BIBLE |
SBDB 2011 |
| |
2819. BIBLE |
FUBB 2016 |
دٜڢْتٜرٜ اَللَّه ڢُلْڢُلْدٜ عَدَمَوَ Fulfulde Bible Ajamiya |
| |
2820. New Testament |
OZM 2002 |
Kálara Zyɛ̌m Edwán é mpʉ̌n Le Nouveau Testament en bìdwe'e |
| |
2821. New Testament |
NLAN 2019 |
Kaa Shwî Ngombale New Testament |
| |
2822. BIBLE |
KVJD 2012 |
Ghena ta Shala Kapsiki DC Bible |
| |
2823. BIBLE |
YUEB 1915 |
Shìng-King (Kwóng-Tung Wâ) Romanised Cantonese Colloquial Bible |
| |
2824. New Testament |
ALDN 2003 |
Ɛmɛẅi ankà ankrànkràn Alladian New Testament |
| |
2825. BIBLE |
BCIB 1998 |
NYANMIƐN NDƐ'N Baoulé Bible |
| |
2826. BIBLE |
SEFB 2010 |
Cebaara Bible Cebaara Bible |
| |
2827. BIBLE |
TGWB 2010 |
NYƐʔƐLƐ LI KÀYORO Tagbana Bible |
| |
2828. New Testament |
GUDN 2013 |
New Testament New Testament |
| |
2829. BIBLE |
ALZB 1970 |
The Holy Bible In Alur (Lur), Revised Orthography United Bible Societies |
| |
2830. BIBLE |
LGGB 1966 |
E’yo Siza Alatararu Munguniri BIBLIA Bible in Lugbara |
| |
2831. BIBLE |
NGAD 1995 |
WE NU GALE Ngbaka Bible |
| |
2832. BIBLE |
ZNEB 1978 |
Ziazia kekeapai Sainte Bible en Zande |
| |
2833. BIBLE |
QXRB 2010 |
Dios Rimashcata Quillcashcami Biblia Quichua Cañar |
| |
2834. BIBLE |
QUGB 2010 |
Dios Rimashca Shimicunami Quichua Chimborazo Bible Revision |
| |
2835. BIBLE |
QVIB 1994 |
Diospaj Shimi Quichua Imbabura Bible |
| |
2836. BIBLE |
Wëël Jwøk Anyuak Bible |
| |
2837. BIBLE |
KBRB 2020 |
Kafa Linguistics Project Kafa Bible Project Common |
| |
2838. New Testament |
Kille Caaqo Koorete NT |
| |
2839. New Testament |
MDYN 2007 |
Maale New Testament Maale New Testament |
| |
2840. New Testament |
Kuumeet Sinɔ Tɔɔnuk Ad Majaŋeeroŋk Majang NT |
| |
2841. New Testament |
GAXAN 2013 |
| |
2842. New Testament |
Kakuu Haaraaka Borana NT |
| |
2843. New Testament |
GAXGN 2007 |
Guji Oromo New Testament |
| |
2844. BIBLE |
መጣፍ ቅዱስ በጉራጌኛ Gurage Bible |
| |
2845. New Testament |
Shekki-noone Andira Wogo Shekkacho NT |
| |
2846. BIBLE |
Macaafa Qulqulluu West Oromo Bible |
| |
2847. New Testament |
ኽምጣጘ ኣይር ኪዳን Xamtanga New Testament |
| |
2848. BIBLE |
MNKB 2011 |
Mandinka Bible |
| |
2849. BIBLE |
GAAB 1896, 1992 |
Ṅmãle̱ Kroṅkroṅ Le̱ The Bible in Ga |
| |
2850. BIBLE |
Bagheli Bible Bagheli Bible |
| |
2851. New Testament |
भड्लाई नंव्वों नियम Bhadrawahi New Testament |
| |
2852. New Testament |
बिलासपुरी नौआं नियम Bilaspuri New Testament |
| |
2853. New Testament |
DHDN 2010, 2017 |
चोखो समचार (ढुंढाड़ी नया नियम) Dhundari New Testament |
| |
2854. New Testament |
डोगरी नवां नियम Dogri New Testament |
| |
2855. BIBLE |
गददी Gaddi |
| |
2856. New Testament |
गढवली नयो नियम Garhwali New Testament |
| |
2857. New Testament |
काँगड़ी Kangri NT |
| |
2858. BIBLE |
ಕೊಡವ ಬೈಬಲ್ Kodava Bible |
| |
2859. BIBLE |
சொர்கக்கு வழிநெடசுவுது புஸ்தகா Kurumba Kannada Bi |
| |
2860. New Testament |
मंडयाली नंऊँआं नियम Mandeali New Testament |
| |
2861. New Testament |
പുതുവൻ ചേതി Mannan New Testament |
| |
2862. New Testament |
പുത്തൻ ചട്ടം Muthuvan New Testament |
| |
2863. BIBLE |
कुल्वी Kulvi |
| |
2864. New Testament |
बाघली सराज़ी नऊंअ बधान Kulvi Outer Seraji NT |
| |
2865. New Testament |
SWVN 2010, 2017 |
जीवन को च्यानणो (सेकावाटी नया नियम की पोथ्या) Shekhawati New Testament |
| |
2866. New Testament |
ಪೊಸ ಒಡಂಬಡಿಕೆ TULU New Testament |
| |
2867. BIBLE |
YLIB 2018 |
ALLAH WENE The Holy Bible in the Yali Angguruk language Papua |
| |
2868. New Testament |
ATQN 2004 |
Suha' Masero New Testament with three portions from the Old Testament |
| |
2869. BIBLE |
BLZN 2010 |
Kitab Molinas Men Ringkat na Alaata'ala New Testament in the Balantak Language |
| |
2870. BIBLE |
BKLN 1993 |
Taterisi Uwa Sanbagirmana Ibirmiserem The New Testament in Berik |
| |
2871. New Testament |
BEPP 2015 |
Sura Magasaꞌ: Bahangapa sura Pototowiá to Sae hai Pototowiá to Woꞌu Holy Book: Several books of the Old Testament and the New Testament |
| |
2872. New Testament |
BHWN 1990 |
| |
2873. New Testament |
PSEN 1995 |
PEJANJIAN EMPAI CERITAU ILUAK New Testament in Serawai Version |
| |
2874. New Testament |
TXTN 1995 |
AI ATAKUM ZI ARARA New Testament Citak |
| |
2875. New Testament |
KZFN 1998 |
Buku Nagasa Pojanji Nabou The New Testament in Da'a |
| |
2876. New Testament |
UHNN 1988 |
HAIK-A ONGAM KAL New Testament in Today's Damal Version |
| |
2877. New Testament |
GBIP 2002 |
O GIKIMOI AWI JAJI ma BUKU God's Word: Genesis and the New Testament in Galela |
| |
2878. BIBLE |
HADB 2009 |
ALLAH NIHYET MEM TUNGWATU NYA Bible in Hatam Language Papua, Indonesia |
| |
2879. BIBLE |
HAPB 2013 |
Allah Wene Fano Wene Hupla Inane Old and New Testament in Hupla language Papua |
| |
2880. BIBLE |
XBRB 1995 |
Na Huratu Matua Old and New Testament Today's Kambera Version |
| |
2881. New Testament |
LJPN 2002 |
PERJANJIAN AMPAI KABAR BETIK New Testament in Today's Lampung Version (Api dialect) |
| |
2882. New Testament |
MHYN 1999 |
KABAR MAEH MA HANYU JANJI WAU New Testament in Today's Dayak Maanyan Version |
| |
2883. New Testament |
MAXN 2020 |
Perjanjian Baru Bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara New Testament in North Maluku Language |
| |
2884. New Testament |
MNXN 1996, 2016 |
ALLAH MEN GOS DOU MENAU New Testament in Sougb Version |
| |
2885. BIBLE |
MOGB 2016 |
Alkitab Singog In Mongondow Masa In Tanaa Old and New Testament in Today's Mongondow Language |
| |
2886. New Testament |
NLCN 2000 |
PERJANJIAN BARU NALCA YUBA New Testament in Today's Nalca Version |
| |
2887. New Testament |
NDXN 1984 |
Ngget Tul Pidnak Wene New Testament in Nduga Language |
| |
2888. BIBLE |
NIJB 2005 |
SURAT BARASIH BARITA BAHALAP Old and New Testament in Today's Dayak Ngaju Version |
| |
2889. New Testament |
SZBN 1999 |
PERJANJIAN BARU NGALUM WENG New Testament in Today's Ngalum Version |
| |
2890. BIBLE |
NLKB 2000 |
ALLAH WENE FANO WENE The Old and New Testament in Today's South Yali Version |
| |
2891. New Testament |
OTDN 1997 |
BOWOT BOHUA New Testament in Today's Ot Danum Version |
| |
2892. BIBLE |
YACN 2006 |
Allah Wene Hurumbik Keron |
| |
2893. New Testament |
LJEP 2017 |
Boo Mangkolehi: Suraꞌ Pewaliana hante Podandia Wolaꞌ Holy Book: The book of Genesis and the New Testament |
| |
2894. New Testament |
REJN 2011 |
JANJAI BLAU Lem Bahaso Jang Bebilai The New Testament in Rejang Lebong, South Sumatra |
| |
2895. New Testament |
HVNN 2000 |
BUKU LII DARA DEO LII DARA WOWIU New Testament in Today's Sabu Version |
| |
2896. New Testament |
SAJN 2015 |
Jaji ma Su-sungi The New Testament in the Sahu Language |
| |
2897. BIBLE |
LOEB 2002 |
KITAB NU TUMPU ALLA LELE MA'IMAI' The Old and New Testament in Today's Saluan Version |
| |
2898. BIBLE |
SXNB 2003 |
BINOHẸ SUSI BAL᷊O MAPIA Old and New Testament in Today's Sangir Version |
| |
2899. New Testament |
SXNN 2014 |
New Testament in Today's Taghulandang Version New Testament in Today's Taghulandang Version |
| |
2900. New Testament |
SAWN 1994 |
MYAO KODON SIN HARAE New Testament in Sawi |
| |
2901. New Testament |
WULN 1992 |
ALLAH IAK WENE ʼGET AʼGE WUSOGO WOGENEBEGEI WENE New Testament in Ngalik Version (Irian Jaya) |
| |
2902. BIBLE |
TLDB 2003 |
WUKE SUSI WATTI'U AL᷊AL᷊USASSA Old and New Testament in Today's Talaud Version |
| |
2903. New Testament |
TMLN 2000 |
AI ADAKAM ZI ARE New Testament in Today's Tamnim Version |
| |
2904. BIBLE |
TWUB 2018 |
Susula Malalaok Hehelu Palak Ma Hehelu Beuk Old and New Testament in Today's Rote Version |
| |
2905. BIBLE |
TLBB 2002 |
MA JOU AI BUKU O ABARI MA OA Old and New Testament in Today's Tobelo Version |
| |
2906. BIBLE |
AOZB 2000 |
SULAT KNINO BENO ALEKOT Bible in Today's Timur Dawan Version East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia |
| |
2907. New Testament |
KGRN 2004 |
Sukdu subot os be gato Yefun Allah tom men ne The New Testament Today's Abun language |
| |
2908. BIBLE |
EBUB 2019 |
Îvuku rîa Ûvoro Mwaro Kimbeere Bible |
| |
2909. BIBLE |
RAGB 1967 |
KITABU KITAKATIFU Old Maragoli Bible |
| |
2910. BIBLE |
RAGP 2019 |
| |
2911. BIBLE |
NYDB 2019 |
EBAIBO INZIENUKHU Lunyore Bible Protestant Edition |
| |
2912. New Testament |
PKBN 2004 |
Ḍamano Ipfya The New Testament in the Pokomo language of Kenya |
| |
2913. BIBLE |
PKOB 2019 |
PIPÏLIA Pökot Bible |
| |
2914. New Testament |
RELN 2018 |
Wori Haaggane Yeesso Kiriisto Miinsan Ayyinti Husube Waakh Enenyet Igooche Rendille New Testament |
| |
2915. New Testament |
Kîrîîkanîro Kîîyerû The New Testament in the Tharaka language of Kenya |
| |
2916. BIBLE |
LTOB 2013 |
Ibibilia indakatifu: mu Lutirichi, Lwitakho nende Lwisukha |
| |
2917. BIBLE - Catholic |
LTOD 2013 |
Ibibilia indakatifu: mu Lutirichi, Lwitakho nende Lwisukha |
| |
2918. New Testament |
GBON 1989, 2004 |
Nyesoaa Kuo Win Jajle Grebo New Testament |
| |
2919. BIBLE |
KLUB 2010 |
Nyesoa‑a̍ Win Klao Bible |
| |
2920. New Testament |
Wè-dɔ-wè Dɛɛ Mano New Testament |
| |
2921. BIBLE |
Sena Chisena Bible |
| |
2922. BIBLE |
TOJB 2021 |
Ja yab'al ja Dyosi La palabra de Dios |
| |
2923. BIBLE |
TOHB 2014 |
Bhibhiliya Nya Guage Bhibhiliya Nya Guage |
| |
2924. BIBLE |
TOHD 2014 |
Bhibhiliya Nya Guage Gitonga DC Bible |
| |
2925. New Testament |
RNGN 2007 |
Testamente Ledrimpswha ni Mapsalma Xironga New Testament with Psalms |
| |
2926. BIBLE |
TSCB 1972, 2007 |
Tshwa Bible |
| |
2927. New Testament |
PNBN 2020 |
پنجابی نواں عہد نامہ نظرثانی شدہ چھپائی Punjabi New Testament Revised |
| |
2928. BIBLE |
GUGB 2015 |
Ñanderuete Ñe’ẽ Porã Biblia en Guaraní |
| |
2929. New Testament |
KNON 2006 |
Yataa 'a Dɔbɛnɛ Nama Kono New Testament |
| |
2930. BIBLE |
KRIB 2013 |
Krio Fɔs Oli Baybul Krio Holy Bible |
| |
2931. BIBLE |
KNKB 2006 |
ALLALA KUMƐ Kuranko Common Language Bible |
| |
2932. New Testament |
LIAN 2011 |
Mȧyukunande Maŋama Maŋ Limba New Testament |
| |
2933. BIBLE |
JVNB 2018 |
Kitab Jawa Suriname Suriname Javanese Bible |
| |
2934. New Testament |
PBCN 1973, 2019 |
Patamuna New Testament Revised Patamuna New Testament Revised |
| |
2935. New Testament |
TSUN 2014 |
台灣聖經公會版權所有 2014 The Tsou New Testament |
| |
2936. New Testament |
Seysyo No Tao The Tao New Testament |
| |
2937. BIBLE |
TCCB 2015 |
Bibliyeeda Ghaydit The Bible in Datooga |
| |
2938. BIBLE |
GOGB 2002 |
Luganuzi Luswanu Kuli Wanhu Wose Cigogo Bible |
| |
2939. New Testament |
GOGN 1991 |
I CILAGANE CIPYA The New Testament in Cigogo |
| |
2940. BIBLE |
HAYD 2001 |
Ebibulia Ruhaya Bible |
| |
2941. BIBLE |
OLDB 2016 |
Bibilia Kui Mdedie fo Kimochi Kimochi Bible |
| |
2942. New Testament |
NIHN 1965 |
Tesitamenti Umupwa Nyiha New Testament |
| |
2943. New Testament |
NDPN 1993 |
E’di Mikindi Le’bura New Testament in Kebu |
| |
2944. BIBLE |
KDJD 2008 |
Ebaibul Ngakarimojong Interconfessional Bible |
| |
2945. BIBLE |
NYOD 2008 |
Ekitabu Ekirukwera N'Ebitabu Ebyeetwa Deturokanoniko/Apokurifa Bible in Runyoro/Rutooro Interconfessional Translation |
| |
2946. BIBLE |
Di Heilich Shrift Di Heilich Shrift |
| |
2947. New Testament |
KNTP Kaonde New Testament Project |
| |
2948. BIBLE |
TOIB 1996 |
Bbaibele Tonga Bible |
| |
2949. |
Cross references from OpenBible project |
| |
2950. |
Kreuzverweise aus dem CUV Cross references from CUV |
| |
2951. - ASB |
Cross references from NASU |
| |
2952. - NIV |
Cross references from NIV 2011 |
| |
2953. - Synodal |
Перекрестные ссылки из RST Cross references from RST |
| |
2954. - ASB |
Cross references from ESV |
| |
2955. |
Kreuzverweise aus dem CUV Cross references from CUV |
| |
2956. |
NJB 1973 |
Cross references from 新改訳聖書, New Japanese Bible — Shinkai-yaku |
| |
2957. |
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge |
| |
2958. |
TSK2 |
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge 2 |
| |
2959. |
Pa-x |
Passages in New Testament which quote or allude to the Old Testament |
| |
2960. |
PP-x |
Parallel Passages in New Testament Quoted from Old Testament |
| |
2961. |
思高圣经-x |
Cross references from 思高圣经 Studium Biblicum Version |
| |
2962. |
Jeruz-x |
Sväté písmo - Jeruzalemská Biblia |
| |
2963. - Synodal |
Гёце-д 1939 |
Хронология глав из Библии пастора Гёце Bolesław Götze |
| |
2964. - Synodal |
Гёце-п 1939 |
Подзаголовки из Библии пастора Гёце Bolesław Götze |
| |
2965. - Synodal |
RST-п |
Подзаголовки из Синодального перевода |
| |
2966. - Synodal |
Links-s |
Подзаголовки с параллельными местами Нового Завета |
| |
2967. |
ОБДН-д 1991 |
Хронология глав из Открытой Библии, Дверь Надежды - Америка |
| |
2968. |
ОБДН-п |
Подзаголовки из Открытой Библии Дверь Надежды |
| |
2969. - Synodal |
Геце-д(у) 1939 |
Хронологія глав з Біблії пастора Гёце Bolesław Götze |
| |
2970. |
Хом-д 1963 |
Підзаголовки з Біблії Хоменка |
| |
2971. - KJV |
KJV-s |
Subheadings from the King James Version of the Holy Bible |
| |
2972. - NIV |
NIV-s 1984 |
Subheadings from NIV |
| |
2973. - NIV |
NIV-s 2011 |
Subheadings from NIV |
| |
2974. |
KB-s 1908 |
Karoli Bible |
| |
2975. - DBY |
ELB-s |
Überschriften aus der Revidierten Elberfelder Übersetzung |
| |
2976. |
MHNT-s |
Modern Hebrew New Testament Subheadins |
| |
2977. - RV |
RV60-s |
Títulos de Reina Valera |
| |
2978. |
PT-s |
Distribuidores Bíblia |
| |
2979. |
LTT-s 2018 |
Subtítulos da Bíblia de Estudo LTT |
| |
2980. |
NTLH Subtitulos |
| |
2981. |
NTLH Subtitulos |
| |
2982. - NIV |
NVI-BR-s |
NVI Subtitulos |
| |
2983. - NIV |
NVI-PT-s |
NVI Subtitulos |
| |
2984. |
1919 |
Subheadings from 中文和合本(简)- Chinese Union Version Simplified |
| |
2985. |
1992 |
Subheadings from 中文新译本(简)- Chinese New Version Simplified |
| |
2986. - NET |
Subheadings from 新英语译本(简) — Chinese New English Translation Simplified |
| |
2987. |
2010 |
Subheadings from 圣经当代译本修订版 — Chinese Contemporary Bible Simplified |
| |
2988. |
2010 |
Subheadings from 和合本修订版 — Revised Chinese Union Version Simplified |
| |
2989. |
1968 |
Subheadings from 思高圣经(简) – Studium Biblicum Version Simplified |
| |
2990. |
2010 |
ubheadings from 聖經當代譯本修訂版 — Chinese Contemporary Bible |
| |
2991. |
2010 |
Subheadings from 和合本修訂版 — Revised Chinese Union Version |
| |
2992. - NET |
2011 |
Subheadings from 新英语译本 — Chinese New English Translation |
| |
2993. |
Subheadings from 和合本 — Chinese Union Version |
| |
2994. |
1002 |
Subheadings from 中文新譯本 — Chinese New Version |
| |
2995. |
1968 |
Subheadings from 思高聖經 – Studium Biblicum Version |
| |
2996. |
Subheadings from 新廣東話聖經 |
| |
2997. |
ROH-s |
Perikopy autorizovanej verzie prekladu Jozefa Roháčka |
| |
2998. |
ラゲ訳 1910 |
Subheadings from ラゲ訳聖書, Raguet-yaku |
| |
2999. |
現代訳-s 1983 |
Subheadings from 現代訳聖書, Modern Japanese Bible |
| |
3000. |
JLB-s 2011 |
Subheadings from リビングバイブル, Japanese Living Bible |
| |
3001. |
BbB-s |
Subheadings from 聖書で聖書を読む, BIBLE by Bible The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Morphological forms |
| |
3002. - Strong |
СимфСтр |
Симфония номеров Стронга With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3003. |
СимфГрч |
Симфония греческих словарных форм Morphological forms |
| |
3004. |
СимфСин |
Симфония Синодального перевода Библии Details49 856 слов, которые указывают более чем на 500 000 мест в Писании. Симфония построена на синодальном переводе Библии 77 книг. |
| |
3005. |
ZonT 1996 |
Симфония Тематическая |
| |
3006. BIBLE |
Гёце 1997 |
Библейский словарь Гёце Переиздано c предисловием д-ра богослов. Р.А. Торрея. Bolesław Götze |
| |
3007. BIBLE |
Брокгауз 1999 |
Библейская Энциклопедия Брокгауза Gerhard Mayer, Fritz Rinecker |
| |
3008. |
Библейские темы |
| |
3009. BIBLE |
Нюстрем 1868 |
Библейский энциклопедический словарь Пересмотренное и исправленное издание. Eric Nystrom |
| |
3010. BIBLE |
Синод 1994 |
Словарь редких и заимствованных слов к Синодальному переводу Библии |
| |
3011. BIBLE |
Вихл 1998 |
Библейский словарь к русской канонической Библии Vladimir P Vikhliantcev |
| |
3012. BIBLE |
Никиф 1891 |
Библейская Энциклопедия Архимандрита Никифора Archimandrite Nikifor (Alexei M Bazhanov) |
| |
3013. BIBLE |
СБП 2001 |
Кодрант. Словарь Библейских понятий Victor A Slobodyanik |
| |
3014. BIBLE |
Brux 1980 |
Словарь Библейского Богословия. Брюссель |
| |
3015. BIBLE |
ББС 2005 |
Большой Библейский Словарь Walter A Elwell, Philip W Comfort |
| |
3016. BIBLE |
Lion |
Библейская энциклопедия Lion |
| |
3017. BIBLE |
Имена |
Значение библейских имён |
| |
3018. BIBLE |
НЖБ 1995-1998 |
Новая Женевская учебная Библия (статьи и карты) New Geneva Study Bible Английское издание под общей редакцией Р. К. Спраула; Русское издание под общей редакцией Цорна В. А. DetailsПодготовлено к изданию Миссионерским союзом „Свет на Востоке |
| |
3019. |
Библейский культурно–исторический комментарий Biblical cultural and historical commentary |
| |
3020. |
ЕСББ 2004 |
Евангельский словарь библейского богословия, ред. У. Элуэлл Euangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology |
| |
3021. |
1994 |
Словарь христианских терминов |
| |
3022. |
Лютеранский словарь литургических терминов |
| |
3023. |
Богословско-литургический словарь |
| |
3024. |
1996 |
Краткий религиозно-философский словарь Leonid I Vasilenko |
| |
3025. BIBLE |
1994 |
Словарь к Синодальному переводу Библии |
| |
3026. New Testament - KJV |
Русско-английский словарь Нового Завета DetailsДанный словарь составлен на основе английского Евангелия (перевод Короля Иакова 1611 год) и общих англо-русских словарей. В основном рассматривается новозаветная тематика. Предназначен словарь для студентов, преподавателей Духовных Семинарий, переводчиков и всех, кому по роду деятельности приходится работать с духовной литературой на английском языке. Словарь содержит 5500 слов и словосочетаний. |
| |
3027. |
Библейские справочники |
| |
3028. New Testament |
Cловарь новозаветных церквей |
| |
3029. |
1849 |
Библейско-биографический словарь Foma I Yatskevich, Pyotr F BlagoveshchenskyDetailsБиблейско-биографический словарь, или Жизнеописания всех лиц, упоминаемых в священных книгах Ветхого и Нового Заветов, и других имевших какое-либо влияние на распространение Церкви Божией на земле. |
| |
3030. |
Библиологический словарь Alexander Men |
| |
3031. |
СБО 2005 |
Словарь библейских образов Dictionary of Biblical Imaginary Переводчик: Скороходов Б. A. (Aaron's rod — Spot), Рыбаков О. A. (Springs of water — Zion) |
| |
3032. New Testament |
BHP-m |
The Bunning Heuristic Prototype (BHP) Greek New Testament Mmorphology |
| |
3033. New Testament |
BHP-w |
The Bunning Heuristic Prototype (BHP) Greek New Testament Lemmas |
| |
3034. BIBLE |
ПСБИ 2014 |
Подробный словарь библейских имен Detailed Biblical Name Dictionary |
| |
3035. BIBLE - devotions |
СБИ 2014 |
Словарь библейских имен Biblical Names Dictionary |
| |
3036. |
Краткий словарь православных терминов |
| |
3037. |
Краткий словарь терминов и устарелых слов |
| |
3038. |
2005 |
Краткий словарь малопонятных слов и выражений церковнославянского языка Taisiya S Oleynikova |
| |
3039. |
Старорусские слова |
| |
3040. |
Пояснение к указателю-симфонии по “Житиям святых” |
| |
3041. |
2006 |
Краткий церковнославянский словарь |
| |
3042. |
Словарь по древнерусскому искусству |
| |
3043. |
1994 |
Святость. Краткий словарь агиографических терминов Victor M Zhivov |
| |
3044. |
Лексис Сир чь реченія, въ кратц събранны и из словенскаго на простый русскій діялектъ истолкованы. Lavrenty I ZizaniyDetailsПервый на Руси словарь. |
| |
3045. BIBLE |
ЭСБЕ 1907 |
Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона |
| |
3046. |
Даль 1880 |
Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка Vladimir I Dal |
| |
3047. |
ДальC 1998 |
Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка Современное написание слов. Vladimir I Dal |
| |
3048. |
Ефрем 2000 |
Новый толково-словообразовательный словарь русского языка Tatiana F Efremova |
| |
3049. |
Иностр 1910 |
Словарь иностранных слов |
| |
3050. |
Ожегов 1949 |
Толковый словарь Sergei I Ozhegov, Natalia Y Shvedova |
| |
3051. |
Синоним 1999 |
Cловарь синонимов Naum A Pereferkovich |
| |
3052. |
Толк 1998 |
Современный толковый словарь |
