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christian hebrew in Quran
son of NoahShem name - שֵׁם‏‎ Shem Sham
Abiud Lord is my father - אֲבִיהוּא Avihud
son of RehoboamAbia אֲבִיָּם‏‎ Aviyam
Azor עַזּוּר Azur
Aminadab my father is God - עַמִּינָדָב Aminadav
Aram רָם Ram
Arfaxad ארפכשד‏‎ Arpakhshad
Asa healer - אָסָא‏‎ Asa
Achaz אָחָז‏‎ Ahaz
Achim יָכִין Yahin
Booz there is strength in him - בֹעַז Boaz
Ever wanderer - עֵבֶר‏‎ Ever
Ezekias Yahweh is my strength - חִזְקִיָּהוּ‏‎ Chizqiyahu
Elea, Lazaruszar God helped - אֶלְעָזָר Eliazar
Eliud אֱלִיהוּד Elihud
Enos man, person, mortal - אֱנוֹשׁ Enosh
Hezron closed, prisoner - חֶצְרוֹן Hetzron
Zarah זֶרַח Zarah
Zorobabel seed of babylon - זְרֻבָּבֶל‏‎ Zerubbavel
Jared descend - יֶרֶד Yered
Jesse gift of god - יִשַׁי‏‎ Yesay
Jechonias set by god - יְהוֹיָכִין‏‎ Yehoyakhin
Joatham God is perfect - יוֹתָם‏‎ Yotam
Jehoshaphat Jehovah has judged - יְהוֹשָׁפָט‏‎ Yehoshafat
Josias God reinforces - יֹאשִׁיָּהוּ‏‎ Yoshiyahu
Ir עֵר Er
Cainan sadness - קֵינָן Keinan
Mahalalel Blessed god - מהללאל Mahalalel
Matthat מַתָּן Mattan
Methuselah his death will bring - מְתוּשֶׁלַח Metushelach
the head of the tribe of Judah during the ExodusNaasson snake - נחשון Nakhshon
Nathan God-given - נָתָן Natan
Abraham's grandfatherNahor נָחוֹר‏‎ Nahor
Niry Yahweh is holy - נֵרִיָּה Neri
Obed employee, helpful - עוֹבֵד‏‎ Oved
Ozias Yahweh is my strength - עֻזִּיָּהוּ Uzzīyyāhū
Roboam multiplying people - רְחַבְעָם‏‎ Rehav'am
Sadoc righteous - צָדוֹק Sadok
Sala שֶׁלַח Shelah
Salathiel שְׁאַלְתִּיאֵל She'alti'el
Salmon shady - שַׂלְמוֹן Shalmon
Semey שימי Shimi
Serug branch - שְׂרוּג‏‎ Serug
Seth base - שֵׁת‏‎ Shet
Peleg division, channel - פֶּלֶג‏‎ Peleg
Phares termination, cleft, well, breakthrough - פָּ֫רֶץ Peres
Terah procession, journey, slowness, procrastinator - תָּרַח‏‎ Terach Āzar
Amon אמון‏‎ Amon
David beloved - דָּוִד‏‎ Dawid Dawud
Joachim raised by Yahweh - יְהוֹיָקִים Yehoyakim ʿImrān
Joram, Iorim God is high - יוֹרָם Yehoram
Solomon peaceful - שְׁלֹמֹה Shelomoh Sulaymān
Mary, Miriam bitter, desired, serene - מִרְיָם‏‎ Mariam Maryam
Rachab broad - רָחָב Rahab
Thamar palm tree - תָּמָר‎ Tamar

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