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NeueLuther Bibel

 - NLBible - German

NeueLuther Bibel (NL)


Author of the translation: Martin Luther

The New Luther Bible is a linguistic revision of the Luther Bible from 1912. Outdated terms and expressions have been adapted to current language usage. The goal was: to stay as close as possible to the original text, to let Luther's powerful language work and yet to create a translation that is easily understandable and speaks to our times by "watching the people in the mouth," as Luther so aptly said. However, common Luther expressions remain. Since the Greek terms in the New Testament often include several German words, a Greek word was not always rendered with the same German word. The syntax has also been adjusted where the German way of speaking has changed since Luther's time. The custom of highlighting important Bible words as “core passages” in semi-bold font goes back to Martin Luther himself. The new German orthography of 2006 was also taken into account. Thanks to these adjustments, a current, true-to-life Bible has been created that is understandable for young and old.

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 John 3:16 Denn so sehr hat Gott die Welt geliebt, dass er seinen einziggeborenen Sohn gab, damit alle, die an ihn glauben, nicht verloren gehen, sondern das ewige Leben haben.
17 Denn Gott hat seinen Sohn nicht in die Welt gesandt, um die Welt zu richten, sondern damit die Welt durch ihn gerettet wird.

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