| |
3053. |
Ушаков 1940 |
Толковый словарь русского языка Dmitry N Ushakov |
| |
3054. |
Этимол 1987 |
Этимологический словарь Русского языка Max Julius Friedrich Vasmer |
| |
3055. BIBLE |
БЭС 2000 |
Большой Энциклопедический Словарь |
| |
3056. |
Антич 1989 |
Словарь античности Johannes Irmsher, Renate Yone |
| |
3057. |
Парон 1984 |
Словарь паронимов Olga Vishnyakova |
| |
3058. |
Издательско-Полиграфический Энциклопедический Словарь |
| |
3059. |
ru |
Словарь русских словоформ. |
| |
3060. |
ru-en-B |
Babylon Russian-English DetailsThis comprehensive Russian-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc. |
| |
3061. |
Горелик 2007 |
Русско-английский глоссарий христианской лексики Boris V Gorelik |
| |
3062. BIBLE - Strong |
Лексикон 2015 |
Полный лексикон по Стронгу и Дворецкому With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3063. BIBLE - Strong |
Журом 2018 |
Греческий лексикон Журомского. Еврейский лексикон Стронга With Strong's lexiconVictor Zhouromsky |
| |
3064. BIBLE - Strong |
Стронг |
Словарь Стронга, русский перевод With Strong's lexiconИсточник: проект 'Цитата из Библии' (с разрешения Тимофея Ха). |
| |
3065. BIBLE - Strong |
Стр |
Словарь Стронга с транскрипцией With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3066. |
ru-eo |
Rusa-esperanta vortaro Evgeny A Bokarev |
| |
3067. |
ru-be |
Руска-беларускі слоўнік Russian-Belarusian Dictionary |
| |
3068. |
ru-de |
Russisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch Russian-German dictionary |
| |
3069. |
ru-pl2 |
Słownik rosyjsko-polski Russian-Polish Dictionary |
| |
3070. |
ru-tg |
Луғати русӣ-тоҷикӣ Russian-Tajik Dictionary |
| |
3071. |
ru-uk |
Російсько-український словник Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary |
| |
3072. |
ru-pl |
Słownik rosyjsko-polski |
| |
3073. |
ru-cu |
Русско-старославянский словарь 1.0 |
| |
3074. |
ru-lv |
Russian-Latvian Dictionary |
| |
3075. |
БАтлас 2004-2012 |
Библейский Атлас |
| |
3076. |
LDS-RU 2013 |
Библейские карты DetailsСледующие карты могут помочь вам лучше понять Священные Писания. Зная географическое расположение мест, рассматриваемых в Священных Писаниях, вы можете лучше понять события, описываемые там. |
| |
3077. |
БКарты 2013 |
Библейские карты DetailsСледующие карты могут помочь вам лучше понять Священные Писания. Зная географическое расположение мест, рассматриваемых в Священных Писаниях, вы можете лучше понять события, описываемые там. |
| |
3078. - Synodal |
Карты |
Библейские карты Цветные библейские карты Синодального перевода. |
| |
3079. |
КартыИБ |
Библейские карты Только для Android-версий MyBible 4.8 или выше. |
| |
3080. |
cu-ru |
Словарь древнерусского языка |
| |
3081. |
cu-uk |
Лексисъ съ толкованiемъ словенскіхъ мовъ просто |
| |
3082. |
cu-uk-LZ 1085 |
Лексис Лаврентія Зизанія |
| |
3083. |
be-ru |
Беларуска-рускі слоўнік Belarusian-Russian Dictionary |
| |
3084. |
be-uk |
Беларуска-Украінскі слоўнік Belarusian-Ukrainian Dictionary |
| |
3085. |
uk-pl |
Słownik ukraińsko-polski Ukrainian-Polish dictionary |
| |
3086. |
uk-cu |
Синонїма славеноросскаѧ |
| |
3087. |
LDS-UK 2005 |
Карти і фотографії місцевостей, згадуваних у Біблії |
| |
3088. |
Harta e Fotografi të Biblës |
| |
3089. BIBLE - Strong |
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance (Enhanced) With Strong's lexiconDetailsCombination of following materials:- Dictionary of Greek Words taken from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance by James Strong, S.T.D., LL.D. 1890
- A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Hebrew Bible with their Renderings in the King James Version by James Strong, LL.D., S.T.D. 1894
. |
| |
3090. Old Testament - Strong |
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions / Thayer's Greek Definitions With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3091. BIBLE - Strong |
Niobi aka Patchworkid's Study Bible Dictionary (Teachings) With Strong's lexiconNiobi H Watson |
| |
3092. New Testament - Strong |
VGNT 1928 |
The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament With Strong's lexiconJames Hope Moulton, George Milligan |
| |
3093. Old Testament - Strong |
ETCBC (search by BHS words) With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3094. Old Testament - Strong |
ETCBC (version 4c) With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3095. Old Testament - Strong |
Gesenius 1846 |
Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon by Friedrich Wilhelm Gesenius |
| |
3096. Old Testament - Strong |
Open Scriptures Hebrew Lexicon (ID & lexeme) |
| |
3097. |
en |
English word-forms |
| |
3098. |
HPM 1828 |
The Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary To The Sacred Scriptures |
| |
3099. |
AHRC 2015 |
Mechanical Translation dictionaries |
| |
3100. BIBLE |
ATSBD 1897 |
American Tract Society Bible Dictionary |
| |
3101. BIBLE |
DAC 1909 |
Dictionary of the Apostolic Church James Hastings |
| |
3102. BIBLE - KJV |
KJVD 1611 |
King James Dictionary |
| |
3103. BIBLE |
TTT 1897 |
Torrey's Topical Textbook |
| |
3104. BIBLE |
TCR 1900 |
Thompson Chain Reference Dr Frank Charles Thompson |
| |
3105. BIBLE |
Buck 1802 |
Theological Dictionary Charles Buck |
| |
3106. BIBLE |
Smiths 1893 |
Smith's Bible Dictionary William Smith |
| |
3107. BIBLE |
NAVE 1897 |
Nave's Topical Bible Orville James Nave |
| |
3108. BIBLE |
Perf 2002 |
Perfect Illustrations for Every Topic and Occasion Craig Brian Larson |
| |
3109. BIBLE |
Bridge 1992 |
Bridgeway Bible Dictionary Don Fleming |
| |
3110. BIBLE |
Easton 1897 |
Easton’s Bible Dictionary Matthew George EastonDetailsFormerly known as the Illustrated Bible Dictionary. |
| |
3111. BIBLE |
Faus 1871 |
Fausset's Bible Dictionary Fausset |
| |
3112. BIBLE - Spurgeon |
FFA 1870 |
Feathers for Arrows Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3113. BIBLE |
Morrish 1899 |
Morrish Bible dictionary George Morrish |
| |
3114. BIBLE - Scofield |
Scof 1917 |
Scofield Reference Index Cyrus Ingerson Scofield |
| |
3115. Old Testament |
VOOT 1940 |
Vine's Expository Dictionary Old Testament William Edwy Vine |
| |
3116. New Testament |
VONT 1940 |
Vine's Expository Dictionary New Testament William Edwy Vine |
| |
3117. BIBLE |
Wilson 2009 |
Dictionary of Bible Types Walter Wilson |
| |
3118. BIBLE |
Watson 1832 |
Biblical and Theological Dictionary Richard Watson |
| |
3119. |
DPR 1942 |
Dictionary of Philosophy Dagobert David Runes |
| |
3120. BIBLE |
Wace 1911 |
Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature to the End of the Sixth Century A.D., with an Account of the Principal Sects and Heresies. Henry Wace |
| |
3121. |
Noah 1828 |
Noah Webster's Dictionary of American English Noah Webster, Jr |
| |
3122. BIBLE |
Webster 1996 |
Unabridged plain text Webster's dictionary |
| |
3123. BIBLE |
WordNet |
WordNet 3.0 |
| |
3124. BIBLE |
HBD 1991 |
Holman Bible Dictionary Trent ButlerDetailsContaining 6,672 entries cross-referenced and cross-linked to other resources on, this resource can be classified as a required reference book for any good study library. |
| |
3125. Old Testament |
Holman 2000 |
Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words (Hebrew) Eugene E Carpenter, Philip W Comfort |
| |
3126. BIBLE |
Rice 1893 |
People's Dictionary of the Bible Edwin Wilbur Rice |
| |
3127. BIBLE |
Word 2003 |
Complete Word Study Dictionary Warren Patrick Baker, Warren Patrick Baker, Eugene Carpenter |
| |
3128. BIBLE |
2000 2000 |
2000+ Bible Illustrations |
| |
3129. BIBLE |
BCW 2010 |
Bonnell's Combined Word Book Dictionary William S Bonnell |
| |
3130. BIBLE - Catholic |
CathEn 1907 |
The Catholic Encyclopedia 15 volumes. |
| |
3131. BIBLE |
CBAPP 1909 |
Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes Ethelbert William Bullinger |
| |
3132. BIBLE |
CBC 1896 |
Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia Ashley Suzanne Johnson |
| |
3133. Gospel |
DCG 1906 |
Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels James Hastings |
| |
3134. BIBLE |
FoS 1898 |
Figures of Speech Used in the Bible Ethelbert William Bullinger |
| |
3135. Old Testament |
GOTS 1871 |
Girdlestone's Old Testament Synonyms Robert Baker Girdlestone |
| |
3136. BIBLE |
Illustr |
Illustrations of the Bible |
| |
3137. BIBLE |
PCBL 1851 |
The Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature John Kitto |
| |
3138. BIBLE |
Topical |
Topical Bible |
| |
3139. BIBLE |
ISBE 1915 |
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Geoffrey W BromileyDetailsThe complete classic reference online with 10000 topics, articles, and definitions. |
| |
3140. BIBLE |
CBTEL 1867 |
Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature 12 Volumes. John McClintock, James StrongDetailsContaining 49,814 entries cross-referenced and cross-linked to other resources on, this resource can be classified as a required reference book for any good study library. |
| |
3141. BIBLE |
oxford |
Oxford dictionary |
| |
3142. |
Etym 1999 |
Etymology Dictionary |
| |
3143. BIBLE |
CWSD 1993 |
The Complete Word Study Dictionary Revised edition. DetailsBased on the lexicon of Edward Robinson (as revised by Alexander Negris and John Duncan), with constant reference to and citations from the works of John Parkhurst and Hermann Cremer. Greek words in the text are transliterated and coded throughout according to the numbering system found in James Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. |
| |
3144. BIBLE |
HBN 1800 |
Hitchcock's Bible Names Hitchcock |
| |
3145. |
DPBN 1908 |
Dictionary of Proper BIBLE Names John Brinckerhoff Jackson |
| |
3146. |
en-es-B |
Babylon English-Spanish |
| |
3147. New Testament |
TDNT 1934 |
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (abridged) Gerhard Kittel |
| |
3148. New Testament - ESV |
The Greek-English Lexicon of the 'The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge' with ESV Concordance |
| |
3149. BIBLE - Strong |
Strong 1890 |
Strong's Bible Dictionary With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3150. |
en-fr |
Dictionnaire anglais-français English-French Dictionary |
| |
3151. |
en-la |
Anglicus-Latin English-Latin Dictionary |
| |
3152. |
en-no |
Engelsk-norsk ordbok English-Norwegian Dictionary |
| |
3153. |
en-ar |
قاموس اللغة الإنجليزية العربية English-Arabic dictionary |
| |
3154. |
en-be |
Англа-беларускі слоўнік English-Belarusian Dictionary |
| |
3155. |
en-de |
Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch English-German dictionary |
| |
3156. |
en-es |
Diccionario Inglés-Español English-Spanish dictionary |
| |
3157. |
en-hu |
Angol-Magyar szótár English-Hungarian dictionary |
| |
3158. |
en-pl-B |
Babylon English-Polish |
| |
3159. |
en-ru-M2 |
Англо-русский словарь English-Russian dictionary V K Müller |
| |
3160. |
en-ru-M 1995 |
English-Russian Dictionary 66 000 words. V K Müller |
| |
3161. |
en-ru-U 2008 |
Англо-русский словарь общей лексики The Universal English-Russian Dictionary |
| |
3162. |
НБАРС 1993-1994 |
Новый Большой Англо-Русский Словарь New Big English-Russian Dictionary Yuri D Apresyan |
| |
3163. |
en-ru 2003 |
English-Russian Dictionary of the New Testament Vladimir ILukin |
| |
3164. |
en-sr |
Енглеско српски рецник English-Serbian dictionary |
| |
3165. |
en-tg |
Луғати англисӣ-тоҷикӣ English-Tajik dictionary Sherzod Shermatov, Erkin Kholmatov, Fakhriddin Sobirov, Rahmatjon I Hakimov |
| |
3166. |
en-uk |
Новий англо-український словник 140 тис. слів та словосполучень. |
| |
3167. |
en-pt-B |
Babylon English-Portuguese DetailsThis comprehensive English-Portuguese dictionary, adapted to the Portuguese language new Orthography Reform, contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling. |
| |
3168. |
en-uk-L 1998 |
English-Ukrainian Lingvistica'98 dictionary Dr Michael S Blekhman |
| |
3169. |
en-es-GU 2014 |
An English-Spanish Dictionary Granada University, Spain, 14.4. Tony LozanoDetailsCompilation of terminology in the social sciences that students and professionals generally encounter when reading professional literature with a particular emphasis on information organisation and retrieval. |
| |
3170. |
en-ko-B |
Babylon English-Korean DetailsThis comprehensive English-Korean dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling. |
| |
3171. |
en-ko-P |
PAKcw English-Korean Dictionary |
| |
3172. |
en-lv |
English-Latvian Dictionary |
| |
3173. |
en-de-B |
Babylon English-German DetailsThis comprehensive English-German dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling. |
| |
3174. |
yomu |
yomu英和辞書 |
| |
3175. |
BMaps 2013 |
Bible Maps DetailsThe following maps can help you to better understand the scriptures. By knowing the geography of the lands discussed in the scriptures, you can better understand scriptural events. |
| |
3176. |
LDS-en 2013 |
Bible Maps DetailsThe following maps can help you to better understand the scriptures. By knowing the geography of the lands discussed in the scriptures, you can better understand scriptural events. |
| |
3177. BIBLE |
arDB |
قاموس الكتاب المقدس Dictionary of the Bible |
| |
3178. BIBLE |
arDBT |
معجم اللاهوت الكتابي Dictionary of The Biblical Theology |
| |
3179. |
ar |
Словарь арабских словоформ. Forms of Arabic words |
| |
3180. |
syc-en |
Syriac-English Dictionary |
| |
3181. |
syc |
Словарь сирийских словоформ. Forms of Syriac words |
| |
3182. New Testament |
sycNT-en |
Syriac-English Peshitta NT Lexicon |
| |
3183. |
LDS-HY 2004 |
Աստվածաշնչյան քարտեզներ և լուսանկարներ |
| |
3184. |
LDS-HU 1999 |
Bibliai térképek és fényképek |
| |
3185. BIBLE |
Bibliai nevek és fogalmak |
| |
3186. |
Nagy István: Az Újszövetség kulcsfogalmai |
| |
3187. - Spurgeon |
SP1500 |
Spurgeon 1500 bölcs gondolat Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3188. |
Újszövetségi Fogalmak Szótára |
| |
3189. |
UB |
Újszövetségi bevezető |
| |
3190. |
Haag 1989 |
Bibliai Lexikon Haag lexikon 1969 hasáb, 203 kép 28 színes tábla. Herbert Haag |
| |
3191. |
Keresztyén bibliai lexikon |
| |
3192. |
KiKiBib |
Ki kicsoda a Bibliában |
| |
3193. |
GMÚjsz |
Görög-magyar újszövetségi szótár |
| |
3194. |
hu-en |
Magyar-Angol szótár Hungarian-English dictionary |
| |
3195. |
Các Bản Đồ và Hình Ảnh trong Kinh Thánh |
| |
3196. |
bg-syn 2005 |
Български речник на синоними Bulgarian Synonyms dictionary |
| |
3197. |
LDS-BG 1999 |
Библейски карти и фотографии |
| |
3198. |
LDS-HT 2003 |
Kat Jeografik ak Foto ki nan Bib la |
| |
3199. |
Bijbelkaarten |
| |
3200. |
Homer 1891 |
Georg Autenrieth, A Homeric Dictionary A Homeric Dictionary for Schools and Colleges. |
| |
3201. Old Testament - LXX |
Analytic Septuagint — Concordance With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3202. New Testament |
GreekNT |
Древнегреческий словарь к текстам Нового Завета 17188 статей. |
| |
3203. New Testament |
Dvor 1958 |
Древнегреческо-русский словарь Iosif H Dvoretcky |
| |
3204. New Testament |
MncNT |
Bill Mounce's New Testament Greek dictionary William D Mounce |
| |
3205. New Testament |
MncNT-m |
Bill Mounce's New Testament Greek dictionary Morphological formsWilliam D Mounce |
| |
3206. New Testament |
Вейсман 1899 |
Греческо-русский словарь Greco-Russian dictionary Alexander Davidovich Weisman |
| |
3207. |
Symploke 2017 |
The Interliniar Greek-English New Testament (Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge + ESV) Dirk Jongkind, Peter WilliamsDetailsThe Greek New Testament is priceless in its value as it is how God has given us his revelation of the gospel and of Jesus Christ. While a few trusted Greek texts are in print, significant advances have been made in Greek translation studies of the New Testament since a standard text was adopted by academics in 1975. The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition has been created under the oversight of editors Dr. Dirk Jongkind (St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge) and Dr. Peter Williams (Tyndale House, Cambridge). Together with their team, they have taken a rigorously philological approach to reevaluating the standard text—reexamining spelling and paragraph decisions as well as allowing more recent discoveries related to scribal habits to inform editorial decisions. Ideal for students, scholars, and pastors alike, and published to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition is a groundbreaking contribution to biblical scholarship. |
| |
3208. New Testament |
Danker |
The Concise Greek–English Lexicon of the New Testament Frederick William Danker |
| |
3209. |
LSJ 1940 |
Liddell-Scott-Jones Lexicon of Classical Greek Liddell, Scott, Jones |
| |
3210. |
MLSJ 1889 |
An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott |
| |
3211. |
Packard |
Packard's Morphological Analysis Codes DetailsGenerated in accordance with the key included with CATSS and SGLGNT morphologically tagged works. |
| |
3212. |
BDAG 2000 |
Bauer–Arndt–Gingrich–Danker A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature 3rd edition Walter BauerDetailsEdited and revised by Frederick William Danker Based on Walter Bauer's Griechisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments, sixth edition, edited by Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland, with Viktor Reichman, and on previous English editions by W. F. Arndt, F. W. Gingrich, and F. W. Danker. Pages: 1108 Chicago and London. |
| |
3213. |
Pindar 1969 |
William J. Slater, Lexicon to Pindar DetailsGeorg Autenrieth, director of the Gymnasium at Zweibrucken, compiled the Worterbuch zu den Homer-ischen Gedichten, which was published by Teubner in 1873. This is the well established dictionary of Homeric Greek vocabulary based on the German original of Dr Georg Autenreith (1833-1900). Autenrieth's Homeric Dictionary has long been the best and most complete student's guide to the language and antiquities of Homer. All the 9,000 words used in the Iliad and Odyssey are listed with their grammatical forms. The illustrations depict details of life, from warfare and navigation to houses, costume and sacrificial rites. Everything needed for a basic understanding of the Homeric poems is provided in the briefest possible compass. |
| |
3214. |
gr-en-LS 1940 |
A Greek-English Lexicon Henry George Liddell, Robert ScottDetailsA Greek-English Lexicon, revised and augmented throughout by Sir Henry Stuart Jones, with the assistance of Roderick McKenzie. |
| |
3215. New Testament |
gr-en |
Morphologia Graeca Greek morphological index |
| |
3216. New Testament |
el |
αποτελούν τις ελληνικές λέξεις |
| |
3217. New Testament |
grc |
Словарь древнегреческих словоформ. Ancient Greek word forms |
| |
3218. |
da-en |
Dansk-Engelsk ordbog Danish-English dictionary |
| |
3219. |
LDS-DA 2005 |
Bibelske landkort og fotografier |
| |
3220. |
LDS-ZU 2015 |
AmaBalazwe eBhayibheli |
| |
3221. |
he-en-B |
Babylon Hebrew-English DetailsThis comprehensive Hebrew-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc. |
| |
3222. Old Testament |
Штейнб 1885 |
Еврейскій и Халдейскій этимологическій словарь к книгамъ Ветхаго Завета Jewish and Chaldean etymological dictionary to Old Testament books Osijs N Steinberg |
| |
3223. |
is-cs |
Icelandic-Cesky slovník Icelandic-Czech dictionary |
| |
3224. |
LDS-IS 2013 |
Biblíukort |
| |
3225. |
LDS-id 1999 |
Peta dan Foto Alkitab Bible Maps and Photos |
| |
3226. |
RDS 2008 |
Diccionario de Religiones, Denominaciones y Sectas Dictionary of Religions, Denominations and Sects |
| |
3227. New Testament - Strong |
Barclay |
Barclay Palabras Griegas del Nuevo Testamento With Strong's lexiconWilliam Barclay |
| |
3228. |
es-en-B |
Babylon Spanish-English DetailsThis comprehensive Spanish-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc. |
| |
3229. |
Clave 2012 |
Diccionario Clave - Diccionario de uso del espanol actual (con sinonimos y antonimos) DetailsMas de 80 000 definiciones |
