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Библия. Современный русский перевод

 - РБОBible - Russian

Библия. Современный русский перевод (РБО)

Bible. The modern Russian translation

2011, 2015

Publishing house: Russian Bible Society

Author of the translation: Victoria Kuznetsova, Andrey Desnitsky, Andrey Grafov, Vladimir Vdovikov, Evgeniy Rashkovsky, Evgenia Smagina, Luka Manevich, Leonid Kogan, Mikhail Seleznev, Sergey Tishchenko, Yakov Eidelkind

The modern Russian translation of the Bible was not started and implemented to completely replace the Synodal translation in the areas where it continues to be used.

The translation of the Old Testament was done by the Russian Bible Society between 1996 and 2010.
It was made from the text of the Hebrew original in the universally recognized scholarly edition of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1990).
The translators and scholarly editors followed the most authoritative and reliable reconstructions of modern Old Testament textology in particularly difficult places.

A translation of the New Testament was begun in the mid-1980s on the initiative and with the direct participation of Archpriest Alexander Men, and then continued by the Russian Bible Society.
The Modern Russian translation of the New Testament was based on the writings of V. N. Kuznetsova.
The translation was made from the Greek original in the most authoritative scholarly publication, The Greek New Testament (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft/United Bible Societies, 1983, 1993).

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 John 3:16 Ведь Бог так полюбил мир, что отдал Своего единственного Сына, чтобы тот, кто верит в Него, не погиб, но обрел вечную жизнь.
17 Ведь Бог послал Сына в мир не для того, чтобы Он мир осудил, но для того, чтобы мир через Него был спасен.

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