1. BIBLE |
AFR 1953 |
Die Bybel Bible Afrikaans The words of Jesus are highlighted in red J D du Toit, E E van Rooyen, J D Kestell, H C M Fourie, BB Keet |
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2. BIBLE |
VEN 1998 [VEN'98] |
Bivhili Khethwa Mafhungo Madifha |
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3. BIBLE |
ZUL 1997 [ZUL'59] |
iBhayibheli Elingcwele |
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4. BIBLE |
XHO96 1996 [XHO] |
iBhayibhile |
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5. BIBLE |
XHO75 1975 [XHO'75] |
IziBhalo eZingcwele |
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6. BIBLE |
SWT 1996 |
Siswati Bible |
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7. BIBLE |
NSO00 2000 [NSO'00] |
Bibele Taba yea Botse |
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8. BIBLE |
SSO89 1989 [SSO'89] |
Bibele |
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9. BIBLE |
TSW08 1908 [TSW'08] |
Baebele e e Boitshepo |
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10. BIBLE |
TSO89 1989 [TSO'89] |
Bibele Mahungu Lamanene |
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