| |
3230. BIBLE |
Diccionario Hispano-Americano de la Misión |
| |
3231. BIBLE |
Conc |
Concordancia Biblica |
| |
3232. BIBLE |
DTE 1995 |
Diccionario Teológico Enciclopédico Verbo Divino |
| |
3233. BIBLE |
Nuevo Diccionario Bíblico Vila-Escuaín |
| |
3234. |
TL-GDE 2006 |
Gran diccionario enciclopédico Time Life Jorge Hernán Hernán López Cano |
| |
3235. |
TL-SyA |
Sinónimos y antónimos TIME LIFE |
| |
3236. BIBLE |
VdTB |
Vocabulario de teología bíblica |
| |
3237. New Testament |
VocEP |
Vocabulario de las epístolas paulinas |
| |
3238. |
DRAE 1780 |
Diccionario de la Real Academia Española |
| |
3239. BIBLE |
Apologét |
Diccionario Apologético |
| |
3240. |
DiPat |
Diccionario de Patrística |
| |
3241. BIBLE - Strong |
Nueva Concordancia Strong Exhaustiva With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3242. |
Nomes |
Significado dos nomes |
| |
3243. BIBLE - Strong |
Multi |
Multiléxico Strong-Chávez-Tuggy-Vine-Swanson With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3244. BIBLE |
Concordancia facilitada por Ministerios Ebenezer Donde Buscarlo |
| |
3245. BIBLE |
DAL 2004 |
Nuevo Diccionario Biblico New Bible Dictionary J Alfonso Lockward |
| |
3246. BIBLE |
Comentario Biblico Siglo Ventiuno |
| |
3247. BIBLE |
DBMH 1997 |
Diccionario bíblico: Mundo Hispano James Dixon Douglas, Merrill Chapin Tenney |
| |
3248. BIBLE |
Diccionario de Nombres Bíblicos Hitchcock |
| |
3249. |
IBALPE 2004 |
Diccionario Enciclopédico Ibalpe |
| |
3250. |
LDS-ES 2013 |
Mapas bíblicos DetailsLos mapas que aparecen a continuación servirán al lector para comprender mejor las Escrituras. El conocer la geografía de las tierras que se nombran en las Escrituras servirá para entender con mayor amplitud los acontecimientos de que se habla. |
| |
3251. New Testament |
VineNT-es |
Diccionario Vine Nuevo Testamento VINE GR-ES |
| |
3252. Old Testament |
VineAT-es |
Diccionario Antiguo Testamento VINE HE-ES |
| |
3253. BIBLE |
MdlB |
Mujeres de la Biblia |
| |
3254. BIBLE - Catholic |
Diccionario Abreviado de Pastoral Católica |
| |
3255. BIBLE |
DBA-CH 2003 |
Diccionario Biblico Arqueologico Bonnet, Charles F Pfeiffer, Roberto Gama |
| |
3256. BIBLE - Catholic |
Diccionario de la evangelización Juan Esquerda Bifet, |
| |
3257. |
DicRV 1009 |
Diccionario Nombres Segun RV |
| |
3258. |
Diccionario Mini Biografias |
| |
3259. BIBLE |
Nelson 2001 |
Diccionario Nelson |
| |
3260. BIBLE |
LBLA2000 2000 |
Diccionario Biblico de las Américas 2000 Indice de Topicos |
| |
3261. |
es-ru 2005 |
Un gran diccionario español-ruso Под ред. Нарумова Б.П. Natalia Zagorskaya, Nelya Kurtkatina, Boris NarumovDetails150 тыс. слов, словосочетаний и выражений. |
| |
3262. |
es-en |
diccionario Español-Inglés Spanish-English dictionary |
| |
3263. BIBLE - Strong |
Strong-ES |
Diccionario Strong en Español With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3264. |
es |
Formas de las palabras españolas |
| |
3265. BIBLE - Strong |
Str-ES |
Diccionario Strong en Español With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3266. |
es-en-GU 2014 |
A Spanish-English Dictionary Granada University, Spain, 14.4. Tony LozanoDetailsCompilation of terminology in the social sciences that students and professionals generally encounter when reading professional literature with a particular emphasis on information organisation and retrieval. |
| |
3267. BIBLE |
Diccionario Biblico Adventista DetailsDiccionario Biblico AD. Contiende más de 4,800 palabras, nombres propios sus usos (manejos). Facilitado por Ministerios Nación Santa. |
| |
3268. |
El Codigo Real - NT Textual Hebraico The Real Code - NT Textual Hebraic |
| |
3269. |
Enlow |
Glosario de Nombres Bíblicos de Jack Enlow Glossary of Biblical Names by Jack Enlow Jack Enlow |
| |
3270. |
it-ru |
Nuovo grande dizionario italiano-russo |
| |
3271. |
it-en |
Dizionario Italiano-Inglese Italian-English dictionary |
| |
3272. |
Cartine relative alla Bibbia |
| |
3273. - Strong |
信望愛資訊中心 Faith, Hope and Love News With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3274. BIBLE |
LCT 2007 |
圣经原文编号逐字中译 Literal Chinese Translation Simplified, With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3275. |
牛津簡明 |
牛津簡明英漢詞典 The Concise Oxford English Dictionary |
| |
3276. |
英漢詞典 |
英漢詞典 Chinese Dictionary |
| |
3277. |
難字讀音 |
難字讀音字解 |
| |
3278. |
BDAGct |
新約希臘文中文辭典 A Greek-English Lexicon of The New Testament And Other Early Christian Literature (BDAG) |
| |
3279. |
王正中 1996 |
聖經原文字典 王正中 Biblical Greek And Hebrew-Chinese Dictionary |
| |
3280. |
JF 1989 |
原文編號字典 Greek and Hebrew Chinese Bible Concordance Joseph Fung |
| |
3281. |
zh-en |
中國英詞典 Chinese-English dictionary |
| |
3282. |
LDS-ZHO 2018 |
聖經地圖 |
| |
3283. |
國語辭典 |
重編國語辭典修訂本 |
| |
3284. |
粵語審音 |
粵語審音配詞字庫 |
| |
3285. |
聖光 |
聖光聖經地理 Holy Light Bible Geography |
| |
3286. BIBLE |
白雲曉 2004 |
白雲曉聖經詞典 Bai Yunxiao Bible Dictionary |
| |
3287. BIBLE |
陳瑞庭 1998 |
聖經人地名意義匯編 陳瑞庭 A Compilation of the Meaning of Place Names of Biblical People Chen Ruiting |
| |
3288. BIBLE |
聖經史地 1997 |
簡明聖經史地圖解 梁天樞著 Concise Bible History Map Explanation by Liang Tianshu |
| |
3289. BIBLE |
以斯拉 |
聖經人物地理(以斯拉百科網) Geography of Biblical People ( |
| |
3290. BIBLE - Strong |
信望爱资讯中心 Faith, Hope and Love News With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3291. BIBLE - Strong |
LCTS 2007 |
圣经原文编号逐字中译 Literal Chinese Translation Simplified With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3292. |
牛津简明 |
牛津简明英汉词典 The Concise Oxford English Dictionary |
| |
3293. |
英汉词典 |
英汉词典 Chinese Dictionary |
| |
3294. |
难字读音 |
难字读音字解 |
| |
3295. |
王正中(簡) 1996 |
圣经原文字典 王正中 Biblical Greek And Hebrew-Chinese Dictionary |
| |
3296. |
JFS 1989 |
原文编号字典 Greek and Hebrew Chinese Bible Concordance Joseph Fung |
| |
3297. |
新约希腊文中文辞典 A Greek-English Lexicon of The New Testament And Other Early Christian Literature (BDAG) |
| |
3298. BIBLE |
圣经史地 1997 |
简明圣经史地图解 梁天枢着 Concise Illustration of Bible and History |
| |
3299. BIBLE |
白云晓 2004 |
白云晓圣经词典 Bai Yunxiao Bible Dictionary |
| |
3300. BIBLE |
陈瑞庭 1998 |
圣经人地名意义汇编 陈瑞庭 A Compilation of the Meaning of Place Names of Biblical People Chen Ruiting |
| |
3301. |
LDS-ZHS 2018 |
圣经地图 |
| |
3302. |
以斯拉(简) |
圣经人物地理(以斯拉百科网) Geography of Biblical People ( |
| |
3303. |
ko |
한국 단어의 형태 학적 형태 |
| |
3304. |
ko-en-B |
Babylon Korean-English DetailsThis comprehensive Korean-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc. |
| |
3305. |
ko-en-E |
Korean-English Dictionary DetailsKorean-English Dictionary includes contemporary Korean words with Hanja words. |
| |
3306. |
LDS-KO 1999 |
성경 지도 및 사진 |
| |
3307. |
LDS-KM 2013 |
ផែនទី និងរូបថតទាំងឡាយ ពីព្រះគម្ពីរ |
| |
3308. BIBLE |
la-ru |
Vocabvlarivm latinorvssicvm |
| |
3309. BIBLE |
la-ru-D 2005 |
Латинско-русский словарь Дворецкого 200 тыс. слов и словосочетаний. Iosif H Dvoretcky |
| |
3310. BIBLE |
la-en |
Latin-English Dictionary |
| |
3311. BIBLE |
la |
Latin words forms |
| |
3312. BIBLE |
la-en-CC |
Latin-English Inflected DetailsThis Latin-English dictionary contains over 30,000 entries, each of which includes a reference to every possible inflected form. As a result, this dictionary is capable of correctly identifying several hundred thousand Latin words. |
| |
3313. BIBLE |
la-en-JM |
JM Latin-English Dictionary DetailsThe dictionary is based on the FREE Latin-English wordlist compiled by William A Whitake. More latin words and many latin sayings have been added. |
| |
3314. BIBLE |
la-en-SD |
Latin-English Dictionary |
| |
3315. |
la-en-LE 1890 |
An Elementary Latin Dictionary |
| |
3316. |
la-en-LS 1879 |
A Latin Dictionary DetailsFounded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Latin dictionary, revised, enlarged, and in great part rewritten by Charlton T. Lewis, Ph.D. and Charles Short. |
| |
3317. |
la-en-OL |
Dictionnaire latin-français Latin-French dictionary Gérard Jeannea |
| |
3318. |
la-fr-J |
The Interliniar English-Greek New Testament Dirk Jongkind, Peter Williams |
| |
3319. |
lv-en |
Latvian-English Dictionary |
| |
3320. |
lv-ru |
Latvian-Russian Dictionary |
| |
3321. |
LDS-LV 2002 |
Bībeles kartes un fotogrāfijas |
| |
3322. |
LDS-LT 2003 |
Biblijos žemėlapiai ir nuotraukos |
| |
3323. |
LDS-MG 1999 |
Sarintany sy Sary ao amin’ny Baiboly |
| |
3324. |
LDS-ms |
Peta-peta Alkitab Bible Maps DetailsPeta-peta berikut dapat membantu anda memahami tulisan suci. Dengan mengetahui geografi tempat-tempat yang terdapat dalam tulisan suci, kamu boleh memahami peristiwa tulisan suci dengan lebih baik. © 2017 by Intellectual Reserve. All rights reserved. Source: 2015/03/24","fil":"LDS-ms.dictionary","upd":"2018-07-20","cmt":"(2018-07-20) Published","aln":"ms","url":["{p4}LDS-ms.dictionary","{ib}LDS-ms.dictionary","{kz}LDS-ms.dictionary","{s3}LDS-ms.dictionary","{1gb}LDS-ms.dictionary","{s4}LDS-ms.dictionary","{inf}LDS-ms.dictionary"],"siz":"14.1M |
| |
3325. |
LDS-sn 2002 |
Mamepu eMubhaibheri neMifananidzo Bible Maps and Illustrations DetailsNdiyo chete inekodzero dziripamutemo dzekushandiswa kwechinyorwa chino |
| |
3326. |
de |
Formen der deutsche Wörter |
| |
3327. BIBLE - Strong |
ELB-kok 1905 |
Die Elberfelderbibel von — Konkordanz With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3328. BIBLE - Strong |
ELBalt-kok |
Die Elberfelderbibel alt — Konkordanz With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3329. BIBLE - Strong |
LUT-kok |
Luther Concordance, Strong With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3330. BIBLE - Strong |
Kautz 2018 |
Griechisch/Deutsch Strong's Lexikon Gerhard Kautz |
| |
3331. |
de-en |
Wörterbuch Deutsch-Englisch German-English dictionary |
| |
3332. |
de-en2 |
Wörterbuch Deutsch-Englisch German-English dictionary |
| |
3333. |
de-hu |
Deutsch-Ungarisch-Wörterbuch German-Hungarian dictionary |
| |
3334. |
de-ru |
Deutsch-Russisch Wörterbuch German-Russian dictionary |
| |
3335. |
de-en-B |
Babylon German-English DetailsThis comprehensive German-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the new and the classic forms of spelling. |
| |
3336. |
de-en-O |
German-English Online Dictionaries |
| |
3337. |
de-hu-H |
Deutsch - Ungarisches Wörterbuch |
| |
3338. |
de-nl-A |
ADO's Deutsch-Niederländisch DetailsDeutsch-Niederländisches Wörterbuch mit woechentlicher Aktualisierung |
| |
3339. |
de-ru-W |
Deutsch-Russisch Wörterbuch German-Russian dictionary DetailsDies ist ein Deutsch-Russisches Woerterbuch, wie es auch aus dem Titel folgt. |
| |
3340. |
de-tr-E |
ELIF - German-Turkish Buyuk Sozluk ELIF - German - Turkish Dictionary |
| |
3341. |
de-zh-E 2007 |
Neue Deutsch-Chinesisch Wörterbuch |
| |
3342. |
de-zh-F |
Fundset Deutsch2Chinese (S) Details最简单的但功能强劲的德汉词典。特点:包含电子、计算机、拍卖、旅游、日常生活中的大量专业词汇。集成语法功能。词汇量仍在迅速扩大。简单有助于加强学习和记忆。林凡顺根据系统学习法于弗莱堡VAUBAN学生宿舍制作。更多介绍请访问词典专用论坛。 |
| |
3343. |
JMA Studienbibel Themenindex With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3344. BIBLE |
Rienecker |
Rienecker Bibellexikon |
| |
3345. |
LDS-DE 1999 |
Landkarten und Fotografien zur Bibel |
| |
3346. |
no-en |
Norsk-engelsk ordbok Norwegian English Dictionary |
| |
3347. |
LDS-NO 2001 |
Kart og fotografier fra steder omtalt i Bibelen |
| |
3348. |
TWOT 1980 |
Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament |
| |
3349. |
The unabridged Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon combined with Hebrew and Aramaic part of the Strong's Exhausive Concordance (Enhanced) |
| |
3350. |
SC_Ges |
Gesenius' Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures combined with Hebrew and Aramaic part of the Strong's Exhausive Concordance (Enhanced) |
| |
3351. |
pl |
Słownik polskich form wyrazów |
| |
3352. |
pl-en-B |
Babylon Polish-English |
| |
3353. |
pl-ru |
Słownik polsko-rosyjski Polish-Russian dictionary |
| |
3354. |
pl-uk |
Słownik polsko-ukraiński Polish-Ukrainian dictionary |
| |
3355. BIBLE - Strong |
Strong-pl 2019 |
Pełna Biblijna Konkordancja Stronga Strong's Full Biblical Concordance With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3356. BIBLE |
Almeida |
Dicionário da Bíblia de Almeida |
| |
3357. |
AlmLink |
Almeida Links |
| |
3358. Gospel |
Jesus |
Dicionário de Jesus e Evangelhos |
| |
3359. |
Portu |
Dicionario Portugues |
| |
3360. |
pt-en-B |
Babylon Portuguese-English DetailsThis comprehensive Portuguese-English dictionary, adapted to the Portuguese language new Orthography Reform, contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc. |
| |
3361. |
pt-ru |
Grande dicionario portugues-russo |
| |
3362. |
pt-en |
Português Inglês dicionário Portuguese-English dictionary |
| |
3363. |
pt |
Formas de palavras em português |
| |
3364. BIBLE - Strong |
Strong-PT |
Strong Dicionários BDB-Thayer-TVM With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3365. BIBLE - Strong |
Str-pt 2002 |
Dicionário Bíblico Strong Léxico Hebraico, Aramaico e Grego de Strong. |
| |
3366. |
LDS-PT 2013 |
Mapas da Bíblia DetailsOs mapas a seguir vão ajudá-lo a entender melhor as escrituras. Conhecendo os aspectos geográficos das regiões mencionadas nas escrituras, você pode compreender melhor os acontecimentos nelas relatados. |
| |
3367. |
Antonime 2002 |
Dicționar de antonime DetailsDicționar de antonimeMircea și Luiza SecheEditura Litera Internațional. |
| |
3368. |
Argou 2007 |
Dicționar de argou al limbii române DetailsDicționar de argou al limbii româneGeorge VolceanovEditura Niculescu. |
| |
3369. |
DAR 2002 |
Dicționar de arhaisme și regionalisme DetailsDicționar de arhaisme și regionalismeGh. Bulgăr și Gh. Constantinescu-DobridorEditura Saeculum Vizual, București. |
| |
3370. |
DE |
Dicționar enciclopedic DetailsDicționar enciclopedicMarcel D. Popa, Alexandru Stănciulescu, Gabriel Florin-Matei, Anicuţa Tudor, Carmen Zgăvărdici, Rodica ChiriacescuEditura Enciclopedică. |
| |
3371. |
Dicționarul etimologic român DetailsDicționarul etimologic românAlexandru CiorănescuUniversidad de la Laguna, Tenerife. |
| |
3372. |
DEX09 2009 |
Dicționarul explicativ al limbii române Ediția a II-a revăzută și adăugită. DetailsDicționarul explicativ al limbii române (ediția a II-a revăzută și adăugită)Academia Română, Institutul de Lingvistică „Iorgu Iordan”Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold. |
| |
3373. |
DEX98 1998 |
Dicționarul explicativ al limbii române Ediția a II-a revăzută și adăugită. DetailsDicționarul explicativ al limbii române, ediția a II-aAcademia Română, Institutul de Lingvistică „Iorgu Iordan”Editura Univers Enciclopedic. |
| |
3374. |
Dicționarul limbii române literare contemporane DetailsDicționarul limbii române literare contemporaneDimitrie Macrea, Emil Petrovici (coordonatori), Al. Rosetti et al. (colectivEditura Academiei Republicii Populare Române. |
| |
3375. |
Dicționarul limbii române moderne DetailsDicționarul limbii române moderneAcademia Română, Institutul de Lingvistică din BucureştiEditura Academiei. |
| |
3376. |
DN86 1986 |
Dicționar de neologisme DetailsDicționar de neologismeFlorin Marcu și Constant ManecaEditura Academiei, București. |
| |
3377. |
DOOM2 2005 |
Dicționar ortografic, ortoepic și morfologic al limbii române Ediția a II-a revăzută și adăugită. DetailsDicționar ortografic, ortoepic și morfologic al limbii române, ediția a II-a revăzută și adăugităAcademia Română, Institutul de Lingvistică „Iorgu Iordan - Al. Rosetti”Editura Univers Enciclopedic. |
| |
3378. |
DRAM 2011 |
Dicționar de regionalisme și arhaisme din Maramureș DetailsDicționar de regionalisme și arhaisme din MaramureșDorin ȘtefEditura Ethnologica. |
| |
3379. |
MDN 2000 |
Marele dicționar de neologisme DetailsMarele dicționar de neologismeFlorin MarcuEditura Saeculum. |
| |
3380. |
Mitologic 1969 |
Mic dicționar mitologic greco-roman DetailsMic dicționar mitologic greco-romanAnca BalaciEditura Științifică. |
| |
3381. |
Neoficial |
Definiții ale unor cuvinte care nu există în alte dicționare DetailsDefiniții ale unor cuvinte care nu există în alte dicționare. |
| |
3382. |
NODEX 2002 |
Noul dicționar explicativ al limbii române DetailsNoul dicționar explicativ al limbii româneLitera InternaționalEditura Litera Internațional. |
| |
3383. |
Ortografic 2002 |
Dicționar ortografic al limbii române DetailsDicționar ortografic al limbii româneColectivEditura Litera Internațional. |
| |
3384. |
Saineanu 1929 |
Dicționar universal al limbei române Ediția a VI-a. DetailsDicționar universal al limbei române, ediția a VI-aLazăr ȘăineanuEditura „Scrisul românesc” S.A. |
| |
3385. |
Scriban 1939 |
Dicționaru limbii românești DetailsDicționaru limbii româneștiAugust ScribanInstitutu de Arte Grafice „Presa Bună”. |
| |
3386. |
DictBibl |
Dicţionar biblic DetailsDictionarul biblic este o lucrare ideala pentru persoane din cele mai diverse categorii de varsta si pregatire. Este un dictionar biblic magnific si cuprinzator, care a fixat standardul pentru lucrarile din acest domeniu aparute in cursul mai multor decenii. El va imbogati cunostintele cititorului, ajutandu-l sa inteleaga Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu, in mod deosebit, mai mult decat orice carte. |
| |
3387. |
Sinonime 2002 |
Dicționar de sinonime DetailsDicționar de sinonimeMircea și Luiza SecheEditura Litera Internațional. |
| |
3388. |
MicBibl 2011 |
Mic dicţionar Biblic Manual de studiu pentru Şcolile Duminicale Dăruită tuturor iubitorilor de adevăr. Hăşmăşan Gavril |
| |
3389. |
LDS-RO 2003 |
Hărţi şi fotografii din Biblie |
| |
3390. |
LDS-SM 1993 |
O Faafanua ma Ata Faatusi Paia |
| |
3391. |
LDS-SR 2018 |
Библијске мапе |
| |
3392. |
LDS-SW 2004 |
Ramani na Picha Zilizoko katika Biblia |
| |
3393. |
แผนที่และภาพถ่ายในพระคัมภีร์ไบเบิล |
| |
3394. |
tg-en |
Луғати тоҷикӣ-англисӣ Tajik-English dictionary Sherzod Shermatov, Erkin Kholmatov, Fakhriddin Sobirov, Rahmatjon I Hakimov |
| |
3395. |
tg-ru |
Луғати тоҷикӣ-русӣ Tajik-Russian Dictionary |
| |
3396. BIBLE - KJV |
Novotný 1613 |
Biblický Slovník podle Bible Kralické |
| |
3397. |
LDS-CS 1999 |
Biblické mapy a fotografie |
| |
3398. |
cs-ru |
České-ruský slovník Czech-Russian dictionary |
| |
3399. New Testament |
Tichy |
Řecko-český slovník With Strong's lexiconprof Tichého |
| |
3400. |
sv-en |
Svensk-engelskt lexikon Swedish-English dictionary |
| |
3401. |
sv-ru |
Svensk-rysk lexikon Swedish-Russian Dictionary |
| |
3402. |
LDS-SV 1999 |
Bibliska kartor och fotografier |
| |
3403. |
LDS-FJ 2013 |
Mape ni iVolatabu |
| |
3404. |
suom |
Suomen kielen perussanakirja (suuri versio) |
| |
3405. |
suom2 |
Suomen kielen perussanakirja (pieni versio) |
| |
3406. |
Suomen |
Suomen kielen perussanakirja (suuri versio) |
| |
3407. |
fi-en |
Suomi-Englanti sanakirja Finnish-English dictionary |
| |
3408. |
LDS-FI 2001 |
Raamatun karttoja ja valokuvia |
| |
3409. |
fr |
Les formes de mots français |
| |
3410. |
Bibliai nevek és fogalmak |
| |
3411. - Strong |
Strong-fr |
Concordance Strong Française With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3412. |
MachTh 2016 |
Concordance Thématique de la Bible Machaira Jean leDuc |
| |
3413. |
Bost 1849 |
Dictionnaire de La Bible ou Concordances Raisonnees Des Saintes Ecritures Jean Augustin Bost |
| |
3414. |
BostAn 2010 |
Dictionnaire de La Bible ou Concordances Raisonnees Des Saintes Ecritures annotations en italique par Jean leDuc Jean Augustin Bost |
| |
3415. |
BostA 2010 |
Dictionnaire de La Bible par J.A. Bost, annotations par Jean leDuc DetailsDictionnaire de La Bible ou Concordances Raisonnees Des Saintes Ecritures par Jean Augustin Bost Paris, 1849 annotations en italique par Jean leDuc, 2010. |
| |
3416. |
fr-hu |
Francia-Magyar szótár French-Hungarian dictionary |
| |
3417. |
fr-en |
Dictionnaire francais anglais French English Dictionary |
| |
3418. |
fr-ru |
Nouveau dictionnaire francais-russe |
| |
3419. |
Cartes bibliques |
| |
3420. |
LDS-HR 2013 |
Biblijske zemljopisne karte DetailsSljedeće zemljopisne karte mogu vam pomoći da bolje razumijete Sveta pisma. Poznavajući zemljopisne odlike zemalja o kojima se govori u Svetim pismima možete bolje razumjeti događaje iz Svetih pisama. |
| |
3421. |
et-ru |
Eesti-vene sõnaraamat Estonian-Russian dictionary |
| |
3422. |
LDS-ET 1999 |
Piibli kaardid ja fotod |
| |
3423. |
ja-en |
日本語(漢字) — 英語辞書 Japanese(Kanji)-English dictionary |
| |
3424. |
JBS 1956 |
聖書地図 Details聖書地図(日本聖書協会発行)(1956年版)は、日本の著作権保護期間(50年)満了によるパブリックドメインです。 |
| |
3425. |
LDS-JA 2004 |
聖書の地図写真 |
| |
3426. |
LDS-MH 2015 |
Mab Ko jān Baibōļ |
| |
3427. |
LDS-TO 1999 |
Ngaahi Mape mo e Ngaahi Tā ʻo e Tohi Tapú |
| |
3428. |
LDS-FAT 2003 |
Bible mu Map Horow na Mfonyin |
| |
3429. |
LDS-ig 1999 |
Map nile na Foto nile nke Bible All maps and pictures of the Bible |
| |
3430. |
Tatar |
Татар теленең аңлатмалы сүзлеге |
| |
3431. |
tt-ru |
Татарско-русский большой словарь |
| |
3432. |
tyv |
Тувинские словоформы |
| |
3433. |
tyv-ru 1968 |
Тыва-орус сөстук Edhyam R Tenishev |
| |
3434. |
Aramaic-en |
Aramaic-English dictionary |
| |
3435. |
Aramaic |
Forms of Aramaic/Syriac words |
| |
3436. New Testament |
PeshNT-en |
Aramaic-English Peshitta NT Lexicon |
| |
3437. |
LDS-ILO 2003 |
Dagiti Mapa ken Ladawan iti Biblia |
| |
3438. |
LDS-CEB 2003 |
Mga Mapaug mgaHulagway sa Biblia |
| |
3439. |
LDS-TL 2003 |
Mga Mapaatmga Larawansa Biblia |
| |
3440. |
LDS-XH 2015 |
IiMapu zeBhayibhile |
| |
3441. |
eo-en |
Esperanto-angla vortaro Esperanto-English dictionary |
| |
3442. |
eo-ru |
Esperanto-rusa vortaro |
| |
3443. |
WIS-p |
Мудрость ежедневно Wisdom daily |
| |
3444. |
THM-p |
По темам Thematic |
| |
3445. |
GBP-p |
Большая картинка Бога God’s Big Picture |
| |
3446. |
XMS-p |
Рождество Christmas |
| |
3447. Some books |
71IS-p |
71 день в Исаие 71 days in Isaiah |
| |
3448. Gospel |
WJ-p |
Слова Иисуса Words of Jesus |
| |
3449. |
Gold-p |
Золотые мысли Golden thoughts |
| |
3450. |
GoldV-p |
Золотой стих Golden verse |
| |
3451. Some books - Psalms |
PS-PR-p |
Мудрость Божья — Псалмы и Притчи за месяц Wisdom of God - Psalms and Proverbs for 1 month |
| |
3452. |
RR-p |
Роберт Робертс Robert Roberts Robert Roberts |
| |
3453. Gospel |
100EJ-p |
100 важных дней Иисуса 100 days The Essential Jesus |
| |
3454. |
720BL-p |
720 дней насыщенной жизни 720 days The Busy Life |
| |
3455. |
Bio121-p |
Биографический план чтения Библии за 121 день Biographical Bible Reading Plan, 121 Days |
| |
3456. |
DDD-p |
Копаем глубже Digging Deeper Daily |
| |
3457. |
FS-p |
Журнал — Первые шаги жизни First Steps/Life Journal |
| |
3458. |
RMMC-p |
Роберт Мюррей Макчейни Robert Murray McCheyne |
| |
3459. |
BCP-p |
Книга общей молитвы ежедневно Book of Common Prayer Daily Office |
| |
3460. BIBLE |
LS-p |
Литературное исследование Библии план чтения Literary Study Bible Reading Plan (OT+NT+[PSx2/PR/SG/EC]) ВЗ+НЗ+[Пс-2/Пр/ПП/Екк]. |
| |
3461. |
FLG-p 1999 |
Ради любви Бога: Ежедневный спутник для раскрытия богатства Слова Божьего For the Love of God: A Daily Companion for Discovering the Riches of God’s Word Vol. 2 Donald Arthur Carson |
| |
3462. BIBLE |
CDL-p |
Приди и пей живой 365 Come Drink Live 365 (6 Days а week, OT + NT) 6 дней в неделю, НЗ+ВЗ. |
| |
3463. |
Jesus-p |
Иисус Христос Jesus Christ (5 Days a Week) 5 дней в неделю. |
| |
3464. |
LJ-p |
Журнал — Первые шаги жизни Life Journal Bible Reading Plan |
| |
3465. BIBLE |
Look-p |
350 дней бдения Lookout's 350 Days (6 Days/Week, Gospels+NT+Wisdom+OT) 6 дней в неделю, Евангелия+НЗ+Мудрость+ВЗ. |
| |
3466. |
250-p |
250 Очень важных мест Библии 250 Very Important Bible Scriptures |
| |
3467. |
Story-p |
150 Великих библейских историй 150 Great Bible Stories |
| |
3468. |
V-p 1989 |
План победы Victory Bible Reading Plan James M McKeever |
| |
3469. |
ЦЧ 2017 |
Библейские чтения богослужебного круга Biblical reading of the liturgical circle The words of Jesus are highlighted in red Morphological formsDetailsПервым днем нужно установить день Пасхи и после 14 января прибавить 'богоявленскую отступку'. Например, сейчас идет богослужебный круг, начавшийся в 2017 г. В прошлом году Пасха была 16 апреля, до 14 января эта дата стояла как дата начала плана, после 14 января - нужно указать 23 апреля. Первым стоит Евангельское чтение, на келейном правиле о. Иоанн Крестьянкин советовал всегда начинать с него. Также первыми идут чтения утрени. |
| |
3470. |
Losungen 2019 |
Herrnhuter Losungen und Lehrtexte |
| |
3471. |
Modern Literal Version, Simple Reading Schedule (NT for 2 months) DetailsThis is a simple reading schedule that is designed to be followed for 20 minutes a day over a 2 month period. Empty your mind. Read God's Word like a child would for the first time. Never read it with preconceived ideas or thoughts or to prove something. Don't try to understand everything. Note what you don't understand and move on. Reread those notes later and they may make more sense. Remember to pray. This arrangement is for better understanding by letting books build on each other. It is arranged roughly in chronological order. Use Sundays to catch up on days you could not spend 20 minutes with the Word of God. If you have never read the Bible, always start with the New Testament. The New Testament is what you will be judged by, not the Old Testament. Never read the Old Testament and New Testament together, that is too confusing even for the mature Christian. Spend the first Monday reading the Preface and other non-bible sections to familiarize yourself with the MLV's style of translation. |
| |
3472. BIBLE |
HeslaJB-p 2019 |
Hesla JB - doplňující texty |
| |
3473. |
СЕЛЦ'19-21 2021 |
Адвент 2019 Advent 2019 Church calendar of the Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church. |
| |
3474. |
BCP2-p |
Книга общей молитвы ежедневно Book of Common Prayer Daily Office |
| |
3475. BIBLE |
ЧБКД 2011 |
Читаем Библию каждый день We read the Bible every day. Orthodox reading plan. (Start: September 1). Данная книга поможет вам распределить свое время так, чтобы за один год возможно было прочитать весь текст Священного Писания. Чтения распределены по месяцам и числам, подобраны чтения на церковные праздники. |
| |
3476. BIBLE |
ЧБКД 2011 |
We read the Bible every day. Orthodox reading plan. (Start: September 1). DetailsДанная книга поможет вам распределить свое время так, чтобы за один год возможно было прочитать весь текст Священного Писания. Чтения распределены по месяцам и числам, подобраны чтения на церковные праздники. Книга предназначена для всех православных христиан. |
| |
3477. BIBLE - Catholic |
2016c-p 2016 |
2016 katholisch 2016 catholic |
| |
3478. BIBLE |
2016-p 2016 |
2016 |
| |
3479. BIBLE |
2017-p 2017 |
2017 |
| |
3480. BIBLE |
2018-p 2018 |
2018 |
| |
3481. BIBLE |
ÖAB19-p 2019 |
ÖAB-Bibelleseplan |
| |
3482. BIBLE |
B297-p 1997 |
Біблія в 297 днів The Bible in 297 days |
| |
3483. BIBLE |
COC1Y-p |
Совет Церквей, Одесса, Библия за год Сouncil of Сhurches, Odessa, Bible in One Year |
| |
3484. BIBLE |
COC2Y-p |
Совет Церквей, Одесса, Библия за два года Сouncil of Сhurches, Odessa, Bible in Two Years |
| |
3485. BIBLE |
Gedeon-p |
Plano de Leitura da Bíblia da Comunidade Gideon. Antigo Testamento de manhã, Novo Testamento à noite. Gideon Community Bible Reading Plan. Old Testament in the morning, New Testament in the evening. |
| |
3486. BIBLE |
Grace'20-p 2020 |
Библия за год, Церковь Благодать, Хабаровск Bible in a year, Church 'Grace', Khabarovsk |
| |
3487. BIBLE |
План чтения Библии на год Reading the Bible for a year. 4 chapters a day in order, parallel to the books: one book from OT, one book from NT. |
| |
3488. BIBLE |
ОБДН-p 1991 |
Чтение Библии в течение года, по Открытой Библии 'Дверь Надежды' Door of Hope - U.S.A. |
| |
3489. BIBLE |
313 |
ВЗ-НЗ за 313 діб |
| |
3490. BIBLE |
B234-p |
Вся Библия за 7 месяцев в параллельном чтении (234 дня) Full Bible in 7 Monthes in Parallel Reading (234 days) |
| |
3491. BIBLE |
Grace'19-p 2019 |
Библия за год, Церковь Благодать, Хабаровск Bible in a year, Church 'Grace', Khabarovsk |
| |
3492. BIBLE |
Horner-p |
Система чтения профессора Хорнера Professor Grant Horner's Bible Reading System Grant HornerDetailsA unique and challenging system where you read 10 chapters a day. |
| |
3493. BIBLE |
ONPY 2011 |
Параллельный. Ветхий и Новый Завет, плюс Поэтические книги. Parallel. Old and New Testament, plus Poetic books. DetailsТакой план чтения Библии, позволит вам чередовать Ветхий и Новый Завет, и читать Псалмы и книгу Притч параллельно с Ветхим и Новым Заветом. Этот вариант может показаться немного запутанным, но он идеально подходит для ежедневного чтения опытным христианам. |
| |
3494. BIBLE |
BinY-p |
Библия за год Bible in a Year (OT+NT+Psalm/Proverb) НЗ+ВЗ+Псалтирь/Притчи. |
| |
3495. BIBLE |
OY-p |
Год библейских чтений One Year Bible Readings (OT+NT+Psalm/Proverb) НЗ+ВЗ+Псалтирь/Притчи. |
| |
3496. BIBLE |
Plano de Leitura da Bíblia em Um Ano SBB – Bíblia Completa DetailsEm forma de planilha, permite receber marcação das leituras feitas. Combina três leituras diárias da Bíblia de textos do Antigo e Novo Testamentos. Este plano de leitura é usado também em algumas das Bíblias da SBB. |
| |
3497. BIBLE |
STR-p |
Всё по порядку All books in order |
| |
3498. BIBLE |
BMS 2018 |
Bible in a Year – Bible Mission Slavic |
| |
3499. BIBLE |
Copt'18-p 2018 |
Bible in a Year – Coptic Orthodox Church |
| |
3500. BIBLE |
Surv61-p |
Обзор Библии, 61 день Bible Survey, 61 Days |
| |
3501. BIBLE |
B90-p |
Через Библию за 90 дней The Bible in 90 Days |
| |
3502. BIBLE |
Thro-p |
Через Библию за год Through the Bible in One Year |
| |
3503. BIBLE |
10CD-p |
10 глав в день 10 chapters a day |
| |
3504. BIBLE |
ON-p |
ВЗ утром, НЗ вечером Morning - OT, evening - NT |
| |
3505. BIBLE |
ON2-p |
ВЗ, НЗ Каждый день OT, NT Every day |
| |
3506. BIBLE |
Da-p |
ВЗ+(НЗ+ПС)x2 OT+(NT+PS)x2 |
| |
3507. BIBLE |
CAN-p |
Канонический порядок Canonical order |
| |
3508. BIBLE |
ÖAB'19-p 2019 |
ÖAB-Bibelleseplan Ökumenische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bibellesen DetailsDer ÖAB-Bibelleseplan richtet sich an Leserinnen und Leser, die in täglichen überschaubaren Leseportionen systematisch die Bibel kennen lernen wollen. Der Plan führt in vier Jahren einmal durch das Neue Testament und in acht Jahren durch alle Bücher des Alten Testamentes. Der Einstieg in den Leseplan ist jederzeit möglich. |
| |
3509. BIBLE |
ÖAB'20-p 2020 |
ÖAB-Bibelleseplan Ökumenische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bibellesen DetailsDer ÖAB-Bibelleseplan richtet sich an Leserinnen und Leser, die in täglichen überschaubaren Leseportionen systematisch die Bibel kennen lernen wollen. Der Plan führt in vier Jahren einmal durch das Neue Testament und in acht Jahren durch alle Bücher des Alten Testamentes. Der Einstieg in den Leseplan ist jederzeit möglich. |
| |
3510. BIBLE |
ÖAB'21-p 2021 |
ÖAB-Bibelleseplan Ökumenische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bibellesen DetailsDer ÖAB-Bibelleseplan richtet sich an Leserinnen und Leser, die in täglichen überschaubaren Leseportionen systematisch die Bibel kennen lernen wollen. Der Plan führt in vier Jahren einmal durch das Neue Testament und in acht Jahren durch alle Bücher des Alten Testamentes. Der Einstieg in den Leseplan ist jederzeit möglich. |
| |
3511. BIBLE |
ÖAB'22-p 2022 |
ÖAB-Bibelleseplan Ökumenische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bibellesen DetailsDer ÖAB-Bibelleseplan richtet sich an Leserinnen und Leser, die in täglichen überschaubaren Leseportionen systematisch die Bibel kennen lernen wollen. Der Plan führt in vier Jahren einmal durch das Neue Testament und in acht Jahren durch alle Bücher des Alten Testamentes. Der Einstieg in den Leseplan ist jederzeit möglich. |
| |
3512. |
Ecum-p |
Экуменический план чтения Библии Ecumenical Bible Reading Plan |
| |
3513. Old Testament |
OT-p |
Ветхий Завет Old Testament |
| |
3514. New Testament |
NT-p |
Новый Завет New Testament |
| |
3515. New Testament |
NT6-p |
Новый Завет за полгода New Testament for 6 month |
| |
3516. Gospel |
Gos5-p |
4 евангелия 5 раз за месяц 4 gospels 5 times for 6 month |
| |
3517. Gospel |
GD-p |
Евангелие ежедневно Gospel daily |
| |
3518. Some books - Psalms |
PON-p |
Псалмы + ВЗ + НЗ Psalms + OT + NT |
| |
3519. Some books - Psalms |
PS-p |
Псалмы ежедневно Psalms daily |
| |
3520. Some books - Psalms |
AGV-p |
Послания, Закон, История, Псалмы, Поэзия, Пророчества, Евангелие еженедельно Epistles, Law, History, Psalms, Poetry, Prophecy, Gospels a week |
| |
3521. BIBLE |
HIST-p |
Исторический порядок Historical order |
| |
3522. New Testament |
CNT3-p |
НЗ за 3 месяца, хронологически NT in 3 months, chronologically |
| |
3523. BIBLE |
Chro61-p |
Хронологические Библии план чтения за 61 день Chronological Bible Reading Plan, 61 Days |
| |
3524. BIBLE |
CRN-p |
Хронологический порядок Chronological order |
| |
3525. BIBLE |
Chron-p |
Chronological order, 365 days |
| |
3526. |
Jew'18-p |
Jewish reader plan on 5778-5778 |
| |
3527. |
ShabbaTora'18-p |
Shabbat Tora reader plan on 5778-5778 |
| |
3528. BIBLE |
ABS15-p 2015 |
Daily Bible Reading Guide |
| |
3529. BIBLE |
ABS16-p 2016 |
Daily Bible Reading Guide |
| |
3530. BIBLE |
ABS17-p 2017 |
Daily Bible Reading Guide |
| |
3531. BIBLE |
ABS'18-p 2018 |
Daily Bible Reading Guide |
| |
3532. BIBLE |
ABS 2019 |
Daily Bible Reading Guide |
| |
3533. |
От Веры в Веру — Календарь победы Kenneth Copeland, Gloria Copeland |
| |
3534. |
Все, что могу, — во славу Его Oswald Chambers |
| |
3535. |
Шаг за шагом William MacDonald |
| |
3536. |
Плетт 2014 |
Капля росы. Чтение на каждый день |
| |
3537. - Spurgeon |
КП1 1825 |
Краткие проповеди, часть 1 Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3538. - Spurgeon |
КП2 1825 |
Краткие проповеди, часть 2 Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3539. - Spurgeon |
КП3 1825 |
Краткие проповеди, часть 3 Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3540. - Spurgeon |
КП4 1825 |
Краткие проповеди, часть 4 Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3541. - Spurgeon |
КП5 1825 |
Краткие проповеди, часть 5 Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3542. |
Шатр-ч |
Христианское чтение на каждый день Pyotr Shatrov |
| |
3543. |
Поток-ч |
Потоки в степи Letti Cowman |
| |
3544. |
ДИ-ч |
Драгоценные истины из греческого языка Rick Renner |
| |
3545. |
СКЕП-ч |
Стремясь к Его присутствию Kenneth, Gloria Copeland |
| |
3546. |
Янси-ч 2013 |
Дневник Благодати Philip Yancey |
| |
3547. |
Гордон 2005 |
План чтения Библии рассчитанный на год, Библиология Gordon L Addington |
| |
3548. |
Свет-В-ч 2015 |
Свет на каждый день. Утренние лучи. Вечер Samuel Bagster |
| |
3549. |
Свет-У-ч 2015 |
Свет на каждый день. Утренние лучи. Утро Samuel Bagster |
| |
3550. |
ДДНР 2004 |
Ежедневное исповедание держит дьявола на расстоянии Francis Hunter |
| |
3551. |
День за днем, Дневник православного священника |
| |
3552. |
WC-ru |
Ежедневные чтения World Challenge JWieck |
| |
3553. |
DLE 1800 |
Daily Light on the Daily Path-Evening Samuel Bagster |
| |
3554. |
DLM 1800 |
Daily Light on the Daily Path-Morning Samuel Bagster |
| |
3555. - Spurgeon |
FC 1888 |
Faith's Checkbook Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3556. - Spurgeon |
EbE 1868 |
Evening By Evening Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3557. - Spurgeon |
MbM 1865 |
Morning by Morning Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3558. - Spurgeon |
Int-d 1873 |
The Interpreter: Spurgeon's Devotional Bible (Twice Daily) Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3559. - Spurgeon |
Int1-d 1873 |
Interpreter, Year 1 Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3560. - Spurgeon |
Int2-d 1873 |
Interpreter, Year 2 Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3561. |
DWWG 1857 |
Daily Walking With God Octavius Winslow |
| |
3562. |
The Bent-Knee Time Samuel Dickey Gordon |
| |
3563. |
The Continual Burnt Offering Harry Ironside |
| |
3564. |
DBEE 1866 |
Daily Bible Illustrations — Evening John Kitto |
| |
3565. |
DBEM 1866 |
Daily Bible Illustrations — Morning John Kitto |
| |
3566. |
A Devotional Commentary on the Gospels Favell Lee Mortimer |
| |
3567. |
DMWJ 1832 |
Dawn Mornings With Jesus William Jay |
| |
3568. |
DEWJ 1832 |
Dusk Evenings With Jesus William Jay |
| |
3569. |
Devotional Hours With The Bible James Russell Miller |
| |
3570. |
G4T 1987 |
Grace for Today Donald S Fortner |
| |
3571. |
GT 1923 |
Golden Treasury Carl Heinrich von Bogatzky |
| |
3572. |
MacD-d 1996 |
One Day at a Time William MacDonald |
| |
3573. |
Music For The Soul Alexander Maclaren |
| |
3574. |
Moody-d |
Devotion Dwight Lyman Moody |
| |
3575. |
ODH1 1898 |
Our Daily Homily 1 Frederick Brotherton Meyer |
| |
3576. |
ODH2 1898 |
Our Daily Homily 2 Frederick Brotherton Meyer |
| |
3577. |
ODH3 1898 |
Our Daily Homily 3 Frederick Brotherton Meyer |
| |
3578. |
ODH4 1898 |
Our Daily Homily 4 Frederick Brotherton Meyer |
| |
3579. |
ODW 1900 |
Our Daily Walk Frederick Brotherton Meyer |
| |
3580. |
TLOC 1913 |
Daily Bible Readings In the Life of Christ James Russell Miller |
| |
3581. |
YB 1895 |
Year Book James Russell Miller |
| |
3582. |
Yu-d |
Sample-Journal Jomin Yu |
| |
3583. |
FLG1 1998 |
Ради любви Бога: Ежедневный спутник для раскрытия богатства Слова Божьего For the Love of God: A Daily Companion for Discovering the Riches of God’s Word Vol. 1 Donald Arthur Carson |
| |
3584. |
FLG2 1999 |
Ради любви Бога: Ежедневный спутник для раскрытия богатства Слова Божьего For the Love of God: A Daily Companion for Discovering the Riches of God’s Word Vol. 2 Donald Arthur Carson |
| |
3585. |
My Daily Meditation John Henry |
| |
3586. - Spurgeon |
Klei-d |
Kleinode göttlicher Verheißungen Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3587. |
WC-de |
German Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3588. |
WC-de |
German Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3589. |
旷野的筵席-d |
旷野的筵席–金弥尔(简) A Table in the Wilderness Angus I Kinear |
| |
3590. |
每日灵修-d |
每日灵修–慕安德烈(简) God's Best Secrets Andrew Murray |
| |
3591. |
每日天粮-d |
每日天粮 |
| |
3592. |
传06-d 2006 |
中信每日灵修小品(简)–原载《传》双月刊2006年 |
| |
3593. |
传07-d 2007 |
中信每日灵修小品(简)–原载《传》双月刊2007年 |
| |
3594. |
传08-d 2008 |
中信每日灵修小品(简)–原载《传》双月刊2008年 |
| |
3595. |
传09-d 2009 |
中信每日灵修小品–原载《传》双月刊2009年 |
| |
3596. |
传10-d 2010 |
中信每日灵修小品–原载《传》双月刊2010年 |
| |
3597. |
传11-d 2011 |
中信每日灵修小品–原载《传》双月刊2011年 |
| |
3598. |
传12-d 2012 |
中信每日灵修小品–原载《传》双月刊2012年 |
| |
3599. |
传13-d 2013 |
中信每日灵修小品–原载《传》双月刊2013年 |
| |
3600. |
传14-d 2014 |
中信每日灵修小品–原载《传》双月刊2014年 |
| |
3601. |
大光人物读经-d |
大光人物讀經日程 |
| |
3602. |
大光信心读经-d |
大光信心读经日程 |
| |
3603. |
大光应许读经-d |
大光应许读经日程 |
| |
3604. |
大光祷告读经-d |
大光祷告读经日程 |
| |
3605. |
大光苦难读经-d |
大光苦难读经日程 |
| |
3606. |
大光赞美读经-d |
大光赞美读经日程 |
| |
3607. |
活水(简)-d |
活水–张家坤 |
| |
3608. - Spurgeon |
清晨甘露(简)-d |
清晨甘露–司布真(简) Morning by Morning Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3609. |
默想圣经人物-d |
默想圣经人物–华思德 Daily Thoughts on Bible Characters Simplified Harry Foster |
| |
3610. - Spurgeon |
静夜亮光-d |
静夜亮光–司布真(简) Evening By Evening Simplified Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3611. |
竭诚为主-d |
竭诚为主–章伯斯(简) My Utmost for His Highest Oswald Chambers |
| |
3612. |
每日经历神-d |
每日经历神 Experiencing God Day by Day Henry T Blackaby, Richard Blackaby |
| |
3613. |
荒漠甘泉(简)-d |
荒漠甘泉–考门夫人 Stream in the Desert Charles ECowman |
| |
3614. |
生命隽语-d |
生命隽语 |
| |
3615. |
珍贵的片刻-d |
珍贵的片刻–迈尔 Our Daily Homily Frederick Brotherton Meyer |
| |
3616. |
圣贤脚踪-d |
真道分解每日灵修–圣贤脚踪 |
| |
3617. |
奔向日出(简)-d |
奔向日出–考门夫人 Traveling toward sunrise, Mrs. Charles E.Cowman |
| |
3618. |
岁首到年终-d |
岁首到年终–黄瑞西牧师 |
| |
3619. |
成语灵训-d |
366中国成语典考灵训–黄瑞西牧师 |
| |
3620. |
清晨吗哪-d |
真道分解每日灵修–清晨吗哪 |
| |
3621. |
大光等候读经-d |
大光等候读经日程 |
| |
3622. |
传15-d 2015 |
中信每日灵修小品–原载《传》双月刊2015年 |
| |
3623. |
跟随耶稣-d |
跟随耶稣每日灵修 |
| |
3624. |
天路历程全-d 1678 |
天路历程(全译本)–本仁.约翰 The Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan |
| |
3625. |
天路历程新-d 1678 |
天路历程(新版)–本仁.约翰 The Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan |
| |
3626. |
新旧约-d |
新旧约福音讲章-钟马田 David Martyn Lloyd-Jones |
| |
3627. |
以弗所书-d |
以弗所书讲章–钟马田 Book of Ephesians David Martyn Lloyd-Jones |
| |
3628. |
喜乐的心-d |
喜乐的心–倪柝声 |
| |
3629. |
爱的根基-d |
爱的根基–劳伦斯 |
| |
3630. |
晨星歌唱簡-d 1816-1900 |
晨星歌唱–莱尔 Daily Readings from All Four Gospels: For Morning John Charles Ryle |
| |
3631. |
暗夜大光簡-d 1816-1900 |
暗夜大光–莱尔 Daily Readings from All Four Gospels: For Evening John Charles Ryle |
| |
3632. |
WC-zh |
Chinese Simplified Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3633. |
WC-zh Simplified |
Chinese Simplified Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3634. |
灵修日课-d |
灵修日课–贾玉铭 |
| |
3635. |
傳06-d 2006 |
中信每日靈修小品–原載《傳》雙月刊2006年 |
| |
3636. |
傳07-d 2007 |
中信每日靈修小品–原載《傳》雙月刊2007年 |
| |
3637. |
傳08-d 2008 |
中信每日靈修小品–原載《傳》雙月刊2008年 |
| |
3638. |
傳09-d 2009 |
中信每日靈修小品–原載《傳》雙月刊2009年 |
| |
3639. |
傳10-d 2010 |
中信每日靈修小品–原載《傳》雙月刊2010年 |
| |
3640. |
傳11-d 2011 |
中信每日靈修小品–原載《傳》雙月刊2011年 |
| |
3641. |
傳12-d 2012 |
中信每日靈修小品–原載《傳》雙月刊2012年 |
| |
3642. |
傳13-d 2013 |
中信每日靈修小品–原載《傳》雙月刊2013年 |
| |
3643. |
傳14-d 2014 |
中信每日靈修小品–原載《傳》雙月刊2014年 |
| |
3644. |
大光人物讀經-d |
大光人物讀經日程 |
| |
3645. |
大光信心讀經-d |
大光信心讀經日程 |
| |
3646. |
大光應許讀經-d |
大光應許讀經日程 |
| |
3647. |
大光禱告讀經-d |
大光禱告讀經日程 |
| |
3648. |
大光苦難讀經-d |
大光苦難讀經日程 |
| |
3649. |
大光讚美讀經-d |
大光讚美讀經日程 |
| |
3650. |
生命雋語-d |
生命雋語 |
| |
3651. |
珍貴的片刻-d |
珍貴的片刻–邁爾 Our Daily Homily Frederick Brotherton Meyer |
| |
3652. |
荒漠甘泉-d |
荒漠甘泉–考門夫人 Stream in the Desert Mrs Charles ECowman |
| |
3653. |
竭誠為主-d |
竭誠為主–章伯斯 My Utmost for His Highest Oswald Chambers |
| |
3654. |
每日經歷神-d |
每日經歷神 Experiencing God Day by Day Henry T Blackaby, Richard Blackaby |
| |
3655. |
活水-d |
活水–張家坤 |
| |
3656. |
每日天糧-d |
每日天糧 |
| |
3657. |
靈修日課-d |
靈修日課–賈玉銘 |
| |
3658. |
默想聖經人物-d |
默想聖經人物–華思德 Daily Thoughts on Bible Characters Harry Foster |
| |
3659. |
曠野的筵席-d |
曠野的筵席–金彌爾 A Table in the Wilderness Angus I Kinear |
| |
3660. |
每日靈修-d |
每日靈修–慕安德烈 God's Best Secret Andrew Murray |
| |
3661. - Spurgeon |
靜夜亮光-d |
靜夜亮光–司布真 Evening By Evening Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3662. - Spurgeon |
信心的支票簿-d |
信心的支票簿 Faith's Checkbook Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3663. - Spurgeon |
清晨甘露-d |
清晨甘露–司布真(简) Morning by Morning Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3664. |
聖賢腳蹤-d |
真道分解每日靈修–聖賢腳蹤 |
| |
3665. |
清晨嗎哪-d |
真道分解每日靈修–清晨嗎哪 |
| |
3666. |
歲首到年終-d |
歲首到年終–黃瑞西牧師 |
| |
3667. |
奔向日出-d |
奔向日出–考門夫人 Traveling toward sunrise Mrs Charles ECowman |
| |
3668. |
成語靈訓-d |
366中國成語典考靈訓–黃瑞西牧師 |
| |
3669. |
大光等候讀經-d |
大光等候讀經日程 |
| |
3670. |
傳15-d 2015 |
中信每日靈修小品–原載《傳》雙月刊2015年 |
| |
3671. |
跟隨耶穌-d |
跟隨耶穌每日靈修 |
| |
3672. |
天路歷程全-d 1678 |
天路歷程(全譯本)–本仁.約翰 The Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan |
| |
3673. |
天路歷程新-d 1678 |
天路歷程(新版)–本仁.約翰 The Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan |
| |
3674. |
新舊約-d |
新舊約福音講章-鐘馬田 David Martyn Lloyd-Jones |
| |
3675. |
喜樂的心-d |
喜樂的心–倪柝聲 |
| |
3676. |
愛的根基-d |
愛的根基–勞倫斯 |
| |
3677. |
以弗所書-d |
以弗所書講章–鐘馬田 Book of Ephesians David Martyn Lloyd-Jones |
| |
3678. |
晨星歌唱-d 1816-1900 |
晨星歌唱–萊爾 Daily Readings from All Four Gospels: For Morning John Charles Ryle |
| |
3679. |
暗夜大光-d 1816-1900 |
暗夜大光–萊爾 Daily Readings from All Four Gospels: For Evening John Charles Ryle |
| |
3680. |
WC-zh |
Chinese Traditional Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3681. |
WC-zh Traditional |
Chinese Traditional Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3682. |
WC-af |
Afrikaans Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3683. |
WC-ar |
Arabic Devotionals | World Challenge |
| |
3684. |
arDBD1 |
يوماً فيوماً Arabic Day by Day Bible Commentary 1 |
| |
3685. |
arDBD2 |
يوماً فيوماً Arabic Day by Day Bible Commentary 2 |
| |
3686. |
arDBD3 |
يوماً فيوماً Arabic Day by Day Bible Commentary 3 |
| |
3687. |
arDBD4 |
يوماً فيوماً Arabic Day by Day Bible Commentary 4 |
| |
3688. |
arDBD5 |
يوماً فيوماً Arabic Day by Day Bible Commentary 5 |
| |
3689. |
WC-el |
Greek Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3690. |
WC-nl |
Dutch Devotionals | World Challenge |
| |
3691. |
WC-da |
Dagens Ord | World Challenge |
| |
3692. |
WC-es |
Devociones en Español World Challenge JWieck |
| |
3693. BIBLE - Strong |
Str-ES |
Diccionario Strong Strong Dictionary With Strong's lexicon |
| |
3694. |
WC-it |
Italian Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3695. |
WC-ko |
Korean Devotionals | World Challenge |
| |
3696. |
WC-pl |
Polish Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3697. |
WC-pt |
Portuguese Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3698. |
WC-ro |
Romanian Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3699. |
WC-sw |
Swahili Devotionals | World Challenge |
| |
3700. |
WC-fi |
Finnish Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3701. |
WC-fr |
French Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3702. |
WC-hr |
Croatian Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3703. |
WC-cs |
Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3704. |
WC-et |
Estonian Devotions | World Challenge |
| |
3705. |
天路歷程日-d 1678-1684 |
天路歷程–ジヨン・バンヤン(1628-88)作, 松本雲舟(1882-1948)譯 The Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan |
| |
3706. BIBLE |
Толкования и беседы свт. Иоанна Златоуста на Св.Писание John Chrysostom |
| |
3707. BIBLE |
Библия говорит сегодня Bible Say Today John Stott |
| |
3708. BIBLE |
БТ |
Библия тематическая с комментариями |
| |
3709. BIBLE |
Генри-к 1710 |
Толкование Ветхого и Нового Заветов Exposition of the Old and New Testaments Matthew Henry |
| |
3710. BIBLE |
Даллас-к 1989-1996 |
Библейские толкования Далласской Богословской семинарии Plato Harchlaa |
| |
3711. BIBLE |
Даллас 1989-1996 |
Библейские толкования Далласской Богословской семинарии Plato Harchlaa |
| |
3712. BIBLE |
Келли-к |
Толкование на Библию William Kelly |
| |
3713. BIBLE |
НБК 2000 |
Новый Библейский Комментарий Donald Arthur Carson |
| |
3714. BIBLE |
Феофил-к |
Толкование блаж. Феофилакта Болгарского на Св.Писание Theophylactus Bulgarian |
| |
3715. BIBLE |
Геллей-к 1996 |
Библейский справочник Геллея Halley's Bible Handbook Henry Hampton Halley |
| |
3716. BIBLE |
РБО 2011 |
Комментарии к совр. перевод Библии Comments on the modern translation of the Bible |
| |
3717. BIBLE |
Стронг-к |
Словарь Стронга по стихам Strong's Dictionary of Poems With Strong's lexiconПеревод оригинального текста Библии соответственно содержания каждого стиха. |
| |
3718. BIBLE |
Лоп-к 1913 |
Толковая Библия преемников Лопухина Lopukhin Bible A successor of Alexandr Lopuchin |
| |
3719. BIBLE |
Библейский комментарий Адвентистов седьмого дня |
| |
3720. BIBLE |
Комментарии на книги Священного Писания Jeanne-Marie Bouvier de la Motte-Guyon |
| |
3721. BIBLE |
2013 |
Комментарии на книги Библии Daniil Sysoev |
| |
3722. BIBLE - Spurgeon |
Труды Сперджена Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3723. BIBLE - DBY |
Дарби-к 1890 |
Комментарии Дарби John Darby's Synopsis in Russian John Nelson Darby |
| |
3724. BIBLE - Geneva |
НЖБ 1998 |
Новая Женевская учебная Библия New Geneva Study Bible Robert Charles Sproul |
| |
3725. BIBLE - Scofield |
Скоф-к |
Библейские исследования Cyrus Ingerson Scofield |
| |
3726. BIBLE |
SHIF 1933 |
Учение. Пятикнижие Моисеево (от Бытия до Откровения) Ilya S Shifman |
| |
3727. BIBLE |
СБК 2016 |
Славянский библейский комментарий Современная евангельская перспектива. Sergey V SannikovDetails1840 стр. |
| |
3728. BIBLE |
БКИК 2003 |
Библейский культурно-исторический комментарий Biblical cultural and historical commentary DetailsБиблейский культурно–исторический комментарий - Часть 1: Ветхий Завет - Дж. X. Уолтон, В. X. Мэтьюз, М. У. Чавалес Под общ. ред. Т. Г. Батухтиной. Этот комментарий предлагает читателям Библии, не обладающим большими познаниями в древней истории, обильную информацию о социально-культурной обстановке, в которой разворачивались события, описанные в Священном Писании. Этот труд знакомит читателя с многочисленными аспектами библейского текста, освещая при этом вопросы, поднятые современной наукой. Авторам удалось создать полезный труд, свободный от многословия и специальной терминологии. Библейский культурно–исторический комментарий - Часть 2 Новый Завет - Крейг Кинер Под общ. ред. Р. 3. Ороховатской. «Библейский культурно–исторический комментарий. Новый Завет» Крейга Кинера впервые представляет плоды научных изысканий в одном томе, располагая материал, охватывающий весь Новый Завет, в удобной форме — «от стиха к стиху». |
| |
3729. Psalms - Spurgeon |
СД |
Сокровищница Давида. Комментарии на Псалтырь Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3730. Some books |
1050-1122 |
Толкования Evfimiy Zigaben |
| |
3731. Some books |
393-457 |
Толкованiе Theodore of Cyrus |
| |
3732. Old Testament |
2009 |
Введение в Священное Писание Ветхого Завета Alexander Sorokin |
| |
3733. Old Testament |
2010 |
Дорогами Ветхого Завета Johem Dauma |
| |
3734. Old Testament |
Библия. Обзор Ветхого Завета William Senford La Sor, David Allan Hubbard, Frederick William Bush |
| |
3735. Old Testament |
2002 |
Библия. Введение в текстологию Ветхого Завета Jacob Weingreen |
| |
3736. Old Testament |
2008 |
Введение в Ветхий Завет Introduction to the Old Testament Erich Zenger |
| |
3737. Some books |
АвгИпп 354-430 |
Августин Иппонийский блж. |
| |
3738. Some books |
АмврМд 340-397 |
Амвросий Медиоланский свт. |
| |
3739. Some books |
АфанВел 295-373 |
Афанасий Великий свт. |
| |
3740. Some books |
ВасВел 330-379 |
Василий Великий свт. |
| |
3741. Some books |
ГрДвсл 540-604 |
Григорий Двоеслов свт. |
| |
3742. Some books |
ЕфрСир 306-373 |
Ефрем Сирин прп. |
| |
3743. Some books |
ИерСтр 347-420 |
Иероним Стридонский блж. |
| |
3744. Some books |
ИнЗлт 347-407 |
Иоанн Златоуст свт. |
| |
3745. Some books |
КирАл 376-444 |
Кирилл Александрийский свт. |
| |
3746. Some books |
ФеодКир 386-457 |
Феодорит Кирский блж. |
| |
3747. Some books |
ФеофБл 1078-1107 |
Феофилакт Болгарский блж. |
| |
3748. Some books |
ФеофЗтв 1815-1894 |
Феофан Затворник свт. |
| |
3749. Some books |
Фил(Др) 1782-1867 |
Филарет (Дроздов) свт. |
| |
3750. Some books |
ЭкзЕрет |
Еретики, осужденные Церковью. Толкования. |
| |
3751. Some books |
ЭкзНеод |
Неоднозначные авторы. Толкования. |
| |
3752. Some books |
ЭкзПрав |
Православные авторы. Толкования. |
| |
3753. Some books |
ЭкзСвят |
Святые Отцы и Учителя Церкви. Толкования. Экзегет.ру |
| |
3754. Some books |
Ориген 185-254 |
Ориген |
| |
3755. Some books - Geneva |
Богословские статьи Новой Учебной Женевской Библии |
| |
3756. BIBLE |
Герменевтика Henry A Wercler |
| |
3757. Some books |
Герменевтика общая |
| |
3758. Some books |
1994 |
Свет истинный. Существуют ли противоречия в Библии? Dr William Arndt |
| |
3759. Some books |
Он дал нам прообразы Richard Pratt |
| |
3760. Other literature |
Библия. Создание и искажения |
| |
3761. Old Testament |
Трудные страницы Библии (Ветхий Завет) Enrico Galbiati, Alessandro Piazza |
| |
3762. Some books |
ТаНаХ. Мишлей. Притчи мудрого царя Tanakh. Michelet. The Proverbs of the Wise King David Adamov |
| |
3763. Old Testament |
Мидраш. Ветхий Завет Комментарии раввинов |
| |
3764. Old Testament |
2005 |
Введение в Танах. Писания Joel Weinberg |
| |
3765. Torah |
Гирш-к |
Комментарии рабби Шимшона-Рефаэля Гирша на Тору Rabi Shimshon Bar Refael Hirsch |
| |
3766. Torah |
Сонч-к 1999 |
Тора. Комментарии Сончино Zeev Meshkov |
| |
3767. Torah |
РаШИ-к 1983 |
Тора. Комментарии Раши |
| |
3768. New Testament |
Райт 2013 |
Комментарий к Новому Завету Nicholas Thomas Wright |
| |
3769. New Testament |
NRT-к 2010 |
Комментарии для Нового русского перевода |
| |
3770. New Testament |
Rodger-к |
Новый Завет Лингвистический и экзегетический ключ Cleon L Rogers |
| |
3771. New Testament |
Steiner-к |
Новый Завет New Testament Rudolf Steiner |
| |
3772. New Testament |
БНЖ-к 1999 |
Библия для нашей жизни. Новый Завет Bible for our lives. New Testament |
| |
3773. New Testament |
Брюс-к 1965 |
Брюссельский Новый Завет |
| |
3774. New Testament |
Кальвин-к |
Новый Завет — Комментарии Jean Calvin |
| |
3775. New Testament |
Кинер-к 2005 |
Библейский культурно-исторический комментарий. НЗ Craig S Keener |
| |
3776. New Testament |
МакД-к 2000 |
Библейские комментарии для христиан Believer’s Bible Commentary – New Testament William MacDonald |
| |
3777. New Testament |
Стерн-к 2004 |
Комментарий к Еврейскому Новому Завету Jewish New Testament Commentary David Harold Stern |
| |
3778. New Testament |
Кузн-к 2001 |
Радостная весть. Комментарии к совр. перевод НЗ на русский язык Glad Tidings. Comments on the present-day. Valentina N Kuznetsova |
| |
3779. New Testament |
Кул-к 2015 |
Комментарии Нового Завета Mikhail P Kulakov |
| |
3780. New Testament |
Баркли-к 1958 |
Баркли Комментарии к Новому Завету Daily Study Bible William Barclay |
| |
3781. New Testament |
МакАрт-к 1997 |
Учебная Библия МакАртура MacArthur Study Bible John Fullerton MacArthur |
| |
3782. Other literature |
Избранные от вечности, Проповеди John Fullerton MacArthur |
| |
3783. New Testament |
Содержание книг Нового Завета |
| |
3784. New Testament |
Лекции по посланию к Галатам Martin Luther |
| |
3785. New Testament |
Библия. Обзор Нового Завета Martin Franzmann |
| |
3786. New Testament - Psalms |
Грюнц-к 1983 |
Пояснения на Новый Завет и Псалтирь Fritz Grunzweig |
| |
3787. New Testament |
Библеистика. Обзоры Нового Завета |
| |
3788. New Testament |
Толкование на Библию William Kelly |
| |
3789. New Testament |
2001 |
Обзор Нового Завета Robert Gendry |
| |
3790. New Testament |
2004 |
Толкование Нового Завета. Сборник эссе о принципах и методах Howard A Marshall |
| |
3791. New Testament |
2000 |
Обзор Нового Завета Meryllle Tennie |
| |
3792. Some books |
Толкование на книгу пророка Исаии Vasily the Great |
| |
3793. Some books |
1846 |
Толкование Книги притч Соломона Charles Bridges |
| |
3794. Some books |
Комментарии на Деяния Апостолов Stanley Horton |
| |
3795. Some books |
Комментарии на Послания Коринфянам Stanley Horton |
| |
3796. Some books |
Откровение из бури (Книга Иова) Vasily Yunak |
| |
3797. Some books |
Пособие для изучения Евангелия от Марка Ignaty Lapkin |
| |
3798. Some books |
Беседы на евангелие от Марка Vasily Kineshsky |
| |
3799. Some books |
Комментарии: Книга пророка Даниила, Откровение Иоанна David Yonggi Cho |
| |
3800. Some books |
Толкование на книгу Даниила и Евангелие от Матфея Jerome of Stridon |
| |
3801. Some books |
Толкования Theodoret of Cyrus |
| |
3802. Some books |
Толкования на священное Писание Ephraim the Syrian |
| |
3803. Some books |
Бридж-к |
Толкование Книги притч Соломона Proverbs by Charles Bridges Перевод с английского E. Ф. Марчука. Charles Bridges |
| |
3804. Some books |
Вос-к |
Предисловия к книгам Библии из русского перевода Священного Писания для Востока |
| |
3805. Some books |
1999 |
Систематическое богословие Stanley Horton |
| |
3806. Some books |
Библия. Обзоры книг. Библейские истории |
| |
3807. Gospel |
2001 |
Размышления над Евангелиями John Charles Ryle |
| |
3808. Gospel |
Новый Завет. Комментарии для переводчиков |
| |
3809. Other literature |
Библия в гравюрах Гюстава Доре Paul Gustave Doré |
| |
3810. BIBLE |
Библия в иллюстрациях Юлиуса Шнорр фон Карольсфельда Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld |
| |
3811. Other literature |
Библия в современном мире |
| |
3812. New Testament |
Комментарий Деяния апостолов, Римлянам Gareth L Reese |
| |
3813. New Testament |
1999 |
Библия для нашей жизни. Новый Завет |
| |
3814. Psalms |
Псалтирь в святоотеческом изъяснении DetailsВ книге приводятся фразы из каждого псалма и дается их детальное толкование, написанное в свое время разными святыми Православной Церкви – свт. Иоанном Златоустом, свт. Григорием Нисским, свт. Августином Блаженным, свт. Афанасием Великим, преп. Иоанном Лествичником и другими. |
| |
3815. Psalms |
Толкование на псалмы Alexander Men |
| |
3816. |
Мень-к |
Читая Апокалипсис Alexander Men |
| |
3817. |
АнKec-к 563-614 |
Толкование на Апокалипсис Sainted Andrew, Archbishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia |
| |
3818. |
1949 |
Тайна святых. Введение в Апокалипсис Peter A Ivanov |
| |
3819. |
550 |
Откровение св. Иоанна Богослова Andrew of Caesarea |
| |
3820. BIBLE |
MHC 1706 |
Matthew Henry's Whole Bible Commentary Matthew HenryDetailsFrom Genesis to Revelation, Matthew Henry successfully combines practical application, devotional insight, and scholarship on the entire Bible. Henry has profound insights on the content, message and nature of God's divine revelation. Perfect for all readers of the Bible who want a convenient, comprehensive commentary. |
| |
3821. BIBLE |
MHC 1706 |
Matthew Henry Commentary Matthew Henry |
| |
3822. BIBLE |
Barnes |
Albert Barnes' Notes on the Bible Albert Barnes |
| |
3823. BIBLE |
DTN 1890 |
Darby's translation notes John Nelson DarbyDetailsNotes to J.N. Darby's Translation of the Bible. |
| |
3824. BIBLE |
Calvin-c 1536 |
John Calvin's Commentaries on the Bible Jean Calvin |
| |
3825. BIBLE - Geneva |
Geneva-c 1560 |
Geneva Study Bible Commentary |
| |
3826. BIBLE - Spurgeon |
Spurg-c 1510 |
Spurgeon’s Verse Expositions of the Bible Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3827. BIBLE |
Summ-c 1919 |
Summarized Bible Commentary Keith L Brooks |
| |
3828. BIBLE |
LW 1939 |
Wells of Living Water Commentary Robert Edward Neighbour |
| |
3829. BIBLE |
Hawk-c 1816 |
Poor Man’s Commentary Robert Hawker |
| |
3830. BIBLE |
Overview of Bible Books Arend Remmers |
| |
3831. BIBLE |
BCW 2010 |
Bonnell's Combined Word Book Commentary William S Bonnell |
| |
3832. BIBLE |
Bull-c 1922 |
The Companion Bible Ethelbert William Bullinger |
| |
3833. BIBLE |
WBEN 1819 |
Burkitt's Expository Notes William Burkitt |
| |
3834. BIBLE |
Pulpit-c 1908 |
James Nisbet's Church Pulpit Commentary James Nisbet |
| |
3835. BIBLE |
Coke-c 1803 |
Thomas Coke's Commentary on the Holy Bible Thomas Coke |
| |
3836. BIBLE |
Knoch-c 1968 |
Concordant Publishing Concern Adolph Ernst Knoch |
| |
3837. BIBLE |
Dumm-c 1908 |
John Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible John Roberts Dummelow |
| |
3838. BIBLE |
EBC 1903 |
The Expositor's Bible Commentary Complete in 43 volumes. William Robertson Nicoll |
| |
3839. BIBLE |
CBSC 1883 |
Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges |
| |
3840. BIBLE - KJV |
KJV Original Language Details |
| |
3841. BIBLE |
Gray-c 1999 |
Concise Bible Commentary James Martin Gray |
| |
3842. BIBLE |
Ellicott-c 1954 |
Ellicott's Commentary On The Whole Bible Charles John Ellicott |
| |
3843. BIBLE |
Fairb-c 1854 |
The Typology of Scripture Patrick Fairbairn |
| |
3844. BIBLE |
Hastings-c 1915 |
The Great Texts of the Bible James Hastings |
| |
3845. BIBLE |
Guzik-c 2014 |
David Guzik Commentary on the Bible David Guzik |
| |
3846. BIBLE |
HastChild-c 1921 |
The children's great texts of the Bible James Hastings |
| |
3847. BIBLE |
Haydock-c 1859 |
Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary |
| |
3848. BIBLE |
LCHS 2008 |
Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures John Peter Lange |
| |
3849. BIBLE |
Horae-c 1836 |
Simeon's Horae Homileticae Charles Simeon |
| |
3850. BIBLE |
Benson-c 1846 |
Benson's Commentary Joseph Benson |
| |
3851. BIBLE - KJV |
KJV 2012 |
Marginal Notes in the King James Version |
| |
3852. BIBLE - Scofield |
SRB 1917 |
Scofield Reference Bible Cyrus Ingerson Scofield |
| |
3853. BIBLE |
Sutcl-c 1856 |
Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments Rev Joseph Sutcliffe AM |
| |
3854. BIBLE |
Owen-c |
Hebrews Commentary John Owen |
| |
3855. BIBLE |
Mackin-c 1860 |
Notes on the Pentateuch by Mackintosh Charles Henry Mackintosh |
| |
3856. BIBLE |
Morgan-c 1992 |
Exposition on the Whole Bible George Campbell Morgan |
| |
3857. BIBLE |
Whedon-c 2010 |
Commentary on the Bible Whedon Daniel |
| |
3858. BIBLE |
IBS 2004 |
International Bible School Dennis Daugaard |
| |
3859. BIBLE - DBY |
DBY 1867 |
John Darby’s Synopsis John Nelson Darby |
| |
3860. BIBLE |
Sermon-c 1965 |
The Sermon Bible Commentary William Robertson Nicoll |
| |
3861. BIBLE |
Lapide-c 1908 |
The Great Commentary of Cornelius à Lapide Cornelius a Lapide |
| |
3862. BIBLE |
Chuck-c 1986 |
Through The Bible C2000 Serie Chuck Smith |
| |
3863. BIBLE |
Kelly-c 1964 |
Introductory Lectures Commentary William Kelly |
| |
3864. BIBLE |
Grant-c 1932 |
Notes from the Numerical Bible Frederick William Grant |
| |
3865. BIBLE |
Catina-c 1812 |
Catena Aurea Commentary Thomas Aquinas |
| |
3866. BIBLE |
PB 2002 |
The People's Bible Commentary Rex Mason |
| |
3867. BIBLE |
EE 2005 |
EasyEnglish Bible Commentaries |
| |
3868. BIBLE |
MacL-c 2009 |
Expositions of Holy Scripture Alexander MacLaren |
| |
3869. BIBLE |
Trapp-c |
John Trapp Complete Commentary John Trapp |
| |
3870. BIBLE |
JFB 1871 |
Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary Robert Jamieson, Alexander Cruden |
| |
3871. BIBLE |
AB |
Annotated Bible Arno C Gaebelin |
| |
3872. BIBLE |
BI 1849 |
Biblical Illustrator Joseph S Exell |
| |
3873. BIBLE |
Through the Bible Day by Day by F.B. Meyer Frederick Brotherton Meyer |
| |
3874. BIBLE |
Edw-c |
Jonathan Edwards' Notes On The Scriptures Jonathan Edwards |
| |
3875. BIBLE |
ESNHS 2011 |
Everett's Study Notes on the Holy Scriptures Gary H Everett |
| |
3876. BIBLE |
GrantC-c |
Commentary on Bible by L. M. Grant Leslie M Grant |
| |
3877. BIBLE |
Hampt-c |
Gary Hampton Commentaries Gary Hampton |
| |
3878. BIBLE |
Hole-c 1836 |
Hole's Commentary NT selected OT Frank Binford Hole |
| |
3879. BIBLE |
Hamilton Smith's Writings George Hamilton Smith |
| |
3880. BIBLE |
IEB 1948 |
Interpreation of the Bible Benajah Harvey Carroll |
| |
3881. BIBLE |
Manly-c 2013 |
Manly Luscombe Commentary Manly Luscombe |
| |
3882. BIBLE |
MDCh |
Mark Dunagan Commentaries Mark Dunagan |
| |
3883. BIBLE |
McG-c |
McGarvey and Pendleton Commentaries John William McGarvey |
| |
3884. BIBLE |
Pett-c |
Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible Dr Peter Pett |
| |
3885. BIBLE |
Treasury Scripture Knowledge Enhanced Tim Morton |
| |
3886. BIBLE |
Treasury Scripture Knowledge Enhanced 2 Создан на основе модули из Цитаты. Tim Morton |
| |
3887. BIBLE |
Rose-c |
Charles Rose Commentaries Charles Rose |
| |
3888. BIBLE |
Kretz-c 1923 |
Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible Paul E Kretzmann |
| |
3889. BIBLE |
Commentary on the Bible Arthur Samuel Peake |
| |
3890. BIBLE |
CPBSTS-c 1960-1980 |
College Press Bible Study Textbook Series 59 volumes. |
| |
3891. BIBLE |
PCHC 1892 |
The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary |
| |
3892. BIBLE |
RWP 1930 |
Word Pictures in the New Testament Archibald Thomas Robertson |
| |
3893. BIBLE |
WCA 1996 |
When Critics Ask — A Popular Handbook on Bible Difficulties Norman Geisler, Thomas Howe |
| |
3894. BIBLE |
Gill-c 1763 |
John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible John Gill |
| |
3895. BIBLE |
Niobi aka Patchworkid's Personal Study Bible Notes Niobi H Watson |
| |
3896. BIBLE |
Pool-c |
Matthew Poole's Concise Commentary On The Bible 3 Volumes. Matthew Richard Poole |
| |
3897. BIBLE |
Clarke-c 1825 |
Adam Clarke's commentary and critical notes on the Bible Adam Clarke |
| |
3898. BIBLE - ASB |
ESV-c 2012 |
The ESV Global Study Bible's Study Notes DetailsGood News PublishersThe ESV Bible is free online and on mobile devices everywhere worldwide, including a selection of free Bible study resources. |
| |
3899. BIBLE |
BW 1891 |
B. W. Johnson's Bible Commentary Barton Warren Johnson |
| |
3900. BIBLE - Scofield |
Scof-c 1917 |
Scofield Reference Bible Cyrus Ingerson Scofield |
| |
3901. New Testament |
Wesley-c 1755 |
Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testament John Wesley |
| |
3902. New Testament |
ExpGrNT-c 1910 |
Expositor's Greek Testament William Robertson Nicoll |
| |
3903. New Testament |
ILL-NT 1841 |
Illustrated NT John S C Abbott, Jacob Abbott |
| |
3904. New Testament |
Meyer-c 1888 |
Heinrich Meyer's Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer |
| |
3905. New Testament |
Schaff-c 1890 |
Schaff's Popular Commentary on the New Testament Philip Schaff |
| |
3906. New Testament |
S-Guide-c 1985 |
Scribes, Scrolls, and Scripture: A Student's Guide to New Testament Textual J Harold Greenlee |
| |
3907. New Testament |
CamGr 1886 |
Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges 16 authors |
| |
3908. New Testament |
ANF 1812 |
NT Verse References in the Ante-Nicene Fathers |
| |
3909. New Testament |
PNT 1891 |
People's New Testament Barton Warren Johnson |
| |
3910. New Testament |
The Bible Study New Testament Explanatory Notes |
| |
3911. New Testament |
VWS 1887 |
Word Studies in the New Testament Marvin Vincent |
| |
3912. New Testament |
Edwards-c 1851 |
Justin Edwards' Family Bible New Testament Justin Edwards |
| |
3913. New Testament |
DSB 1978 |
The Daily Study Bible: New Testament Set (17-volume set) William Barclay |
| |
3914. Old Testament |
KD 1996 |
Keil & Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament 10 volume. Johann Friedrich Karl Keil, Franz Delitzsch |
| |
3915. Old Testament |
Hengs-c 1829 |
Christology of the Old Testament Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg |
| |
3916. Old Testament |
KOT 1996 |
Keil and Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament Delitzsch, Franz, Keil, Carl Friedrich |
| |
3917. Old Testament |
Hebrew Masoretic Text with ETCBC Morphology With Strong's lexiconBHS, 5th ed. Eliran Wong |
| |
3918. Some books |
CBC 1872 |
Combined Bible Commentary Bowman — Ephesians, K. Graves — Titus, Luther — Galatians, Pink - John and Hebrews, McGarvey – Acts. McGarvey, Pink, Luther, K Graves, Bowman |
| |
3919. Gospel |
TGC 1900 |
The Gospels Compared In the revised version: arranged in parallel columns, indicating similarities and differences. John C Poynton |
| |
3920. Gospel |
Godbey-c 1900 |
Commentary On NT — Gospel Harmony |
| |
3921. |
Koenig-c 2004-2011 |
The Revelation of Jesus Christ Through the Ages Donald A Koenig |
| |
3922. |
Patmos-c 1921 |
Message of Patmos David Scott Clark |
| |
3923. |
Morris-RR-c 1983 |
The Revelation Record Henry M Morris |
| |
3924. Some books |
Caton-c |
Commentary on the Minor Epistles James, Peter, John and Jude. N T Caton |
| |
3925. Some books |
Box-c 1986 |
Bible Commentaries Selected books of the Bible. Charles Box |
| |
3926. Some books |
Brown-c 1882 |
Commentaries Selected Books of the Bible John Brown |
| |
3927. Some books |
Godet-c 1881 |
Godet's commentary on Luke, John, Romans, 1 Corinthians Frederick Louis Godet |
| |
3928. BIBLE |
Tafser Tadbiki التفسير التطبيقي |
| |
3929. |
arBBC 1981 |
بنيامين بنكرتن Benjamin Benkerten Commentaries |
| |
3930. |
FrA |
القمص أنطونيوس فكري |
| |
3931. BIBLE |
arSK |
الكنز الجليل في تفسير الإنجيل Majestic treasure in the interpretation of the Bible |
| |
3932. BIBLE |
PeshNT-c |
Analysis of Peshitta verses |
| |
3933. New Testament |
sycNT-c |
Analysis of the Syriac Peshitta verses |
| |
3934. Old Testament |
Arno-c 1861 |
Arno C Gaebelein OT Kommentár Arno Clemens Gaebelein |
| |
3935. BIBLE - Scofield |
MJBE 1993 |
Magyarázó jegyzetek a Bibliához Evangéliumi Kiadó Cyrus Ingerson Scofield |
| |
3936. BIBLE |
BTX3 2010 |
La Biblia Textual 3a Edicion |
| |
3937. BIBLE |
CBMH 1995 |
Comentario Bíblico Mundo Hispano Daniel Carro, Jose Tomas Poe |
| |
3938. BIBLE |
Comentario biblia textual |
| |
3939. New Testament |
CDG 2008 |
El Codigo Real — Nuevo Testamento Textual Hebraico |
| |
3940. Some books |
AVPV 2005 |
Apocalipse Versículo Por Versículo |
| |
3941. BIBLE - RV |
RV60-c 1960 |
Introducción a la Reina-Valera |
| |
3942. BIBLE |
Comentario Bíblico Adventista Adventist Bible Commentary |
| |
3943. BIBLE |
Comentario Biblico Wiiliam Macdonald William MacDonald |
| |
3944. BIBLE |
Comentario Mattew Henry Matthew Henry |
| |
3945. BIBLE |
DV |
Comentario Diario Vivir Diario Vivir |
| |
3946. BIBLE |
RV95 1995 |
Reina Valera 1995 — Notas |
| |
3947. BIBLE |
Ryrie-c 1991 |
Biblia de Estudio Ryrie Charles Caldwell Ryrie |
| |
3948. BIBLE |
Siglo-c 1999 |
Nuevo Comentario Bíblico Siglo Veintiuno |
| |
3949. BIBLE |
Bosquejos expositivos de la Biblia Warren W Wiersbe |
| |
3950. BIBLE |
BCS Biblia Comentada |
| |
3951. BIBLE |
BdEP |
Bíblia de Estudo Pentencostal |
| |
3952. BIBLE |
MacArthur — Comentarios Expositivos John Fullerton MacArthur |
| |
3953. BIBLE |
Biblia de Estudio de MacArthur John Fullerton MacArthur |
| |
3954. BIBLE |
BTX2 |
La Biblia Textual 2a Edicion |
| |
3955. Some books |
BDI La Biblia De Israel — Genesis |
| |
3956. BIBLE |
PL |
Comentario plenitud |
| |
3957. BIBLE |
JFB-ES 1871 |
Comentario Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Robert Jamieson, Andrew Robert Fausset, David Brown |
| |
3958. BIBLE |
TA |
Notas Torres Amat |
| |
3959. Some books |
Flores-c |
Estudios personales sobre Colosenses José Luis Flores |
| |
3960. BIBLE |
LBLA 1997 |
La Biblia de las Américas |
| |
3961. BIBLE |
LEE 1990 |
Los Evangelios Explicados John Charles Ryle |
| |
3962. BIBLE |
LEER 1990 |
Los Evangelios Explicados John Charles Ryle |
| |
3963. BIBLE |
NRV 1990 |
Nueva Reina Valera |
| |
3964. BIBLE - NIV |
Nueva Versión Internacional — Referencias y notas |
| |
3965. BIBLE |
TLA 2004 |
Traducción En Lenguaje Actual Con Deuterocanonicos En Orden Alejandrino |
| |
3966. BIBLE |
VIN2011 2012 |
Las Sagradas Escrituras, Versión Israelita Nazarena, Revision |
| |
3967. BIBLE |
CBB 1969 |
Comentario Bíblico Beacon |
| |
3968. BIBLE |
B-C 1957 |
B-C1957 Sagrada Biblia Bover-Cantera (4ta Edición) DetailsExported from Simple Bible Reader ( |
| |
3969. BIBLE - Catholic |
CEE 2011 |
Comentario Conferencia Episcopal Española DetailsExported from Simple Bible Reader ( |
| |
3970. BIBLE |
Comentarios de Elena G. White Ellen Gould WhiteDetailsExtraido del Comentario Biblico Adventista, Material Suplementario, Comentarios de Elena G. de White. Tomos 1-7. |
| |
3971. BIBLE - LXX |
Comentario Biblia Jünemann Comentario Biblia Jünemann Septuaginta LXX es Catolica. DetailsExported from Simple Bible Reader ( |
| |
3972. BIBLE |
NBJ 1998 |
Comentario Biblia Jerusalén DetailsExported from Simple Bible Reader ( |
| |
3973. New Testament |
Escrituras del Nombre Verdadero — Notas |
| |
3974. New Testament |
Comentario Al NT Por Partain – Reeves |
| |
3975. New Testament |
Comentario del Nuevo Testamento Versión Recobro |
| |
3976. New Testament |
BAR 2003 |
Comentario al Nuevo Testamento, que presenta la nueva edición española actualizada La edición literal se compone de 17 volúmenes. Archibald Thomas Robertson |
| |
3977. New Testament |
Comentario al Texto Griego del Nuevo Testamento |
| |
3978. New Testament |
Barclay-es |
Comentario Al Nuevo Testamento Commentary on the New Testament William Barclay |
| |
3979. BIBLE - Scofield |
司可福(簡) 1962 |
司可福圣经释要 |
| |
3980. BIBLE |
丰盛 |
丰盛生命研读本 |
| |
3981. BIBLE |
启导本 |
启导本圣经注释 Mentoring The Bible Commentary |
| |
3982. BIBLE |
灵修版 |
灵修版圣经注释 Devotional Bible Notes |
| |
3983. BIBLE |
精读本 |
精读本圣经注释 Intensive Bible Notes |
| |
3984. BIBLE |
笺记 |
圣道旅伴—新旧约全书要义 Holy Path Traveler—The Essentials of the Old and New Testaments |
| |
3985. Psalms - Psalms |
诗篇注解 1995 |
诗篇注解:包忠杰 A Commentary On The Psalms Bao Zhongjie |
| |
3986. Some books |
马唐纳 |
马唐纳圣经注释 |
| |
3987. BIBLE - Spurgeon |
CoMS |
马太福音注释-司布真 Commentary On Matthew Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
3988. BIBLE |
SDA圣经注释 |
| |
3989. BIBLE |
专卷 |
圣经专卷注释 |
| |
3990. BIBLE |
廿一简 |
二十一世纪圣经新译 |
| |
3991. BIBLE |
天道(簡) |
天道圣经注释 |
| |
3992. BIBLE |
串珠(簡) |
串珠圣经注释 |
| |
3993. BIBLE |
中注 |
中文圣经注释 |
| |
3994. BIBLE |
雷氏简 2007 |
雷氏研读本圣经 Charles Caldwell Ryrie |
| |
3995. BIBLE |
陈终道 |
陈终道旧约小先知书及新约书信读经讲义 |
| |
3996. Some books |
加尔文 1509-1564 |
罗马书,以弗所书注释:约翰加尔文 John Calvin |
| |
3997. Some books |
基督徒简 |
基督徒文摘解经系列:黄迦勒 Huang Jial |
| |
3998. BIBLE |
新旧约 2012 |
新旧约辅读(香港读经会):曾立华 Zeng Lihua |
| |
3999. |
雷氏簡 2007 |
雷氏研读本圣经 Charles Caldwell Ryrie |
| |
4000. BIBLE |
CMCS 2018 |
圣经综合解读 |
| |
4001. |
扎记 |
读经扎记:王国显 Reading Notes: Wang Guoxian |
| |
4002. BIBLE |
信徒(简) |
信徒圣经注释 达拉斯神学院圣经注解 Bible Knowledge Commentary |
| |
4003. New Testament |
活泉(简) |
活泉新约希腊文解经:罗伯逊博士 Living Fountain New Testament Greek Interpretation: Dr. Robertson Archibald Thomas Robertson |
| |
4004. BIBLE |
雷氏 2007 |
雷氏研讀本聖經 Charles Caldwell Ryrie |
| |
4005. BIBLE |
啟導本 |
啟導本聖經註釋 |
| |
4006. BIBLE |
精讀本 |
精讀本聖經注釋 Intensive Bible Notes |
| |
4007. Psalms - Psalms |
詩篇註解 1995 |
詩篇註解:包忠傑 A Commentary On The Psalms Bao Zhongjie |
| |
4008. BIBLE |
豐盛 |
豐盛生命研讀本 |
| |
4009. BIBLE |
靈修版 |
靈修版聖經注釋 Devotional Bible Notes |
| |
4010. Some books - Spurgeon |
CoM |
馬太福音注釋-司布真 Commentary On Matthew Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
4011. BIBLE |
專卷 |
聖經專卷註釋 |
| |
4012. BIBLE |
廿一 |
二十一世紀聖經新譯 |
| |
4013. BIBLE |
SDA聖經註釋 |
| |
4014. BIBLE |
天道 |
天道聖經註釋 |
| |
4015. BIBLE |
串珠 |
串珠聖經注釋 |
| |
4016. BIBLE |
馬唐納 |
馬唐納聖經注釋 |
| |
4017. BIBLE |
中文圣经注释-c |
中文圣经--中文圣经注释 |
| |
4018. BIBLE |
中文聖經註釋-c |
中文聖經--中文聖經註釋 |
| |
4019. BIBLE |
中註 |
中文聖經註釋 |
| |
4020. New Testament |
陳終道 |
陳終道小先知書及新約書信讀經講義 Chen Yongdao |
| |
4021. Some books |
加爾文 1509-1564 |
羅馬書,以弗所書注釋:約翰加爾文 John Calvin |
| |
4022. Some books |
基督徒 |
基督徒文摘解經系列:黃迦勒 Huang Jial |
| |
4023. BIBLE |
新舊約 2012 |
新舊約輔讀(香港讀經會):曾立華 Zeng Lihua |
| |
4024. - Scofield |
司可福 1962 |
司可福聖經釋要 |
| |
4025. |
思高聖經 1968 |
思高聖經 Studium Biblicum Version |
| |
4026. |
CMC 2018 |
聖經綜合解讀 |
| |
4027. |
扎記 |
讀經扎記:王國顯 Reading Notes: Wang Guoxian |
| |
4028. BIBLE |
信徒 |
信徒聖經註釋 達拉斯神學院聖經註解 Bible Knowledge Commentary |
| |
4029. BIBLE |
箋記 |
聖道旅伴—新舊約全書要義:于中旻 Traveling Companion of the Holy Path—The Essentials of the Old and New Testaments: Yu Zhongmin |
| |
4030. New Testament |
活泉 |
活泉新約希臘文解經:羅伯遜博士 Living Fountain New Testament Greek Interpretation: Dr. Robertson Archibald Thomas Robertson |
| |
4031. BIBLE |
Barklijs 2010 |
Ikdienas Bībeles studijas, Viljams Barklijs DetailsOriginally published in English in 1956 as Daily Study Bible: The Gospel of Matthew, Volume 1 by Saint Andrew Press, 121 George Street, Edinburg EH2 4YN. Revised and updated by Saint Andrew Press, 2001. |
| |
4032. New Testament |
MAK 1833 |
Matthias Ansorgs Kommentar Matthias Ansorgs Commentary Matthias Ansorgs |
| |
4033. New Testament |
Schlat-c |
Erläuterungen zum Neuen Testament |
| |
4034. BIBLE |
Rieger 1833 |
Carl Heinrich Riegers Kommentar Carl Heinrich Rieger Commentary Carl Heinrich Riegers |
| |
4035. BIBLE |
JMA-c |
JMA Studienbibel |
| |
4036. BIBLE |
Wieck-c |
Gerlinger Studienbibel Gerlingen Study Bible |
| |
4037. New Testament |
WMacDonald 1989 |
Kommentar zum Neuen Testament Believer's Bible commentary William MacDonald |
| |
4038. BIBLE |
Matthew Henry Bijbelverklaring Matthew Henry |
| |
4039. New Testament |
Komentarz Żydowski do Nowego Testamentu Jewish New Testament Comments |
| |
4040. New Testament |
Komentarz Praktyczny do NT David Harold Stern |
| |
4041. BIBLE |
Viver-c |
Comentários da Bíblia Diario Viver Matthew Henry |
| |
4042. BIBLE |
Comentário Bíblico Moody |
| |
4043. BIBLE - ASB |
Comentário da Bíblia English Standard Version |
| |
4044. BIBLE - ASB |
Comentário da Bíblia English Standard Version |
| |
4045. BIBLE |
FDavdson |
Comentário de Francis Davidson Francis Davidson |
| |
4046. BIBLE - Geneva |
Genebra |
Comentário Biblia de Genebra |
| |
4047. BIBLE - NIV |
NVI-BR 2008 |
Comentário Bíblico NVI Frederick Fyvie Bruce |
| |
4048. New Testament - NIV |
NVI-PT 2008 |
Comentário Bíblico NVI — Antigo e Novo Testamento Frederick Fyvie Bruce |
| |
4049. BIBLE |
MDuvidas |
Manual de Duvidas Enigmas e Contradições Bíblicas |
| |
4050. BIBLE |
Comentário da Biblia SHEDD |
| |
4051. BIBLE |
Wiersbe |
Comentário Bíblico Wiersbe — Conciso Dr Warren W Wiersbe |
| |
4052. BIBLE |
BarklayNT |
Comentário do N.T. Barclay William Barclay |
| |
4053. BIBLE |
BdEA |
Comentário da Bíblia de Estudo Almeida |
| |
4054. BIBLE |
CBB-pt |
Comentário Bíblico Beacon Henry Albert Harper |
| |
4055. BIBLE |
Preg-c |
Comentário da Bíblia do Pregador Pentecostal Details1002 sermões, Curso básico de Teologia com 12 temas, Dicionário Conciso. |
| |
4056. BIBLE |
Wesley-pt 1966 |
Comentário Bíblico Wesleyano The Wesleyan Bible commentary John Wesley |
| |
4057. BIBLE |
PChave-c |
Comentario Champlin — Antigo e Novo Testamento Russell Norman Champlin |
| |
4058. Old Testament |
ChamplAT |
Comentario Champlin Antigo Testamento Russell Norman Champlin |
| |
4059. New Testament |
MacartNT |
Comentário John Macarthur — NT John Fullerton MacArthur |
| |
4060. New Testament |
Comentário Bíblico Novo Testamento Daniela Raffo — Tradução do espanhol ao português. Matthew Henry |
| |
4061. Some books |
JGill-pt 2003 |
Comentário do Evangelho de João por John Gill John Gill |
| |
4062. Some books |
Lucas-c |
Lucas — O Evangelho em Carne e Osso Flávio Gouvêa de Oliveira |
| |
4063. Some books |
PrfMenor |
Mensagem dos Profetas Menores DetailsJUSTIÇA E ESPERANÇA PARA HOJE. |
| |
4064. BIBLE |
CBC-WMD 2002 |
Comentariul biblic al credinciosului William MacDonald |
| |
4065. BIBLE - Catholic |
Slovak catholic translation |
| |
4066. BIBLE |
Slovak Jerusalem |
| |
4067. |
正之訳-c |
正之訳:グノーモン新約聖書註解(ベンゲル) |
| |
4068. |
黒崎 |
黒崎幸吉著 註解 |
| |
4069. Other literature |
Шрифты для Цитаты Некоторые старые модули не будут работать без определенных шрифтов. |
| |
4070. Other literature |
Коран, 4 перевода Quran Ignatiy Y Krachkovsky, Magomeda-Nuri Osmanovich Osmanov, Valeriya M Porokhova, Abdullah Yusuf Ali |
| |
4071. Other literature |
1888 |
Книга Еноха Book of Enoch Один из наиболее значимых апокрифов Ветхого Завета, входит в Эфиопскую Библию. Archpriest Alexander Smirnov |
| |
4072. Other literature |
2014 |
Воскресные службы Октоиха Evgeny S Kustovsky |
| |
4073. Other literature |
2010 |
Постижение Иисуса, Жизнь в последние времена James Alison |
| |
4074. Other literature |
2003 |
Культы и религии. Освобождение hieromonk Michael (Miguel) Arranz |
| |
4075. Other literature |
Богословие Апофатическое St Dionysius the Areopanite, Nikolai Kuzansky |
| |
4076. Other literature |
Как мы веруем Archbishop Paul (Olmari) |
| |
4077. Other literature |
Песенное последование (Избр. соч. политургике) |
| |
4078. Other literature |
Руководство к изучению Священного Писания Archbishop Averky (Taushev) |
| |
4079. Other literature |
1996 |
На сем стою. Жизнь Мартина Лютера A Life of Martin Luther. - HERE I STAND Roland H Bainton |
| |
4080. Other literature |
1981 |
Практическая христианская теология Practical Christian Theology Floyd H Barackman |
| |
4081. Other literature |
Богословские труды Karl Barth |
| |
4082. Other literature |
Философия и богословие Nikolai A Berdyaev |
| |
4083. Other literature |
1881 |
Избранные беседы Evgeni Bersier |
| |
4084. Other literature |
2001 |
Библия и ислам dr Bessam Michael Medani |
| |
4085. Other literature |
Книги Брюса М. Мецгера Bruce Manning Metzger |
| |
4086. Other literature |
Поиски и открытия |
| |
4087. Other literature |
Книги Августина Аврелия Блаженного Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis |
| |
4088. Other literature |
Книги Ричарда Белчера из серии 'Путь' Richard Belcher |
| |
4089. Other literature |
Книги Библейского радиокласса |
| |
4090. Other literature |
1997 |
Тайные общества XX века Nikolay Bogolyubov |
| |
4091. Other literature |
Золотые зерна мудрости Petr K Shatrov |
| |
4092. Other literature |
1438-1546 |
Мартин Лютер и лютеранские книги Martin Luther |
| |
4093. Other literature |
Pусские мыслители |
| |
4094. Other literature |
От текста к традиции: история иудаизма в эпоху Второго Храма и период Мишны и Талмуда Professor Lawrence Schiffman |
| |
4095. Other literature |
Вочман Ни Watchman Nee Watchman Nee |
| |
4096. Other literature |
Книги Иоанна Златауста John Chrysostom |
| |
4097. Other literature |
Книги издательства церкви Завет Христа г. Минск |
| |
4098. Other literature |
Вильгельмус Бракел Wilhelmus Brakel Wilhelmus Brakel |
| |
4099. Other literature |
Богословие |
| |
4100. Other literature |
Книги Бюне Вольфганга Wolfgang Bühne |
| |
4101. Other literature |
Книги Буньяна (5 книг) John BunyanDetailsДуховная война Путешествие пилигрима Христиана и её дети Христос - совершенный Спаситель Избранное. |
| |
4102. Other literature |
Призыв Sandra Riga |
| |
4103. Other literature |
Книги и эссе Честертона Gilbert Keith Chesterton |
| |
4104. Other literature |
Библиотека — детям |
| |
4105. Other literature |
Что, не хочешь больше ходить в церковь? Jake Colsen |
| |
4106. Other literature |
Берт Кленденнен Bert Klendennen Bert Klendennen |
| |
4107. Other literature |
Древние канонические памятники Апостольское предание св. Ипполита Римского, Апостольские постановления. Cyprian Kern |
| |
4108. Other literature |
Душепопечение и освобождение |
| |
4109. Other literature |
Душепопечение. Духовная брань Erik Ewalds, Charles W Taylor, Neil Anderson, Dean ShermanDetailsЭрик Эвальдс - Душепопечительство и терапия, Чарлз У. Тейлор - Опытный пастор, Нил Андерсон - Разрывающий оковы, Дин Шерман - Духовная брань.Erik Ewalds - Counseling and Therapy, Charles W. Taylor - The Skilled Pastor, Neil Anderson - Tearing Faces, Dean Sherman - Spiritual Warfare for Every Christian. |
| |
4110. Other literature |
Христианская психология Dr Larry Crabbe |
| |
4111. Other literature |
Символ Веры |
| |
4112. Other literature |
Богословие Средневековья Dark Ages |
| |
4113. Other literature |
Введение в христианскую этику Johem Dauma |
| |
4114. Other literature |
Богословие Andrey S Desnitsky |
| |
4115. Other literature |
Энциклопедия христианской апологетики 2009 Norman Leo Geisler |
| |
4116. Other literature |
Баптистские вероучения |
| |
4117. Other literature |
Диалог о вере и неверии Umberto Eco, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini |
| |
4118. Other literature |
Новый толковый путеводитель по Божественной Литургии Metropolitan Jonathan (Anatoly I Yeletskikh) |
| |
4119. Other literature |
Христианское богословие Millard J Erickson |
| |
4120. Other literature |
Этика John Bevere, Lisa Bevere |
| |
4121. Other literature |
Этика Crabb Larry |
| |
4122. Other literature |
Этика Teresa of Lisieux |
| |
4123. Other literature |
Этика pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer |
| |
4124. Other literature |
Богословие pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer |
| |
4125. Other literature |
Этика христианская |
| |
4126. Other literature |
Труды Georgy P Fedotov |
| |
4127. Other literature |
Богословие Donald Fairbairn |
| |
4128. Other literature |
Фото галерея |
| |
4129. Other literature |
Просила Россия дождя у Господа Vladimir Franchuk |
| |
4130. Other literature |
Упражнения в христианстве Gene Gibson |
| |
4131. Other literature |
Этика. Гомосексуализм |
| |
4132. Other literature |
Углубленный курс грамматики греческого языка Daniel Wallace |
| |
4133. Other literature |
Вибрані служби Великого Посту та Страсного тижня |
| |
4134. Other literature |
Морфология греческого языка |
| |
4135. Other literature |
Богословие систематическое Wayne Grudem |
| |
4136. Other literature |
Библеистика Richard Hayes |
| |
4137. Other literature |
Библия о жизни после смерти William Hendriksen |
| |
4138. Other literature |
Часослов |
| |
4139. Other literature |
Богослужение в Израиле Horace Hammel |
| |
4140. Other literature |
315-367 |
Иларий Пиктавийский Hilary of Poitiers |
| |
4141. Other literature |
280-350 |
Иаков Низибийски Jacob of Nisibis |
| |
4142. Other literature |
1999 |
Богословие Нового Завета Joachim Jeremias |
| |
4143. Other literature |
Эсхатология. Смерть и бессмертие |
| |
4144. Other literature |
Писания преп. Исаака Сирина Isaac of Nineveh |
| |
4145. Other literature |
Иисус: От поисков исторического к евангельскому |
| |
4146. Other literature |
Книги И. В. Каргель Ivan V Kargel |
| |
4147. Other literature |
Вселенские Соборы professor Anton V Kartashov |
| |
4148. Other literature |
Богословие Walter Kasper |
| |
4149. Other literature |
Семь слов о жизни во Христе Nikolay Kavasila |
| |
4150. Other literature |
Книги архим. Киприана (Керна) Cyprian (Konstantin Eduardovich Kern) |
| |
4151. Other literature |
Дорогами христианства Earl E Cairns |
| |
4152. Other literature |
Православное Богослужение |
| |
4153. Other literature |
Учебник древнегреческого языка Andrei C Kozarzhevsky |
| |
4154. Other literature |
Небеса, по которым мы так тоскуем Peter John Crift |
| |
4155. Other literature |
Богословие Hans Kyung |
| |
4156. Other literature |
Литургия Церкви Michael Cunzler |
| |
4157. Other literature |
920-1000 |
Завещанiе Afanasy the Athonite |
| |
4158. Other literature |
293-373 |
Афанасий Великий Athanasius the Great |
| |
4159. Other literature |
Трезвенное созерцание Unknown Athos hesychast |
| |
4160. Other literature |
270-345 |
Письмо-прошение, Тахвиты Afraad (Farhad) Jacob |
| |
4161. Other literature |
600 |
Увещательныя главы къ Императору Юстиніану Agapit Deacon |
| |
4162. Other literature |
500 |
Беседа Акакия Akaki the Melitinsky |
| |
4163. Other literature |
500 |
Послание Акакия, епископа веррийского, к Кириллу Akaki Vereisky |
| |
4164. Other literature |
1206-1280 |
Трактат об уме и умопостигаемом Albert the Great |
| |
4165. Other literature |
1349-1353 |
Разговор богатых и бедных Alexey Makrevolit |
| |
4166. Other literature |
703-804 |
Алкуин Йорский Alcuin of York |
| |
4167. Other literature |
340-397 |
Амвросий Медиоланский Ambrose of Milan |
| |
4168. Other literature |
599 |
Послание Иоанну епископу Иерусалимскому Pope Anastasius I |
| |
4169. Other literature |
640-700 |
Анастасий Синаит Anastasy Sinaite |
| |
4170. Other literature |
1033-1109 |
Ансельм Кентерберийский Anselm of Canterbury |
| |
4171. Other literature |
250-356 |
Антоний Великий Anthony the Great |
| |
4172. Other literature |
Апокрифическое наследие |
| |
4173. Other literature |
1860 |
Апология Apollonius of Ephesus |
| |
4174. Other literature |
Письмо Аристея Филократу Aristaeus |
| |
4175. Other literature |
150 |
Аристид философ Aristides of Athens |
| |
4176. Other literature |
293-373 |
Изречения Arseniy the Great |
| |
4177. Other literature |
404 |
Астерий Амасийский Asterius Amassiany |
| |
4178. Other literature |
354-430 |
Августин Аврелий Augustine Aurelius |
| |
4179. Other literature |
122-210 |
Эпитафия Averky Hierapolsky |
| |
4180. Other literature |
1190 |
Сильна как смерть любовь Baldwin of Canterbury |
| |
4181. Other literature |
1128-1136 |
Бернард Клеровский Bernard Klerovsky |
| |
4182. Other literature |
480-525 |
Боэций Anicius Manlius Severinus Boëthius |
| |
4183. Other literature |
1509-1564 |
Жан Кальвин John Calvin |
| |
4184. Other literature |
Каноны или Книга Правилъ |
| |
4185. Other literature |
Каноны или Книга Правилъ Theognostus of Kiev |
| |
4186. Other literature |
470-543 |
Слово Caesarea of Arelat (Arles) |
| |
4187. Other literature |
215 |
Климентъ Александрійскій Clement of Alexandria |
| |
4188. Other literature |
101 |
Климентъ Римскій Pope Clement I |
| |
4189. Other literature |
Цветособрание Elijah the presbyter (Ekdik) |
| |
4190. Other literature |
253 |
Корнелий (папа римский) Pope Cornelius |
| |
4191. Other literature |
258 |
Творения Cyprian of Carthage |
| |
4192. Other literature |
304-384 |
Послание к Иерониму, Послание к Павлину, епископу города Антиохии Стихотворения. Pope Damascus I |
| |
4193. Other literature |
675-750 |
Иоанн Дамаскин John Damascene |
| |
4194. Other literature |
500 |
Диадох Фотикийский Diadoch Fotikiy |
| |
4195. Other literature |
Дидахе |
| |
4196. Other literature |
313-398 |
О Святом Духе Didim the Slepitz (Alexandria) |
| |
4197. Other literature |
1324-1398 |
Слово о пренебрежении к смерти, Монодия на павших в Фессалонике, Письма Dimitry Kydonis |
| |
4198. Other literature |
96 |
Сочинения Dionysius the Areopagite |
| |
4199. Other literature |
600 |
Дорофей Газский (Авва Дорофей) Dorotheus of Gaza |
| |
4200. Other literature |
Три слова о послушании Ephraim the Elder |
| |
4201. Other literature |
96 |
Пастырь Hermes of Philippopolis |
| |
4202. Other literature |
250 |
Осмеяніе языческихъ философовъ Hermitage Philosopher |
| |
4203. Other literature |
1100 |
Свод богоглаголивых речений и учений Богоносных и Святых Отцов Paul Evergetine |
| |
4204. Other literature |
377-473 |
Из наставлений преподобного Евфимия Великого Euthymius the Great |
| |
4205. Other literature |
Евсевий Кесарийский Eusebius of Caesarea |
| |
4206. Other literature |
886 |
Фотій, патр. Константинопольскій Photios I of Constantinople |
| |
4207. Other literature |
296 |
Диалог с Проклом Монтанистом, Против ереси Артемона Gaius of Rome |
| |
4208. Other literature |
496 |
Об узах отлучения, Послание к императору Анастасию Gelasius I |
| |
4209. Other literature |
471 |
Окружное Послание Геннадия Константинопольского и с ним Святого Собора ко всем Митрополитам и к Папе Римскому Gennady of Constantinople |
| |
4210. Other literature |
573-593 |
Во Святую Великую субботу поучение, Слово о женах мироносицах и о приявшем Божественное Тело Гроб Господа нашего Иисуса Христа и об Иосифе Аримафейском и на тридневное Воскресение Господа нашего Иисус Gregory of Antioch |
| |
4211. Other literature |
790-842 |
Историческое сказаніе, весьма полезное и во многихъ отношеніяхъ сладостное, о виденіи, которое увидевъ однажды, некій Сарацинъ уверовалъ, соделавшись мученикомъ ради Господа нашего Іисуса Христа Grigory Decapolit |
| |
4212. Other literature |
540-604 |
Григорий Двоеслов Pope Gregory I |
| |
4213. Other literature |
669-731 |
Послания святого отца нашего Григория, папы римского, к императору Льву исаврянину о святых иконах Pope Gregory II |
| |
4214. Other literature |
1364-1450 |
Слово въ Великій четвертокъ Gregory Tsamblak |
| |
4215. Other literature |
213-275 |
Григорий Неокесарийский (Чудотворец) Gregory Thaumaturgus |
| |
4216. Other literature |
394 |
Григорий Нисский Gregory of Nyssa |
| |
4217. Other literature |
1296-1360 |
Григорий Палама Gregory Palamas |
| |
4218. Other literature |
1260-1346 |
Григорий Синаит Gregory the Sinaite |
| |
4219. Other literature |
540-594 |
История франков, Книга о чудесах блаженного апостола Андрея Gregory of Tours |
| |
4220. Other literature |
452 |
Книга скорбных песнопений Grigor Narekatsi |
| |
4221. Other literature |
1068-1121 |
Диалог между Философом и Иудеем о католической вере Guillaume from Champo |
| |
4222. Other literature |
107 |
Игнатий Богоносец Ignatius of Antioch |
| |
4223. Other literature |
1491-1556 |
Духовные упражнения, Рассказ паломника о своей жизни Ignatius Loyola |
| |
4224. Other literature |
417 |
Письмо къ святому Іоанну Златоусту, Послание Папы Иннокентия к клиру и народу Константинополя Pope Innocent I |
| |
4225. Other literature |
360-435 |
Обозрение духовной брани, Писания John Cassian Roman |
| |
4226. Other literature |
700 |
Сказаніе вкратце о городахъ и странахъ отъ Антіохіи до Іерусалима, также Сиріи, Финикіи и о святыхъ местахъ въ Палестине John Fock |
| |
4227. Other literature |
1295-1383 |
Иоанн Кантакузин John Cantacuzin |
| |
4228. Other literature |
500 |
Иоанн Карпафский John of Carpathia |
| |
4229. Other literature |
525-602 |
Лествица, Слово особенное к пастырю, научающее, каков должен быть наставник словесных овец John the Ladder |
| |
4230. Other literature |
550-619 |
Луг духовный John Moshe |
| |
4231. Other literature |
400 |
О молитве John the Hermit |
| |
4232. Other literature |
Номоканон cв. Иоанна Постника, Посланіе къ деве, преданной Богу. О покаяніи, воздержаніи и девстве John Postnik, Patriarch of Constantinople |
| |
4233. Other literature |
900 |
Послание к святейшему Фотию, патриарху Константинопольскому, о прибавке в Символ веры Filioque. John VIII of Antioch |
| |
4234. Other literature |
110-120 |
Слово о монашеской жизни John VIII of Antioch |
| |
4235. Other literature |
130-202 |
Ириней Лионский Irenaeus of Lyons |
| |
4236. Other literature |
480 |
Нравственные слова Isaiah the Nizhibian (The Hermit) |
| |
4237. Other literature |
430 |
Исидор Пелусиот Isidore Pelusiot |
| |
4238. Other literature |
662 |
Максим Исповедник Maxim the Confessor |
| |
4239. Other literature |
1200 |
К Императору Joseph Hila |
| |
4240. Other literature |
900 |
Тропари трипеснцев Триоди цветной Joseph the Writer |
| |
4241. Other literature |
432 |
Келестин (Целестин) папа Римскій Pope Celestine I |
| |
4242. Other literature |
370-444 |
Кирилл Александрийский Cyril of Alexandria |
| |
4243. Other literature |
869 |
Предсмертная молитва Kirill, the teacher of Slovene |
| |
4244. Other literature |
787 |
Каноны на Страстную седмицу, Каноны на Успеніе Пресвятыя Богородицы Kosma Maiumsky |
| |
4245. Other literature |
250-325 |
Лактанций Lactantium |
| |
4246. Other literature |
461 |
Левъ Великій, папа Римскій Pope Saint Leo I |
| |
4247. Other literature |
Против Нестория и Евтихия Leontius the Byzantine |
| |
4248. Other literature |
1483-1546 |
Мартин Лютер Martin Luther |
| |
4249. Other literature |
1550 |
Господина Мануила, Великаго Ритора, о Марке, святейшемъ митрополите Ефесскомъ, и о соборе Флорентійскомъ; и о Гемисте и Виссаріоне, съ опроверженіемъ нечестивыхъ сочиненій ихъ Manuil Ritor |
| |
4250. Other literature |
1442 |
Маркъ Ефесскій Marc Efesskiy |
| |
4251. Other literature |
450 |
Нравственно-подвижнические слова, Наставления Марка Подвижника о духовной жизни Mark the Devotee (Nitric, Egyptian, Postnik, Hermit) |
| |
4252. Other literature |
316-397 |
Мартин Турский Martin Tourski |
| |
4253. Other literature |
1556 |
Максимъ Грекъ Maxim Grec |
| |
4254. Other literature |
312 |
Мефодій Патарскій (Олимпийский) Mephodiy Patarskiy (Olimpiysky) |
| |
4255. Other literature |
1156 |
Припоминания из того, что в разных сочинениях написано против латинян о клевете их на Святого Духа, Cлово к латинянам об опресноках Nikolai Mefonsky |
| |
4256. Other literature |
1100 |
Михаилъ Пселлъ Michael Psell |
| |
4257. Other literature |
300 |
Октавій Minuts Feliks |
| |
4258. Other literature |
500 |
О природе человека Nemesiy of Emes |
| |
4259. Other literature |
1340 |
Слово о трезвении и хранении сердца многополезное Nicephorus lonely |
| |
4260. Other literature |
500 |
Никита Стифат Nikita Stifat |
| |
4261. Other literature |
1322-1398 |
Николай Кавасила Nikolay Kavasila |
| |
4262. Other literature |
450 |
Нил Синайский Neil of Sinai |
| |
4263. Other literature |
1483-1508 |
Нил Сорский Neil Sorsky |
| |
4264. Other literature |
О внутренней Иисусовой молитве Unknown monk New Athos |
| |
4265. Other literature |
185-253 |
Ориген Origen |
| |
4266. Other literature |
1722-1794 |
Паисий Величковский Paisius Velichkovsky |
| |
4267. Other literature |
360-420 |
Диалог с Феодором, римским диаконом, повествующий о житии блаж. Иоанна, еп. Константинопольского, Златоуста Palladiy Yelenopolsky |
| |
4268. Other literature |
70-155 |
Истолкование Господних изречений Фрагменты. Papias of Hierapolis |
| |
4269. Other literature |
387-493 |
Патрик Ирландский Saint Patrick |
| |
4270. Other literature |
431 |
Письмо къ Северу Pavlin Nolanskiy |
| |
4271. Other literature |
1157 |
Петръ Дамаскинъ Peter Damascene |
| |
4272. Other literature |
1095-1160 |
Четыре книги сентенций Peter Lombard |
| |
4273. Other literature |
1678 |
Окружное посланіе Смирнской Церкви о мученичестве св. Поликарпа, Посланіе къ Филиппійцамъ Polikarp Smirnsky |
| |
4274. Other literature |
350-410 |
Мученическіе гимны Prudentius Clement of Aurelius |
| |
4275. Other literature |
600 |
Предуготовление Theodore of Raifa |
| |
4276. Other literature |
170-268 |
Ипполит Римский Hippolytus of Rome |
| |
4277. Other literature |
1237 |
Слово о жизни преп. Симеона Мvроточиваго, его отца Sawa, arhiyep Serbian |
| |
4278. Other literature |
1275 |
Серапіонъ Владимiрскiй Serapion of Vladimir |
| |
4279. Other literature |
Слово аскетическое Stefan, from Thebaida |
| |
4280. Other literature |
220 |
Тертулліанъ Tertullian |
| |
4281. Other literature |
390 |
Книга о семи правилахъ для изследованія и нахожденія смысла Священнаго Писанія Tikhon Afrikansky |
| |
4282. Other literature |
385 |
Канонические ответы Timothy of Alexandria |
| |
4283. Other literature |
480-549 |
Устав Venedikt Nursiysky |
| |
4284. Other literature |
Обличение Агарянина Bartholomew of Edessa |
| |
4285. Other literature |
76 |
Соборное послание Barnabas |
| |
4286. Other literature |
483-565 |
Варсонофий Великий и Иоанн Пророк Varsonofius the Great and John the Prophet |
| |
4287. Other literature |
293-373 |
Василий Великий Basil the Great |
| |
4288. Other literature |
530-600 |
Венанций Фортунат еп. Пуатьерский Venantius Fortunat Poitiersky |
| |
4289. Other literature |
600 |
Послания Vigilius of Rome |
| |
4290. Other literature |
1053-1125 |
Поучение Vladimir Monomakh |
| |
4291. Other literature |
Наставления, Ответы на вопросы от разных лиц Vonifatic from Theophany |
| |
4292. Other literature |
400 |
О надежде, вере и любви, Объ Іове, О пророке Іоне Zinon of Veronese |
| |
4293. Other literature |
347-407 |
Иоанн Златоуст John Chrysostom |
| |
4294. Other literature |
Богословие Jordy Eldon Lund |
| |
4295. Other literature |
Береги свою речь — О злоречии Zelig Pliskin |
| |
4296. Other literature |
Лекции по литургике Zelig Pliskin |
| |
4297. Other literature |
Христианские мыслители Tony Lane |
| |
4298. Other literature |
Книги Клайва Льюиса Clive Staples Lewis |
| |
4299. Other literature |
Божьи генералы Roberts Liardon |
| |
4300. Other literature |
История происхождения и развития жизни Roberts Liardon |
| |
4301. Other literature |
2012 |
Богословие Восточной Церкви Reinhart Junker, Siegfried Scherer |
| |
4302. Other literature |
1574 |
Львовський Апостол Ivan Fedorov |
| |
4303. Other literature |
2010 |
Обожение человека professor Georgy Mandzaridis |
| |
4304. Other literature |
Богословие Vladimir F Martsinkovsky |
| |
4305. Other literature |
Римская месса |
| |
4306. Other literature |
2013 |
Текстология Нового Завета Bruce M Metzger, Bart D Ehrmann |
| |
4307. Other literature |
1911-1914 |
Главные направления древнецерковной мистики Mikhail P Minin |
| |
4308. Other literature |
Модерзон DetailsЖизнь победы В оковах сатаны Жизнь ребенка. |
| |
4309. Other literature |
2000 |
Все, что могу, — во славу Его Oswald Chambers |
| |
4310. Other literature |
1934 |
Христианская догматика Christian Dogmatics John Theodore Müller |
| |
4311. Other literature |
Книги и статьи Clement Olivier |
| |
4312. Other literature |
2003 |
Язычество в христианстве Robert Priest, Thomas Campbell, Bradford Mullen |
| |
4313. Other literature |
Эсхатология. Царство. Восхищение. Скорбь |
| |
4314. Other literature |
Апостол Павел |
| |
4315. Other literature |
Христианская традиция Jaroslav Jan Pelican |
| |
4316. Other literature |
Триодь цветная |
| |
4317. Other literature |
Послание апостола Петра к апостолу Иакову |
| |
4318. Other literature |
Разумные основания для веры Clark H Pinnock |
| |
4319. Other literature |
Книги Порублёва Nikolai V Porublev |
| |
4320. Other literature |
85 Апостольских Правил |
| |
4321. Other literature |
Человек Alexey Pavlovy Prokhorov |
| |
4322. Other literature |
Протестантские документы веры |
| |
4323. Other literature |
Пословицы и поговорки |
| |
4324. Other literature |
Бог в XX веке Franciscan monk Professor Fiorenzo Emilio Reati |
| |
4325. Other literature |
Книги Рогозина Pavel I RogozinDetailsЖизнь победы В оковах сатаны Жизнь ребенка. |
| |
4326. Other literature |
Книги Ivo Zasek |
| |
4327. Other literature |
Сборник статей |
| |
4328. Other literature |
Икона Христа Christophe Schönborn |
| |
4329. Other literature |
Христианская психология Dr David Simandz |
| |
4330. Other literature |
Книга Праведного |
| |
4331. Other literature |
Книги Шаленко Yakov I Shalenko |
| |
4332. Other literature |
Книги и статьи Albert Schweitzer |
| |
4333. Other literature |
Толковый Типикон Mikhail N Skaballanovich |
| |
4334. Other literature |
Правила Вселенских соборов |
| |
4335. Other literature |
Философия и богословие Vladimir S Solovyov |
| |
4336. Other literature |
Основные истины христианской веры Robert Charles Spraule |
| |
4337. Other literature |
Десять теорий о природе человека Leslie Stevenson |
| |
4338. Other literature |
Эсхатология John R Stephenson |
| |
4339. Other literature |
Книги Суинберна Richard Swinburne |
| |
4340. Other literature |
1998 |
От Иерусалима до края земли Ruth TuckerDetailsTranslation: Waldemar Zorn. |
| |
4341. Other literature |
Библия с пометками Charles L Taylor |
| |
4342. Other literature |
Св. Тереза из Лизье Thérèse de Lisieux Thérèse de Lisieux |
| |
4343. Other literature |
Богословие. Баптизм. Диспенсационализм |
| |
4344. Other literature |
1998-2001 |
Богословские романы Richard Belcher |
| |
4345. Other literature |
Богословие Jean Calvin |
| |
4346. Other literature |
Богословие. Арминианство против кальвинизма Gennady Goloboy |
| |
4347. New Testament |
Введение к книгам НЗ Donald Guthrie |
| |
4348. New Testament |
Богословие Нового Завета Ladd George Edward |
| |
4349. Other literature |
Лютеранское наследие |
| |
4350. Other literature |
Богословие Alister McGrath |
| |
4351. Other literature |
Понимание Троицы Alister McGrath |
| |
4352. Other literature |
Богословие Alister McGrath |
| |
4353. Other literature |
Богословие Richard Niebuhr |
| |
4354. Other literature |
Богословие Packer James |
| |
4355. Other literature |
1892 |
Мысли о религии Blaise Pascal |
| |
4356. Other literature |
1605 |
Искусство пророчества. Призвание William Perkins |
| |
4357. Other literature |
Реформаторский взгляд |
| |
4358. Other literature |
О подражании Христу Foma Kempis |
| |
4359. Other literature |
Богословы и богословие современные Stanley Grentz, Roger Olson |
| |
4360. Other literature |
Библия без цензуры Alden Lloyd Thompson |
| |
4361. Other literature |
Богословские труды Paul Johannes Tillich |
| |
4362. Other literature |
Книги Торрея Dr Reuben Archer Torrey |
| |
4363. Other literature |
Евангельские трактаты |
| |
4364. Other literature |
Сама жизнь Natalia Trauberg |
| |
4365. Other literature |
1992 |
Триодь Постная |
| |
4366. Other literature |
Книги Трахзель-Паули Ernst Trachzel-Pauli |
| |
4367. Other literature |
Ветхозаветные женщины Библейские беседы для сестер. Lidia M Vince |
| |
4368. Other literature |
Вера Церкви Christos Jannaras |
| |
4369. Other literature |
Пол Бренд — Книги Philip Yansi |
| |
4370. Other literature |
1994 |
О внутреннем христианстве. Тайна Царствия Божия или Забытый Путь опытного Богопознания. Archpriest John Zhuravsky |
| |
4371. Other literature |
Ислам Ignaty Krachkovsky |
| |
4372. Other literature |
Иудаизм и христианство |
| |
4373. Other literature |
Центр апологетических исследований |
| |
4374. Other literature |
Тайна святых Porfiry K Ivanov |
| |
4375. Other literature |
Ариософия и неонацистское язычество |
| |
4376. Other literature |
Оккультизм. Псевдомедицинские практики |
| |
4377. Other literature |
Книга Мормона |
| |
4378. Other literature |
Православие. Католицизм |
| |
4379. Other literature |
Свидетели Иеговы |
| |
4380. Other literature |
Справочник Культы и секты России |
| |
4381. Other literature |
Книги общества Реформация |
| |
4382. Other literature |
Эволюция или творение |
| |
4383. Other literature |
Библейский атлас |
| |
4384. Other literature |
Археология библейская |
| |
4385. Other literature |
Герменевтика Friedrich Schleiermacher |
| |
4386. BIBLE |
Библия. История. Сенсации. Вопросы |
| |
4387. Other literature |
История анабаптизма и баптизма |
| |
4388. Other literature |
Библейская история John I Bazarov |
| |
4389. Other literature |
Иудейская война, Иудейские древности Josephus Flavius |
| |
4390. Other literature |
Библия. История и викторина |
| |
4391. Other literature |
1001-1800 |
Христианство (Отцы церкви) |
| |
4392. Other literature |
1801-2001 |
Христианство |
| |
4393. Other literature |
30-1000 |
Христианство (до наших дней) |
| |
4394. Other literature |
Крестовые походы |
| |
4395. Other literature |
История христианства Boris G Derevenski, Abram B Ranovich |
| |
4396. Other literature |
История Византийской империи Charles Dil |
| |
4397. Other literature |
История христианства Justo L Gonzalez |
| |
4398. Other literature |
Богословие и история Adolf von Harnack |
| |
4399. Other literature |
Очерки по истории Русской Церкви professor Anton V Kartashov |
| |
4400. Other literature |
История и Богословие Реформации |
| |
4401. Other literature |
537-594 |
Церковная история Evagrius Scholastic |
| |
4402. Other literature |
500 |
История против язычников Pavel Oroziy |
| |
4403. Other literature |
Огненные годы Пасторы-чекисты Boris Perchatkin |
| |
4404. Other literature |
Гонения верующих. Россия и СССР |
| |
4405. Other literature |
История Русской Церкви Mikhail E Posnov |
| |
4406. Other literature |
Вера и тоталитаризм Professor Dmitry V Pospelovsky |
| |
4407. Other literature |
Проповедники 18-20 веков |
| |
4408. Other literature |
История Joseph Ernest Renan |
| |
4409. Other literature |
История русской философии |
| |
4410. Other literature |
История Перевод и примечания Г.А. Стратановского. Herodotus of Halicarnassus |
| |
4411. Other literature |
История Бриттов Galfrid of Monmouth |
| |
4412. Other literature |
305-439 |
Церковная история Socrates the Scholastic |
| |
4413. Other literature |
История реформации Том 2. Lewis W Spitz |
| |
4414. Other literature |
Пионеры веры Leicester Frank Samrell |
| |
4415. Other literature |
1991 |
История Церкви Nikolai D Talberg |
| |
4416. Other literature |
История догматов Adolf von Harnack |
| |
4417. Other literature |
История Византийской империи Alexander A Vasilyev |
| |
4418. Other literature |
История Русской Церкви Peter V Znamensky |
| |
4419. Other literature |
Иудейские книги. Галаха |
| |
4420. Other literature |
Мишна Mishnah |
| |
4421. Other literature |
Душа человеческая Professor Nikolai E Pestov |
| |
4422. Other literature |
Пневматология Evan Roberts |
| |
4423. Other literature |
Пневматология Charles Grandyson Finney |
| |
4424. Other literature |
Пневматология. Дары |
| |
4425. Other literature |
Догмат о Церкви в канонах и практике, Статьи Pavel A Adelheim |
| |
4426. Other literature |
Труды Кассиана (Безобразова) Bishop Cassian (Sergey Bezobrazov) |
| |
4427. Other literature |
Православный Катихизис Bishop Alexander Semenov-Tian-Shansky |
| |
4428. Other literature |
Книги и статьи Александра Меня, и о нем. Alexander Men |
| |
4429. Other literature |
Побелевшие нивы Alexander Borisov |
| |
4430. Other literature |
Труды St Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) |
| |
4431. Other literature |
Труды Sergey N Bulgakov |
| |
4432. Other literature |
Богословие и философия Pavel Al Florensky |
| |
4433. Other literature |
Труды Archpriest George Florovsky |
| |
4434. Other literature |
Пути русского богословия Archpriest George Florovsky |
| |
4435. Other literature |
1066 |
Илларион митрополит Киевский Hilarion of Kiev |
| |
4436. Other literature |
Точное изложение православной веры the Monk John of Damascus |
| |
4437. Other literature |
Каноны Православной Церкви |
| |
4438. Other literature |
Беседы архим. Б. Холчева Boris |
| |
4439. Other literature |
1300 |
Письмо Андронику II Палеологу Athanasius I of Constantinople |
| |
4440. Other literature |
1669 |
О воскресении мертвых, Прошение о христианах Athenagoras the Athenian |
| |
4441. Other literature |
326 |
Александр Александрийский Alexander of Alexandria |
| |
4442. Other literature |
339-394 |
Амфилохий Иконийский Amphilochius of Iconium |
| |
4443. Other literature |
295-397 |
Послание об образе жития и отчасти о жизни Пахомия и Феодора Ammon Bishop of Nithria |
| |
4444. Other literature |
550-609 |
Слово нa Благовещеніе Всенепорочныя Богородицы Маріи Anastasius of Antioch |
| |
4445. Other literature |
633-712 |
Андрей Критский Andrew of Crete |
| |
4446. Other literature |
860-944 |
Посланіе къ Дамасскому эмиру Aref, Metropolitan of Caesar and Cappadocia |
| |
4447. Other literature |
Беда Достопочтенный Saint Bede the Venerable |
| |
4448. Other literature |
337 |
Константинъ Великій Constantine the Great |
| |
4449. Other literature |
700 |
Краткое описаніе житія аввы Іоанна (Лествичника) Daniel Raifsky |
| |
4450. Other literature |
190-265 |
Творенiя Дiонисiя Александрiйскаго, Каноническое послание архиеп. Дионисия александрийского к епископу Василиду Dionysius of Alexandria |
| |
4451. Other literature |
306-373 |
Творенiя преподобнаго отца нашего Ефрема Сирина. Ephraim the Syrian |
| |
4452. Other literature |
315-403 |
Творенія святаго Епифанія Кипрскаго Epiphanius of Salamis |
| |
4453. Other literature |
Посланіе православныхъ епископовъ перваго Антіохійскаго Собора |
| |
4454. Other literature |
500 |
Слово о памяти святыхъ, Слово о сошествии Иоанна Крестителя во Ад Eusebius of Alexandria |
| |
4455. Other literature |
700 |
Об исправлении монастырской жизни Eustathius of Thessalonica |
| |
4456. Other literature |
1200 |
Слово на вечерю Лазаря и на Марiю и Марфу, сестеръ его Eustathius of Antioch |
| |
4457. Other literature |
1460 |
Геннадий (Георгій Схоларій) Константинопольский Gennady (George Scholar) Constantinople |
| |
4458. Other literature |
1290 |
Григорий (Георгий II) Кипрский Grigory (George II) of Cyprus |
| |
4459. Other literature |
880 |
Слово на зачатіе Пресвятой Богородицы George, Metropolitan of Nicomedia |
| |
4460. Other literature |
329-389 |
Творенія Святыхъ Отцевъ Gregory the Theologian (Nazianzus) |
| |
4461. Other literature |
740 |
Слово на Входъ въ храмъ Пресвятой Богородицы, Слово на святое и честное Успеніе Преславныя Владычицы нашея Богородицы и Приснодевы Маріи Herman of Constantinople |
| |
4462. Other literature |
845 |
Житіе святаго отца нашего Никифора, архіепископа Константинаграда и новаго Рима Ignatius Metropolitan of Nicaea |
| |
4463. Other literature |
442 |
Иоанн архіепископ Антиохийский John the Archbishop of Antioch |
| |
4464. Other literature |
430 |
Исихий Иерусалимский Hesychius of Jerusalem |
| |
4465. Other literature |
166 |
Иустин Философ Justin Philosopher |
| |
4466. Other literature |
1363 |
Каллист, патриарх Константинопольскій Kallist, Patriarch of Constantinople |
| |
4467. Other literature |
1233 |
Кириллъ II, митрополит Кіевскій Cyril II, Metropolitan of Kiev |
| |
4468. Other literature |
386 |
Кирилл Иерусалимский Cyril of Jerusalem |
| |
4469. Other literature |
1262 |
Кириллъ Ростовскiй Kirill Rostovsky |
| |
4470. Other literature |
560 |
Житія Cyril of Skifopolsky |
| |
4471. Other literature |
1183 |
Кириллъ епископ Туровскій Kirill of Turov |
| |
4472. Other literature |
1000 |
Слово о святыхъ Іоакиме и Анне, славныхъ родителяхъ Богородицы Маріи Kosma Vestitor |
| |
4473. Other literature |
1059 |
Поученіе къ братіи Luka Zidyata, Bishop of Novgorod |
| |
4474. Other literature |
400 |
Макарий Александрийский Macarius of Alexandria |
| |
4475. Other literature |
391 |
Макарій Великій (Египетский) Makarios the Great (Egyptian) |
| |
4476. Other literature |
1400 |
Поученіе къ детемъ духовнымъ Matthew, bishop of Saraisk |
| |
4477. Other literature |
847 |
Слово въ неделю Православія. О святыхъ иконахъ, Слово о святыхъ иконахъ Methodius, Patr Constantinople |
| |
4478. Other literature |
885 |
Прощальная беседа-завещаніе Methodius, a Slovenian teacher |
| |
4479. Other literature |
381 |
Беседа о Единосущіи Сына Божія съ Богомъ Отцомъ, Исповеданіе веры Meletius, archbishop of Antiochus |
| |
4480. Other literature |
177 |
Мелитонъ, еп. Сардійскій Melito of Sardis |
| |
4481. Other literature |
1054 |
Послание Святейшего Патриарха Константинопольского Михаила Кирулария Блаженнейшему Патриарху Антиохийскому Петру Mikhail Kirulary |
| |
4482. Other literature |
1100 |
Повествованіе о житіи отца нашего, выдающагося среди блаженныхъ, знаменитаго среди лучшихъ святыхъ, аввы Іоанна Дамаскина, пресвитера, по прозванію Златоточивый Mon Mikhail |
| |
4483. Other literature |
900 |
Повествованіе о житіи отца нашего, выдающагося среди блаженныхъ, знаменитаго среди лучшихъ святыхъ, аввы Іоанна Дамаскина, пресвитера, по прозванію Златоточивый Mikhail Studit |
| |
4484. Other literature |
900 |
Изложеніе Веры Mitrofan, ep Smirnsky |
| |
4485. Other literature |
1134 |
Неофит Затворник (Кипрский) Neofit the Recluse (Cypriot) |
| |
4486. Other literature |
828 |
Никифор Константипольский Nicephorus of Constantinople |
| |
4487. Other literature |
1362 |
Житіе иже во святыхъ отца нашего Моисея, архіепископа Новгородцкаго, чюдотворца Pahomius Serb |
| |
4488. Other literature |
300 |
Правила из слова о покаянии, Правило из слова на Пасху Peter the Alexandrian |
| |
4489. Other literature |
1326 |
Поученiе игуменомъ, попомъ и діакономъ Peter Kievsky |
| |
4490. Other literature |
446 |
Проклъ, архіеп. Константинопольскій Proclus, arch Constantinople |
| |
4491. Other literature |
500 |
Беседа, произнесенная въ присутствіи Несторія въ великой константинопольской церкви Prokl, ep Kizichesky |
| |
4492. Other literature |
1056 |
Разговоръ съ Ахметомъ срациномъ о таинстве евхаристіи Samon, Archie Gazsky |
| |
4493. Other literature |
1452-1498 |
Об искусстве хорошо умирать Savanarola |
| |
4494. Other literature |
300 |
Изречения Секста Seкст |
| |
4495. Other literature |
415 |
Слово на текстъ: Огонь пришелъ Я низвесть на землю Severian, ep Gavalsky |
| |
4496. Other literature |
1000 |
Подвижническое слово Simeon the Reverend |
| |
4497. Other literature |
900 |
Симеонъ Метафрастъ Simeon Metaphras |
| |
4498. Other literature |
946-1021 |
Симеон Новый Богослов Simeon Новый Богослов |
| |
4499. Other literature |
1429 |
Симеон Солунский (Фессалоникийский) Simeon Solunsky (Fesalonic) |
| |
4500. Other literature |
596 |
Симеонъ столпникъ, Дивногорецъ Simeon Stolnicki, Dyvnegorets |
| |
4501. Other literature |
800 |
Исаак Сирин Isaac Sirin |
| |
4502. Other literature |
638 |
Софроній Іерусалимскій Sophronius |
| |
4503. Other literature |
450 |
Слово царю Феодосію и содержаніе Церковной Исторіи Sozomen |
| |
4504. Other literature |
1396 |
Учительное посланіе къ православному царю и великому князю, Дмитрію Іоанновичу, всея Россіи Самодержцу и победоносцу, победившему безбожнаго царя Ордынскаго. ep Permsky Stefan |
| |
4505. Other literature |
342-420 |
Иероним Стридонский Jerome |
| |
4506. Other literature |
1749-1809 |
Никодим Святогорец Nicodemus of the Holy See |
| |
4507. Other literature |
730-806 |
Тарасий Константинопольский Tarasiy of Constantinople |
| |
4508. Other literature |
120-175 |
Татиана речь против эллинов Tatian the Assyrian |
| |
4509. Other literature |
450 |
О вероизложеніяхъ вообще, или объ общемъ характере православной догматики, Памятные записки Перегрина о древности и всеобщности кафолической веры против непотребных новизн всех еретиков Vicente Lyrinsky |
| |
4510. Other literature |
523 |
Собеседованія Zosima Palestine |
| |
4511. Other literature |
Божественная Литургія св. Апостола Іакова брата Господня |
| |
4512. Other literature |
Божественная Литургия св. Иоанна Златоуста John Chrysostom |
| |
4513. Other literature |
Творения свт. Иоанна Златоуста John Chrysostom |
| |
4514. Other literature |
1782 |
Добротолюбие Сборник духовных произведений православных авторов IV—XV веков. Большая часть текстов принадлежит к традиции исихазма. |
| |
4515. Other literature |
Писания преп. Максима Исповедника Maximus the Confessor |
| |
4516. Other literature |
Святой Григорий Палама и православная мистика Archpriest John Meyendorff |
| |
4517. Other literature |
Лекции по истории Поместных Православных Церквей |
| |
4518. Other literature |
Византийское богословие Archpriest John Meyendorff |
| |
4519. Other literature |
Пространный Православный Катихизис Metropolitan Filaret (Vasily M Drozdov) |
| |
4520. Other literature |
Точное изложение Православной веры John Damaskin |
| |
4521. Other literature |
Восточные Христианские Церкви Ronald Robertson |
| |
4522. Other literature |
Православие — протестантизм: штрихи полемики Archpriest Vyacheslav Rubsky |
| |
4523. Other literature |
Православное учение о спасении Archimandrite Sergius (Stragorodsky) |
| |
4524. Other literature |
Книги свт. Феофана Затворника Theophan the Recluse |
| |
4525. Other literature |
Православное богослужение в русском переводе |
| |
4526. Other literature |
Православная церковь ep Callist (Wear Timothy) |
| |
4527. Other literature |
Мытарства преподобной Феодоры hegumen AnthonyDetailsО мытарствах преподобной Феодоры и других видениях Григория — ученика преподобного Василия Нового(Заимствовано из разных душеполезных книг,а также из рукописей, хранящихся в библиотеках св. Афонской горы). |
| |
4528. Other literature |
Иеромонах Матфей Властарь Matthew Blastares |
| |
4529. Other literature |
1973-1983 |
Дневники Protopresbyter Alexander D Schmeman |
| |
4530. Other literature |
Книги и статьи Шмемана Protopresbyter Alexander D Schmeman |
| |
4531. Other literature |
Книги митр. Антония Metropolitan Anthony of Surozhsky (Bloom) |
| |
4532. Other literature |
Книги и статьи прот. Афанасьева Archpriest Nikolay N Afanasyev |
| |
4533. Other literature |
Богословие иконы Leonid A Uspensky |
| |
4534. Other literature |
Писания мужей апостольских |
| |
4535. Other literature |
Алфавитная Синтагма Hieromonk Matthew Vlastar |
| |
4536. Other literature |
1906 |
Агапы или вечери любви в древнехристианском мире Archbishop Peter II (Sokolov Pavel Ivanovich) |
| |
4537. Other literature |
Типикон DetailsБогослужебный Устав Православной Церкви. |
| |
4538. Other literature |
Переводческая техника Кирилла и Мефодия dr Yevgeny M Vereshchagin |
| |
4539. Other literature |
Избранные проповеди Augustine |
| |
4540. Other literature |
Книги и проповеди Georgy P Chistyakov |
| |
4541. Other literature |
Проповеди. Примеры и иллюстрации. Трактаты |
| |
4542. Other literature |
Над Евангелием Bishop Mikhail (Gribanovsky) |
| |
4543. Other literature |
Проповеди Jarl N Peisti |
| |
4544. Other literature |
Примеры и иллюстрации к проповедям |
| |
4545. Other literature |
Проповеди Свидетельство о небе pastor Vasily Savich |
| |
4546. Other literature - Spurgeon |
Лекции моим студентам Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
4547. Other literature - Spurgeon |
Проповеди Сперджена Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
4548. Other literature - Spurgeon |
1834-1892 |
Сперджен Charles Haddon Spurgeon |
| |
4549. Other literature |
1996 |
Проповеди и молитвы Тозер Эйден Aiden Wilson Tozeur |
| |
4550. Other literature |
2000 |
Избранные проповеди John Wesley |
| |
4551. Other literature |
Книги и проповеди David Ray Wilkerson |
| |
4552. BIBLE |
1945-1947 |
Дух, душа и тело archbishop Luka (Voyno-Yasenetsky) |
| |
4553. Other literature |
2010 |
Звуки неба |
| |
4554. Other literature |
ПВ 1993 |
Песнь Возрождения Hymns |
| |
4555. Other literature |
ПВ3300 |
Песнь Возрождения 3300 и Псалмоспіви |
| |
4556. Other literature |
1646 |
Український требник Скорочений. |
| |
| | | |